Chapter 142 Unlocking the ban
Yang Li was a little excited, but he didn't speak, but Fang Sanfeng raised his eyebrows first, and shouted:

"You little thief, you have injured my spirit beast, and you dare to come to provoke me. You must be impatient." You looked like you were about to strike at any time.

Meng Qiu immediately tensed up, thinking about how to escape from Ziyun Palace if there was a conflict.

According to the secret observation when I came here just now, I can only walk along the yellow sand corridor.Although the formation is powerful, it can't stop the Haotian mirror.

Huizhu hurriedly stopped her, saying: "Sanfeng stop, listen to me. The two little friends just did it unintentionally, and Long Jiao didn't suffer much.

Since Fellow Daoist Cui came to the door in person, why should I be fussy and lose Ziyun Palace's demeanor? "

But Sanfeng didn't listen to the persuasion, and said: "Mother-in-law, you are simple and don't know the filth of the world, don't be fooled by them.

That dragon shark has powerful mana and is extremely handsome, one can tell at a glance that it cannot grow in the wild.It was clear that these two people were motivated by money, and their hearts were wrong.

If I hadn't happened to be out to visit friends, passing through that piece of sea area, you, the mother-in-law, spent a lot of effort to capture the spirit beasts, and the bones would have become magic weapons for other families. "

Refining magic weapons from the bones of sea beasts is something that monks from Qilu Island can only do. Other monks from the South China Sea are divided between immortals and mortals, and there are very few disciples, so they will definitely not be in such a difficult situation.

Hearing this, Cui Haike couldn't get angry. The other party said it very seriously, as if he really felt that South China Sea was a remote village except Ziyun Palace.

"This..." Huizhu seldom went out, and for a moment she couldn't tell whether what Sanfeng said was true or false, and she knew that this goddaughter was narrow-minded, and it was not good to sweep her face for the sake of outsiders, so she kept silent.

Jin Xunu took a look, and first quietly sent a sound transmission to appease Cui Haike, and then said: "Third Palace Master, this fellow Daoist Cui is also a well-known monk in the South China Sea. He may lose to the Grand Palace Master if he has great supernatural powers. How could he covet a mere scattered fairy beast?"

Lu Rongbo's eyes were still dull, he didn't think about it, he lost his soul like what the world said.

Outsiders don't know it, but he knows that he has fallen into the magic in the "Sub-Volume of the Heavenly Book", and his soul is imprisoned and controlled by the person who cast the spell.

On that day, Chufeng found two Taoist books in the inner hall. Although the "Golden Seal of the Earth Tower" is not the orthodox Taoist sect, it is not a sorcery of the sect, so it is not difficult to cultivate to the earth immortal.

As for ascending to the Heavenly Immortal, there are not many schools in the world that have this kind of profound art, most of them have to rely on individual comprehension.

And "Sub-Volume of the Book of Heaven" has more origins, it records the authentic spells of the Demon Sect, which are extremely powerful, but they are not mentioned much in practice.

Among the three sisters, Chufeng has the highest disposition, she is devoted to Taoism, she only learns the golden seal, and she has a general understanding of the side book of the heavenly book, so she ignores it.

The second phoenix and the third phoenix are slightly worse, and they practice both, so they drag down the Taoism, and they are still only loose immortals.

But after Erfeng married Jinxunu, under his advice, in recent years, she put down her magic and focused more on gold medals, gradually getting on the right track.

It's just that Sanfeng is greedy for the powerful magic in the supplementary volume of the Heavenly Book, practicing day and night with Shao Dongxiu, the chief steward of the palace, and getting deeper and deeper.

It was two of them that were used to deal with Yang Li and Lu Rongbo that day.

The black smoke from the dark red flag is refined from seven kinds of poisons collected in the sea. If it is not contaminated, the poisonous gas will immediately attack the heart, weaken the soul, stiffen the body, and look like a dead person.

The bell has the effect of confusing the mind and the mind. It can penetrate the Dharma light and fall directly into the sea of ​​human consciousness, making people dizzy. Once they are tricked, they will immediately lose consciousness.

After Lu Rongbo was restrained, he used the Heavenly Demon Dafa to draw out a ray of soul and seal it in a jade tablet. Not only was life and death controlled, but even the soul was manipulated, and he couldn't escape without being released by the master.

"How can you speak for outsiders, this unfamiliar domestic slave?" Fang Sanfeng didn't take this "brother-in-law" seriously, and said:
"The so-called famous name is just a name in that remote place. Who knows if the family has built a few thatched huts and used them as palaces?"

Cui Haike and the others had never dealt with her, so they thought she was too conceited. Apart from being funny, they couldn't help getting angry, and they were also curious about Erfeng's attitude towards Jinxu Nu.

Jin Xunu took it for granted. He was originally Chufeng's servant, and married Erfeng by accident. He was always looked down upon by Sanfeng.

However, I also understand that no matter how arrogant Sanfeng is usually, he will not be so arrogant. It is clearly intentional, in order to force the other party to make the first move.

