Chapter 188
Meng Qiu once heard Miechenzi talk about the entanglements in the Emei Gate at the Yuhuangding of Mount Tai. In addition to the conflicts between ordinary people such as Miechenzi and Zui Taoist, and "powerful" such as Qi Shuming, Jian Bingru, and Kuxing Toutuo, there are three kinds of orthodox disputes between Taiyuan Patriarch, Xisanzi Yu Taoist, and Master Lianshan.

Of course, these two points alone may not be enough, there may be other reasons, but aside from Mie Chenzi, Meng Qiu is too young to have experienced that era, so he has no way of guessing.

The drunk Taoist had a taste of the contradictory expressions in the door, and said: "Mencius has a saying: 'If you enter, you will not be able to beat the family, but if you leave, you will be invincible to foreign patients, and the country will perish.'

In addition, I have another purpose, which is to hope that Emei can have an enemy like you. Although there is hatred, it is not insoluble, and the pressure is always in front of us, so that everyone can not stop.

Just as in those days when there were such personalities as God Nun, Bliss Daoist, and Sibi Old Man, the teacher could stand out from the crowd, just as the disciples of the three generations of Emei had you in front of them, and they had the motivation to work hard.

In this way, disciples like Zhuge Jingwo, Qi Lingyun, Qi Jinchan, Li Yingqiong, and Zhou Qingyun didn't work hard enough and buried their talents for nothing.

In order not to be like Qi Shuming who has never seen the turmoil in the practice world, he is clearly far superior to his peers, and has higher aptitude than senior brother and senior brother Miechenzi, but he is still a breath away, and he can't even compete with Taiyi Hunyuan. "

"Hahahaha!" Meng Qiu said with a smile, "It turns out that the senior came up with this idea, wanting me to be the whetstone of the three generations of Emei disciples.

Then I really have to work hard, lest my senior's painstaking plans come to naught.Well, let's set a small goal right now, to reach the heaven first. "

"With your current cultivation methods, as long as you are more cautious, if you don't encounter a catastrophe, there should be no big problem."

The drunken Taoist said: "Sword Qi Huahong is the fastest flying Taoism, faster than the Buddhist heart light escape method. In the world of practice, there are not many who can catch up with you.

In addition, your magic weapon is exquisite, among the earth immortals, there are not many who can defeat you.In the future, if he becomes an Earth Immortal again, he may be invincible to a Heavenly Immortal.

But in the world, how many immortals are there?There are only a handful of them.Maybe someone like Wu Nangong might not be your opponent at that time. "

Meng Qiu said: "It's easy to think, but it's extremely difficult to do. There are so many monks in the world, and how many people are stuck at the last step, unable to move forward, or fall under the catastrophe.

I'm not modest enough to say that I'm sure, but we'll have to wait for the Earth Immortal to see how. "

Since he mastered the method of refining gods taught by Mie Chenzi, his biggest shortcoming in practice has been filled.As long as the primordial spirit is strengthened, the mana will be supplied by the chaotic primordial body, and it can be achieved in an instant.

As for the Tribulation of Earth Immortals, there are all kinds of top-notch magic weapons now, if you don't have the confidence to get through it, just don't practice Taoism at all, it's a waste of talent.

"Heavenly Immortal?" Yang Da murmured softly, a little fascinated, and said: "If I can meet Earth Immortal in this life, I will be satisfied, and Heavenly Immortal is beyond hope."

The drunken Taoist said: "Don't say it's you, so I don't know if I will be able to reach the Earth Immortal, or even have a chance to cross the tribulation.

Calculating the time, I am also two or three hundred years old, and I am still only wandering in the middle of Sanxian. It is difficult for the soul to move forward, and my mana is neither high nor low. "

Meng Qiu almost couldn't bear it, and wanted to tell Taoist Zui the method of refining gods, but he had promised Mie Chenzi not to spread this method outside without permission.

That's all, the most important thing is that the initial practice of this method requires the help of the wordless monument on the Jade Emperor's Peak.

With the suppression of this treasure with mysterious origin, on the top of the Jade Emperor, I am afraid that the heavenly immortals will not be the opponent of Mie Chenzi.

