40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 78 The Awakening of the God of Death and the Arrival of Slaanesh

Chapter 78 The Awakening of the God of Death and the Arrival of Slaanesh
The emperor and Chogale came to an altar, on which was the statue of Inkahn, the god of death of the Eldar race. The emperor stretched out his hand and scratched his palm, leaving golden blood dripping on the altar.

The emperor stimulated the resurrection of the god of death of the Eldar with blood sacrifices, and a large amount of power was transmitted into the warp.

At the same time, in the arena of Commora, Lilith danced a bloody dance of killing with double blades, and her opponent was Evelyn.

The moment before the god of death woke up, the emperor sent a signal to Lilith, and the moment Lilith received the message, she stabbed Evelyn's heart with a knife.

The awakening of the spirit god of death and the death of Evelyn coincided at this moment, and the death god and his chosen one were born at the same time.

Lilith completed her task, she turned away from the arena, and she went to a webway entrance in Comoros to wait for her lord to come and report to him that the task was completed.

The emperor in the opposite webway didn't stop there either, and the emperor headed towards a webway connecting Comoros.

The emperor walked out of the webway, and appeared on a seat in a arena in a flickering figure. The emperor looked at Evelyn below, who was resurrecting at this time.

Ephraine emitted a ray of light that pierced up and down, and the surrounding Dark Eldar guards immediately rushed up to kill Evelene. Psionic power cannot be used in Comoros, because this is the place where the Eldar have the deepest connection with Slaanesh. Using psychic power here will immediately attract the attention of the Dark Prince.

Evelyn's God's Choice ability was automatically activated, and the living body close to her died immediately, and the soul disappeared in the body.

Although Evelyn did not use psychic power, the awakening of the god of death still caused subspace shocks. In addition, the awakening of the god of death was presided over by the emperor himself.

At this time, Evelyn was a shining coordinate, and the Dark Prince immediately focused his attention on it.

A gap was opened in the outer layer of the webway due to the impact of the evil god's huge power, and the prince of darkness descended here in person.

The voice of the God of Laughing reached the emperor's ears: "The next thing is that you will have a great battle with him, please act as soon as possible, if he swallows Comoros, I believe it will not be a good thing for you and your human empire."

The emperor just replied: "I will take action."

Then the Emperor began to contact the "King of Drago".


The "King of Procrastination" was bragging to colleagues around him with a photo: "Look, what is this? A photo of Lao Tzu and sister Angel, be envious."

"Kill the king of procrastination": "It's time to find a good photo frame and display it as a family heirloom."

"The King of Dragging" took out a camera: "You are too short-sighted, let me tell you, I have a lot of photos here, and I plan to sell them to the State Church and the mother group of the Holy Blood Angels. At that time, what power armor, bolt guns, and Thunderhawk transport planes will be there..."

The "King of Dragging" was stunned for a moment, and a message appeared in his mind. The "King of Dragging" quickly turned to the technical sergeant "Meat Man and Bunker" and asked, "Where is the gold material I gave you, the armor you made?"

"Meat Man and the Bunker": "Oh! That! It's been done a long time ago, and I'll push it over for you right away."

"Meat Man and Bunker" quickly opened the communication to "Black Tiger Ah Fu": "Hey, it's me, is my emperor armor ready? Okay, yes, quickly pull it over, the company commander needs it."

Soon "Black Tiger Ah Fu" and "Jelles" came to the hall pushing a cart covered with white cloth.

"King of Procrastination": "It's really fast, didn't you cut corners?"

"Meat Man and the Bunker": "What do you say, boss, you can rest assured that I will handle the matter."

"Meatman and the Bunker" pulled the white cloth to reveal the armor inside: "Dangdangdang... Come on, I'll go!"

The "King of Dragging" stared blankly at the shining golden armor in front of him.

The "King of Dragging" grabbed the guy's head and leaned in front of the armor: "You really made me an emperor's armor!"

"Black Tiger Ah Fu" was stunned: "Oh? Did we do something wrong? Didn't we say that we were making emperor's armor?"

When the "King of Dragging" is pressed on the belt, the belt immediately emits music and recording.

"Emperor~Emperor~ armor, fit together!"

"King of Dragging" clicked again.

"I am the phoenix of Nirvana, I am my own emperor..."

The "King of Dragging" was as black as a salamander: "Can someone tell me what's going on?"

"Jelles": "Is it the wrong song? Press it again to switch to the second song."

Saying "Jelles" reached out and pressed on the belt.

"Continuing the fate of fighting to the death again and again, I still retain the ambition of immortality..."

The "King of Dragging" slapped the people around him: "The TM I'm talking about is made for the emperor to wear, and the Warhammer 40K I want, you guys get me an armored warrior."

"Kill the king of delay" hurriedly stopped: "Company commander, don't be angry, the emperor and emperor Xia are just one more word, let the emperor and his old man make do with it."

"The King of Dragging" covered his face: "I hope we won't be transferred to the Charm Legion."


The emperor looked at the emperor's armor transmitted in front of him without saying a word for a long time, then turned and walked towards the battlefield.

Qiao Gaole wondered: "Why don't you wear armor? It's a pity not to wear such a good armor."

The emperor sent the armor away with a wave of his hand, and then snapped his fingers. He used divine power to transform the original spirit bone armor of the spirit race, and his image changed into the appearance of the spirit race.

The emperor sighed: "Sure enough, the brain thinking of that group of people is the only thing I can't predict."

At this time, all the creatures in Comoros stared blankly at the extremely dangerous and dark power descending from the crack above.

The indescribable extreme joy welled up in the hearts of all the spirit races, and all the spirit races began to usher in the coming of extinction amidst the perverted extreme joy.

A hand composed of countless twisted pieces of flesh stretched into the Comoros, it was a hand of blasphemy and darkness where the twisted body mutations of countless living beings were fused together.

There are men and women, old and young, spirit races, humans, demons, and alien creatures, but none of them has a distorted smile of extreme joy on their faces, and sings loudly with noises and laughter that stimulate people's souls with their mouths cracked to the ear.

All the creatures in Comoros screamed in fear, their souls were forcibly pulled out of their bodies, and they flew towards the big hand of the Prince of Darkness uncontrollably.

Even the city lord of Comoros, the city lord of the dark city, put down his weapons and stood there waiting for the coming of extinction.

At this moment, a sharp bird song sounded, and the golden light illuminated the entire Comoros.

(End of this chapter)

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