Chapter 186

Master Yuqing spoke harshly in the last few words, Meng Qiu smiled and said: "Don't worry, the Taoism I have learned is very authentic, and the progress is not too slow now, there is no reason to turn to the magic way."

"You still have to be more careful." Master Yuqing said, "No one can tell the future unless they are immortals.

You may have heard that Changmei Daoist has a younger brother Deng Yin, who is amazingly talented, and he is not inferior to Qi Shuming today.

At that time, Master Lian Shan was tempted to accept him as an apprentice and pass on the mantle.This person does not want to go far to the South China Sea, so he will give up.

This kind of person must have aptitude and aptitude, and must inherit and inherit. Law couples and wealth are not bad, and their fortunes are not to say smooth, and there are no catastrophes.

Such an amazing talent and beauty, but he is still trapped at the top of the earth immortal, unable to make an inch of progress.Among the peers who are not as good as him, there are also immortals, and he is still spinning around.

In desperation, delusional thoughts arose in his heart, wanting to take a shortcut, and escaped into the bloody sea path of the Demon Gate, ruining his bright future.

Therefore, you should not think that your talent is extremely high and your cultivation is smooth, so you should take it lightly and waste your mind on swordsmanship and fighting skills.

For me to cultivate the Tao, I still have to put the realm first.Being brave and ruthless, he can only be quick for a while, but not for a long time, and he still has to return to Feisheng in the end. "

"Indeed." Meng Qiu nodded in agreement without arguing.After all, what the other party said was reasonable, and no matter how much preparation was made in advance, it might be another way of thinking when things were imminent.

Master Yuqing stopped talking, and continued: "However, no matter how evil the way of magic is, it is also another way to reach the heavenly immortals after Guangcheng the Great Sage.

The ancestor of the devil opened the way and gave many references to the latecomers.The method of Buddhist relics is created based on the idea of ​​not sticking to the primordial spirit and the physical body.

And the ghost way is also branched from the magic way.The seniors who created this path back then had mediocre talents, and felt that cultivating the soul and the body would take twice as much effort.

Since the body can be changed at any time in the Blood Sea Dao, he thought of abandoning the body and only relying on the primordial spirit as the main sustenance, taking the three souls and seven souls hidden in the physical body.

The idea is good, but it is a pity that he has a bad background and lack of knowledge. After all, he went the wrong way. I never thought about why Dao Mo Buddha didn't abandon his body?

The soul is clear, but the body is turbid.A celestial being can be called the perfect body in the world. It is naturally a combination of clear and turbid, and both yin and yang.

Just keep the primordial spirit, although there are ghosts as sustenance, just like duckweed in the water and catkins in the air, although there is still a little movement, after all, it will not last long. "

Meng Qiu thought for a while and said, "I know that once a ghost is born, it will not be able to return to the physical body.

But there is a cloud in the way of Taoism, and the cathode and the yang are born.After ghost monks abandon their physical bodies, their nature is yin, and they can only find the right way to give birth to true yang. "

Master Yuqing said: "Yang is born from the cathode, and it must be able to practice to achieve pure yin. However, the ghost way integrates the primordial spirit into the yin and soul, which is actually polluted. Only when it is freed from these impurities can it be cultivated to pure yin.

But the primordial spirit cannot exist alone. Once there is no sustenance, it will dissipate in a short time. How can it be accomplished? "

Meng Qiu said: "You should know what happened to Qiongshen Linghun. Back then, his body was destroyed by Bai Guyi, and the Yuanshen remained alone for a long time before he escaped into a certain corpse with a secret method.

If you use this method to cultivate ghosts to the extreme, and then remove the ghosts, leaving only the primordial spirit, and then give birth to the true yang, wouldn't you be able to be promoted to heaven? "

Master Yuqing fell into deep thought after hearing this, and said after a while: "What you said is not impossible, but if it is really done, the difficulty is unimaginable.

At that time, Master Lianshan wanted to open another one and read all kinds of Taoism, and he had seen the supreme method of ghosts, "Taiyin Guilu".

The method of ghosts, yin and yang are incomplete, and they are born with defects. Since its establishment, no one has been able to cultivate to the top of the earth, and Xu Wan, the sage of the underworld, is the highest in history.

And once cultivated to the earth immortal, in fact, the primordial spirit and the ghost have been integrated into one, regardless of each other.

If you really want to peel it off, not to mention how much magical power and mana it needs, as long as the primordial spirit shows up, it will dissipate in a short time, and no magic weapon or magical power can protect it.

Besides, how could it be possible to train to the extreme yin and give birth to true yang in such a short amount of time when one's vitality is seriously injured? "

"I also thought it was impossible, but Xu Wan, the sage of the Underworld, admitted that he has a way to be promoted to a heavenly immortal." Meng Qiu then described the situation of the battle in Songshan that day in detail, saying:
"He kept saying that he had found a way to get promoted. I observed him carefully, and there was no deceit in him at all."

