Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 193 Returning to Wudang

Chapter 193 Return to Wudang
Meng Qiu helped Yang Da up, sighed, and said, "Brother Yang, I'm not good at medicine, so I can barely tell that your body is dead and all your meridians are frozen, so I dare not try it, lest it will be self-defeating like before.

Now they can only bring you back to Wudang quickly, if they have no choice, they can only ask your master to come forward to see if Emei has any means. "

After he finished speaking, he touched Yang Da's chest, Yu Qian Liuli still emitted a blue light, but the range was much smaller, and a thin layer was attached to the opponent's body, which was extremely rich, and it was firmly protected to prevent any interference from the outside world.

Then he rolled up the body of the snow-capped old charm, and the sword light shot out, walking high above the sky, not caring about hiding his whereabouts, dragging a flame in the air, and heading east.

With all his strength, within a few hours, he finally reached Wudang Mountain, aimed at Tianzhu Peak, bent down, and landed outside the main hall.

Yuan, the disciple guarding the mountain, was so frightened that he wanted to sound the alarm, but fortunately, Meng Qiu transmitted the sound in time and immediately revealed his figure.

Half of the old nun had already confessed, so he didn't need to wait for the transmission, he entered the back mountain and hurriedly asked someone to come out.

The Shi family sisters were gone, but only the two elder sisters Gushexian Lin Luhua came out and said: "After the Taoist friends left, the two sisters were worried and went to Emei again."

Meng Qiu didn't care about other things, so he hurriedly supported Yang Da, and said, "Friend Lin, help me quickly, brother Yang, is there any help in this situation?"

Lin Luhua came over and probed slightly, frowned, and then probed for a long time, before saying: "I have little knowledge, and I only found out that Yang Daoyou's body has been frozen by the extreme cold, and there is almost no vitality.

This kind of situation is very difficult, and I have no way to do it. I am afraid that it may be possible to save it if Master takes action. "

"Thank you fellow daoist!" Meng Qiu sighed and said, "From this point of view, we can only go to Emei."

Yang Da's eyeballs shook desperately, as if he didn't want to, but Meng Qiu ignored it and wanted to go out.

Lin Luhua hurriedly said: "Your Daoist Yang is suffering from the cold, so the change of state is slow, and there is no rush at this moment. You don't need to go to Emei, I will call Master back.

Otherwise, if you are really stuck there, who can help fellow Daoist Yang run around and find a way out? "

Meng Qiu thought for a while, since he was not in a hurry, and there was really no need to take risks, so he thanked him and waited here.

Lin Luhua didn't delay and went out immediately.

After half an hour, half of the nuns, sisters from the Shi family, and the drunk Taoist suddenly appeared.

Both sides were taken aback for a moment, and the old nun said, "It's not that you go to find..."

Halfway through the conversation, he saw Yang Da behind Meng Qiu and asked, "You rescued Fellow Daoist Yang?"

The drunk Taoist took a step forward and wanted to hug Yang Da, but Meng Qiu hurriedly stopped him and said, "Wait a minute! Senior Zui, Brother Yang is seriously injured, you should not move lightly."

Turning around, he said: "I was waiting for the teacher to come back to check. I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Lin to invite you back so quickly."

"You mean Luhua?" The old nun walked over and said, "I didn't see her, I must have missed her.

I heard Yuzhu said that you were going to save people, so I went to discuss with fellow Taoist drunk, and we rushed back together. "

She grasped Yang Da's wrist, penetrated into the mana, poked inside, also frowned, thought for a while, then put down her hand, and signaled the drunk Taoist to come and take a look.

Fellow Daoist Zui only tried it, and immediately his face changed drastically, and he said repeatedly: "This, this, this...how did this happen?"

The half old nun waited for the other party to finish the investigation, and then said: "Yang Daoyou is almost dead physically, there is no way to save it, but I have to think carefully.

His situation won't get worse in a while, and it can be slowed down.I will first try to thaw his soul, so that he will not be silent with his body for a long time. "

Only then did Meng Qiu and Zui Taoist heave a sigh of relief, lifted Yang Da up, and followed them into the quiet room.

After Yang Da was settled, the old nun said: "Yuzhu, you accompany Meng Daoyou to the Lingquan behind the mountain and fetch a large bucket of water; Mingzhu, follow me to the pharmacy to get the elixir."

The Lingquan is in Wudang Cave, and it cannot be entered unless it is led by Wudang's core disciples.

Shi Yuzhu complained while walking: "Friend Daoist Meng, you are too reckless, you disappeared without listening to me.

Fortunately, you are fine, and you have rescued Fellow Daoist Yang, otherwise there will be damage, even if Master and Fellow Daoist Drunk will not blame you, how can I feel better? "

Meng Qiu hurriedly said: "Don't be upset, Yuzhu. Brother Yang and I have a fatal friendship, so we have to go. If he were replaced by you, I would behave in the same way."

"Don't do it." Shi Yuzhu said angrily, "Your actions have made people frightened, one time is enough, and you want to do it a second time?

