Chapter 53

"The first test of the new power pack begins... Efficiency increased by 150%, 200%, 350%... Stop the test."

"Master Okanrui, the design of your new power backpack is so ingenious. It is more than three times more efficient than the conventional power backpack. How did you come up with this design?" Xiaosheng, dressed in a fine robe, looked at the data on the reality screen and said to the technical sage in front of him.

O'Kanrui smiled slightly: "I just thought of it naturally in a flash of inspiration."

Ao Kanrui, a technical sage in a red robe, nodded to Xiaosheng: "Your majesty's wise demeanor and mind are the only ones I have ever seen in my life. It is my honor to follow your majesty to conspire with him for great things."

At this time, Xiaosheng's body shape is much taller than before, close to the body shape of an adult, although his face is still immature, but the handsome and sunny face temperament has been vividly displayed.

Xiaosheng waved his hand: "Master Okanrui, I have to declare one more point, I am only temporarily regent, and the emperor of the Third Reich will only be my father."

O'Kanrui: "But your father is not interested in the throne, isn't he? You were also elected by your brothers, and you deserve to be emperor."

Xiaosheng said to O'Kanrui: "If possible, my friend, I sincerely hope to live an ordinary life with my father and brothers, instead of being tied down on this lonely throne."

The sincerity in Xiaosheng's words made O'Kanrui have no doubts about the credibility of his words. O'Kanrui had read all the materials he could find on the Primarch in front of him.

O'Kanri: "I am very honored to share this secret with you, Your Majesty... Oh! My lord regent, I will pay attention to my words."

Xiaosheng smiled and waved his hands: "Don't be so cautious, sage, the technology you brought has improved the efficiency of the instruments and factories of the Third Reich hundreds of times. You also opened courses to train pharmacists and technical sergeants for me and my brother's legion. We should thank you."

O'Kanrui and Xiao Sheng talked very happily, almost to the point of talking about everything, and O'Kanrui seemed to have gradually forgotten the purpose of coming here.

"Got it!"

"Brother, I have to introduce you to a master whose technological accomplishments are the only ones I have ever seen in my life..."

The door was opened, and a young man wearing exclusive power armor decorated with wolf fur led a technical priest in a red robe into the laboratory.

At this time, Xiao He saw O'Kanrui who was wearing the red robe of the Mechanicus of the Empire beside Xiao Sheng.

"Sorry, I was rude. I didn't know you had a guest, brother. Please forgive me for my rudeness." Xiao He bowed and apologized to O'Kanrui.

Xiao He's behavior is full of sincere respect and apology, which makes people feel better, and will tolerate his rudeness to the greatest extent.

O'Kanrui got up and said hastily: "Oh! You don't have to be like this, the general, I just chatted with the regent in private."

Xiaosheng also smiled and waved his hands: "The cheerful footsteps in the aisle outside your door tell me how happy you are. My brother, what happened to make you so happy, please share with me."

Xiao He hesitated for a moment and then said: "I just met a new technical friend, so Ta Xing will pull me over."

Xiao He introduced the technology priest beside him: "This is Master Taxingla, the technology sage I invited. He improved and strengthened our bolter and chainsaw sword. His technology has conquered everyone in my legion."

Taxingla noticed the new power backpack projected by the holographic display in front of Xiaosheng.

Ta Xingla asked: "Is this researching a new power pack?"

Xiaosheng nodded: "Yes, Master Taxingla, is there any problem?"

Ta Xingla stepped forward and said, "It's really a good technical idea, and it is much more efficient than the power packs of traditional space fighters."

Xiaosheng introduced: "This is the work of Master Okanrui."

Ta Xingla and Okanrui saluted each other, and Ta Xingla said, "It's a very good power pack, but there are a few minor flaws."

O'Kanrui asked playfully: "You said my backpack is not good?"

Ta Xingla shook her head: "No, no, no, it's just a little suggestion, such as saving unnecessary parts, and then follow a small matching procedure."

Ta Xingla rested on the projection table for a while, and the computer started to run calculations. Xiaosheng went up to check and dared not set the channel: "I can't believe it, the efficiency has been increased by four times, and even the heat dissipation problem has been solved."

Xiao He clapped at the side, and said in Ta Xingla's ear: "Good brother, you're really embarrassed, how did you think of it?"

Ta Xingla: "It's just a flash of inspiration by chance."

O'Kanrui narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched the technical priest who suddenly appeared and stole his limelight.

Xiaosheng patted Okanrui's hand: "Master, don't be afraid, your contribution will not be obliterated, and your contribution will be remembered by the empire."

O'Kanrui: "No, Lord Regent, I am not a stingy person. I am equally happy to have such a capable person join the empire."

Xiao He clapped her hands: "Master O'Kanrui is a noble character, I hope the two masters can work together, both of them will be great contributors to the empire."

At this time, the communicators of Xiaosheng and Xiaohe both rang, it was a message from the council, there must be something important.

Xiaosheng said apologetically to Okanrui and Ta Xingla: "I am extremely sorry for neglecting the two masters. There is a sudden emergency in the council."

O'Kanri: "The Lord Regent and the General should put state affairs first, and don't feel embarrassed about it."

Ta Xingla also said: "That's right, the two adults must not neglect state affairs for us. I met Master O'Kanrui so late that we can have a private academic exchange."

Xiao He: "That's the only way to neglect the two of you. After the matter is over, I will hold a banquet to make amends."

After being polite again, Xiaosheng and Xiaohe left the laboratory. When the door of the laboratory was closed and there were only two people left in the room, the air suddenly froze.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly turned cold, and both sides stared at each other.

"What the hell are you doing here now? You garbage collector Tara Star," O'Kanri cursed in a low voice.

Star Tara the Endless: "I'm just doing what I've always been supposed to do, you old stick, what did you want to do when you came here?"

Stargazer Orikan: "You have to know, the three Primarch boys and the human emperor I found belong to me, you know? You'd better not f*ck meddle in and mess up my plan."

The Endless One's face moved closer to the Stargazer, who was only a punch away: "Who the hell fucks you, you old rib, they will be under my control soon."

Orikan: "Do you have any idea how much time it took me to sneak in?"

Tara Star: "Hmm."

Orikan: "One month, you think I'm going to be fooled by your collection of garbage skills and collection tricks? Old ribs."

Star Tara pulled Laorikan's wrinkled red robe: "Let's put it this way, old ribs, these Primarch boys have their own plans. They may like my little collection of rubbish, and you don't care about that."

Talking about the endless star Tara, he walked towards the gate.

Orikan: "I don't care, do I?"

Tara Star: "Yes, you don't care."

The astrologer roared: "So you want to play like this?"

The Infinity replied: "Yes, that's how I want to play."

Aurikan watched Tara Star leave and shouted: "Then you have to be careful, trash man, if you want to do this to me, let's see which one of us kills the other first."

(End of this chapter)

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