Mrs. Yuqing was also a little uncertain, with a dignified expression, and said: "As you said, Xu Wanzhen participated in such a big event, and with his temperament, maybe he really saw a glimmer of hope.

If you teach him to be promoted, there will be another Taoism in the world, which is a good thing for a monk, but if it is put in the mortal world, it may be another catastrophe. "

Meng Qiu sighed, and said: "Prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people suffer. In this world, if ordinary people can't practice transcendence, they will be fish and meat forever in the sea of ​​suffering. But if they want to become immortals, are they still mortals?"

"We are not saints, we can't control others, we only seek self-liberation." Mrs. Yuqing said without much emotion:

"This kind of thing, the Taoist ancestor can't control it, and the Buddha can't control it, it's just that the heavens don't want to be merciful.

If during the catastrophe, those who do good will be rewarded and those who do evil will be punished, perhaps there will be much fewer people who fall into evil ways. "

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, they treat all things as dogs!" Meng Qiu said with a smile: "If the sky has a heart, there is no need to go to such trouble. It would be better if the spiritual energy is emptied and no one will want to practice."

"Hahahaha, you are so whimsical!" Master Yuqing laughed and said, "When the world is formed, there is spiritual energy.

Otherwise, how could this world be so vast and boundless?Not to mention other things, just the high mountains in the middle of the earth can easily reach tens of thousands of feet. If there is no support from the energy of the earth veins, how can they rise so high? "

"That's true." Meng Qiu recalled Dongyue Taishan, one or two thousand feet, although it is considered tall, but compared to the other four mountains, it is short and short, because there is no aura, and the ground veins do not exist.

Speaking of this time, he already has some understanding of the Buddha and the devil.In the future, you can also be prepared for collisions.

Seeing that the sun has set to the west, it seems that there is nothing more to say.This nunnery is not a place for men to stay for a long time, so Meng Qiu got up to leave.

It was not easy for Mrs. Yuqing to keep her, and she was just about to send him away, when suddenly she saw a red light across the sky, coming straight towards here.

"Huh? It's the Hongni Sword. What is Shan Xia doing here?" She frowned, thought for a while, and said to Meng Qiu:

"If you leave now, it seems that you are afraid of Emei, stay for now and play by ear."

Meng Qiu had nothing to do, so he stayed where he was.

Sure enough, the red light suddenly disappeared when it reached a thousand feet above the head, and after a while, a woman who looked like a Taoist but not a Taoist, a monk but not a monk, appeared in the courtyard.

This Mrs. Shanxia doesn't look too old, she only looks about 20 years old, with a beautiful appearance, wearing a monk's robe, but she has long hair and is tied in a bun.

When she saw Meng Qiu, she was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "It seems that my sister's Zen heart has been shaken. That's right, after all, the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha has a difficult life, not even books can adapt."

Meng Qiu immediately realized that there was something wrong with what he said, but the owner was still around, so it was hard to refute.

"Who is your junior sister?" Master Yuqing said disdainfully: "My master Youtan Shenni, your master is a real person with long eyebrows, Buddhism and Taoism are different, so don't make friends randomly."

Mrs. Fan Xia chuckled and said, "Master recognizes me, so why do you, a latecomer who became a monk halfway, have such narrow-minded thoughts?
Could it be that in the past few decades, you have learned Buddhism under the master, but it was all for nothing? "

"It's true that I didn't learn well." Mrs. Yuqing admitted straightforwardly, which made the other party a little surprised, but she continued:
"But even if I'm stupid, I'm still an apprentice taken by the master on his own initiative. It's not like you, who claim to be talented, but are rejected and given to Daoist Changmei.

A sarira that is so born, but it insists on dissipating the energy and spirit, feeding back to itself, and separating the soul from the body.

Up to now, he is dressed in the same outfit as you, Buddha or not, Taoist or Taoist, jumping left and right, like no one else, just like a bastard. "

She scolded a little harshly, Master Shan Xia's face was a little blue, she snorted coldly, and said: "It's still so eloquent, rude and unruly."

Mrs. Yuqing said: "You are not wild, but it is a pity that the master still does not want it. It can be seen that the master does not care about background and character, and does not insist on qualifications. What is the requirement? I am afraid it is only character."

"You..." Mrs. Fanxia was not good at words at first, but she was very angry when she saw Mrs. Yuqing, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak freely.

Mrs. Yuqing didn't let it go, and said: "By the way, you've been nagging for so long, I almost forgot to introduce the person next to me, who is the master of the Middle Earth, crosses the South China Sea, and overwhelms fellow Daoist Meng Qiumeng."

"Meng Qiu?" Mrs. Fan Xia's face changed drastically immediately, and she repeated: "Are you that Meng Qiu?"

"That's right!" Meng Qiu replied, "I'm the one who killed several Emei disciples and chased old nun Baiyun to escape in embarrassment."

Master Fanxia said angrily: "How brave!" Immediately released the Hongni sword, but saw the bright red light and bright colors.

Just as Meng Qiu was about to strike, Master Yuqing waved his long sleeves, and a cloud of green clouds flew out suddenly, turning into a cloud of mist about half a foot in size, blocking Jian Guang.

