Chapter 198
When Zui Taoist passed on the art of sword spirit to Meng Qiu, the latter was just a small foundation builder, and the only thing he had learned in his life was "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic". He had little knowledge and didn't see any problems.

But many years have passed, many enemies have been injured, various formulas have been obtained, experience has gradually enriched, and knowledge has become more and more extensive.

Apart from other things, there are three ways of Taoism, golden elixir and refining gods that can lead directly to the heavenly immortals. There are also many other captured Buddhist and magic, and there are records in them, all of which can lead to the realm of earthly immortals, each of which is extraordinary.

Originally thought that this sword spirit technique was just an extremely advanced method of refining weapons, but it was unintentionally tapped by the drunk Taoist tonight, and when I looked back, I suddenly realized that it was clearly another way of cultivation.

"Sword spirit and sword embryo, don't they match Yuanshen and body?" Thinking of this, Meng Qiu's thoughts turned quickly, thinking:
"The sword spirit is condensed by attaching to the sword embryo, and can be removed and replaced again. This not only borrows from the Buddhist relic method of nourishing the primordial spirit with the body, but also the method of the magic sect, the heavenly demon, and the Tao primordial spirit are not limited to a specific body.

If it can be practiced, Yuanshen has the agility of Taoism, without the sluggishness of Buddhism, and without the clutter of heavenly and demonic ways; the body is not limited by the way of heavenly demons, and can be tempered and replaced like the way of blood and seas and the way of Asura.

It's just that this path is too difficult to sum up the essence of the three schools of Taoism, Buddha, and Demon.The root of practice is to ascend, not to fight.

The three paths are much more difficult for fellow practitioners, and they can't help Feisheng. With the wisdom of Daoist Changmei, this is impossible, so the focus of practice should be another path.

This road is also used for sword refining, which is to focus on cultivating the sword spirit, and find suitable materials to be used as sword embryos. From the inside to the outside, they are integrated into one body to refine a flying sword.

The sword spirit cannot be transferred, and it is nurtured according to the law all the way to the extreme.However, the material of the sword embryo can be replaced, and it will reach its peak in the end. The combination of the two is regarded as a great achievement.

In terms of human body cultivation, it is to warm and nourish the primordial spirit, and constantly strengthen the body so that it can accommodate a more powerful primordial spirit. "

Thinking of this, Meng Qiu's thoughts suddenly stopped. If it was just this, it was just a combination of the current cultivation methods of the Daoist sect and the magic of the Asura Dao of the Demon Sect, and there was not much improvement.

It is not uncommon to emphasize the soul and despise the body. It is the case in both Tianmo Dao and Buddhism.

In the end, where is the mystery of Daoist Daoist Daoism?
Meng Qiu couldn't figure it out, so he had to compare the content of the sword refining method given to him by the drunken Taoist, and pay attention to the situation when he first created the sword spirit and smelted the sword embryo.

It seems that after thinking hard, the primordial spirit bursts out with a little light. With the sword embryo carrying it, the form gives birth to the formless, and the formless and form combine to form.

"Using the gods and the spirit, using the body as a weapon. The spirit weapon is one, the body and the sword are one..." Meng Qiu muttered silently, took out the Qingxuan sword and observed it carefully, stared blankly for a long time, suddenly opened the golden lock, suddenly realized, and said:
"Since the primordial spirit can absorb the essence of the body and turn it into a relic, why can't it be combined with the flying sword? Cultivating the sword is cultivating the spirit. If the sword is successful, the primordial spirit will also be successful."

The more he thought about it, the more he understood.The idea of ​​the long-browed real person should be to ask the monks to choose a natal flying sword or magic weapon, which is compatible with the primordial spirit, and slowly nourish and refine it. Once the magic weapon grows, it will also drive the primordial spirit to grow.

The beauty of this method is that the difficulty of refining treasures is far less than that of practicing Yuanshen.As far as monks are concerned, as long as their spiritual materials can keep up, they will naturally progress rapidly.

And the most critical of them are two steps, the first step is how to integrate the soul into the flying sword or the magic weapon, which is actually the process of integrating the sword spirit into the sword embryo.

Another step is the growth of flying swords or magic weapons.Ordinary spiritual treasures, once refined, are mostly finalized, and even if they can be refined later, the progress is not great enough.

But this problem was also solved by Daoist Changmei, and the method of replacing spiritual materials was explained clearly.

This is equivalent to removing all obstacles.What people have to do later is to try to transform the method used in sword refining into the way of practice.

There are predecessors who have built a strategic plan, and it is difficult to solve it, but there is always a solution.Besides, as far as Meng Qiu is concerned, Miechenzi's method of separating the soul from the soul has a lot to learn from.

Thinking through this point, Meng Qiu was immediately excited and wished he could try it himself.

Still, he still has reason, and he understands the Taoism he is learning now, which leads directly to the Dao.