If I'm caught, the enemy must be extremely terrifying, you'd better discuss it with Master honestly, don't act rashly. "

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered something that everyone had neglected, and asked:

"By the way, how did you rescue Yang Daoyou from Xueshan old charm, that evildoer is not a good stubble.

Could it be that you really used the Nanming Lihuo sword..."

Meng Qiu was about to speak when he suddenly saw a figure appearing in front of him, and said, "I won't talk about it now, other people will definitely ask later, and I will explain it together."

The figure was already in front of him, but it was Mi Mingniang, who said happily, "Senior Meng, long time no see!" He bowed to Shi Yuzhu again.

She has always treated Meng Qiu with the courtesy of a junior, just like Meng Qiu's attitude towards the drunk Taoist. She has said it several times, but she can't change it.

Meng Qiu smiled slightly, and said: "So it's fellow Daoist Mi, it's been a long time." Seeing that the other party has reached the foundation building state, and he is shining brightly, he is full of energy.

Shi Yuzhu said: "Friend Daoist Meng and I came here to get some spiritual springs. Junior sister Mi is still working so hard, do you need to prepare spiritual water to wash and practice Dharma eyes?"

"What kind of eyes?" Meng Qiu was a little curious, and asked as he walked.Shi Yuzhu helped explain.

It turned out that after Mi Mingniang established her foundation, her blood talent appeared, and she could detect the mutation of her eyes and be able to see through the movement of aura and mana.

According to half of the old nuns, in order to fully develop it, it is necessary to mix spiritual water, wash it once every three days, and wash it a thousand times.

"It's just that the spiritual water has to be mixed with various herbs, ice, thunder, fire and poison, which is very stimulating. Every time you practice, it's like a steel needle piercing your eyes. It's very uncomfortable. The more herbs you go to the back, the more painful it will be."

Shi Yuzhu's face was solemn, and said: "Junior Sister Mi has persisted for nine years, and seeing the success, the pain is also a hundred times greater than before, but she never uttered a word, and never complained about the pain.

Such perseverance, closed door up and down, is obvious to all, and everyone admires it.

Even the master said that she is the seed of true cultivation, and she will definitely be promoted to the earth immortal. "

When Meng Qiu met Mi Mingniang for the first time, he knew that he was a persevering character, but he never thought that his perseverance has reached this point, which is really admirable.

"I regret it now. I should have taken her under my family back then, and I shouldn't have taken advantage of you."

He joked and said with emotion: "With such perseverance, the talent is also extremely high. What kind of immortal, in my opinion, there is hope for heavenly immortals."

Mi Mingniang hurriedly said: "Senior sister praises me, a little pain is not worth mentioning. You know how many people envy me for having this talent, but they never have the chance to have it. How can I not cherish it.

As for what Senior Meng said, it is even more confusing.In the past, I could not imagine the realm of Sanxian, and it was only after the completion of the seniors that I saw hope.

Now my senior sister said that I can see the earth immortals, which already makes people feel joyful and fearful, why dare to talk about the heavenly immortals?
You must know that there are hundreds of thousands of monks, and since ancient times, there are thousands of earth immortals and only a few heavenly immortals?

Ever since the founding of the Wudang sect by Patriarch Sanfeng, don't say that no one has reached this level, even close to it.

From my point of view, only the uncle in charge and the senior sister Yingnan may have this possibility. "

Shi Yuzhu was also silent for a while, but she had to nod her head in agreement, saying:

"I have seven senior sisters, although they are called 'Seven Women of Wudang', they seem to be extremely talented to outsiders, but in fact we also know that they are more than enough than the top.

Master also said that it will be difficult for the few of us to achieve her current achievements in the future, lamenting that we will be seen as a joke by the Kunlun people.

Fortunately, by luck, fellow Daoist Meng sent Yingnan Junior Sister here, which made her old man hopeful. "

Speaking of this, Shi Yuzhu suddenly covered her smile and said: "In fact, Master is arrogant and indifferent. The reason why he has been so gentle with you and supported you in every possible way is that at first he wanted to trick you into the door and inherit the Wudang Taoism. Later, it was because you brought Yingnan Junior Sister."

This smile drove away the little melancholy that had just arisen, and regained his anger, talking to the spring.

The spring water was born in a cave, and there were other restrictions around it.Once opened, the spiritual energy overflows immediately, and it turns into a mist, and it is refreshing to take a sip.

Shi Yuzhu and Mi Mingniang each took out a jade gourd, transported mana, and filled it with spring water.

The three of them returned the same way, and when they reached the intersection, Mi Mingniang said goodbye, Meng Qiu hesitated, and said:
"Fellow Daoist Mi, I will probably be in Wudang these days. When Brother Yang's matter is over, if you have spare time, you can come to me and discuss important matters."

After the other party agreed, the two returned to the quiet room, and after a while, the old nun and Shi Mingzhu also returned with the elixir.

