Chapter 132
The entire hall was quiet again, all looking upwards.Master Bai Yun moved his mouth too much to speak.

Hong Zhenwu's face was flushed red with anger, and he cursed: "Which life-or-death thing dares to come and cause trouble."

He once boasted in Emei that he was the only one in Qilu Island, and whoever thought that a guest happened to come, someone would come to block the door.

Immediately, with a movement of his body, it turned into a blue light and shot out.

The crowd followed, and as soon as they got out of the palace gate, they felt bleak, but saw a huge bag covering the air, with no light or light.

Hong Zhenwu was driving a flying sword, fighting fiercely with a demon boy riding a six-winged double-headed monster fish, and said: "Zhen Hai, have you lost your mind and gone crazy? How dare you come to Qinghe Island to make trouble!"

Zhen Hai was about to answer when he suddenly saw a group of people coming out from below. He recognized some monks from Qilu Island, and he didn't look closely, but thought to himself: "You hurt my son, I will kill some of your subordinates for interest first."

As soon as he urged the storage bag that covered the sky and the sun, infinite red and yellow brilliance spit out from the mouth of the bag, like a mountain torrent erupting, rushing down and falling on everyone.

A huge suction force followed, grabbing those monks who were not well-cultivated and flying straight into the sky.

This pouch is made by Zhen Hai from the maw of an extremely rare thousand-year-old sturgeon. It has a huge space, can hold mountains, and has infinite suction.

There is also a green phosphorous yin fire inside, which is extremely powerful. Once it falls into it, it will be impossible to get out for a moment, and it will turn into flying ash.

Although the people in Emei didn't know the conflict between the visitor and Hong Zhenwu, they were angry in their hearts when they attacked people indiscriminately and hurt others.

Mrs. Shanxia urged the Hongni sword, the red light flashed, and it reached the top of Zhen Hai's head in an instant, and cut down, with a "shua", broke the magic light, and moved forward.

Zhen Hai didn't think that apart from Hong Zhenwu, there were other earth immortals whose magic power was far inferior to the opponent's. He was caught off guard, and the flying sword was approaching, so he had to shake his body, drop an arm, and retreat a hundred feet away.

When he probed again, he saw Master Baiyun again, there were three earth immortals here, all pale in shock, quickly put away the magic weapon, and said:
"Two fellow daoists, I have a grudge against this Hong Zhenwu. I didn't intend to offend you. I'm leaving now. Don't blame me if you don't want to."

The Emei faction was about to establish its prestige, but that allowed him to leave, Master Shanxia shouted out loudly:
"This evil person, you have a strange appearance and vicious attacks, you can't see that he is a good person at first glance. The poor nun dislikes this kind of alien the most in his life, and today he will act for the heavens."

The Hong Ni sword swung around, and then killed again.Hong Zhenwu was about to help out, but was stopped by Master Baiyun, who was puzzled, and the latter smiled and said: "Look!"

In the blink of an eye, Zhen Hai's sword light has been suppressed not far in front of him, becoming more and more chaotic and precarious.

He was sweating profusely from being killed, knowing that his sword skills were far from the enemy's, and he was afraid of the other two immortals, so he put it back in his pouch, took out a circle of white light with nine horns, and threw his sword at the opponent.

Jiugong Xianhuan flew up and slammed into the Hongni sword, with a "bang", both sides were surprised.

Mrs. Shan Xia only felt that most of the magic light on the flying sword was cut off in one blow. If the power was more than three points, the flying sword would be broken.

And Zhen Hai was also very surprised, the Nine Palaces Immortal Ring was forged by the senior real immortals using refined steel, it is very strong, the flying sword will break when it meets it, and it will be invincible.

This was the first time since he used this treasure that it failed to work.

At that moment, he didn't dare to stay even more, muttering something, the broken arm unexpectedly flew back, exploded suddenly, turned into a cloud of blood mist to envelop him, and he was thousands of miles away in an instant.

