Chapter 184 Goodbye Yuqing
Meng Qiu rushed into the gang wind, relying on the supernatural power of the flying sword, he didn't dodge, he rushed all the way, the wind gust came out, it didn't stop, and he went five thousand miles away before coming to a halt.

He found a deserted island, took out the Qingyang wheel presented by the God of Shaoyang, and observed carefully, there was no abnormality on the outside of the magic weapon, only a little mana remained in the inner force.

It's normal to give treasures to others, but Meng Qiu really doesn't trust the God of Shaoyang, even though he doesn't see any problem, he still mobilizes his mana and practiced it several times.

Even though his soul is powerful and his mana is strong, it also took a lot of time.

It was done with great difficulty, and was about to leave, when suddenly there was a strange sound from a distance, followed by a black cloud flying down from the sky, and an old man fell down, wearing a self-clothes with a short front and a long back.

His beard and hair were tangled, like he was wearing a white hemp rope of varying lengths, but he was bald with a big circle around his head.Tall, red face, broad nose and flattened.A pair of wrinkled eyes are squinted under the two thick eyebrows, with a bright blue light.

Once met, this person did not speak, shook his hands and shot out a cloud of black light, immediately black smoke billowed, and there were countless green lightnings trapped inside, whirling and flying in all directions, flickering and flickering non-stop.

Meng Qiu didn't dare to be negligent, and as soon as he picked up the body protection magic light, a sharp and domineering magic power penetrated, with sharpness inside and extremely cold.

Startled in his heart, he urged the Nanming Lihuo Sword, a surge of warmth surged up, and it circled around his body to drive away all the discomfort.

This technique gave him the feeling that he had encountered a ghost in Mangshan Mountain, but on the surface it was sinister, tricky and domineering.But if you read them carefully, they are all gloomy and disturbing.

"Who is here?" Meng Qiu sacrificed Qian Liuli to protect himself, and asked, "There is no reason, why did you attack me?"

The old man didn't answer, but still focused on it, he kept shooting black light, covering this area in an instant, and the blue electricity was like a wicker in a strong wind, whipping at random.

As soon as it hit the blue light of Meng Qiu's bodyguard, it shook for a while, appearing full of power.The strength of this technique is not inferior to the elders of the Central Plains School.

Seeing that he didn't answer and didn't care, Meng Qiu secretly wanted to urge the Nanming Lihuo sword, but suddenly thought of the Qingyang wheel in his hand, which hadn't been put away, so he simply sacrificed it.

As soon as this treasure fell outside, it immediately grew to the size of an acre. The six awn horns shot a volley of silver awns, as far as Zhang Xu, brighter than electricity, turning together, and the wheels flew straight into the black smoke.

Wherever it goes, the smoke and thunder beads disappear without leaving any traces.In a blink of an eye, the sky became clear again, only the sea water was pulled, turned into huge waves, and rushed to the shore.

The power of this magic weapon is very extraordinary, Meng Qiu is also very satisfied, secretly glad that he didn't bother to throw it away just now.

He shot first, the Qingyang wheel galloped forward, the silver light elongated and turned into an incomparably long white rainbow, flying along with the golden wheel.

The old man hurriedly activated the spell again, and stepped forward to block it, but as soon as the black light hit the wheel, the black smoke and blue thunder that turned into black smoke and blue thunder all dissipated by themselves, only a few sporadic explosions in the distance.

"The Qingyang wheel is really powerful!" The person sighed, his tone was vague, as if he had something in his mouth, and said: "Shenjun Shaoyang is willing to give it to others."

Meng Qiu didn't want to talk either, and activated his magic weapon to directly attack the opponent.

The old man flipped his hand, and there was an extra bowl in the palm, which emitted purple light, about two feet in radius, and suddenly became larger, and a circle of five-color brilliance flew out from the inside, and swallowed it towards the white rainbow.

