Chapter 56 Departure
"Huh? Father, where are you going?"

Xiao He's voice came from behind the emperor.

The emperor turned his head and said: "Go out for a stroll, it's boring to lie down all the time."

Xiao He was overjoyed: "It's actually like this, so father, do you want to go to the battlefield with us? Billy Star is being attacked by pirates, and we are going to support it."

The emperor took a peek at Colonel Kasteen lying motionless behind him: "That's fine, I'll go out to relax too."

Xiao He's joy floated on his face: "It's great to be able to fight side by side with my father again."

I have been busy with a lot of things recently, and I haven't had a good conversation with my father for a long, long time.

Going to the battlefield together this time is undoubtedly an opportunity to let my father know all the great things I am doing for Him now.

That's right, everything he did was for his father. Bu Lun was building an army to take down the planetary territory, and he was just laughing and praising Bo for his father.

Emperor: "By the way, I heard you hypnotized Commissar Kane and his troops?"

Xiao He nodded: "Okanrui and Taxingla Technology Sages also left hypnotic hints in their brains, which can be triggered to make them obey us when necessary."

The emperor felt Colonel Kasteen's hand pinching his back behind his back, and a wave of anger and resentment flowed through him.

Her subordinates were captured and brainwashed, this is something she, as the head of the regiment, cannot accept anyway.

Emperor: "For this trip, leave the Valhalla troops to me to lead."

Xiao He persuaded: "That's just the Star Border Army. Father wants to lead the team. I can give my Aster Tower to my father."

The emperor waved his hand: "No, I'm just sitting in the rear, and I don't need such an elite army."

Seeing his father say this, Xiao He didn't persuade him any more: "I know, father, you will lead the Rage of Justice, and I will let someone arrange it."

Under the leadership of Xiao He, the emperor came to the space port to dock on the Fury of Justice. After Xiao He explained to the captain of Fury of Justice, Captain Paquita expressed his understanding.

Captain Paquita saluted the emperor with excitement: "It is a pleasure to serve you, His Majesty the Emperor, and now the Wrath of Justice is under your command."

These people have all implanted new memories. In their cognition, they regard the Third Reich as the object of their allegiance, and the Emperor is the emperor they have always been allegiance to. (So ​​are they loyal or not? That's a bit of a detour.)
After Xiaohe left, Colonel Kasteen crawled out from behind the Emperor, and she stepped on the metal floor of Righteous Fury again.

Kasteen caressed the wall of the ship feeling disappointed: "The people have not changed and the ship has not changed, but the loyalty to the Lord of Humanity has changed. My legion and I have become traitors."

Emperor: "..."

Kasteen exhaled and inhaled vigorously. The series of blows these days made her almost cry, but Colonel Kasteen's dignity as an imperial soldier did not allow her to cry before the imperial rebellion in front of her.

Even if this rebellion has been hypnotized by herself and is under her control, she doesn't want to show her weak side in front of this heresy of the empire.

The emperor patted Colonel Kasteen on the shoulder and said softly, "Would you like to go and see your room, you must be very tired, you can go to sleep."

Colonel Kasteen blew his nose, pulled the corner of the emperor's clothes and wiped it: "There are still many things to do, I must reawaken the memory of the soldiers, and then tell the court about what happened here."

Apparently, Colonel Kasteen was very rude to the heresy and rebellion of the Emperor, the empire. Kasteen felt that she had a good temper. If someone changed the state religion, the stupid big man in front of him would have to be tied to a pillar.

The emperor took off his shirt and planned to wash it: "What are you going to do next?"

Colonel Kasteen was thinking: "We must find a way to restore the memory of the crew and my soldiers. Do you think I can use my hypnotic glasses?"

The Emperor: "Didn't you read the instructions? You need to record the brainwaves of the hypnotized person once you use it, and delete the original data to free up the memory to record new brainwaves for others to use. This requires specialized equipment and the operation of relevant technical personnel."

"Hey!" Colonel Kasteen stared blankly at the hypnotic glasses in his hand: "Does this mean that this thing can only hypnotize you, but not others?"

The Emperor looked at the glasses in Colonel Kasteen's hand and said: "If you don't delete my brain wave data in the glasses, you may burn their brains if you use them casually."

Colonel Kasteen: "Give me back the glasses, even if I do, I can ask the technical sages of the empire for help."

The Emperor handed the glasses to Colonel Kasteen: "Next, I will go to the bridge to command the voyage of the Fury of Justice with Captain Paquita. Would you like to go to the room to sleep or go to the bridge with me."

Colonel Kasteen thought to himself, although he hypnotized the Emperor, and the Emperor cooperated well along the way, but there is no guarantee that the Emperor will not suddenly regain his memory halfway or say wrong words when talking with others, causing the enemy's suspicion, so it is better to stay by his side.

Colonel Kasteen stretched out his hand to hold the emperor's big hand. The height difference between the emperor and Colonel Kasteen was like a little girl holding the hand of an adult: "From today onwards, the two of us will be inseparable."

Emperor: "I have to follow you when you take a shower and go to the toilet?"

Colonel Kasteen nodded: "The two of us took turns guarding outside."

Emperor: "You are too hardworking."

Colonel Kasteen pulled the emperor's big hand: "If you betray me, it will really be over."

Colonel Kasteen held the emperor's big hand. This scene reminded her of her father holding her in the same way. The warmth in his palm made her inexplicably relieved, and she involuntarily tightened her grip.

Colonel Kasteen stood on the edge of the bridge, looking at the bustling people around. She was a route soldier and knew nothing about the navy.

But this stupid big guy seems to be very good at it. He is more familiar with the smooth introduction of various orders, logistics, military supplies, and ship inspection than Captain Paquita of the Righteous Fury.

The Emperor gave the order, and the Righteous Fury began to pull out of the berth, and came to the side of the Knowledge Quest.

Xiao He is currently on board the Knowledge Quest, and this wrath-class cruiser has become Xiao He's flagship.

After Xiaohe communicated with the emperor to confirm that all preparations were completed, the two ships turned on their engines and entered the subspace.

After everything was arranged, the emperor turned his head and saw Kasteen leaning against the wall of the bridge, falling asleep while leaning against the wall.

The emperor smiled, walked over and held Colonel Kasteen in his arms, and made a silence gesture to everyone on the bridge with his finger in front of his mouth, and then led Colonel Kasteen to the room.

At this moment, Colonel Kasteen's nerves had collapsed for many days and finally fell into a deep sleep from exhaustion. Colonel Kasteen was drooling and resting his head on the Emperor's arm.

(End of this chapter)

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