Moreover, this person's temperament is difficult to figure out, even if he confides the law, he can't practice it without his permission, so why offend others.

Meng Qiu suppressed his thoughts, collected his mind, and said, "I can't think of a way to get promoted, Senior Drunk, but I may be able to help you in terms of cultivation, Brother Yang.

You should have heard that I, together with Taoist Baiqin, Goddess of Calamity, and Jade Raksha, captured the treasure house of Lianshan.

Among them is a method of Taoism, which was created by Master Lian Shan with his whole life, which can be regarded as the foundation of other sects.

Compared with the current Taoist practice method, this method has a clearer realm, and each step is marked, so the difficulty is lower.

With Brother Yang's qualifications, as long as he is willing to practice diligently and supplemented with corresponding pills, he can become an Earth Immortal with a sixty-seven out of ten chance.

Even if there is a chance, it may not be necessary to become a fairy. "

"Master Lian Shan really created the fundamental Dafa of other sects?" The drunken Taoist was extremely surprised, and said, "Didn't it mean that after the Tao, the devil, and the Buddha, there is another way to practice directly to the realm of celestial beings?"

Meng Qiu nodded solemnly, and said, "Senior Gongyehuang has confirmed this method, and it is indeed feasible. I have also pondered it a little bit, and I can't see any flaws.

It's just a pity that this Taoism can only be transferred to the Foundation Establishment cultivator at most, and it is too late for the Sanxian to practice.Then I will not hesitate to share it with my predecessors. "

The drunk Taoist took a deep breath, calmed down, waved his hands and said:

"Even if I can practice, I don't want to. My mentor has been kind to me, how can I switch to another family after he ascended?
But Yang Da, you don't have to stick to it. You practice with me all year round, and you rarely return to Ningbiya.What's more, the brothers of the same sect have nothing to say to you, and they even reject you.

Now that I am still in the human world, I will tell you clearly that I don't care if you learn one more Taoism. "

But Yang Da smiled and said, "Thank you, Master Chengquan and my brother, for your kindness, but I'm incompetent and slow in learning, so I can't be half-hearted."

Meng Qiu was a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "Brother Yang, I understand what you think, and you still care about the reputation of senior Nianzui.

But didn't the senior say just now that Master Lian Shan taught Master Changmei, he can also be regarded as one of the ancestors of Emei, and it's not normal to learn from him? "

Yang Da still shook his head and said: "Although Emei respects the three patriarchs, the fundamental orthodoxy is still from the ancestor Changmei. Don't say that Master Lianshan is an outsider, even Patriarch Yu Sanzi cannot be orthodox."

Meng Qiu was speechless and could only look aside.

Zui Taoist was both relieved and helpless, and said with emotion: "Yang Da is right, Master Lian Shan is indeed not a member of Emei.

You, Meng Qiu, know my apprentice's disposition, if you don't want to, don't force it.

Anyway, I don't restrict him. Whenever I figure it out, I'll just ask you. I don't think you will refuse. "

"Oh, that's fine. Brother Yang, my promise will always be valid." Meng Qiu sighed very solemnly.

The drunk Taoist smiled and said: "Okay, I have understood your kindness, and I will find time to persuade him later.

It's late now, and you should leave early.When Fanxia returns to the mountain, she will definitely reveal your news, and she may not be able to point out who will arrest you.

At that time, if I accidentally bump into it, it will be very embarrassing whether I can make a move.

In addition, the two of them will also go back to Biyun Nunnery, confess a few words, and go to Emei tomorrow, preparing to crusade against Mount Mang. "

Meng Qiu had no choice but to take out the Qingyang wheel, handed it to the drunk Taoist, and said:
"This magic weapon was given to me by the God of Shaoyang after I did a great favor to Lizhu Palace on Moqiu Island in the South China Sea, and it is extremely powerful.

The senior is going to Mang Mountain, the soldiers are fierce and the enemy is fierce, with the protection of this magic weapon, there will be more guarantees. "

Without waiting for the other party to speak, he took out another 24 fish-dragon phantom light balls and gave them to Yang Da, saying:

"I got this thing from killing the evil Taoists of the South China Sea, the Zhen family and his son, and it's very useful. Brother Yang won't refuse this time, will he?"

