Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 195 Demon Corpse Guchen

Chapter 195 Demon Corpse Guchen
Meng Qiu first briefly talked about how to make friends with Yang Li in the South China Sea, and then participated in the rescue of Lu Rongbo, and then said that the two invited him to meet at Xuanshuang Cave in Mangcang Mountain, saying:

"I went to Zaohua Cliff that day after sending fellow Taoists Yang and Lu back to the mansion, intending to explain the truth to Yin Sutang, but she closed the cave mansion tightly.

Just as I was about to turn around, I realized that apart from this place, Fellow Daoist Lu also mentioned another location that I don’t know the depth of and the footsteps of. It seems to be the Lingyu Cliff that I have heard of before.

I thought to myself that since I came here, I might as well explore the way and see if the demon corpse Guchen is still there after all these years.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers on the sunny side, the rocky valleys are secluded and strange, and there are plum blossom trees all over the mountains, the green grass is covered with velvet, and the kingfishers are quarreling.

I am moved by the sight of this kind of fairy house, it really doesn't look like it belongs to a sinister and vicious evildoer.

At that time, I was about to leave, but I just felt that it was wrong. Although this place has infinite scenery, the appearance of artificial arrangement is quite obvious.

In the deep mountains and old forests, no ordinary person can come. If it is a monk, he looks like a cave, why hasn't he built a cave?
I turned to the shade of the mountain again, and at first I didn't see any flaws, only the cliffs propped up the sky, the vines descended, the strange pines slanted, and the clear springs flowed.

But the mountainside is too flat, there is no half of the protruding rocks, and it seems that someone has repaired it.

Looking carefully, there is a narrow slit about ten feet long in the middle waist, the width is no more than one foot, and the top and bottom are covered by vines and dwarf pine.

Focusing on the past, the entrance of the cave is a natural rock gap, only a few feet wide boulder can fit, and the inside is very dark.

Looking from a distance, there was no trace of the magic circle barrier, and it took a long time for a gust of wind to swirl out of it.

There are puffs of black air in the wind, like boiling water in a pot, foaming and spewing moisture, rising up along the vines.

Seeing this, one can be sure that even if the demon corpse does not nest in it, it is definitely not a good place.I was afraid of disturbing the people inside, so I didn't go in to investigate. "

The old nun thought for a moment, then said: "You were right not to go in. It's okay if it's not that evildoer, if it's really him, you will suffer.

Gu Chen is not very well-known in the practice world, far inferior to the green-robed patriarch of the Yinfeng Cave in Baiman Mountain, Lieba Duo, the king of five poisons, Shang Heyang, the master of the Eastern Demon Cult, and even the Venerable Poison Dragon of the Western Yunnan Demon Cult.

But their methods are much more formidable than these people, and in terms of background, it is almost a direct descendant of the Demon Cult, which is more authentic than the others.

The demon corpse is not a human being, but was born with the extreme aura of heaven and earth. By chance, it possessed the corpse of an earth immortal who was killed by the demon, and revived his soul through the corpse.

As soon as he was born, he had the cultivation base of an immortal, but his soul was just born, he was as ignorant as a wild beast, he relied entirely on instinct, and was born vicious, especially compared to the green-robed ancestor, so he caused many murders.

Many orthodox monks went to crusade, but they all underestimated him, and either died or were seriously injured.

Just as several eminent monks and nuns from the Buddhist sect were about to dispatch to act as protectors, the demon corpse suddenly disappeared again.

It wasn't until many years later that he reappeared that everyone learned that he was taken away by the Heavenly Obscenity Sect Master and accepted as a disciple. He taught many evil methods, and his mana and methods were several times higher than before.

The Heavenly Obscenity Sect seems to be famous for its means of nourishing, but in fact it is also a branch of the Demon Sect, the Heavenly Demon Way.

Originally, this big demon wanted to avoid the flaws of Tianma Dao's obliterating temperament, so he delusionally wanted to strip the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy from the primordial spirits of tens of thousands of people he absorbed.

The joy passes through the joy of reconciliation between a man and a woman, and enters into the body of the other party, slowly dissolving.

However, the way to release sorrow and anger is to borrow a lot of ideas from the Asura Way.Pay attention to step-by-step, deposit it in the body, and gradually transform it into a bone shape, and finally only a pure soul is left.

It's just that the idea is good, but when you practice, you can't completely dissolve the impurities. On the contrary, what you get rid of are those scattered and dissociated ones.

And the external disturbance that can really poison the primordial spirit will only become more solidified, and finally merge with the primordial spirit, which cannot be resolved anymore.

The celestial obscenity leader had this flaw. He had passed through the celestial catastrophe, but suddenly lost control of his soul, so he went crazy and killed all the members of the sect.

At that time, Gu Chen returned to the middle land, although his temperament was taught by others and his temperament was restrained a lot, he was still full of evil.

And that kind of magic is called Yin Demon Gathering Beast Transformation Bone Pin-shaped Dafa, which is to use the bones, blood and spirits of spiritual and intelligent monsters to refine the beast-gathering banners, arrange them in an array, and annihilate themselves.