They collided again and again, immediately like a comet hitting the moon, the electric light exploded, the silver light and purple light shattered and scattered in all directions.

The nearby stones on the deserted island were smashed into pieces, and the surrounding sea was pushed away a hundred feet away, and then fell again, like a torrential rain, with huge waves surging towards the sky, turning into hundreds of feet of water clouds, rushing towards them.

The old man stretched out his hand again, and thousands of gold stars burst out from the bowl and galloped away. The thunder was as dense as pearls, and the ringing continued.

Not to be outdone, Meng Qiu urged the golden wheel to send out a large number of silver sparks from the six awn horns like a rainstorm.

The countless thunder beads and water vapor will turn into a big tent of hot smoke, and in a blink of an eye, the inside and outside of the island are all covered with white mist by the hot smoke, extremely hot.

The old man's complexion changed greatly, he was uncertain, he said in a hoarse voice: "How did you refine this treasure sacrifice to such an extent so quickly?"

He stretched out his hand for the begging bowl, and immediately there was thousands of meters of black air gushing out from the mouth of the bowl, faintly as if there was a monster inside, baring its teeth and claws.

Meng Qiu urges the golden wheel again, it turns into a stream of light, surrounds the enemy in a large circle, and even burns the sea water, the surrounding area is full of hot smoke and thick fog, the sound of boiling water is hidden, wrapped in black air, and the sound of sizzling can be heard endlessly at the intersection.

Then the golden wheel retreated, from the inside to the outside, and the electricity seemed to fly from all sides in a hurry. Wherever it went, the avalanche of black air in front seemed to subside one after another, and at the same time, the hot smoke rose vigorously, completely covering the area, making it impossible to see.

The old man murmured secretly, a little hard to believe that a Sanxian has such a great ability.

Unwilling to retreat, anxious to stay uneasy, while hesitating, Meng Qiu struck first, Nanming Lihuo sword pulled out a long rainbow, and slashed straight at it.

The magic light around the old man shattered, subconsciously raised his hand, and there was a loud bang, and the purple gold bowl immediately exploded into pieces.

The three-color brilliance of black, gold and purple was released immediately, like a rainstorm, flying in all directions, and the nearby rocks were close to each other, and immediately exploded, turning into dust, sinking three feet into the ground, and the white mist receded, with extremely fierce momentum.

This attack was intentional and unintentional, and Meng Qiu was afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, so he poured most of his mana into it.Therefore, Nanming Lihuo Sword shattered the bowl, did not stop, rushed forward, passed through the enemy's body.

"Nanming Lihuo? Shaoyang harmed me!" The old man screamed, and a ball of real fire burst out from the inside out, turning his body into flying ash.

Just as Meng Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, a black and golden smoke rose from the fly ash, like fireworks in the first month, surrounded by a primordial spirit in the same attire as the old man, piercing through the sky.

"How could this be?" Meng Qiu was confident that this blow had killed the opponent's primordial spirit, but he didn't think that the opponent could escape with another magical method.

He wanted to chase after him with his sword, when the three-colored light from the broken bowl suddenly exploded and shot out in all directions, completely eliminating the white mist.

The other half sank naked and touched the ground, and the solid rock was like rotten wood, blown into powder and shaking everywhere.Stimulated by the wind and thunder, it dances with the wind, like rain and snow, fluttering and falling.

Meng Qiu hurriedly urged Yu Qian Liuli to block it, but only for a while, the smoke, light and figure pointed towards the direction of the West Sea, and they galloped away, much faster than lightning, and the moment was gone.

He thought for a while, but instead of chasing him, he put away his magic weapon, started his swordsmanship, and galloped towards the middle of the earth, all the way to Wudang without stopping.

Meng Qiu wanted to discuss with half of the old nuns, but he heard from Mo Yunyi Kong Lingxiao that he stayed in Emei and did not return, and it might take a few more days.

He didn't want to delay, so he left a letter and said goodbye to what he met during his trip to Zhu Palace.


