Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 147 Opening the Treasure House

Chapter 147 Opening the Treasure House

"Old man Bai, aren't you from Emei? What are you doing here?" Without Meng Qiu opening his mouth, someone asked:
"Could it be that the dignified Emei is talking like farting, and she is obviously going to come, but she is so cowardly that she can't say it. An old nun from Baiyun walks in front, and you, an old bastard, sneaks in on the back, so shameless."

This person is Pang Huacheng, the owner of Huolong Reef in the West Sea, with a red face and a tall stature, with four flaming forks on his back, a gourd on his waist, and three vermilion wheels, big and small, on his left shoulder.

Bai Guyi glanced at the other party and didn't care. Instead, he took a fixed look at Meng Qiu and said slowly:
"Fellow Taoist Emei and I are only on good terms, not from his sect. I also listened to Taoism under Master Lian Shan back then, so how could it not happen?"

There was no joy, anger, good or evil in his eyes, but Meng Qiu couldn't help but feel a shudder, and suddenly realized that he was not only here for the treasure house, but maybe he was entrusted by Emei.

With Bai Guyi's words, when he admitted that he came to Yue'er Island specially, the audience was in an uproar.

Then Mao Xiao laughed and said: "So this is the senior cultivator of the Middle Earth, and his realm is really high.

He hangs out with Emei all day long, and he almost asks Qi Shuming to be his godfather. This meeting is for the treasure, and he claims to be under Lianshan's teaching, so shameless. "

Yi Jing immediately reprimanded: "You idiot, what do you know, when Senior White was in charge, you were not born yet?

He is an old man who has listened to Master Lianshan for many years. If he is not qualified to take the treasure house of Lianshan, who is qualified? "

"If you say you are qualified, you are qualified? What are you!" Mao Xiao said contemptuously: "Your father dares to point fingers here because of his 'Seven Trues' name."

Mao Xiao's teacher is the little Penglai Ximing Island Lengyun fairy Yu Wa, who has been enlightened for a long time, has profound magic power, and has a lot of supernatural powers.

After the ascension of Xinru Shenni, it happened that Xuan Zhenzi and Ascetic Toutuo also moved to the East China Sea, and the evil spirits and heretics of the Middle Earth also avoided that place one after another, making her uncontrollable and arrogant.

There are ten or twenty male and female disciples under the seat, all of them are people like her who are quite proud and like to show off.

Yi Jing is also a narrow-minded person, she immediately turned her umbrella around and was about to scold, but she saw a brilliance as bright as silver lightning flying down from the sky like a rainbow, falling among the crowd.

A handsome young man with a medium build, a plume and a star crown, and an immortal face showed his face and said, "Then take a look, do I have the qualifications?"

Seeing that he was not weak, Mao Xiao shouted, "Who are you?"

The young man smiled and said, "Ignorant idiot, don't you even recognize Yudong real Yue Yun?"

Meng Qiu looked at it carefully, and it was indeed somewhat similar to his nephew Yue Wen.Yue Wen was also practicing Taoism under Bai Guyi's sect. With this kind of relationship, it's not surprising that this person came forward to help.

Master Lian Shan wanted to promote his sect, and he had never been admitted as a disciple in his whole life. There were a few registered disciples, but most of them had passed away, only Yue Yun, who was the last to enter, was still there.

When it comes to inheriting the treasury, he is indeed the most qualified one.

But the visitors here are all to compete for the magic weapon left by Master Lianshan, who will admit it?
Pang Huacheng laughed loudly, and said sarcastically, "I don't know who it is. It turns out that it is a real dog hole who hides away when he sees Master is in trouble."

This is far-fetched. When Master Lianshan ascended and encountered all kinds of demons blocking his way, Yue Yun was still just a loose fairy. So many masters in the teaching were helpless, so what could he do?

But Yue Yun couldn't hear this, squinted his eyes, and was about to make a move when Bai Guyi stopped him, pointed to his feet, and said: "The treasure house is about to open, it's not the time."

A white line has appeared on the horizon, and the sun is about to rise.The sea of ​​fire in the basin had already boiled, and the circle with a width of one hundred feet in the middle turned completely purple, which was extremely coquettish.

Yue Yun snorted coldly, ignored Pang Huacheng, and turned to the side and said loudly: "Fellow Zheng Bagu, the group of cultivators has arrived, the time has come, just wait for the umbrella in your hand, why don't you show up quickly?"

Everyone followed his gaze to a certain place tens of miles away, and saw a golden light shooting directly at Meng Qiu's side, revealing a girl in black with heroic eyebrows.

Pang Huacheng looked over with fiery eyes, and said, "Junior, what this person said is true, do you have the key to open the treasure house?"

Zheng Bagu ignored him, turned her head to look to the other side, and said with a sneer:
"Yue Yun, you have fallen into depravity. You have been on Emei's thigh, and you have been called happy by some juniors, uncles in front of you and uncles in front of you all day long. How dare you think about what the master left behind!"

When Master Lian Shan fell, Yue Yun was sent away ahead of time. After escaping, the evil spirits made trouble, and he was not to blame.

