Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 116 Wing Monster Geng Kun

Chapter 116 Wing Monster Geng Kun
The scene was silent for a moment, and those monsters at the foot of the mountain turned around and fled, three points faster than when they came.

Most of the other monks who gathered in the clouds were trembling, not daring to vent their anger, and some who were in the Qi training period shouted: "Senior, spare your life!"

"Get out!" Meng Qiuchu just arrived, he didn't understand the situation, he didn't intend to cause more killings, and he spoke to drive him away.

Most of the monks around breathed a sigh of relief, turned their Dharma light, and wanted to leave.Only three or two foundation-building monks said in a low voice: "He is alone, if you are afraid of what he will do, let's go together!"

As soon as the words fell, the Qingxuan sword and lightning also struck, just a slash, and the protective spells of these people were as light as paper, without any protective effect, and their bodies stood in two.

So fierce and majestic, the rest of the people dared not hesitate, and they all fled for their lives like frightened birds.

"The younger generation is rampant!" Suddenly there was a stern shout from the sky, revealing a man, long and thin in blue robes, with an ordinary face, but he was a Loose Immortal, who had long since hidden in midair, ready to be a oriole.

Meng Qiu killed so much, how could he care so much, he urged the Qingxuan sword, a blue light rushed straight up, dragging his tail more than ten feet, it was very gorgeous.

"The light of rice grains dares to compete for glory." With a contemptuous smile on his face, the Sanxian didn't dodge or dodge, just let go of the light of the body protection method, and said, "Today I will let you know about me..."

Before the words were finished, the Qingxuan sword had already hit him, and there was a loud "bang", like a thunderstorm. This person was like a wooden statue, which was hit by a giant hammer and jumped seventy or eighty feet away in an instant.

The flying sword still didn't stop, it forced its protective magic light, and kept poking forward.The man had no power to resist, and was sent flying ten miles away from the poke.

He was terrified in his heart. In the South China Sea area, there were such behaviors during the foundation building period. They all had a long history. They were all proficient in Taoism and swordsmanship, and it was easy for the weak to defeat the strong.

Thinking of this, he accelerated backwards, escaped from the prison, set up a dark cloud, and fled with his face covered.

"Is even Sanxian's magic power so bad?" Meng Qiu has carefully investigated, and the opponent's realm is a real Sanxian, but his magic power is not higher than his, and his methods seem to be ordinary.

Once this person fled, the rest dared not stay and scattered like birds and beasts.There was a moment of calm and silence.

Another two hours passed in a blink of an eye, and several waves of people came later, all of whom were sent away by Meng Qiu. The red light in the sky gradually dissipated. It seemed that Aunt Zheng had finished refining the medicine and was about to call it a day.

Suddenly there seemed to be a very subtle sound of rubbing in the sky. Meng Qiu looked up and saw a white shadow under the moonlight flying towards the front of the mountain.Not far from the top of the mountain, there are dozens of sparks, shooting down here like flying stars.

Meng Qiu was about to follow the previous example to block the enemy with his flying sword, when he moved, his heart suddenly trembled. Looking carefully, the brilliance in the spark was pure red, and its magic power was extremely concentrated, which was higher than that of the Sanxian just now.

He knew he was invincible, so he hurriedly urged Qian Liuli to move it, the blue light turned into a film of light like water, and stopped in front.Sparks collided with this layer of water film, crackled and dissipated.

"The little thing has some skills." A strange man with two wings flew down, revealing his true face.

Meng Qiu took a closer look, he was tall and tall, with a face like a crown jade, white teeth, red lips, lacquered eyes, sparkling crystal light, long eyebrows inserted into the temples, dark and thick, he was a big handsome man.

It's just that there are two wings growing on the back, with high shoulders, and the wingtips stretch out from under the sides to the front, about three feet long, and it is estimated to be the size of a door panel when flying.

Meng Qiu didn't know whether the wings were a magic weapon or they were born like this, until he saw that the upper body was wearing a white Taoist cloud shoulder, revealing a pair of arms redder than fire, and the lower body was wearing a lotus venetian Taoist skirt, with a pair of bare red feet, the front half of which was like a bird's claw.

It was obvious at a glance that he was a half-human, half-demon cultivator.Although it is extremely rare in Central Earth, Meng Qiu happened to know one, and it was Shang Fengzi who was introduced by him and joined Emei, but he was not as strong as the monster blood.

As soon as this person approached, the two wings on his shoulders spread slightly, and two red fire-like brilliance shot out from the wingtips, ten times more powerful than the sparks just now, flying towards him.

Meng Qiu was invincible, and was about to sacrifice the four elephants to subdue the demons, when suddenly Bagu Zheng sent a voice:
"The person here is Geng Kun, a Taoist winged man from Dapeng Bay Iron Flute. His Taoism is very strong. You can't defeat him, and the magic circle is useless. Don't make a move, let me do it!"

After saying that, the red light shrank suddenly, and all returned to the cave.

Meng Qiu dodged the scarlet brilliance and retreated very far, Geng Kun didn't chase after him, and went straight to the cave halfway up the mountain.