Bixie Village is very famous in the area of ​​Chengdu, Meng Qiu just inquired a little bit, and then found out the direction, out of the North City Gate, within a hundred miles, he found the place.

There is a forest here, tens of thousands of hectares upwards, huge and primitive, with towering giant trees, entangled vines and kudzu, miscellaneous flowers and wild grasses.

A hundred-foot-wide river passed by the edge of the forest, and the evil spirit village was beside the river.On the other side of the village, thirty or fifty miles away, there is a huge lake that stretches as far as the eye can see.

The land here is fertile and rich in products, but wild animals are rampant and evil spirits haunt it, so it is deserted and there are not many people.

It wasn't until two or three hundred years ago that eminent Buddhist monks came here to build temples, occupy a large amount of land, send out monks and arhats to subdue demons and protect the world, and countless tenants were attracted to farm here.

Over time, as many as 10 people gathered.The word ward off evil spirits, hence the name.It is said to be a village, but it is actually a county.

Monks from all walks of life came here after hearing the news, and there were many temples, making it a Buddhist resort.

In addition to Yuqing Temple, there are also Biyun Nunnery occupied by Emei, and Ciyun Temple where the Wutai Sect settled down. They are separated by three or fifty miles.

Yuqing Temple is located on a small hill in the outskirts, it looks a bit wild, but it is still full of people, just like an ordinary temple.

Meng Qiu asked the Guannei Zhiguan to inform her, and she went to the backyard, but saw a young nun waiting here, it was Mrs. Yuqing.

The dress is the same as what I saw before, Huang Duanzi's monk clothes, crown and shoes are complete, and he holds a dust whisk in his hand, with a solemn appearance.

She was very happy to see Meng Qiu, and said with a smile, "Didn't you and Bagu practice Taoism overseas and sacrifice magic weapons? Why come to me when you have time?"

Meng Qiu said directly: "I have been separated from Bagu for four years. I haven't seen her since then, and I haven't left a message. I came here to inquire about you. Is there any news about her?"

"What happened, didn't it mean that the two of you will have to retreat for at least five years, how could you separate halfway?"

Master Yuqing couldn't help being shocked, and asked: "I've been in the temple all these years, and I haven't gone out. Bagu hates me the most because I'm dressed as a nun, so I won't come here."

Meng Qiu hurriedly comforted him: "There may not be any major events. She once said that senior Gongye is about to pass the catastrophe of the immortals, so maybe she is looking for him."

Master Yuqing shook her head, calmed down, and said, "It's because Master Gongye crossed the catastrophe, so Ba Gu would never be in trouble if there was no major incident.

Let's talk about what happened after you separated Yue'er Island, let me see if there is something special in the middle. "

Meng Qiu began to practice on the island. When he went out to search for people, he ran into Xuanguidian Yi Zhou, and had to leave the South China Sea.

After that, I went to Huangshan to meet Sani Pandu, and then went to Songshan to visit this experience.

When Mrs. Yuqing heard about Pan Du's fall, her expression remained the same, showing a little indifference. When she heard that Mie Chenzi was at the top of the Jade Emperor, Meng Qiu was left behind, and Eighth Aunt Zheng was expelled, she said:

"I understand. Ba Gu really went to find Master Gongye. Although she didn't want to disturb Master Du Jie, you were detained by Mie Chenzi, which was beyond her ability. Naturally, she wanted to seek help.

Even if I don't wear a monk's robe, but my cultivation level is not enough, she won't come here. "

Having said this, her expression softened, and she said: "Don't worry, once you succeed in crossing the tribulation with Master Uncle, the two of them will appear."

Meng Qiu said: "I also had this guess, but I was hesitant about it because it was about me, so I can feel relieved after you confirm it.

That being the case, I have nothing else to do, so leave it at that.When Ba Gu returns, I will inform you again. "

Master Yuqing said too hastily: "But I'm not in a hurry. I have very few friends, and it's rare for you to come here. You might as well sit a little longer and talk about Yi Zhou's methods so that I can increase my knowledge."

