40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 93 False Emperor

Chapter 93 False Emperor
In a hidden corner of Cadia, an emperor wearing gold power armor and an olive laurel crown was poking the fire with a branch.

On the side, a woman with messy hair, wearing a brown courier coat, and a pair of old liberated women on her feet is staring at the fire in front of her.

In her opinion, the things in the fire are far more attractive than the most powerful and greatest emperor in the galaxy beside her.

The Lord of Humanity used a branch to poke out the contents of the fire, which was a piece of black dry mud burned in the fire.

The sloppy woman on the side quickly picked up the stone beside her and threw it at the yellow mud on the ground.

The mud was smashed to reveal the burnt yellow lotus leaves inside, and the woman peeled off the lotus leaves to reveal the golden roasted chicken inside.

The woman is like a beggar who has been hungry for an unknown number of days. She took two quick puffs of hot air before biting.

The emperor watched the woman gnaw off half of the chicken in a few bites, and asked, "I also baked it for a long time, with so much effort, don't you tell me a little?"

The woman's mouth was full, and she spoke in Sichuan dialect indistinctly: "The chicken is stolen from the forehead. If you want to eat it, you can catch it yourself."

The emperor: "That's the baked Ba Shi."

Woman: "It's very comfortable, you can open a restaurant now."

The Emperor: "There are not enough people to open a restaurant, so you can help me find my sons, and let them make rice for you."

The woman shook her head: "No."

Emperor: "Why?"

Woman: "Zhang Chulan said, come here to eat and drink your food, but don't be fooled by you into working hard for your life. You are a very dark person, and you will not end well if you do things for you."

Emperor: "Then do you know where Zhang Chulan is?"

Woman: "It's impossible to tell you, Zhang Chulan said, as long as you don't catch him, you won't dare to send me to do terrible things."

The emperor sighed: "Baby, both you and Chu Lan have misunderstood. You are not from this world, and the power of this world cannot kill you."

After gnawing on the chicken bones, Feng Baobao started to suck his fingers: "I'm here to pick up that baby on Eleven."

Emperor: "This is the place where NO.11 was born. It is his natural duty to return here to save his hometown."

Feng Baobao: "Then I have raised him for decades, and he has to repay his kindness. He will take care of me until the end of my life."

The emperor: "When he finishes sending you off, then the battle will be over long ago. These words are given to you by Zhang Chulan."

Feng Baobao: "That's right, he said that we have given so much to raise your son, so we can't give you everything and work hard for you."

Emperor: "What do you or he want?"

Feng Baobao: "Take Eleven that kid back."

The Emperor: "Then go and talk to him yourself. I respect his wishes, but Zhang Chulan is also right. You have paid so much, and I will try my best to compensate you. You can ask for anything you want."

Feng Baobao: "Really, anything is fine?"

The emperor nodded: "It's all right."

Feng Baobao: "Then take off your clothes quickly."

Emperor: "×&%¥e69..."

The emperor was dressed in poor sackcloth, watching Feng Baobao put his power armor on her.

Feng Baobao: "Hurry up and help me, this thing is too difficult."

The emperor sighed helplessly: "I told you earlier that your body is too small, and you can't wear it even if I give it to you."

Feng Baobao: "It looks like it's worth selling. This body of gold must be worth a lot of money."

The emperor stretched out his hand, and the power armor levitated and began to shrink, and then began to put it on Feng Baobao. The armor was completely reduced in proportion to Feng Baobao's body, and it completely fit her body shape.

Feng Baobao's eyes widened like those of a child watching fireworks during the Chinese New Year. He exclaimed and looked curiously at the handsome golden armor on his body.

Feng Baobao raised the power claw of his left hand and waved it indiscriminately. With the other hand, he flapped the red cloak behind his back with a "huhu", enjoying himself.

The emperor beckoned Feng Baobao to come in front of him, the emperor said to Feng Baobao: "I will give you a great benefit, I will let you be the emperor of the empire for three months."

Feng Baobao: "Being the emperor?"

The emperor nodded: "I will borrow this armor for you to wear for three months. During these three months, anyone who sees you will recognize you as me. During these three months, you can do whatever you want, and my empire can be driven by you."

Feng Baobao scratched her head with her power claw, but luckily she didn't take a stand, otherwise her head would be gone.

Feng Baobao asked: "That means I am the emperor now."

The emperor nodded: "Yes."

Feng Baobao: "I can do whatever I want?"

Emperor: "Yes."

Feng Baobao: "Can you not pay for restaurants?"

Emperor: "No, but someone will pay you."

Feng Baobao: "Then what kind of column do you need to sign documents at work?"

The Emperor: "I have many sons, and one of them is Robert Guilliman. You can entrust him with signing documents and many domestic affairs that you don't understand."

Feng Baobao: "Oh! Got it. If you need something, you should look for Luoba Ganer. Your baby's name is a bit strange! Why is it called Luobai Ganer? In our village, everyone is called Gouwaer and Tiedaner Sazi."

Emperor: "His name is Robert, you can say his code name NO.13 if you can't remember."

Feng Baobao: "NO.13? It's a bit like the little girl who went to Xijiaocheng to call. Okay, I remember. If there is something to call, the carrot dry who is NO.13."

Emperor: "He called, forget it, you can call it whatever you want, I will send you to the Vengeful Spirit first, and you go and rescue my son Horus."

Feng Baobao: "Zhang Chulan said he can't help you fight."

Emperor: "There is no need to fight, you go find my son and bring him back to a safe place, no one will dare to beat you."

Feng Baobao stared at the emperor carefully: "You won't spare me, will you?"

The emperor: "The son of a bitch will spare you."

Feng Baobao: "That's good."

The emperor stretched out his finger to touch Baobao Feng's eyebrows, and Baobao Feng's body began to grow rapidly, until it stopped when it was as tall as the emperor.

The emperor flicked Baobao Feng and his mind collapsed, and he directly flicked Baobao Feng onto the Vengeful Spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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