After the last catastrophe, the aura was exhausted, and there were fewer monsters and even fewer spiritual ones.

Therefore, he searched for the spirit mountain all over the world, sometimes breaking into other monks' caves and capturing it forcibly for a spirit beast.

I don't know how many monks died at his hands, and the Lingmai cave was destroyed.Finally provoked the anger of the crowd, many casual cultivators who were not willing to accept Emei bowed their heads one after another, and joined forces to ask Xuan Zhenzi to help.

It's just that the demon corpse is superb in magic. After practicing the method of yin demon gathering beasts and transforming into bone pins, it can change the ghost. It can't just wipe out its soul with one blow, and then it can escape immediately, re-possess its body, and unearth it to cause harm.

So Xuan Zhenzi could only seriously injure the demon corpse, but could not kill it.It is probably because of this grievance that Fellow Daoist Zui said that Wen Yu was snatched from Zhuge Jingwo's hand.

But don't think that if Xuan Zhenzi can win, you have a chance to win.The so-called "Three Immortals, Two Old Ones, One Son and Seven Truths" are tied together, but there is a huge gap between them.

People like Zheng Dianxian are just making up the numbers, they are not as good as Shanxia, ​​at most they are slightly better than Mrs. Baiyun.

And the most powerful one among them, I don't know why everyone thinks it is Shentuo Yixiu, and that is also because Xuan Zhenzi has too few shots.

I have only seen him do it once in my life, and it was a competition with Mr. Zhong, but the kung fu of a cup of tea, with a few moves, makes people feel inferior, and feel that they are far inferior.

Meng Qiu, although you are more talented than him, but after all, you are young in cultivation.Although I can win the leader of the great sect such as Mingshengzheng, but I am not boasting. In the fight between you and me, you must be the one who dies.

You must know that the demon corpse's mana and supernatural powers were not much worse than mine 200 years ago. Over the past many years, although it has been restricted by the method of gathering yin demons to gather beasts and transform them into bone pins, it cannot become a fairy, but compared to the past, it will definitely be much more powerful.

What's more, once the Yinmo Beast Gathering Banner is complete, only a minimum of 18 rods are required to form a magic circle, and its power will not lose to the top magic weapons of all sects.

Have you ever seen Shorty Zhu's Flint Drill? Tell him to hold this treasure in his hand and fall into the formation. If he can survive three quarters, he will overtake me. "

Only then did Meng Qiu know what his position was in the eyes of a real master, and he hurriedly said, "I've always been a bully, so I don't dare to take risks at will.

However, since this demon corpse is so powerful, it may be difficult for us alone to subdue it.Wouldn't it be a failure to care about a game. "

"Who said there are only a few of us?" Half of the old nun said: "The demon corpse did a lot of evil back then, and had enemies all over the world, and there are still many people who hold grudges.

It's just that he hid after the Heavenly Obscenity Cult Master suffered backlash from his kung fu and was wounded by Xuan Zhenzi.

As long as we find out his exact information and put it in the practice world, his enemies will definitely flock to him.

There are also many great ones.For example, the god camel Yixiu mentioned earlier, and his wife Fairy Han of Minshan Baixitan, was injured by a demon corpse and had to retreat for a hundred years before barely recovering.

Ling Hun's sister, Ling Xuehong, the wife of Bai Guyi, the old man chasing clouds, was also seriously injured by him, and had to be reincarnated to rebuild.

There are also golden grandma Luo Ziyan and Buxu Fairy Xiao Shijiumei. The masters of the two were unintentionally passing by because of the empty master.

Even in the magic way, the Heavenly Obscenity Sect has offended many people.Heavenly Demon Dao and Asura Dao didn't like it, otherwise they wouldn't have gone overseas.

The old nun still has a bit of a thin face, if I mediate in the middle, please invite these people from the right way to hold a demon extermination meeting, so that this beast can't fly. "

Meng Qiu and Zui Taoist nodded repeatedly, and the latter said with emotion: "Master's thoughtfulness is admirable."

"In addition to the strategy, I admire the master even more. There are so many secrets in the practice world that are so precious."

Meng Qiu sincerely praised: "If I had this insight, I wouldn't be in the situation where I'm in a situation where I'm everywhere."

The old nun on the other side was not happy at all, he just said: "When I was in Kunlun, I never paid attention to these things, and devoted myself to cultivating the Tao.

After taking over Wudang and running the sect, he had to weigh the interests of his colleagues and avoid various crises, so he paid more attention to this.

Fortunately, Kunlun has a long history, and many secrets are reserved, and I have some connections before, so I have accumulated a lot of information over time.

To tell the truth, I really don't want to worry about such trivial matters, it's not beneficial to practice, it's tiring, and I don't want to be at ease. "

The drunken Taoist nodded slightly, and said: "Looking at it now, senior brother Xuan Zhenzi refused to compete for the position of head teacher of Emei, probably because he was afraid of complicated things."

