Chapter 112 Elder Zhu Rou

Zheng Bagu sent a voice transmission in private, and said: "You use the realm of foundation building to defeat the Sanxian, and it will be another sensation when it spreads in the future."

Meng Qiu was not conceited, and said: "It's just a trick, the opponent is really too stupid to be distracted in the fight. If I confront the enemy head-on, even if I can win, I won't be able to kill him.

If you were to build a foundation, killing this person would probably be easier than me. "

Zheng Bagu said: "It is easy to defeat him, but it is not easy to kill him. When I built the foundation, I didn't have your sword skills.

If there is no way to turn the sword into a rainbow, and take advantage of its flaws to suddenly attack, once he reacts, the light of the immortal body protection method, without the most precious flying sword, how can it be so easy to penetrate through it? "

In the final analysis, it was Cai Yehu who showed his flaws, and Meng Qiu still couldn't believe that among those who had cultivated to the realm of Sanxian, there was such a stupid person.

Zheng Bagu said: "You hang out with the disciples of the Dapai a lot, you always think that since the Sanxian are all outstanding people, they must be proficient in cultivation base, magic power, magic weapon, and Taoism.

But the world is so big, full of strange things, after you travel more, you will know that monks are full of strange things.

With his appearance, it can be seen that he has been a Taoist Sanxian for tens of hundreds of years, and he has huddled here, indulged in pleasure, has no experience in fighting at the same level, and has never seen outstanding disciples of the great sect make a move. "

At this moment, another group of people flew out of the gatehouse.

Eighth Aunt Zheng hurriedly said: "Okay, you have to concentrate, there is a powerful guy here.

The one in white, the Zhushan sect's great elder Zhu Rou, had some fame decades ago, and he had some skills, but he couldn't compare to that trash just now. "

Since Eighth Aunt Zheng said so, of course Meng Qiu didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly watched.

Zhu Rou has a young and handsome face, tall and thin body, wearing white clothes, holding a folding fan in his hand, shaking it gently, smiling, like a nobleman, more than a monk.

He came up without talking nonsense, and said: "Friend Daoist Meng, you and the Wudang faction forcibly snatched my teaching Qiantianhuo Lingzhu and killed my disciple Ren Chun.

Right now, no matter why you came to my teaching Saye, and what you have to rely on, since you're here, let's stay. "

While speaking, he rubbed his hands together, and a blue electric light shot out from his palms, which became as thick as a bucket and hit Meng Qiu.

Meng Qiu recognized that it was Yimu Shenlei, so he didn't dare to take it, and hastily moved a hundred feet away.There was a flash of thunder, and it landed in the bamboo forest behind. There was a crash, and the green bamboos turned into black bamboos.

With just this technique, one can tell that this person's cultivation is far above Caiye Lake, no wonder there is a golden triangle ornament on his chest.

"To be able to kill Elder Cai, there are indeed some means." Zhu Rou just now learned the result of the previous fight from other disciples, and she didn't expect to be successful with a single blow, so she laughed and said:
"It seems that you have to show some real skills, so as not to make friends laugh at the Zhushan Sect."

The figure moved slightly, and a green flying sword flew out of his body. Bamboo joints could be seen faintly on the sword body, and with a strong green light, it rushed straight to the opposite side.

Meng Qiu immediately released the Qingxuan sword and flew up to intercept it.After several fights, it turned out to be an unbeatable situation.His swordsmanship is stronger, and his opponents are powerful.

Zhu Rou didn't say much, she stood up straight, shook her folding fan again, and then flew out two flying swords, the same as the one before, and joined the battle circle.

There were more Zhushan Sect monks watching the battle behind him than those watching Caiye Lake just now, but no one made a sound, not even daring to applaud.

Meng Qiu also paid more attention to the Qingxuan sword. The three bamboo swords attacked repeatedly, circling forward and backward, but they were all intercepted one by one.

"Sure enough, as the rumors say, the swordsmanship is superb, but he offended Emei. If that foolish person really pulled you into the sect, it would be another catastrophe."

Zhu Rou sighed, put away the folding fan, the bamboo sword glowed with green light, mana piled up and went on a rampage.

