Chapter 76 Seduction
Ryan looked at the Omnissiah in front of him, the huge humanoid Titan in front of him, it was too dangerous to leave it in the hands of Horus.

This place was heavily guarded, but the Lion King still brought people in quietly. After all, mortals other than the Primarch could not be expected to stop a Primarch.

The attendant of the traverser beside him asked Ryan, "How are we going to drive this big guy?"

The Lion King looked at Omnissia and shouted: "I am the heir of the Emperor, Lord of the Dark Angels, Ryan Al'Jonson, I need you to take me to find the armor of destiny that saves my brother Robert Guilliman, will you help me?"


The entrance door on Omnissiah's leg opened, revealing the entrance passage inside, and the Lion King beckoned his entourage to enter it.

The lion king saw 22 of them, and he immediately understood the meaning, and sat down on the throne numbered 1.

The Lion King felt his connection to Omnissiah the moment he sat on it, and his power extended throughout Omnissian.

In the outside world, the appearance of Omnissiah has also changed. Its right shoulder has changed into a lion head and shoulder guard. The lion roars with its mouth open, which is lifelike.

The Lion King immediately felt that his subspace ability was magnified and strengthened. At this time, he felt as if he could lead a fleet to travel to any place in the galaxy through the space similar to the Caliban forest.

Connected with Omnissiah, he feels as if his whole body has become Omnissiah, and the manipulation of Omnissian's body is like manipulating his own body.

Lion King: "Is this what it feels like when those titans drive the Lord? It's really amazing. I feel like I'm turning into a giant of steel."

The Lion King clenched his fist, and the outside Omnissaiah also shook his mechanical claws. The Lion King asked the traverser attendants to serve in other positions of Omnissaiah's body to assist him in controlling the super titan.

Lane looked at 22 thrones, he knew his father's dream of building this super machine, and did his father hope that one day the family would be able to drive it together?
Ryan covered his head: "The current situation really annoys me, if only a brother could help."

A transmigrator serving beside him asked, "Wolf King is okay?"

The Lion King covered his face: "Yes, even Leman Russ is fine."

The Lion King calmed down, now is not the time to be depressed, and awakening Guilliman is the first duty, but first he has to meet his father.

The Lion King sent a query to the sun in the highest sky: "Father, please give me instructions."

At this time, a location coordinate appeared in the Lion King's mind out of thin air, which was a planet very close to Cadia Star.

The Lion King used his ability to make the mist that appeared out of thin air cover Omnissiah's whole body, and then disappeared into this space.

The metal frame in the distance stopped Sanguinius, Xiao He, and Ke Zi to watch the Lion King take Omnissia away.

Xiao He watched her baby leave distressedly: "Just give him Omnissia for nothing?"

Sanguinius comforted: "It's just for him to use temporarily. It belongs to my father. It doesn't belong to us or him."

Xiao He: "Then what should we do next? We lost the Omnissiah, and it will be difficult to fight tough battles in the future."

Sanguinius patted Xiao He on the shoulder: "There is no Omnissaiah, as long as our three brothers work together, we will not be afraid of any enemies. Now my father is waiting for us in Kadia, so we can't keep my father waiting."

Ke Zi just said indifferently: "Things are more effective with him, and he will come back with reinforcements and new brothers."

Xiao He waved his hand: "You all said that, so let's go, father has few soldiers, and Abaddon has an absolute advantage in military strength, we can't put father in danger."


The battle in Cadia is getting more and more difficult. If in the past time and the tactics of the imperial hero political commissar Caphas Kane are contested, Abaddon can still gain a slight upper hand on the ground by relying on the absolute superiority of troops.

The political commissar Caphas Kane he was facing now gave Abaddon the feeling that he was completely manipulated by god-like power in the matter of war.

Even with twice as many troops, Abaddon still sees no hope of winning. Any of his surprise attack tactics will be perfectly countered beforehand. The opponent seems to be omniscient, able to see every corner of the entire battlefield, and even the psychological state of every soldier of the enemy and us.

The barbaric style of giving up tactics and relying entirely on brute force and human life will also be cleverly resolved by the ingenious force sent by the opponent to hit the weak points, causing your troops to lose communication, and making your troops lose command of the people below without knowing how to do it.

The opponent is as clever as a master surgeon. Even if he is a strong man, he can use a scalpel to cleverly cut off his own control nerves, instantly paralyzing himself and losing control, and then he just allows the opponent to abuse and kill.

This can't go on like this anymore, he will definitely lose if he fights like this, Warmaster Abaddon looked at the elite veterans of the Black Legion in front of him, and nodded in satisfaction.

The decapitation operation was the last solution Abaddon could think of. This time, the whole army on the ground raided to divert and attract the opponent, and he would lead this elite army to find that Caphas Kane and kill him with decapitation tactics.

At this time, a wizard came to Abaddon: "My lord, we have found the position of the enemy commander."

The smoothness was unexpected, making Abaddon feel like a trap: "Why is it so smooth this time?"

In the past, the opponent would never make such a mistake. One of the reasons why he fought for so long was that he couldn't find the opponent's headquarters and commander, otherwise he would have brought someone there to behead him.

The wizard shared the picture with Abaddon. An ordinary-looking man in the uniform of a political commissar was peeling fruit with a knife.

He was sitting on the top of a mountain, watching the rising sun, and a woman in imperial uniform was beside him, holding a military flag in her hand and looking around vigilantly.

A trap or an invitation to a duel?Stupid guy, he will pay for this arrogance.


Colonel Kasteen did not expect that O'Green would have such dexterous hands, and a small iron piece that looked like a fingernail to him could peel fruit so nimbly, with the fruit peeling continuously.

The emperor handed the fruit to Kasteen: "Let's eat one first, and they will arrive after eating the fruit."

Kasteen took the apple and took a big bite. She is not a lady, she is no different from a male soldier in cutting people, cutting aliens and eating.

Kasteen: "Hmm...Aren't we too arrogant, just standing upright here to lure the enemy, if the enemy doesn't send someone, but directly shoots a shell here."

"You're right. I think it's too risky. How about we go back?"

In a pit, Cafaskane showed his head. He was digging a trench with this engineering shovel, but he dug alone, and only dug a small hole that was barely big enough for him to lie down. He felt like he was digging his own grave.

(End of this chapter)

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