Like the previous practice of refining the gods, he just took the path that was beneficial to his practice.In the case of immortals, there is really no reason to change the foundation at will.

But if he doesn't practice this method himself, it doesn't mean that others can't try it.

He first thought of Miechenzi. Among the monks he had been with in his life, he was the most worthy of the Taoism.

It was only then that the thought was dismissed.Miechenzi is currently in a critical period of evolving the divine refining method, so he should not and cannot be disturbed by this news.

Besides, it was difficult for Meng Qiu to explain how he learned the sword spirit technique of Daoist Changmei.

As for Zheng Bagu, Banbian old nun, etc., it is even more inappropriate.After all, it is the inheritance of Emei, the inheritance of Daoist Changmei, he has the trust of Taoist Zui, so naturally he cannot live up to it.

"Senior Drunk, Senior Drunk, yesterday's cause, today's result, maybe your chance to become an earthly immortal is a chance for a heavenly immortal, and it should be based on your good deeds that day."

Meng Qiu silently read a sentence, feeling very emotional in his heart.Although it is only a preliminary idea at the moment, Master Changmei has done half of it, and he is already quite sure that he will eventually evolve the second half of this Taoism.

Of course, there are still many details in this matter. If you want to figure it out, there is no hurry now.Moreover, his realm and accumulation are not enough, and he will not be sure until he becomes an Earth Immortal.


In the blink of an eye, more than half a year has passed. After returning from the mountain last time, Meng Qiu arranged some more formations on Lingyu Cliff, covering the entire mountain, and stayed here all the time, not going out.

He pretended that he already knew about the gathering of spiritual ideas here, and he didn't meditate and retreat, but just went back and forth, cutting caves, and moving stones, as if he wanted to open up a cave here for permanent residence.

Compared with the appearance of the Baiyang Cave Mansion seen in Baiyang Mountain back then, after the entire cave mansion was constructed, it was excavated from the back cave to the belly of the mountain.

After dawdling for many days, it was not until one day when he came back from going out that he speeded up his progress, and soon dug a passage, leading directly to the gloomy cave in the back mountain.

Once pierced through, black air suddenly rises and rushes straight up into the passage.

"What's going on?" Meng Qiu pretended to be shocked, and quickly mobilized his magic power to intercept it, but the black energy was like a force of tens of thousands of catties, pushing it over.

He quickly mobilized the magic circle to resist it, and after a while, he retreated steadily, so he had to use his profound skills to break through the black and blue atmosphere.

When I entered the cave, I saw in the shadow of the purple light that there was only a stone floor less than five or six feet wide inside the entrance of the cave.

Going forward to the five or six feet of the ground, if you go down, you will find a bottomless cave that is as wide as a hundred fathoms, with a dark atmosphere, extremely cold, and horrific hair.

Meng Qiu pondered for a while, and the flying general went down, falling straight down to a depth of more than 200 zhang, still unable to bottom out, but there were a few shadows blocking the way ahead.

Immediately, there was another strange fishy smell blowing with the wind, and there was a faint sound of breathing.

He raised his eyes and saw that it was a grown-up skeleton with red eyes, green hair and bony bones.The body seems to be inflexible, stretching out two long hands like bird claws, and jumping forward with straight legs.

Meng Qiu stretched out his hand and pointed, a red light danced, flew to the monster, and exploded with a pop.

The monster took a few steps back, only three or four ribs in his chest were broken, and the rest were not injured.

"Is it so strong?" Meng Qiu was a little surprised. The skeleton seemed fragile, but his blow just now at least had the power of building a foundation, so it couldn't be knocked down.

He shook his hand again, and a bolt of Taiyi Divine Thunder was released, which landed in the middle of his chest cavity, and exploded with a bang, but it took effect immediately, and his bones shattered to the ground.

But before he could think about it, there was a rumble in the cave, one after another shadows swayed, seven or eight skeletons came from the front again.

Meng Qiu didn't want to get too entangled, so he flicked his fingers repeatedly, and in an instant, dozens of lightning points exploded on the opposite side, smashing bones and flying around.

He controlled his mana, and he only acted as if he had just been promoted to a casual cultivator.Going forward again, the lower you go, the colder you feel, so you increase the body protection light slightly.

All the way forward, from time to time, the kind of skeletons just came out to block the way. After passing two hundred feet, we have already encountered five or six waves. It is not serious, but it is easy.

Not long after walking, suddenly the whole body lightened, and the pressure disappeared immediately.He looked down, only to see a huge cave with a radius of several hundred feet, which is now under his feet.

Rolling and tumbling, belching black air, it is extremely dark, like a giant lion squatting, a monster lying in a corner, its mouth wide open, wanting to swallow the sky, the situation is dangerous and dizzying.