Seeing it approaching, suddenly a golden light flew towards him from inside, shocking him and hurriedly retreating into the air.

A woman came out of the cave, dressed in white, graceful and graceful, the key point is that she has a very beautiful face, her eyebrows are straight, and she is full of vitality.

"Bagu, you're out!" Meng Qiu hurriedly fell over, Zheng Bagu said via voice transmission: "Wait a minute. This evildoer is extremely capable and has a vicious heart, don't get close.

When the Lianshan Sect was first established, there was a dispute with this person, and he killed more than a dozen people in a row with cruel methods.It provoked Master Lianshan to take action and wanted to kill him.

This man was very thick-skinned, and immediately cried bitterly, expressing that he would change his mind and ask the real person for forgiveness, he was really fooled by him.

From then on, he was quite peaceful, and it was not until the death of the master that he revealed his true nature, being strong and willful, and doing evil again.

Afterwards, it's not that no one took action to teach him a lesson, but he had wings on his side, traveled thousands of miles in an instant, was proficient in the secret magic technique, his whereabouts were erratic, extremely changing, and hard to catch.

He is even more adept at escaping from Xuangong, crossing mountains and rocks, going deep into secluded areas, and parading, very powerful.I don't even have the certainty of victory, so you wait on the sidelines first, and I will negotiate with him. "

According to Meng Qiu's words, he went to the side, and saw Zheng Bagu saying: "Friend Geng, the Goddess of Calamity is practicing Qi here, why do you disturb her?"

"Stop talking nonsense, and bring up the treasure you used just now." Geng Kun was a little impatient, and said, "You can fool others, but you can't fool me. You can tell the pure yang aura on that treasure right away."

He has lived overseas for a long time and has not been in China for many years. He really doesn't know the name of Zheng Bagu, so he holds his own magic skills and speaks unceremoniously.

Eighth Aunt Zheng's face turned cold, and she said, "You bastard, I'll show you some shame!"

Geng Kun was born of his mother by the essence of a big bird, between humans and birds, he hated others to mention his life experience, and when he heard this, he was furious and swooped down.

Zheng Bagu was even more irritable, the God of Calamity Sword was unsheathed immediately, shining out of Venus later, and attacked directly.

Geng Kun's eyes narrowed, his thoughts turned. Although he spoke big words, he was actually very cautious. He hurriedly waved his wings, and thousands of red sparks shot out from the tips of the wings, flying all over the sky, gathering together and not dispersing.

He was originally endowed with extraordinary talents, and with a burst of blood and courage, he naturally achieved foundation building.Later, from the bottom of the Jinque Cave in the South Sea Eye, I got a "Three Pan Sutra" left by the Chi You family, and my cultivation level climbed all the way, and I practiced to the realm of the earth fairy.

And the long and short feathers on the wings are refined into extremely powerful magic weapons. When facing the enemy, the sparks emitted from the tip of the wings are extremely poisonous.

This time, he met Liangcai, and Zheng Bagu fought with him for more than half an hour, regardless of the outcome.

Seeing that the sky was clear and the demon was impatient, knowing that he couldn't beat the opponent in a hurry, and unwilling to give up, he secretly sent a message to his disciples.

Suddenly, a monster rushed out from the bottom of the sea, with a fish head and a human body, with four wings on its flanks, and two feet connected together, which were slightly similar to a fish's tail, but with two long claws.

Meng Qiu hurriedly attacked with the flying sword, but the monster moved its two claws forward, sparks splashed everywhere, intercepted it, grabbed the Qingxuan sword with its backhand, and dragged it back.

The force of this drag was enough to weigh ten thousand catties, and the flying sword trembled endlessly.

Meng Qiu was busy using the sword formula, and after a few jumps, the sharpness was very strong, and he became angry again, and then he managed to escape.

He has detected the opponent's magic power, which is far superior to his own, and it is by no means comparable to that of the parallel immoral Sanxian just now, so he put Yu Qianliuli on top of his head, and set up a large formation to subdue demons.

"Fellow Daoist, no! Geng Yaoxie is here, just spare a secret mine, and the magic circle won't be able to withstand it." Zheng Bagu said quickly:

"You put away the command flag, leave quickly, find a place to hide. When Yue'er Island opens, follow the beacon I told you before, and meet again."

Hearing what she said eagerly, Meng Qiu didn't dare to delay, he hurriedly used the submerged glazed blue light to roll himself up, swayed into the mountain peak, collected the command flag, and threw it into the distance.

As soon as he left, he heard a loud noise behind him, and Bagu Zheng shouted: "Little monster, where are you going, just stay here honestly, if you make a rash move, be careful of your life."

Apparently he stopped the fish-headed monster, he laughed again, a little pleased, and said:

"Old Monster Geng, it just so happens that my aunt is going back to the past today, she is in a happy mood, and her hands are itchy, if you come to your door, then have a good fight, don't run away!"

All of a sudden, the golden light shone, filling Xiaohan, and even covering the rising sun!

(End of this chapter)

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