Chapter 130
Qinghe Island is the most beautiful place in Qilu Island, and it is located at the edge of the middle of the east.

The island is high on the outside and low in the middle, and its shape resembles a lotus leaf, hence the name.

Surrounded by wild forests, towering trees, surrounded by dwarf trees, tangled vines, and overgrown with weeds.

There are also long rivers crossing the border, winding streams, majestic waterfalls, and deep Tan quiet.

Tigers, leopards, bears and deer are running around, warblers, cranes and sparrows are wandering in the trees, butterflies are dancing, bees are busy, it is a primitive scene.

In the middle there is a lotus pond of ten hectares, with rippling blue waves, dotted with gold, white, pink and blue lotus flowers, which is very elegant.

In the depths of the pool is a huge palace on the water, and its majesty is not much more than that of the Central Earth Palace.

There is a main hall dedicated to entertaining guests in front, and it is more than ten feet higher than the surrounding area, which happens to have a panoramic view of the surrounding area.

It was very lively inside at the moment, the island owner Hong Zhenwu was sitting in the middle, and the main seat was the principals of the various islands in the Qilu sea area, all of whom were Sanxians.

The guests were headed by two nuns, followed by more than a dozen people with different levels of immortality and foundation building.

The servants in the hall are all Foundation Establishment, and they are all young leaders on the island.

Hong Zhenwu greeted the guests frequently, and said: "The South China Sea is remote, the products are simple, the scenery is rough, and the hospitality is not good. Please forgive me, the two masters and colleagues."

The leading nun was Master Baiyun, Emei, and said politely: "The owner of the island is modest, the overseas is vast, and the products are rich, which is not inferior to the middle land. And the scenery is different, so it has a different taste."

Both sides said a few words of humility, and after three rounds of tea, the conversation returned to the topic.Hong Zhenwu said:
"I'm ashamed to say that I'm not good at learning, and I have a traitor who told me all about my methods. Under the surprise attack of that female disaster god, I fell into an awkward situation, so I had to ask Headmaster Qi for help.

The presence of the two masters this time made a big stone fall from my heart.No matter how powerful the Goddess of Calamity is, how can she be an authentic opponent of Emei.

If Master Baiyun is willing to make a move, I will sit back and relax, and I can rest assured to fight for that chance. "

It turned out that some time ago, Hong Zhenwu lost to Zheng Bagu and was forced to make an alliance under the city.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he couldn't have an attack. As a last resort, he had to go to Middle Earth and ask his old friend Qi Shuming for help.

This time, in addition to the two masters leading the team, some Emei disciples also came over, including Zhuge, the disciple of Xuan Zhenzi, to police me, Yu Fangheng, the disciple of Master Baiyun, Zhou Wenlin, the disciple of Jian Bingru, and other loose immortals.

There are more realms of foundation building, including the dead Li Wenyan's senior sister Wan Zhen, Yuan Yuan Shi Tai's apprentice Hong Niang Yu Yinggu, Shan Xia Shi Tai's apprentices Goddess Zhu Wen and Zhou Qingyun, Nian Shi Shi Tai's apprentice Zhang Yuzhen, Wanli Feihong Tong Yuanqi's apprentice Hei Haier Yu Chihuo, etc.

"The Goddess of Calamity was born heresy after all. Although she has high mana, she has a bad heart. She is greedy and arrogant. It is simply ridiculous to try to swallow the treasure all by herself."

After the introduction was over, Master Baiyun said: "However, the island master praised me, I am considered ineffective under the sect of Master Changmei, and my magic power is low, so I reluctantly made a move, fearing that I might miss a big deal.

This time, my junior sister, Fan Xia, will take action against that female God of Calamity.Although she started later than me, her cultivation is ten times better than mine. "

Hong Zhenwu hurriedly paid his respects to Mrs. Fanxia who was at the side.The latter said: "Senior Sister is flattering. In fact, her cultivation is so unpredictable that I can never match her.

I took the initiative in this matter, just because the Goddess of Calamity has a close friend, Master Yuqing, who worships under Utanshinni's sect, if Senior Sister Baiyun takes action, it is inevitable that she will hate her.

But I used to practice under the sect of the nun, so I can barely be regarded as Senior Sister Yuqing, so I don't have to worry about her making trouble for me. "

Mrs. Yuqing used to be nicknamed "Jade Rakshasa", she must retaliate, and her methods were fierce, and she would not let the female god of calamity, Zheng Bagu.