The drunken Taoist raised his hand and pushed, saying: "There are some masters in the Righteous Way, and powerful characters from the Devil's Sect, and they can deal with them. As long as I have self-knowledge, most likely nothing will happen.

What's more, if you call me senior, wouldn't it be a joke to take this treasure of yours?

Also, if you have won so many people, if you don't have a magic weapon to defend yourself, you will inevitably fall into a passive position. It is better to keep it for yourself. "

Meng Qiu immediately took out the Nanming Lihuo sword, and floated up the Yuqian Liuli, revealing the ring of dragon and sparrow, etc., and said:
"There are so many magic weapons in my hand that I can't refine them, these two are not the best.

Back then, I was greatly favored by my seniors, and I could not repay it. It is just a magic weapon, and it is hard to be worth it.

The senior also knows my temperament, if he refuses to accept, he will not give me a chance to repay, and it will inevitably leave a knot in my heart, and I am afraid that it will hinder my practice. "

As for Yang Da, he didn't persuade him.The friendship between the two is here, as long as the drunk Taoist is willing to accept, Yang Da will not refuse.

Seeing that the other party wanted to give it wholeheartedly, the drunk Taoist looked at Yang Da, thought for a while, and said: "Forget it, since you are sincere, if I don't accept it, it will appear hypocritical."

He took the Qingyang wheel, and Yang Da also took 24 fish and dragon magic light balls.

Meng Qiu was suddenly overjoyed, and said again: "In addition to the Taoism of Lianshan, there is also the technique of splitting the sword and light. If you can learn it in the future, you can come and find it."

The drunken Taoist said: "Your swordsmanship cannot be learned unless you have strong power. If I am promoted to Earth Immortal, there is still hope, so I don't need to talk about it now."

He arched his hands, and together with Yang Da, he left with his sword.

It is not easy to meet friends, but it is so short. Meng Qiu watched them off, feeling melancholy in his heart. He didn't want to fly, so he just walked down the mountain.

Walking halfway up the mountain, suddenly narrowed his eyes, looked at a big tree surrounded by several people, and said: "Where is the master, please show up and see!"

"Namo Wo Buddha!" ​​A tall monk came out slowly from behind the tree, and said as he walked:
"I was in Ciyun Temple, and I saw the red sword light coming from the sky in the distance, and saw the Dharma light flickering here, so I came to investigate.

But I don't want to see fellow Daoist Meng here, it's really gratifying. "

The voice was familiar, and by the moonlight, it turned out to be an acquaintance. Meng Qiu said, "So it's Master Huiming."

The person who came was Huiming, the chief disciple of the fourth generation of the Wutai Sect, the Dali Vajra Iron Palm Monk, and now he is a Sanxian.

He approached slowly, looked carefully at Meng Qiu, with a smile on his face, and said:

"I knew that with your talent, Fellow Daoist, you would definitely become a Sanxian early. As expected, I'm so happy!"

Meng Qiuqi said: "I'm not friendly with your faction, why are you so happy that I became a Sanxian?"

Huiming said: "The enemy is strong, so I have a strong motivation. I only hope that fellow Taoists can practice so fast all the time, and it is best to become a god. I can be counted as someone who encourages me."

Meng Qiu couldn't help thinking of what Taoist Zui said just now, and said sincerely: "It's heartbreaking to be so generous!"

Huiming reassured him, and said: "I also want to compete with my fellow Taoists to see who can become an Earth Immortal one step earlier."

"Okay!" Meng Qiu responded immediately, then turned around suddenly, and asked, "In the middle of the night, there is no one in the wilderness, and your master Zhitong monk won't come. Are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

Huiming said: "Fellow Daoists want to make a move. I'm afraid it has nothing to do with whether my master comes or not?"

After he finished speaking, he added abruptly, "My master has not been in Ciyun Temple for a long time, and has been back to Mount Wutai for many years."

Is the abbot of Ciyun Temple not in Ciyun Temple?

Meng Qiu's heart moved, but he didn't want to meddle in other people's business. He just glanced at the other party, said "Farewell", and flew away.

 Supplementary chapter

(End of this chapter)

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