But later this person got close to Emei Qi Shuming and others, called him brother and brother, and descended from a generation, which is especially shameless.

Yue Yun could still refute what other people said, but when he met Zheng Bagu, he insisted on not entering other families for the rest of his life, and made him feel ashamed and angry, and his face flushed.

Bai Guyi coughed and said: "Bagu Zheng, no matter what, Fellow Daoist Yue is also your senior, how can you be so rude?"

Eighth Aunt Zheng gave him a sideways look, and said: "Short white, others don't know your details, don't I? Get out of here, don't make fun of yourself."

Here are all enemies, she was instructed to go to Tibet, and her words were even more rude.

Meng Qiu coughed and said: "In Songshan's second dwarf, the dwarf's origin is clear, but this person's inheritance is vague, Bagu, I'm really curious, what's his background?
Could it be that this matter is even worse than him being short and ugly, jealous of his brother-in-law Ling Hun's tall and handsome, and secretly harming him? "

Bai Guyi and Ling Hun's younger sister, Ling Xuehong, were originally a couple. Before they got married, Ling Hun had some objections because of Bai Guyi's poor face and gloomy thoughts, so there was some quarrel.

Later, the two families practiced Taoism together in the mountains, and the two disagreed. The girl was extroverted, and Ling Xuehong often defended her husband, which made her brother very dissatisfied.

Ling Hun has a very special temperament. He took his wife Cui Wugu away and never saw his sister again. He didn't go there until Ling Xuehong was reincarnated in Kaiyuan Temple many years ago.

New and old grudges combined, Bai Guyi blamed Ling Hun for being too fraternal, and secretly used cunning to sneak in while Ling Hun practiced Fa Yuanshen on a trip, destroying his body.

Ling Hun returned from his mind wandering, unable to return to his position, and almost died. Fortunately, there was an old monk who had just died in the mountain, so the Yuanshen had sustenance.

It's just that a man who was originally a handsome, handsome and virtuous person has turned into a shabby beggar, so he hates Bai Guyi very much, and has hunted and killed Bai Guyi for many years. The newcomer gave up for the time being because someone intervened to mediate.

This matter is extremely secret, and only a few people in the world know about it, but it is unexpected that people will tell the truth right now, Bai Guyi was startled, he couldn't maintain his indifferent expression any longer, he flew into a rage, and shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about, little thief!"

While speaking, he raised his hand, and a burst of golden and red clouds suddenly burst out, like thousands of light needles, shooting towards him.

This happened to be in the eastern sky, the sun was sticking out, the red light was shining everywhere, the sky was bright, the clouds were steaming and the clouds were glowing, and it was gorgeous.

The purple fire below suddenly surged up, and there was a booming sound, and a big hole eighty feet wide appeared in the sea of ​​fire, leading to the ground, and the bottom could not be seen at a glance.

Bai Guyi's action was like an order, the people present had their own actions, divided into several parties, dispersed, some were on guard, and some had their swords in their hands, just about to move.

Meng Qiu turned the Nanming Lihuo sword, and a red light swept across it, like a fire, and the light needles were evaporated like raindrops.

Then he didn't stop, he urged his magic power even more, and the sword light became even stronger, like a cloud of fire burning, falling from the sky, wrapping away like Bai Guyi, and including Yue Yun at the same time.

He deliberately didn't control the sword energy, released a small part, and shot away in all directions, like sparks splashing, and those who got close could not escape.

Yi Jing smiled contemptuously, and propped the treasured umbrella over her head, a curtain of red mist hung down to protect her and her two nephews, holding the Ananda sword in her hand, she wanted to fight back.

But never thought that Meng Qiu would take care of it on purpose, and hit the sparks on this side with even greater power. When it hit the fog curtain, it exploded like water dripping into hot oil.

Yi Jing was caught off guard and made a fuss. She finally stood still and the flying sword moved when suddenly two screams came from beside her.

Looking back, brothers Yi Ding and Yi Zhen had flushed faces and hands, as if they were cooked.

She hurriedly stretched out her hand to grab Yi Ding's hand, like grabbing a hot iron, and poked inside, but the sword energy entered her body, burning her heart from the fire, if she didn't get treatment in time, her life would be lost.

Immediately, she didn't care about making trouble for Meng Qiu, she hurriedly backed away, chose a quieter place, took out the life-saving pill, and sent them to take it.

At the same time, I was extremely surprised, the other party was only a loose fairy, and when they met each other, they would hurt two nephews of the same realm through him.

It wasn't just Yi Jing who was in such a mess, a large area around her was affected, even those who hadn't been careful, and many of them were injured.

Taking advantage of this turmoil, there were two unaffected Sanxian who were far away, boldly, Jian Guang wrapped himself up, and threw himself directly into the fire hole below.

Everyone present did not stop them, they stared at Zheng Bagu and sneered at the same time.

Sure enough, the two flew into the cave, and before they got too deep, they saw a flash of white light, and a ball of sparks burst out, which turned into flying ash in an instant, and they couldn't make a sound.