Half of the old nun shook his head and said: "The main reason is that he is extremely talented and the gods are in sight, so he can put aside everything and concentrate on cultivation.

I can't make it, and I have no hope of being a god in this life.At that time, I was also pissed off by a few bastards in Kunlun, and vowed to make a big career, and this was the only way to choose. "

Meng Qiu opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.The drunken Taoist is more experienced, and hastily said:
"Eldest senior brother is indeed powerful, otherwise he would not be able to defeat the demon corpse Gu Chen. However, his debt falls on Senior Nephew Zhuge.

Speaking of which, if we kill Gu Chen, my nephew will not be able to take revenge personally, and I don't know if I can get out of my knot.

But compared to him not being able to improve his cultivation base, being my only disciple is much more important. "

After being scorned by half of the old nuns for a while, he suddenly figured out something, and no longer regarded the "righteousness" of the sect as more important than the lives of his master and apprentice.

The next step is how to determine whether the person entrenched in Yulingya in Mangcang Mountain is the demon corpse Guchen.

Half of the old nun said: "This matter is not in a hurry, it should be discussed in the long term.

Now that the righteous way is about to attack Mangshan Ghost Country, I have to rush to Emei, so I can't preside over it.There are still many enemies of Gu Chen, and he can't spare the time.

Fellow Daoist Meng, fellow Daoist Drunk, why don't you two go to Mangcang Mountain to investigate first, remember to be careful, whether or not you find out the news is second, don't startle the snake.

When the crusade is over, I will find one or two Taoist friends who are familiar with the Taoism of Tianxie to come forward. If it is confirmed that it is a demon corpse, I can do it. "

Meng Qiu thought for a while and said, "If you want to investigate secretly, I have a way.

Isn't there a fairyland on the sunny side of Lingyu Cliff? I can pretend to find it by accident and open it up as a temporary cave.

If the demon corpse does not want to reveal its identity, it must be hiding in a cave, hiding its whereabouts, and will not come forward. "

The drunk Taoist hurriedly said: "It's too dangerous, I'll go."

"It is precisely because of the danger that the demon corpse may do something, so I should go." Meng Qiu refused:

"Senior, your sword energy Leiyin is powerful, but it's not good at running. I have sword energy Huahong, and once I feel something is wrong, I can walk in an instant."

Half of the old nun nodded and said: "That's the reason. Among the earth immortals, if Meng Qiu wants to leave, I'm afraid only monks who are also proficient in this sword technique can follow, or the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Shuttle from the Xuangui Palace, and the Michen Banner of the Heavenly Fox Precious Xiang, can catch up.

I will prepare two sets of formations for you, and arrange them so that the demon corpses cannot sneak attack, and you can leave with only a gap of time. "

Meng Qiu thanked you first, and then said: "Speaking of which, I came to Wudang this time to ask for formations.

In Mangcang Mountain, I accidentally found a place where inspirations gather. The place is quite large and can be used as a cave.Originally, the set in my hand was not enough, so I came here. "

"You finally have a place to stay? Congratulations!" Half of the old nuns said, "Can you open up caves? I'll ask Luhua to help you. Among my disciples, she is the most proficient in formations."

Naturally, Meng Qiu would not refuse and was very happy.

The half old nun called Lin Luhua over, but saw Mi Mingniang wandering outside the hall, and led them into the door together.

She first explained the many points of opening up the cave, and passed down a very powerful cave protection circle, and said:

"This formation is properly arranged, and the energy of the earth is connected. No matter how many earth immortals come over, it will not be able to break through it.

But this is just a basic formation, and it will not be difficult for the gods.If you want to strengthen it, you need to find a unique formation by yourself, gradually transform it according to the terrain of the cave, and integrate it into one. "

Lin Luhua took the order, and half of the old nun asked again: "Ming Ming, what's the matter with you?"

Mi Mingniang glanced at Meng Qiu, not knowing how to speak.

The drunken Taoist had a misunderstanding and thought that the other party had some scruples, so he went to the back to meet Yang Da and explain the matter.

Lin Luhua and a few others left, leaving only half of the old nun, Meng Qiu and Mi Mingniang.

Meng Qiu then said: "Master also knows that I got the Nanming Lihuo Sword from Miss Mi back then. After the Sanxian, it became a reliance, and it played a huge role with me in the south and north.

Therefore, I have long wanted to repay, but I can't think of a way.If you give a magic weapon as a gift, it is too superficial and not close.

And she is in the Wudang Orthodox sect, and there is no shortage of legal couple wealth and land, so it's not my turn to add to the snake.

Later, I went to the South China Sea and obtained the hidden treasure of Yue'er Island, only to find a way to repay it.

It is because Master Lianshan created an extremely exquisite Taoism back then, which can directly reach the realm of celestial beings, and the difficulty of practice is relatively low. After the foundation is established, it can be modified without any delay.

Today I met Fellow Daoist Mi, and when I learned that she was sincere in thinking about Taoism, I immediately thought of this practice method, which might be taught to her, so that she can hope to become a celestial being. "

(End of this chapter)

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