Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 103 Earth Immortal Fighting Technique

Chapter 103 Earth Immortal Fighting Technique
Patriarch Liehuo raised his hand, and a hundred and eight red lights flew out, which turned into bright red flags in the air, and landed on the surrounding mountains, enclosing the land with a radius of more than a hundred miles, and said: "Please!"

Half of the old nun held a handful of yellow needles in his hand, sprinkled them out, pieces of golden scales danced, like the blazing sun shining waves, reverberating endlessly.For a moment, between the raging fire flags, they turned into swords, with a total of 49 and [-] handles.

The two each chose a hilltop, sat opposite each other, muttered something at the same time, and said: "Get up!"

The Dutian Fiery Formation was launched first, and the surrounding area suddenly blazed with red flames, thousands of feet of fire, wind and thunder, surrounded like clouds and lightning, poisonous smoke evaporated, gangs howled, and the momentum was terrifying.

There are three fires hidden in this formation, including samadhi fire, air fire, and stone fire. The three fires are combined into one breath. If a person or immortal enters this formation, the fire flag will be unfurled, and the three fires will fly together, and they will be reduced to ashes in an instant.

Half of the old nun refused to give in, and made a tactic with both hands, yellow light radiated everywhere, connecting them into pieces, with seven flying swords as one side, each of which was different.

This formation evolved from the mountain, like a crouching like a chain, like a wave of water, like a galloping horse, like a drum like a drum, like a storage of utensils, like a dragon or a luan.Or rise or plate, poultry crouching beast squatting, dense and everything, encompassing a wide range.

Each of the seven swords is a move.Or tens of thousands of horses descending in the daytime; or the momentum is like huge waves, with overlapping mountains; or the momentum is like a descending dragon, and the water surrounds the clouds;

The two bursts together, the wind and thunder startled, black smoke and red fire everywhere, yellow light and golden glow filled the sky.Previously, half of the shadows of the old nun and Patriarch Lie Huo could be seen, but in the blink of an eye, they all disappeared.

With Meng Qiu's cultivation, he couldn't see clearly. After staying for a while, he changed direction and went to another place with great momentum.


Coincidentally, the place Ling Hun and Xue Shan Lao Mei chose was in Xiaochangbai Mountain, where Zheng Bagu hermits.

When Meng Qiu came, the two men had already fought with great force, and even hundreds of miles away, they could feel the sword energy like frost, freezing people.

Visible in the distance, Xueshan Laomei flicked his seven fingers on the back of his head, emitting seven cold gray-white brilliance, and flew towards him directly from the air, as fast as electricity.

This is the inner alchemy that Lao Mei made from the yin and cold air of thousands of years underground in the snow-capped mountains. The white qi is extracted from the cold poison of the underground yin and evil. Except for a limited number of three or four pure yang treasures, the rest of the magic weapons and flying swords are hard to resist.

If a person is more than a hundred feet away, if he is hit a little bit on the body, his whole body can explode and shatter, and he will die of severe cold, which is much more powerful than thunder.

As soon as he used his unique moves, the enemy would be seriously injured if he didn't die. Unexpectedly, he met one of the most outstanding monks in the past few hundred years, and he had his own countermeasures.

Ling Hun has a lot of experience in fighting, and after only a while, he already understands that compared with the enemy, his cultivation is indeed insufficient, but the opponent's magic is too powerful and not refined enough.

Since he unfolded the flying sword, his thoughts were everywhere, like a long rainbow passing through the sky, facing the seven gray and white brilliance, he only twisted it, and there was a pop sound, and they scattered like remnant snow.

Meng Qiu's eyes lit up, this move seemed ordinary, but it was actually extremely subtle, the enemy's spells were eager and ferocious, and he wanted to find the openings between the turning points in a split second, and solve them by dividing them.

Seeing this, Lao Mei couldn't help being shocked, secretly wondering when did such a person with advanced swordsmanship appear in the middle of the earth, and what he has seen in his life is only under the Changmei Daoist.If Monk Guiyi had this sword technique back then, and held the nemesis Nanming Lihuo Sword in his hand, how could he have survived.

