Chapter 122 The rain is coming
There was a great battle, and the ground was full of chaos.

Regardless of their fatigue, the monks went to sea to catch sea monster corpses and collect various refining materials.The warriors also picked up some leftovers, ready to sell them for money after going ashore, all smiling happily.

The owner of the ship had a bitter face, and while directing the crew to repair the ship, he was calculating how much compensation he would have to pay after returning home.

The old monk got more than a dozen pairs of fish monster spikes from Meng Qiu and tied them into a bundle, but he was a little worried and had nowhere to store them.

Meng Qiu thought for a while, and guessed that he was probably too poor to have a treasure bag, so he shook his head and threw down the bag.The old monk took it and saw what it was, as if he had found a treasure.

After staying for a few days, the ship was repaired, and after only ten days of sailing, it encountered a sea monster attack again.

This time, there was still no danger, and it passed safely. When the departure was approaching, the leading monk asked Meng Qiu to wait for a few foundation builders to discuss the matter, and said:
"Something's wrong. I've been in this sea area many times. It's not uncommon for those fish monsters who lived in the waters around the island to make trouble again and again.

But this time the shrimp monsters have rarely appeared here before, and as far as I know, their groups are smaller and their force is higher. They can already run rampant in shallow seas, and they will not be short of food and attack the fleet.

There is still a long way to go, and I guess it will not be easy.It is unavoidable that the mortals on board have suffered too much damage, and it is not good to spread the news, so please take action earlier if necessary. "

This person is already a foundation-building cultivator, and has never paid much attention to the life and death of mortals, but he has been accustomed to doing this kind of guarding business for many years, so he naturally does not want to ruin his reputation and lose his job.

After Meng Qiu listened quietly, he sighed secretly in his heart. Sure enough, once a monk got involved too much with the mortal world, he would unconsciously succumb to his own interests and change his outlook.

But the so-called taking people's money and eliminating disasters with others, he doesn't care about this, and he has to have a beginning and an end.Several other people had no objection and agreed one after another.

Anyway, the foundation-building cultivators are considered superior, and if they are still the same enemies as these two waves, they will not consume much mana.Even if you encounter a powerful sea monster, even if you leave, no one dares to gossip.

The leader was satisfied in his heart, and was just about to find the captain to talk about it, when suddenly there was a roar outside.

When I got out of the cabin, I saw two foundation-builder monks fighting in the middle of the deserted island.

The sword energy splashed, the magic light radiated everywhere, the trees were smashed, the rocks were broken, and the fight was extremely fierce.

At the end of the fight, the mana of the two of them was no longer enough, so they gave up their bodyguards and put all their energy on the flying sword, trying to separate life and death.

Meng Qiu thought that the two had some kind of deep hatred, but he couldn't help being stunned to hear that they were swearing at each other just to snatch a 300-year-old spiritual herb.

Looking to the side, I realized that after a long time, none of the foundation-building monks on the merchant ship came forward to dissuade them.

Meng Qiu was bored and didn't want to wait any longer. A Jianguang turned back to the cabin, someone beside him breathed a sigh of relief, but someone said: "This Fellow Daoist Qiu really has deep pockets, so he doesn't care about this 01:30 point."

Along the way, Meng Qiu did not take any sea monster spiritual material, which inevitably made people suspicious.

The monk who led the team took a cautious look at the other party, and said, "I don't care what you think, on this road, don't make trouble."

The man was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "I'm a few catties and a few taels, how dare I try to make friends with Qiu. I just guessed that he has other inheritances and wants to make friends.

But this person is arrogant and rarely speaks. Do fellow Taoists know who Gao Zhen is behind him?I have a junior who is about to enter Taoism, and I would like to ask for your introduction. "

"So that's your idea." The leading monk laughed and said, "I only talked to him a few words when discussing sailing and guarding, so there is no friendship.

He claims to be a casual cultivator from the south, whether it is true or not, he obviously doesn't want to make too many friends with us, so you don't have to worry about it. "

As if awakened by the light of the sword, the two fighting on the island realized that others were not kind, so they gave up and meditated for a while, regardless of the consumption, and went their separate ways.

Meng Qiuyuan thought that this fight was just a coincidence, but unexpectedly it was just the beginning, and there will be endless disputes afterwards.

After a few days, there was another attack, this time the enemy was much more powerful, except for the ordinary sea beasts used as cannon fodder, there were quite a few sea monsters that were equivalent to the realm of Qi training.

Even if the foundation-building cultivator Yinuo made an early move, several qi trainers lost their lives due to low mana or careless behavior.

Then, on the road, they ran into two teams of monks who were hunting in the sea by boat. They fought fiercely, and because of the ownership of a precious sea monster, both sides lost more than a dozen people each.

Everyone is cautious for a while, and no longer dare to be careless.

The old monk who had benefited from Meng Qiu last time became more and more attentive, even if he refused to see him, he would ask for instructions sooner or later, and clung to the tiger's skin.


After sailing for more than [-] days, the fleet is about to reach Wudi Island, and the fleet is resting on a deserted island.

It was a night when the wind was in full swing, just as the bright moon was shining, and the streams of light streamed down everywhere, illuminating the waves on the sea to turn gold and silver, and the rocks and forests near and far were clear and picturesque.

Suddenly there was a flash in the sky, the rays of light bloomed, and suddenly there were two clusters of brilliance, one silver and one yellow, which even covered the bright moon, and then the thunder rumbled and kept ringing, and the strong wind kept blowing in bursts.

If before, Meng Qiu was a little nervous or confused, but now he is used to it.

These days, I have already figured out that the supplies here are gradually becoming scarce, which is known to the whole world.

Ordinary people don't have much influence, but monks have a hard time, fighting for everything they get, but there is a little benefit, they flock to them, regardless of life and death.

That's why mortal caravans can use gold and silver to hire such monks as guards. Half of them are to guard against sea monsters, and the other side is to guard against other monks.

In just a short time since starting from Jiezhao City, Meng Qiu has seen more than ten fights.

Cultivators and sea monsters, monks and monks, although the most brilliant ones can only build foundations, and the Taoism is not strong, Meng Qiu can easily destroy them.

But compared with the middle-earth monks, there is more or less leeway. The ferocity of the overseas monks' actions is amazing.

Meng Qiu once heard people say that a hundred years ago, the atmosphere in the overseas practice world was not bad. Although the monks did not help each other, they would not be so blatantly preying on the weak.

In recent years, Earth Immortal Hong Zhenwu didn't take care of things very much, and his Sanxians only controlled the affairs of the island. After leaving the island, they ignored all the fights.

The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building. In this situation, the monks may have sensed it a long time ago, and they will become more and more unscrupulous.

Meng Qiu didn't intend to inquire, and just waited for the end of the trip, then left and went to the next stop to continue to inquire about the news.

It's just that being at home is safe and sound for a thousand days, and going out is troublesome.I was in the cabin, but I felt the wind suddenly strengthened, and the big ship shook violently and was on the verge of falling.

He quickly flew out and looked up, only to realize that it was actually two Sanxians who were fighting this time.

(End of this chapter)

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