Inside this Purple Cloud Palace, there are restrictions everywhere, led by President Chufeng.Once she did it, no matter how reasonable she was, she would take down these outsiders who were making trouble at home first.

The matter has come to this point, Cui Haike has to take someone away today, and Sanfeng has been refusing to let it go, which is a stalemate.

That Erfeng knew that the three Cui Haikes were important people, but because they were on Yingxian Island, they felt that they had lost face and refused to show up.

Jin Xunu had no choice but to say: "This matter has to be resolved, why don't you invite the Grand Palace Master to come and make a ruling."

"What do you mean?" Fang Sanfeng said angrily, "I'm also the master of the palace, why can't I be the master of the affairs of the palace?"

Turning to one side, pointing at Yang Li, he said: "I made it clear earlier, I want this thief boy and thief girl to serve in this palace for 200 years, otherwise I will never stop.

There is no need to discuss this matter again, if you agree, keep him, and you two can leave; otherwise, even if you are an earth immortal, Ziyun Palace is not a place for you to run wild. "

Meng Qiu was secretly preparing to attack, but Cui Haike suddenly calmed down, and said via voice transmission: "What compensation do I need to make, the third palace master is willing to let Rongbo go."

Fang Sanfeng's face softened immediately, and he sent a message back, saying: "Give me the jade pendant that kid was holding earlier, plus three magic weapons of the same level, and I will spare them."

She was not straightforward at all, and asked for benefits directly.The dragon-shaped jade pendant can resist her magic, if you get it, you don't have to be frightened when you practice the spells in the side book of that day's book in the future.

Cui Haike frowned, he also knew the jade pendant, but the magic weapon of protection presented by the real person of Ji Le was extraordinary.

The other party opened his mouth like a lion, not to his surprise, he immediately spread the word, talked for a while, asked Yang Li for the jade pendant, and took out a flying sword and a shining golden rope from the magic treasure bag.

Seeing this, everyone realized that the silence between the two just now was a secret exchange.

These three treasures are all high-quality goods, not much worse than those hidden in the jade pillars in the Golden Court of Ziyun Palace.

Sanfeng couldn't hold back the smile on his face, and was about to take it, but Cui Haike took it back, shook his head, pointed at the top of his head, and signaled to go back to the sea to trade.

"Fellow Daoist Cui!" Sanfeng became easy to speak, and immediately called Huizhu and Jinxunu, and they returned to Yingxian Island together.

After getting the dragon-shaped jade pendant first, he took out a jade tablet and muttered something in his mouth. After a while, a puff of smoke flew out of it and shot into the center of Lu Rongbo's eyebrows.

Lu Rongbo was startled immediately, his eyes regained their brilliance, and he came to his senses. When he saw a few people on the field, he was about to speak, but Yang Li hurriedly pulled him over and sent an explanation through sound transmission.

Cui Haike offended her, put his mana into her body, went around in a circle, and sent the flying sword and rope over without leaving anything behind.

Fang Sanfeng took it, inspected it carefully, smiled happily, and said to Yang Li and Lu Rongbo in an old-fashioned way: "For the sake of fellow Daoist Cui this time, I will let you two go."

After saying that, he took his subordinates and immediately returned to Ziyun Palace, fearing that if he was too slow, he would give out a share of the magic weapon he obtained to others.

Huizhu's Buddha nature, the only grievance in her life was Feisheng, she was not angry, and left straight away when the matter was resolved.

Only Jin Xunu was left here, smiling wryly, and kept apologizing to Cui Haike.

He had entered Taoism many years before the three daughters of the Fang family, and he knew a little about all the people in the South China Sea, and knew that this person would not be easy to mess with.

But because of his background, Erfeng and Sanfeng didn't trust him, and Chufeng was in seclusion again.Seeing a small matter turn into a big one, and having a deep hatred with an earth immortal, there is nothing he can do.

Cui Haike was not salty, and said: "Today's matter has nothing to do with fellow Taoists, it is caused by my apprentice's recklessness. Now that the transaction has been completed, there will be no relationship between Ziyun Palace and Juping Island.

As for how my junior teacher reacts, it is beyond my control.Farewell to this, see you again. "

He was about to leave, but Meng Qiu suddenly said: "Senior Cui, go first, I have something to ask fellow Daoist Jin, and I will rush to Juping Island later."

"Rongbo has been frightened. I want to rush to the Middle Earth immediately, to the Wuyou Cave in Changchunyan, Xiongshiling, and confess my mistake to Master Jile. Fellow Daoist Meng, go to Juping Island first, and we will be back soon."

Cui Haike responded in private, without further ado, and left with Yang Li and Lu Rongbo.

Only then did Meng Qiu say: "I heard that there is Tianyi Zhenshui in Ziyun Palace. I don't know what price I can pay for it. I can get some."

"Huh?" Jinxu Nu wondered: "The Grand Palace Master got the news of Tianyi Zhenshui, it is extremely secretive, how did fellow Taoist know?"

After Chufeng opened the inner hall of Ziyun Palace, besides the two Taoist books, there are many magic treasures. Among them, there are indeed many Tianyi Zhenshui, which were left by the former owner of the Immortal Mansion.