At the moment, he no longer dared to underestimate the opponent, cheered up, instead withdrew his inner alchemy, did not reveal an opportunity to take advantage of, and only responded to the enemy with the evil, cold, poisonous white air from the ground.

Originally, this valley was already dilapidated, but due to the pervasive cold air, ice crystals condensed everywhere, and the remaining flowers and grass turned into fly ash. Even stones could not be eaten, and they were as crisp as tofu.

With the cold wave, goose feathers fluttered in the sky, and heavy snowflakes fell, so dense that even the sight was blocked.

Flying sword is very clever, capable of big and small, sometimes appearing and sometimes hidden, taking the snow and mist as clouds, rising as if flying between the universe, and hiding as if lurking in the waves, it is dizzying.

Meng Qiu was fascinated by the sight, and his fingers moved secretly. No wonder the few seniors who met with outstanding swordsmanship, such as Taoist Zui and Taoist Iron Man, all admired Ling Hun very much.

This battle lasted for a full five hours, until the stars shone brightly and the moon shone like a waterfall, pouring down, reflecting the endless snow-capped mountains, and illuminating the sky and the earth in the daytime.

"Hahahaha, old monster, I also wonder what ability you have, dare to be arrogant and arrogant, so it turns out that you have lived for thousands of years by relying on foolishness, and you have a little magic power."

Ling Hun let out a long laugh, escaped from the valley, rose in the air, and said: "I can't beat you, and you don't want to beat me. If you want to fight this time, I will accompany you, not to mention a few hours, even a few months.

If you don't want to, stop here, so as not to waste time, I have to go and see the battle situation of the other two fellow daoists. "

One of these two is an old man with profound magic power, and the other has excellent swordsmanship and endless means.Unless there are treasures such as Ziying Qingsuo and Nanming Lihuo, they can only stand in a stalemate for three or five days.

Unless the two are willing to work hard, they can divide life and death first, and see each other again.But Xueshan Laomei is here to help, how can he be willing to do it; no matter how eager Ling Hun is to establish a faction, he can't do it.

Lao Mei's complexion was as dark as the ice of a snow mountain that has never melted for ten thousand years. She flew up from the valley without saying a word, and was about to leave when she suddenly saw Meng Qiu next to her, with a fierce gleam in her eyes, and a flash of cold whiteness.

"The evildoer seeks death!" There was a violent shout in the air, and a golden light came suddenly, hitting the white air, breaking it up with a single charge, without losing momentum, and strangling forward again.

Beside Meng Qiu, a person appeared, it was Zheng Bagu, with a thin face full of anger.

"Why did this woman come out?" Yang Shao, the fire star, quickly popped out a soy bean-sized, purple and green monster light, intercepted Bagu Feijian, and said at the same time:
"Come on, since the sword fight is over, why bother to make another twists and turns, how about both sides giving up?"

Ling Hun had already lifted the flying sword into the air, and said coldly: "Do you still know the end of the sword fight? How dare you stab someone in the back? Do you think we dare not do it?"

The snow mountain old mermaid roared, and the cold air burst out from the ground, trying to be brave.

On the side, Bai Guyi raised his hand, and suddenly there was a flash of lightning, and a Taiyi Divine Thunder exploded out of thin air, turning into a ball of more than a hundred feet, wrapped in cold air, thunderbolts shot out, and the cold light dissipated.

Old Mei Xueshan's heart shuddered, this unattractive thin old man's mana and spells were as good as Ling Hun's, so he stopped talking.

Looking back, although there is Luo Xiao, the god of bones, Liebaduo, the king of five poisons, and Yang Shao, the son of Martian, to watch the battle, they are inferior to the opponent.

Moreover, since he came out of the mountain, he has only been invited by the Wutai sect, and he is not familiar with these heretics at all. If he judges others by himself, these two immortals will not help each other.

I could only snort coldly, the white light rolled back and flew straight from the sky to Tuotuo.

(End of this chapter)

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