Master Shanxia was about to leave, but she was nowhere to be seen, she was hard to catch up with, she turned cold and asked, "Master Hong, who is this person?"

Hong Zhenwu was still amazed at her swordsmanship, and secretly compared her with Zheng Bagu. Hearing this, he hurriedly said:
"This man's name is Zhen Hai, a famous Earth Immortal in the South China Sea. There are four members of his family. His wife and two sons are Sanxians. They live in the Coral Nest of Funiu Island. Master?"

Master Shan Xia said calmly: "Since he has offended, naturally we can't let him escape, lest our group meet in the future and suffer revenge."

"This monastic has such an evil spirit!" Hong Zhenwu said to himself, and hurriedly showed the way himself, and followed Mrs. Baiyun.

That Zhen Hai fled back to the island, he found his wife, ghost girl Xiao Xiu, and said:
"Hurry up, pack up the idol and follow me. The death of the child is indeed related to Hong Zhenwu.

He invited two thieves and nuns, only seeing that my appearance was different from ordinary people, so he called me a monster, and shot without hesitation.Gen Erdui was probably accidentally spotted by them and lost his life.

The demon nun who hurt me has vicious methods and will definitely pursue them. The magic circle on the island may not be able to resist the three of them.Let's quickly wipe away the traces and hurry up to leave. "

Xiao Xiu didn't dare to hesitate, she quickly packed her bags and fled to other places with Zhen Hai.

Sure enough, after a while, Master Baiyun and the other three chased after them, spending a lot of effort to break through the formation outside the island.

Seeing that the enemy has fled, and seeing the boys left behind, all of them are full of blood and hatred. They are not good people. They killed all of them before setting off the ground fire and destroying the island before leaving.


Meng Qiu didn't know that the Emei faction had already arrived in the South China Sea, and they had blocked a disaster for him invisibly.

At this time, he was still wandering around the Qilu Islands, but because he became a Sanxian, he was more calm and unrestrained, sometimes escaping into the city, sometimes flying outside the island, sometimes pretending to build a foundation or even practice Qi, and participate in various gatherings.

Because the monks in the island area move around very frequently, the news is constantly flowing.

The most sensational thing recently was naturally the female fairy from Middle Earth, who defeated Hong Zhenwu first, and then rumored that Funiu Island Coral Nest was picked by her these days.

Naturally, Meng Qiu thought it was Zheng Bagu, and secretly laughed at the bad luck of the Zhen family, as soon as the two children died in the front foot, they were taken to the lair on the back foot.

After a few days, I realized that the wind direction was not right. The already tense situation on the island suddenly became more severe.

In the past, the owners of the islands were too strong to be allowed to talk too much, but now some big families have joined in spontaneously, and often send monks out, and all islands with aura are probed.

"Are you looking for someone? Could it be me?" Meng Qiu had a premonition, but thought to himself that he was skilled, so he found a group of foundation cultivators to follow.

Even though they spoke cautiously, after all, they did not expect that the person they were looking for was Sanxian, so they confided some news, which made Meng Qiu realize that the Emei Sect had arrived, and even colluded with Hong Zhenwu.

"Three Earth Immortals, what a headache! I have been promoted, and I don't know if they will abide by the agreement."

When Wudang and Emei made the rules back then, no one could have imagined that Meng Qiu could be promoted within five years, leaving a loophole.

When he was overseas, he didn't dare to put his life on the integrity of the Emei Sect, and he didn't want to stay longer, so he decided to leave this place and go directly to the vicinity of Yue'er Island.

Flying all the way south, before leaving the Qilu Island domain, in the air, suddenly a sword light struck, and a dozen people appeared in the clouds, one of them laughed loudly and said:

"Little thief, you have fallen into the scheme of senior brother to scare the snake!"

 Today is New Year's Eve. I wish you all a happy new year in advance. In the days to come, good health, happy family and good luck in everything!
(End of this chapter)

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