Meng Qiu thought for a while, stayed behind, first described Yi Zhou's magic weapons and methods in detail, and said:

"This person's other abilities are fine, if you meet in the future, even if you can't win, you won't be too close.

But he has nine heavens and ten earths to ward off demons, and his speed is extremely fast, he can't lose the sword, he can turn into a rainbow, and it is difficult to chase and escape, which is very annoying. "

Mrs. Yuqing immediately said happily: "You are indeed a member of my Taoism, Yi Zhou is famous, in your eyes, it is nothing more than mediocre, and you have the demeanor of the female God of Calamity and Yu Luocha.

If you are in the same era as us, then Liu Quan, the Black Mountain Demon Dao, will have to step aside, and you will be even more advanced.It's just how do you get your nickname?Headache. "

Meng Qiu laughed loudly and said, "If I could choose a name, I would definitely call it 'Shocking God Sword', 'Xiaoyao Sword' or something like that, but it's up to me, it depends on what others say, maybe what it will be called."

Master Yuqing nodded in agreement.The origin of her "Jade Rakshasa" is also in line with her style, and it was rumored from other people.

"However, although Yi Zhou is powerful, his family is overseas after all. No matter how big the waves are, they will not be able to flood China. The most important thing now is the Mangshan Ghost Sect."

Meng Qiu told about the encounter with Xu Wan in detail again, and sure enough, the other party's expression became serious again.

He thought that Master Yuqing was too worried about the expansion of the ghost religion, which would cause people to lose their lives, but he didn't want the other party to say bitterly:
"That bastard Du Long hasn't died yet? That's fine, he dared to take advantage of others' danger and trouble Ba Gu, if he died under Yi Fan's three-light pestle, it would be an advantage to him.

When I'm done, I'll go to the door and let him know that even if my sister and I are silent for a while, it's not like a trash like him can bully me. "

Meng Qiu couldn't help laughing, and said: "He suffered a lot last time, and his courage became weaker, so he probably didn't dare to go out of Mangshan Mountain.

Although Xu Wan's ability is not as good as fellow Taoist, but the ghost fog is extremely powerful, I tried several times, but I couldn't find out why. "

"That doesn't matter." Master Yuqing said confidently: "Didn't you say that half of the master went to Emei?
After Qi Shuming was worried about the departure of Daoist Changmei, Emei's prestige declined year by year, so there was no reason not to take action when he caught this opportunity.

At that time, there will be a big battle in Mangshan, I will find a reason to follow, and I am afraid that I will not find a chance to kill the poisonous dragon? "

Meng Qiu thought so too.The previous sword fight at Qingluoyu had nothing to do with Emei, so they wanted to intervene in it. This time, it is a good time to cut off the helpers of the Wutai faction, and of course they will do so with great fanfare.

He explained Venerable Poison Dragon's current cultivation methods in detail, and reminded Master Yuqing to pay attention to Yan Ni, the Immortal of the Blood River.

Master Yuqing said indifferently: "Although I am a monk halfway, I still study Buddhism intensively. Even if she is a direct descendant of the Demon Cult, if she meets me, she should be careful."

"That's right." Meng Qiu came to his senses, clapped his hands, and said, "I'm confused, since the beginning of Buddhism, extermination of demons was the top priority, how could it be no match for their methods?

But speaking of it, the monks I have come into contact with have many Taoist sects and few Buddhism. Most of them are wild fox Zen, and I have not seen a few authentic ones.

Not to mention the way of magic, only Yan Ni is the direct descendant, and the rest of Venerable Dulong are not bad, and the magic of the overseas Fang Sanfeng is even more messed up.

If fellow Taoist has spare time, can you practice a few spells so that I can increase my knowledge.As for the magic way, if you know it, please let me know. "

(End of this chapter)

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