She shouted: "Fan Xia, is this also the place where you play wild?"

Mrs. Fanxia was also furious, and said: "You know that this person is not the same as I, Emei, but you still dare to take him in. You are clearly against me on purpose."

"You think too much." Master Yuqing said disdainfully: "When did I put you in my eyes? Is it worthy of me to make friends with Daoist Meng and deliberately annoy you?"

"Okay, okay!" Master Fan Xia was so angry that she swayed and said, "Since you don't show affection at all, then don't blame me for being rude."

As soon as she urged the flying sword, the magic light rushed up immediately, like a meteor falling from the sky, it was red all over, and then sank extremely quickly and vigorously.

At this time, there are still many pilgrims in the temple. Seeing this scene suddenly, they exclaimed in unison that the Buddha is coming, and they all spread to this place.

Master Yuqing turned cold and said: "It's not the first time we have done it, when did we talk about affection.

If you want to fight, I will accompany you.Anyway, no matter how many times you come down, you are not an opponent.

However, there are too many people here, so as not to hurt the innocent, it is not easy to play.If you dare, follow me to the mountain. "

As soon as she pushed Meng Qiu, the two of them set up their lights, and they were the first to hide out of the courtyard. After a while, they arrived at a nearby mountain that was neither high nor low.

Arriving here, Mrs. Fanxia immediately let go of her hands and feet, and the flame of the Hongni sword stretched out and burst into bloom suddenly, like a continuous red glow at sunrise.

Aunt Yuqing smiled: "I'm a little skilled, but I dare to make an axe."

With a wave of his long sleeves, his eyes suddenly brightened, and the ten thousand rays of light descended from the sky, turning into a wall of light, blocking the opponent's sword light.

Master Fan Xia's cultivation base is also high, so she is not discouraged.It is still a flying sword, but the red light is restrained, and the sword is extremely fast, and it swoops down.

This sword technique is quite common so far, but its control is steady and the foundation of its moves is very solid, obviously the sword technique is extraordinary.

Mrs. Yuqing used Zhansandal Buddha's light to block it again, and immediately she was radiant and radiant, and the surrounding mountains and forests were all golden, shining brightly, and a scent of Zhansandalum filled the sky.

Mrs. Shan Xia's face became ugly.This little Zhantan Dharma was originally her forte.But after entering the Taoist gate, the relics are melted away. Although this spell can be used, the scene and power are not the same.

But her two masters are both well-known, combining the strengths of Buddhism and Taoism, their means are already beyond their peers.Even if he joined Emei later, his cultivation level was only below that of the five great disciples.

The sword light suddenly changed, and replaced it with Emei's direct swordsmanship, which is unrestrained and domineering, and has a little edge in the lonely high school. The combination of technique and technique increases the power several times.

Mrs. Yuqing spoke disdainfully, but did not dare to be negligent in her hands.With a rubbing of the palms, a flash of lightning jumped out, fell into the air, and immediately turned into seven or eight round thunderballs, some black, some white, very strange.

Meng Qiulei also used the method well, and immediately recognized it as Taiyi Shenlei, but not too much Yin and Yang, the Buddha in the Yang is bright and yellow, and the Dao in the Yin is clear.

The thunder ball flew into Master Shanxia's sword light, and immediately exploded, and died together with the sword light.

The two fought for another half an hour, neither winning nor losing.

Meng Qiu watched from the sidelines. Up until now, both of them had reservations.Shan Xia only used a Hongni sword and Emei swordsmanship, and did not reveal other means.

And Mrs. Yuqing, regardless of the original magic weapon in her hand, or the Yiguang flying sword and the sun-moon five-star wheel that Yue'er Island obtained from the treasure, did not use it.

Seeing the setting sun, Meng Qiu was not interested, so he took out the Nanming Lihuo sword, charged suddenly, separated the two, and said, "Fellow Daoist Yuqing, don't argue with her."

Turning around again, holding the sword in her chest, she said: "Fan Xia, if you really want to fight two with one, then do it.

Next time I won't be so open and aboveboard, if you can bear it, don't blame me for being cruel. "

Mrs. Fanxia's heart trembled, she knew that the opponent's strength should not be underestimated just now.What's more, there is Nanming Lihuo sword, if it is really hit, it will not die or be disabled.

With a cold snort, she immediately withdrew her sword and said, "My good junior sister, she is indeed more popular than me. Not only does the master like it, but she can also attract such young and handsome monks."

Master Yuqing saw that she stopped, and she didn't bother to argue with her any longer, and said angrily: "If you don't fight, then you can talk, come here, what's the matter?"

Only then did Mrs. Shanxia take out a letter from her bosom, threw it over, and said, "The letter from Master Zhangjiao and you.

The Mang Mountain Ghost Sect, acting against the law, colluded with a certain evil way of the imperial court, intending to turn the Central Plains into a land of ghosts.

This time, Emei is going to unite with all the factions of the righteous way to crusade together! "

(End of this chapter)

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