40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 65 Chapter 64 Situation

Chapter 65 No.60 Four Situations

Zabriel shouted: "We betrayed? You attacked us first as soon as you returned to Caliban. Those recruits didn't expect their first battle to be against their genetic father."

The Lion King was furious: "You said that I attacked you first, but Luthor attacked my ship first, and he also gained the power of..."


"The Left Hand of the Wolf" asked Commissar Kane, "Why didn't Zabriel's gun go off?"

Political Commissar Kane squinted under the bunker and looked at the battlefield ahead: "I don't know?"

"Canglang's right hand": "Go and see what's wrong with him? Don't let the opponent pick our buttocks out."

Political Commissar Kane immediately crawled backwards, and quickly crawled back: "Come on, Zabriel was beaten, and he can't move now because he was pinned to the ground."

"The right hand of the wolf" stood up together: "Damn! Whoever dares to beat our people, *go, go and cut him."


The Lion King released Zabriel: "You say you have not betrayed, then you dare to swear that you are still loyal to humans, to the empire, and to the emperor."

Zabriel: "I swear."

The Lion King let go of Zabriel and stretched out his hand to him. Zabriel didn't take it, but looked straight at the Lion King: "Then do you dare to swear that you are also loyal to the Empire, humans, and the Emperor."

"How dare you question my loyalty" roared the Lion King.

Then calm down, the arrogance of the past has destroyed us and can't do it anymore.

The Lion King exhaled, "I swear."

Zabriel reached out and grabbed the lion king's gauntlet and stood up from the ground, with tears in his eyes: "It's too sad, we started a war against our own people because of a misunderstanding."

In a great atmosphere of family reunion and resolution of grievances, three men in green armor and hoods broke the atmosphere.

"The right hand of the wolf" raised the power glove: "Xiao Zhaza, we are here to help you! Chaos beast, eat my 100 million lion fists!"

"Xianggang Bar": "Starstorm Abandon Healing Slash!"

"CO2 turns into a bomb": "The crow flies on the plane."

The three rushed up, and the three were knocked to the ground.

Ryan looked at Zabriel: "Your man?"

Zabriel quickly shook his head: "No, I don't know them, and I don't know where they came from. They are the gene seeds of our legion, but they are definitely not from Caliban."

"The right hand of the wolf" hugged the lion king's thigh: "Little Zaza, go quickly, I'm holding him back."

Zabriel sighed: "This is Lion Lion, our Primarch, and don't call me Little Zaza anymore."

"The right hand of the wolf": "What? Is it the uncle?"

Everyone looked at the white-haired old man in front of them,
Everyone was sitting in the trench. At this time, the round of attacks from the Chaos side had stopped, and everyone had time to understand the current situation with each other for the time being.

The Lion King asked, "What is the state of the empire now?"

Zabriel: "It's been 1 years since the Caliban war."

Lion King: "It's been so long, hasn't it? Even the Astartes, you deserve to die after 1 years."

Zabriel: "I came to this era 200 years ago, how could I be like this."

"Is my faithful brother alive?" asked the Lion King.

Zabriel: "I don't know, they all disappeared or died shortly after you disappeared."

The lion king felt a heartache, and the heavy blow almost crushed him.


Sanguinius' ship crossed Mandeville, Xiao He and Ke Zi had been waiting for a long time, Xiao He's voice came through the communication: "Brother, welcome back, I heard that you have made a big deal recently, you have to tell us well."


Lion King: "What about my father?"

Zabriel: "He is now called the God Emperor, enshrined on the golden throne, and those who do not believe in him will be dragged to burn."


Colonel Kasteen and the emperor were tied to the cross. Colonel Kasteen glared at the emperor: "I said you can't shut up your stinky mouth? If you don't argue with that priest, you will die! Tell your nonsense in front of worshipers."

The fanatics wearing the clothes around them were reading the Bible, and they were pouring promethium fuel on the surrounding firewood. This kind of fuel used in spaceships is very suitable for burning.


Lion King: "What about my legion?"

Zabril: "Ultramarine Primarch Guilliman wrote the Codex Astartes, requiring them to be broken up into Chapters of 1000 men and countless sub-bands."

The Lion roared. "Guilliman! I should have killed you when I was in Macragge."

The Lion King forced himself to calm down: "Okay, tell me now, it is my betrayed and corrupt brother who is attacking here."

Political Commissar Kane: "The one who got the news to attack here is the Warmaster from Chaos."

The lion king was surprised: "Horus is not dead?"

Zabriel: "Horus is dead, and now it is Abaddon who leads the multitude of Chaos traitors."

Lion King: "Captain Horus?..."

The Lion King sighed: "Well, this is not too bad news, now tell me how many troops we have."

Everyone looked at Commissar Kane, and the Lion King asked, "Are you the commander-in-chief here?"

Political Commissar Kane shook his head: "No, I was the first to arrive here. I am the political commissar of the 597th Valhalli Regiment. I gathered some of the scattered soldiers around me, about 1 people. Now a large number of high-ranking commanders in Cadia have been assassinated by Chaos. We are trying our best to gather the defeated soldiers."

Although Political Commissar Kane and the others tried their best, they were not locals after all, and their lack of understanding of the surrounding terrain and local forces and culture made their work very slow.

Lion King: "Is there any support?"

At this time, the "Right Hand of the Wolf" spoke: "The Emperor and the three Primarchs are going to support here. As long as we can hold this place, they will arrive soon."

Lion: "Wait a minute, you said my father and three brothers would come to our aid?"

The Lion King looked at Zabriel: "Didn't you say that my father stayed on the golden throne and my brother disappeared?"

Zabriel: "This guy is full of bullshit, and I don't really believe what he says."

Lion King: "Those three brothers of mine?"

"The Right Hand of the Wolf": "Sanguinius..."

A look of surprise appeared on the Lion King's face.

"And Koz and Horus."

The Lion King looked at Zabriel: "This guy really has a brain problem."

(End of this chapter)

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