Even if you enter Buddhism, cultivate your body and mind for 50 years, and don't move or get angry, no one dares to provoke him.

And behind her, there is one of the "three monks and two nuns", the god nun Youtan, who even the Emei Sect would not want to offend.Master Shanxia is not afraid because of her fellowship.

Hong Zhenwu didn't care who made the move, he had seen Emei Taoism and methods, and he was more confident than the other party, so he immediately praised him again.

His subordinate Sanxian had never seen the island owner like this before, apart from being surprised, he also had other thoughts.

Those carefully selected monks who came to build the foundation saw the high-ranking island owner "bow down" to outsiders, and they couldn't help being surprised and angry.

Mrs. Baiyun and Mrs. Fanxia saw it, and they were inevitably a little disappointed.

This time Qi Shuming is willing to agree to Hong Zhenwu's request, but there is also a condition, that is, the other party allows the Emei Sect to accept disciples and preach in Qilu Island.

The two mistresses stood in front of each other, but they saw that the so-called "young talents" had nothing but common magic power, and their mental state was extremely poor, and they couldn't even show their emotions or anger.

Fortunately, these people are not too impulsive, and they are not so stupid as to provoke them face to face, and do the stupid things like fighting with the Emei faction to build a foundation.

After some gossip, Hong Zhenwu said: "The Goddess of Misfortune is free from worries if Master Shanxia takes action. However, her master uncle Baiqin Daoist Gong Yehuang is also there, and her magic power is even higher. I wonder if the two of you have any countermeasures?"

Zheng Bagu still dared to fight, but Gongyehuang had no confidence at all. If he saw him alone, he would hide.

Master Baiyun was full of confidence, and said: "Don't worry, island master, the head teacher has already persuaded Chayun old man Bai Guyi to come forward, and there will be other comrades arriving at that time."

Hearing that one of the "Two Elders of Songshan Mountain" Zhuiyunsou came forward, Hong Zhenwu was relieved of course.

At this time, Master Baiyun asked: "Last time the island owner said he ran into the descendant of Taoist Baiqin, is this what he looks like?"

With a wave of her hand, she hit a transparent crystal, and a mist rose from the hall, and a figure appeared inside, it was Meng Qiu.

The spell of seeing people and taking pictures is not uncommon, but the materials used are extremely rare, and they are generally not used for important things.

Hong Zhenwu hurriedly said: "It's this person, does the master recognize this kid named Qiu?"

"It's fine if it's him." Master Baiyun's face brightened, and said: "Island Master, you have been deceived, this little thief is not surnamed Qiu, nor is he a descendant of Taoist Baiqin.

It is Meng Qiu, who has some friendship with the female calamity god.In order to fight for a magic weapon, I killed one of my disciples.

We were looking for him, and when we heard that the Goddess of Calamity had come to South China Sea, we guessed that he would follow, and it was true.

Because of the agreement made last time, so many disciples were brought here because they could only be hunted down by the Foundation Establishment Realm. "

Dazed, Hong Zhenwu clapped his hands together and said: "No wonder that female God of Calamity is not in the South China Sea, but she knows the methods of us and other immortals like the back of the palm of my hand, I'm afraid this kid is secretly inquiring about the news.

However, even if he was extremely cunning, did many evil things, and harmed the disciples of the master, it wouldn't be worth so many Emei senior disciples to come all the way, right? "

"The island owner doesn't know something. Even though I hate that little thief, I have to admit that he is extremely talented."

Master Baiyun sighed and said: "He came from a sect, he has not practiced Taoism for a long time, and the Taoism is not very good, but there is one method that is extremely powerful.

It is his swordsmanship, which is exquisite.In addition to the proficiency used to transform the rainbow with sword qi and cut off the arm of Sanxian, he can also use the thunder sound of sword qi. "

"What? Sword Qi and Thunder Sound?" Hong Zhenwu seemed not to believe it, and said, "Is this something that can be mastered in the foundation building period?"

Although the tone was puzzled, he knew it was true and was extremely amazed.I'm also a little fortunate that I didn't rush to ask the monks who built the foundation on the island to help.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it." Master Baiyun also shook her head and said:
"However, I have been prepared for a long time. Since he has disappeared, doom is inevitable. I just ask the island owner to pay more attention to me."

Since Hong Zhenwu was everywhere, he asked his subordinates to take a closer look at Meng Qiu's appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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