Meng Qiu suddenly felt that the pressure doubled. After all, his realm was a level lower, and his mana could not keep up. Even if he tried to make up for it with swordsmanship, it would not last long.

He didn't want to waste mana, so he retracted the Qingxuan sword, and let the bamboo sword attack, the whole body was full of blue light, bursting out, and rolled back, flicking the bamboo sword upside down several times.

"Yu Qian Liuli?" Zhu Rou's face froze, she hurriedly put the flying sword beside her, and looked around, for fear that someone from the Wudang faction would show up suddenly.

Meng Qiu took the opportunity to blow the sword energy into a rainbow, and with a buzzing sound, the magic light of the opponent's body protection was aroused to bloom. From a distance, it looked like a big tree wrapped in green leaves.

Sure enough, as Taoist Tie Mao said at the beginning, this sword technique was used in the foundation building stage, and it was still not good enough to deal with Sanxian.

Biguang suddenly retracted again, flaring his teeth and claws at Qingxuan sword, trying to wrap it around, but Meng Qiu rushed back.

Zhu Rou was not disappointed either, she said to the sky, "Please show up to fellow Taoists from Wudang sect!"

Meng Qiu thought he had spotted Zheng Bagu's trail, and was taken aback, and almost couldn't help opening his mouth, but luckily he kept his face sullen.

After waiting for a while, Zhu Rou yelled again and again, seeing that there was no one there, she was slightly relieved, and said: "Since Fellow Daoist refuses to come forward, then I won't hold back."

He slapped his hands, and the three bamboo swords landed in front of him. They spun around and turned into a ball of light, which was so dense that it was impossible to look directly at it, and then moved forward violently.

"Splitting into sword light?" Meng Qiu was taken aback, and hastily withdrew the Qingxuan sword, propping up Yu Qian Liuli.

Puff puffs of sword rain fell like raindrops, causing the Dharma light to shake for a while.He counted a total of one hundred and eight blows, and then he saw that they were all Lingzhu swords, and he was relieved.

The complete set of flying swords is not enough to be daunting. If the opponent has practiced the three swords to one hundred and eight strokes, and his swordsmanship is as good as it is, then he has no confidence to fight at all.

Seeing that the bamboo sword fell on the opponent and it didn't work, Zhu Rou frowned and stretched out her hand. The flying swords scattered and floated in the air, forming a circle with a diameter of one hundred feet, surrounding Meng Qiu.

The green light flickered, the sword currents swirled, and the bamboo swords shook together. With the sound of rumbling, each sent out a Yimu divine thunder, and chopped down towards the middle.

Meng Qiu held Qianliuli in his hand, his magic power surged, the blue light was not thick but rather faint, like the mist at the turn of Chen Si, as thin as a cicada's wing, but extremely clear and transparent.

When the thunder and lightning landed, the sky was very bright, the blue light shrank first, and then bounced out, the lightning dissipated, and the thunder was annihilated.

"Even if you have the Wudang Supreme Treasure, let's see how long you can last!" Zhu Rou made another tactic, the bamboo sword began to spin in the air, and the Yimu Divine Thunder struck down one after another, three to five, 46 to [-], and the number varied.

The Dharma Light of Yu Qian Liuli is unshakable, and will be dispelled as much as it comes, without any omission.

In a blink of an eye, the moon rose to the sky, and the two sides fought for several hours, and the two sides refused to give in to each other.

Meng Qiu couldn't find a chance to fight back, and knew that he couldn't keep it for a long time, so he had to activate Fa Guang. Qing Guang rolled himself up, forced himself against the Lingzhu sword formation, and fled outside.

"Where to go!" Zhu Rou hesitated for a moment, but she still didn't want to let the enemy go, she chased forward for a few miles before finding an opportunity to further urge the sword array to surround the enemy again.

Seeing that he couldn't get away, Meng Qiu took out a jade tablet, shook it lightly, and with a whistling, a strong wind suddenly picked up, dark clouds gathered, covering the stars and the moon, and the sky suddenly became dark.

(End of this chapter)

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