Even if Meng Qiu had enough eyesight, he could only vaguely see a four or five-foot-high zombie sitting cross-legged in the middle of the cave, with a flat nose and protruding mouth, red eyes and green hair, a body of dead bones, and a mouth full of white teeth.

And around the cave, there are dozens of blood-black banners, stretching automatically without wind, with various monster patterns painted on them.There are those with bear body and human hands, those with bull head and snake body, all kinds, weird and weird.

Seeing this appearance, Meng Qiu was already sure that it was Gu Chen, the demon corpse, so he planned to leave.

Suddenly there was a sharp sound in the ears, but it came from the mouth of the zombie. It was like a cry from all over the world, and the waves were surging. Immediately, the cave was gloomy and foggy.

A piercing wind blows from below, and the cold air invades.Immediately after, the white light flashed, and three feet away from the body, each stood a white thing, shaped like a crawfish, about a foot long, resembling a person but not a person, the whole body was shrouded in white air, and the cold mist was dense.

Meng Qiu saw that he was noticed, so he didn't rush to leave, and watched intently. The face of this strange thing was as white as death gray, and the eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose were blurred.

He didn't say a word, he shot two Taiyi divine thunders, one in front and one in the back, they landed on Bai Dong's body, he sneered, it was like sparks falling into the water, it had no effect at all.

Meng Qiu was taken aback.He had already seen that the white monster was a ghost, and he was supposed to be afraid of extremely yang spells such as fire, fire, and thunder.

Even if this move is not his unique thunder method, it is still quite powerful, and it can work logically, but I don't want it to not splash at all.

The white monster extinguished the divine thunder, and rushed forward, suddenly the cold was astonishing, it seemed that even people were going to freeze.

Meng Qiu quickly propped up the protective magic light, and at the same time, he was struck with a huge force, causing the light to flash.The power of this blow has already been cultivated by Sanxian.

Before he could make a move, the zombie below let out a strange "quack" laugh, stretched out his finger, and a flag flew up, piercing into the stone wall like a shooting star, and falling on the white monster like wearing rotten soil.

Immediately, the white monster doubled in size, blocked the back passage of this passage, bared its teeth and claws, and squeezed desperately inside, trying to push Meng Qiu into the hole.

Meng Qiu stood up with both feet, as if they were rooted, and did not give in at all.

"Huh?" The demon corpse suddenly felt a little strange, and said in a rustling voice, "Who are you? How dare you come here to make trouble?"

Meng Qiu pretended not to know, and said, "Who are you? I built a cave on the mountain. When I was building the back cave, I didn't intend to lead here, so I realized that there is a neighbor here."

"My name, I think the juniors in the cultivation world have forgotten it." The demon corpse chuckled a few more times, and countless echoes sounded from the cave, making it even more eerie and eerie.

He said: "I also know that you built that cave. I originally wanted to use your broken place to hide my whereabouts, but I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself. Since you want to die, then I will help you!"

While speaking, another demon flag flew into the hands of another white monster. When the two joined together, suddenly a strong suction force grabbed Meng Qiu and rushed into the cave desperately.

Meng Qiu still didn't move at all, but a red sword light flew out from his backhand, and he slashed forward. There was a slight "click", and the white monster in front of him suddenly became smaller.

"I have some skills, no wonder I dare to throw myself into the trap." The demon corpse pointed again, but there was no third banner flying, but the monster pattern on the two sides of the passage suddenly flashed, and each shone with light, covering the white monster below.

In an instant, the color of the monster's surface changed drastically, and red mist began to seep out of the white.

The strength of the two monsters immediately strengthened, pulling back and forth, pushing Meng Qiu desperately, the eyeballs popped out, and they looked like they were trying to push Meng Qiu into a cave with extreme force.

Meng Qiu thought about it for a while, and decided to come up with some skills, so he used the standard flying sword just now, and flew up to the bloody flag to slash.

The demon corpse ignored it and let the flying sword land on it, but there was a ding sound, as if hitting an iron plate.

"Junior, I have carefully refined this Beast Gathering Banner for many years. How can it be your trash flying sword that can break through it?"

The demon corpse said with a sinister smile: "You still don't want to struggle to the death, give up quickly, obediently be the blood food in my banner, and you can avoid suffering, otherwise it will be really uncomfortable to draw out the primordial spirit and roast it with the magic fire."

"Oh?" Meng Qiu still calmly said, "How uncomfortable the taste is, have you tried it?"

These words seemed to anger the evildoer, he let out a roar, and a red and purple flame flew from his head, attacking directly.

Meng Qiu saw that the incoming force was not light, so he hurriedly stretched the Faguang to the maximum, and then slashed wildly with his flying sword.

But the demon corpse did not stop, it only supported a large skull like a skull on its thin neck, shaking it like a rattle with copper wire buttons.

The red-purple fire light, like a dragon snake, rises up again, intertwined with Meng Qiu Fa's light, Jian's light, and Lei's light, crackling.

(End of this chapter)

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