She fed a pill to Yang Da first, then tapped the Baihui acupoint on his head with one hand, and slowly entered the mana. It took more than an hour before she entered the sea of ​​consciousness like a cocoon, and turned it into spiritual nourishment.

Yang Dayuan's spirit immediately came alive like rain after a long drought.Although his body was stiff, he was still unable to speak, but his soul was shaken, and he was still able to speak, saying: "Thank you for your treatment, senior."

He turned to Meng Qiu and said, "My dear brother, at this point in time, if I say you shouldn't go, I'd really belittle you. But this time it's extremely dangerous, and I really think you shouldn't come alone. It's contradictory."

Seeing that he was able to speak, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.As long as the primordial spirit is intact, the physical body can find a way to save it.

Shi Yuzhu couldn't help being curious, and said, "Fellow Daoist Meng, I just asked you how you rescued Fellow Daoist Yang, but you didn't tell me. Now that everyone is here, you can always tell me, right?"

Meng Qiu nodded, took out the body of Old Mei Xueshan, threw it on the ground, and said, "If you kill this person, won't you be able to save him?"

Everyone present had been there before the Qingluoyu battle, so they had seen the appearance of Xueshan Laomei, and they still had fresh memories of him being able to defeat the poor god Linghun.

Now the corpses are all here, and there is a fire on the chest, how can it not be surprising?

Half of the old nuns found it incredible and asked, "You managed to kill him?"

After careful inspection, it turned out that the old ghost of Xueshan was dead, and he still had some disbelief, and said: "But it's really dead, did the primordial spirit get away?"

"He's dead." Meng Qiu replied, "Other flying swords beating him, even Ziying Qingsuo, can't destroy his soul. But Nanming Lihuo sword is his nemesis, as long as he hits, his true spirit can't escape."

Half of the old nun immediately waved his hand and shot out a ball of samadhi real fire, which covered the old charm of the snow mountain. After burning for a while, it was already turned into fly ash, leaving only a pale cold bead.

She drew it in front of her, flipped through it for a while, smiled, and said: "The spiritual energy of the inner alchemy is complete, and there is not much loss. It is true that the primordial spirit has not had time to get away, and it is destroyed inside."

Zui Taoist also knew how powerful Xueshan Old Mei was, and he was filled with emotion, and said:

"Back then you were an ignorant kid who was seeking art, and you were no match for Mrs. Mao's apprentice, but now you can kill such a powerful enemy, comparable to the 'Seven Trues', you are truly unparalleled in talent.

Let me tell you, in such a short period of time, how to make a move has given me a lot of insight. "

After the words fell, he said again: "Forget it, I guess you can't boast too much. It's better for you, Yang Da, to tell you in detail. Let's start with being arrested."

Yang Da took the order and said: "After the evildoer caught me that day, he did not return to Mang Mountain, but went to the Snow Mountain.

When he got to the place, he said to himself that he was in the snow-capped mountains, blessed by the earth's energy, his strength doubled, and he was not afraid of anyone.

I quarreled with him for a few words, and he sealed my tongue so that I could not make a sound, causing the cold air to invade again.

My thoughts became slower and slower, and I almost fell into eternal silence. It was after Meng Xiandi made a move that I told Xueshan Laomei to see the opportunity and resorted to shady tricks.

He threw me to my virtuous brother, turned me into a burden, and wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack.But I don't want my virtuous brother to have more means and to be prepared earlier to save me.

Afterwards Brother Meng Xian put me at the bottom of the valley and left Yu Qian Liuli to kill me alone with his sword.

They are fighting online, as for the middle process, I really don't know.But it took only a cup of tea, and the matter was resolved.

In my opinion, this level of cultivation is already better than senior Ling Hun, and almost comparable to the ascetic master. "

Now the old nun and the drunk Taoist were even more amazed; Shi Yuzhu kept asking about the details.

Meng Qiu gave an overview of the battle process, and finally said modestly:

"The reason why I was able to kill Old Mei Xueshan is because the Nanming Lihuo Sword restrains this monster very deeply, just like a cat against a mouse.

Otherwise, if I go down with a sword normally, as long as I am an Earth Immortal, I can resist it. How can I hurt him so badly, and I can kill him very easily.

Otherwise, with his ability to fight back and forth with Qiongshen Linghun, if I don't have one more treasure, it will be a tie at most. "

The old nun on the other side shook his head again and again, exclaiming that it was a pity, and said: "If I had known this, I would have taken you back in my family no matter what."

After finishing this matter, she began to prepare the elixir.

First pour the Lingquan into a box made of jade and the length of a human, and then put in the medicinal materials bit by bit, and it took shape quickly, saying:

"Although Fellow Daoist Yang was frozen, and the last bit of vitality in his body dissipated slowly, it could only last for three to five months after all, and maybe it wasn't enough to find a solution.

This pair of potions can slowly replenish the vitality, protect the vitality, and prevent his body from decaying. "

After that, she went out with the Shi family sisters, and asked Meng Qiu to strip Yang Da naked, put him in a box, and set some restrictions.

(End of this chapter)

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