"Where is the stupid thing coming from? Don't you know the power of the sacred fire tunnel in the Lianshan Treasure House?" Pang Huacheng laughed loudly and said, "Even if a fairy falls into it, it may not be able to escape. Two loose immortals dare to be presumptuous."

Fang Erfeng's eyes lit up, he stared down, and thought to himself:
"If the yellow sand tunnel outside the palace could have such power, the Purple Cloud Palace would be as solid as gold, and my sisters could be at ease, and they don't have to worry about any real bliss coming to the door."

On that day, Meng Qiu revealed the relationship between Lu Rongbo and the real person of bliss to Jin Xunu, who went back to report to the three palace masters, and Chu Feng sent people to inquire, and learned about the power of the real person of bliss.

Even though Ziyun Palace has various restrictions and barriers, everyone is still extremely worried and feels that it is not safe enough.

When the three of them came out this time, they planned to get a few more treasures from the Lianshan treasure house. Even if they couldn't deal with a strong enemy, they could still use it as an apology.

Erfeng told this idea to Chufeng, and the latter nodded slowly, saying, "It would be better if we could defend ourselves. It's not too late to report any grievances until the enemy ascends."

The few people who gathered together with Wu Lingzhu and others discussed how to deal with the enemy and seize the magic weapon.The most urgent task at the moment is naturally to obtain the iron umbrella that passes through the Shenhuo tunnel.

They just turned their eyes to Zheng Bagu, but Pang Huacheng moved his hand first, shook his body, and the four flaming forks behind his back flew up in mid-air, two forwards and two rears, shooting forward, and shouted at the same time:

"That junior surnamed Zheng, if you don't present the iron umbrella, for the sake of your beauty, I will spare your life."

Pang Huacheng is a well-known figure among the Sanxians of the West Sea, he has always been full of arrogance and ambition, but this time he was bewitched by his companions, and became greedy for the treasure house of Lianshan, intending to get there first.

The magic weapon behind it is the most precious treasure handed down by the master, the sun, moon and five-star wheel, which can overturn mountains and mountains, easily and powerfully.

He possesses supernatural powers and is lustful, so he covets Zheng Bagu, so he doesn't use this treasure at first, but uses a fire fork to fight the enemy, thinking that he can catch it with his hands.

"Zheng Daoyou, I'm here to help you!" But he didn't want to kill an old man named Lingwei on the empty island. Seeing that there were too many powerful people coming today, he no longer had any thoughts about taking treasures, and he didn't like Emei's behavior, so he simply sold it to Zheng Bagu and Meng Qiu.

He raised his hand and shot out a cloud of cold glow, which rolled backwards, where the cold light was placed, the flames on the flying fork all disappeared, and Pang Huacheng felt even more strangely cold through his body, and the magic light had no effect.

This piece of Hanxia Barrier made of North Pole magneto-optic can be used both offensively and defensively, and is very effective.The cold fire and flames emitted can refine all things. Once contaminated, the body will also be poisoned by cold, which is difficult to treat.

The flying fork flew back, and after Pang Huacheng inspected it, all of them were injured to varying degrees, he couldn't help being furious, and said, "Old dog, how dare you meddle in your own business!"

That day, the five-star wheel of the sun, the moon, and the moon had already flown into the air, and a strange light jumped out. It was as red as fire.

Old man Lingwei was not afraid either, a white mist rose from the Hanxia barrier, covering all the sparks.Water and soil are not compatible, you come and go, it's so lively.

No matter how brave Meng Qiu was, he could barely hold back Bai Guyi, but when he saw Yue Yun shaking his hands, it seemed as if a white light flew up.
"Bagu Zheng, if you haven't taken out the umbrella and opened the treasure house, don't you want to take the treasure?
This is the last chance to get the treasure, if it is missed, the earth's lungs will surge, not only the magic weapon will be destroyed, Yue'er Island will also cease to exist. "

Zheng Bagu laughed and said: "Destroy it, it will be destroyed. Even if I can't get it, it won't be cheap for you traitors and crooks."

"You!" Yue Yun suppressed his anger and said: "Don't be mad, at worst, enter the warehouse, let you choose one first.

You have many enemies, and you don't know how to restrain yourself. Without a treasure to protect you, aren't you afraid that one day you will encounter a strong enemy and suffer doom? "

"Hahahaha! Yue Yun, you are still so worthless." Zheng Bagu laughed even louder, "So what if I can't get a magic weapon? The same is a female disaster god!"

After finishing speaking, she released the flying sword, and a golden light shot out like a shooting star, attacking all the monks who were about to move around, and said: "Meng Qiu, let's go!"

"Looking for death!" Her actions not only angered Yue Yun, but Chufeng, Wu Lingzhu, Liu Pian, Che Qingli, Mao Xiao, Chu Ling, etc. were all annoyed and attacked together.

Suddenly a shocking thunderbolt sounded, and a golden light descended, sweeping away all the attacks.

Out of thin air, a young nun was added, wearing a crown on her head, wearing cloud shoes on her feet, wearing a yellow braided monk's robe, holding a dust whisk in her hand, with a solemn and beautiful appearance, she said:
"Don't worry, female disaster god, Jade Raksha is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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