Chapter 80
Magnus: "I didn't expect you to have such a big opinion on your father? Oh! By the way, you and your legion have been wiped out by your father. You should hate him."

At this time, Azik Ahriman, who was standing aside, asked Magnus through telepathy: "Father, I don't think it should be so easy to believe in this strange Primarch."

Ahriman was originally expelled from the Wizard Star by Magnus, but he recently heard that Magnus was looking for a way to capture the Emperor. He offered this teleportation ceremony and was allowed to return to the Wizard Star.

Magnus also replied to Azik Ahriman through telepathic transmission: "I don't believe him, I understand him through communication."

Zhang Shixi: "Erasing the Legion? Oh! Yes, the shame of being expelled by the Erasing Legion, I will always remember it. If I don't hold this grudge, I, Zhang Shiyi, will die with peace."

What is the Eradication Legion?Never mind, let's improvise, hoping to fool the past and find a chance to slip out of this damn place.

Looking at the distorted buildings around him and all kinds of people and things with genetically mutated hair, horns, hooves, and wings, Zhang Shiyi has been using his willpower to suppress his disgusting and disgusting spiritual activities from showing on his face.

Magnus thought for a moment and said, "I won't believe your words."

Holy crap, Lao Tzu's perfect acting skills were immediately seen through?

Magnus: "But I think you and No. [-] are treated like that by your father, and you will definitely not stand on his side. I can cooperate with you in dealing with your father."

"That is to say, we are on the same side. Brother, you smoke, and you haven't asked your name yet." Zhang Shiyi took out a pack of Zhonghua from his pocket, shook out one, and handed it over.

"I'm Magnus, Lord of the Thousand Sons of the No.15 Legion." Magnus didn't have the slightest intention to pick up Zhang Shiyiyan. He felt that something was wrong with this guy, but he couldn't tell what was wrong there, giving himself a feeling that he was different from other Primarch brothers.

"Oh, Brother Ma, it's a pleasure to meet you." Zhang Shixi saw the altar under his feet and asked, "Brother Ma, what are you putting here?"

Magnus: "The Gustak Blood Sacrifice Ceremony, a ritual in which one's own blood can be sacrificed to send one's own blood relatives over."

Zhang Shixi: "Then can we also send the people here in the reverse direction?"

Magnus: "Theoretically yes."

Zhang Shixi: "Wouldn't it be very convenient to use this ceremony to send letters home or to meet relatives and friends in two places?"

Magnus pointed to the crystal inlaid on the altar: "This ceremony must be realized with the Kakul crystal, and a large number of psykers are required to sacrifice during the process, and the crystal can only be used three times."

Zhang Shixi: "It means that the crystal can be used twice?"

Magnus shook his head: "It can only be used once. Before using this ritual, in order to ensure success, I asked someone to use it once as an experiment."

Zhang Xi found that this old man was very talkative, no, because he was very active in teaching others knowledge, simply put, he was a good teacher, Zhang Xi seized this point and began to show his thirst for knowledge and asked Magnus about various problems.

Magnus gradually liked Zhang Shiyi very much. Zhang Shiyi asked questions with a pious attitude of a seeker of knowledge to a wise man, which made Magnus very useful.

It would be impossible for someone else to move Magnus like this, but Zhang Shiyi's identity is different. Zhang Shiyi is a Primarch and Magnus' brother.

Being able to make a Primarch brother worship him is a great honor and sense of accomplishment for Magnus.

He showed off all his awesomeness like enjoying the vain elder brother who was admired by his younger brother.

Ahriman on the side suddenly had a bad feeling that the Lord of a Thousand Sons was not as rational as he said.

Zhang Shixi: "Brother, your vast knowledge is as vast as the starry sky, and your wisdom shines like a star. Compared with you and me, you are like a bead the size of a grain of rice. Compared with you, I am extremely ashamed. As your younger brother, I have made you ashamed."

Magnus immediately supported Zhang Shiyi's shoulder: "Don't say that, my brother, knowledge can be taught, wisdom can be passed on, and I am willing to give you everything I know."

Zhang Shiyi's words of "brother" made Magnus Mei's wings tremble slightly with his laughter. You must know that since ancient times, no Primarch has publicly or even privately recognized each other as elder brothers.

He answered everything Zhang Shixi asked next, and even agreed to hand over the method of using this ceremony to him on the spot.

Ahriman on the side felt worse and worse, but the other party had a strong brotherly respect, and felt that it was too wrong for him to suspect that his father and younger brother had different intentions at this time.

Magnus taught Zhang Shixi the principles and methods of the ceremony and said: "Next we will start to practice, brother, pay attention, I will send the false emperor to avenge you and me right now."

Zhang Shixi stopped Magnus who was about to start: "Brother, I have a note, why don't we use the ritual in reverse?"

Magnus: "You mean we teleport there?"

Zhang Shixi: "This is also an opportunity to practice and acquire new knowledge, isn't it? It can achieve our goal and verify this reverse ritual experiment."

Magnus: "But in the real world, my strength will be weakened by the thinning of the warp energy."

Zhang Shixi: "But I am not restricted by this. Brother, you have taught me so much. It is time for me to repay my brother. Brother, I am willing to capture the false emperor alive for the vanguard and hand him over to my brother."

Magnus saw Zhang Shiyi's sincere eyes, his clear eyes were like water, he was not stupid, he quietly used his mind-reading ability to read Zhang Shixi's inner activities during the conversation, and there was no sign of change and activity when he was lying when he spoke.

What Magnus didn't know was that Zhang Shiyi had studied for a long time with a centenarian girl who liked to bury people. Zhang Shixi learned "true lies".

When they engage in kidnapping, they can even tie someone up and put them in a suitcase, chat with the police in the snack bar opposite the police station, and let the police look at the suitcase for him when he goes to the toilet.

Magnus took the crystal off the altar, split it in two with a spell, and handed half of it to Zhang Shiyi: "This half of the crystal is used to keep us in touch, and after you go there successfully, I can use a spell to send you back. Be careful not to break it."

Zhang Shiyi nodded and took the crystal carefully: "Yes, brother."

Magnus: "I will give you some equipment and artifacts, I wish you a helping hand."

Zhang Shiyi hurriedly waved his hand: "It's no need, the magic weapon with the power of chaos will probably attract his attention when I get close to the false emperor, which is not conducive to action."

Magnus thought for a while and nodded: "Indeed, let's do this, I'll ask someone to get you some equipment that doesn't have the power of chaos, at least I can't let you fight for your life with nothing."

Magnus asked Ahriman to do this. Ahriman wandered in the universe for a long time looking for a way to resurrect his brother, and collected a lot of good things.

He took out a lot of advanced equipment. In order not to be contaminated by the breath and power of chaos, neither he nor Magnus used spells. Instead, he captured the imperial technical sergeant sage who had no trace of chaos pollution, and used the lost reality technology of the 30K period provided by Magnus to create precision armor and weapons suitable for Zhang Shiyi.

Magnus named this suit of armor "Sincere", and it was specially made for himself, the most sincere brother he had ever seen.

A power sword "loyalty" and a plasma gun "zeal".

Magnus watched his favorite brother walk into the teleportation beam and leave, and soon they found that the signal to locate Zhang Shiyi's crystal had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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