Meng Qiu was also a little strange, and said, "I also heard from a senior."

He still got this news from half of the old nuns, and he thought it was known to everyone.

Listening to what Jin Xunu said now, it suddenly occurred to me that with the arrogant and ignorant appearance of the Fang family sisters, it seemed that they had lost contact with the cultivation world of Middle Earth.

"It's not something that needs to be kept secret. The Lord of the Third Palace is away all year round. I'm afraid she said it."

Jin Xunu felt a little relieved, and said: "There are indeed some in the palace, but I don't know how many you need."

Meng Qiu estimated it, and said, "About one or twenty drops is enough."

"It's not much." Jin Xunu nodded, took out a coral gourd, handed it over, and said, "There are thirty drops here, which must be enough, so I'll give it to a fellow Taoist, and I'll just make an apology for being rude."

Meng Qiu didn't accept it, and said: "This thing is so precious, I don't like to owe too much favor in my life, and I haven't suffered any grievances, so I dare not ask for it for nothing."

Jin Xunu was a little surprised, and said: "If you say that this thing is precious, it's just that, there are many in the palace, and it's not very useful.

Fellow Daoist is noble and admirable, so I won't force others to be difficult, so I use this thing to ask for news from you.

Which family is behind that Fellow Daoist Lu? Seeing Fellow Daoist Cui mentioning it over and over again, it must be extraordinary. "

Meng Qiu thought for a while, put away the coral gourd, and said, "This news is indeed worth a few days of water.

Anyway, since Senior Cui dared to speak out, I'm not afraid of you asking about it, so I'll just say something more.

Lu Daoyou's ancestor, Master Ji Le, is a heavenly immortal.In today's cultivation world, there is boundless mana power and great supernatural powers. I can't think of anyone who is really high-spirited and can say that he can beat him. "

"Heavenly Immortal!" Jinxu Nu was shocked when he heard this sentence, and hurriedly asked more.

Meng Qiu told the prestige and deeds of Daoist Ji Le that he knew.

Jin Xunu heard that the real Zeng and the long-browed real person said together, his face was full of impatience, he pleaded guilty, and hurried back to Ziyun Palace.

Meng Qiu also went to Juping Island by himself.The disciple who stayed behind recognized him and invited him in.


Cui Haike took Yang Li and Lu Rongbo and drove all the way without stopping, and hurried to the Wuyou Cave in Changchun Rock, Xiongshiling, Yunnan.

At this time, Master Ji Le still practiced in the Arctic Ice Field and hadn't returned. Only Sun Xun, the real man's wife, Wufu Fairy, was there. He also checked Lu Rongbo and found that there was no residual evil thoughts. Then he was relieved and asked to go through carefully.

When everything was cleared up, even though Sun Xun had a good temper, his heart was on fire, and said: "Three daughters who are so arrogant, act so recklessly, they are really frogs at the bottom of a well, and they don't know the scope of the world.

Thanks to the vigilance of Fellow Daoist, Rongbo was saved from suffering, and you lost two magic weapons.

But don't worry, I won't let you pay in vain.And stay here temporarily, and when Jingxu comes back, he will see his own teaching. "

Cui Haike and his apprentice waited in Wuyou Cave.Because I didn't know how long it would take to wait, I sent Yu Zhong, who came to report the letter last time, to gather in Pingdao to entertain Meng Qiu.

Meng Qiu didn't want to break the seal of Nanming's Lihuo sword on the island, so he left, found an island elsewhere, and set up a formation.

Take out the stone box that contains the Nanming Lihuo sword, about five feet long, the stone looks like crystal and amorphous, like jade but not jade, it looks not hard, but in fact, no matter whether it is Taoism or sword strokes, it can't leave a trace.

This is the western god clay outside the sword, which can completely cover the power of the sword, which shows its tenacity.

But the five elements generate and restrain each other, and the mysteries are endless. This kind of earth-element treasure can only be solved by the water-element treasure.

Afraid of accidents, Meng Qiu sacrificed Yuqian Liuli first, imprisoned the surrounding area for ten feet, and then took out Tianyi Zhenshui. Once poured out, a layer of coolness spread immediately, and frost hung on the stones under his feet.

Zhenshui fell on the divine mud and immediately permeated in. After a while, the light of the stone box became restrained and became as soft as water, flowing down.

He had prepared for a long time, took a wooden gourd, sucked it in, sealed it up, and kept it for future use.

The outer shell is gone, revealing the true appearance of the Excalibur. It first emits a faint red light, and then recovers.

Suddenly the Excalibur jumped unbearably, and then flew straight up, as if it wanted to escape.

Meng Qiu immediately urged Yu Qian's glazed blue light to block it, and at the same time made a formula in his hand to probe the soul away. After grinding for a while, he succeeded in imprinting it and being able to make a preliminary envoy.

He let out a long breath, feeling powerful and joyful in his heart.With this flying sword that is not inferior to the purple and blue swords, even if he encounters an earth immortal in the future, he will not be powerless to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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