Chapter 218
Tianhui sword streaked across a blue light, and went straight to Venerable Poison Dragon, the sword was extremely fierce and merciless.

Venerable Poison Dragon has long understood Zheng Bagu's temperament, and seeing that the other party is indeed merciless, he stopped thinking about negotiating again, and said forcefully:
"Okay, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous. After today, if you and I lose one of them, let's just let it go. Otherwise, we will have revenge in the future, and we will die."

He saw that the formation on the side was just trapping people and had no extra power, so he lost a little bit of worry, sacrificed the Wanmo soft red sand, and made a desperate plan.

He held the gourd with red sand in his left hand, and made a formula with his right hand. First, a ball of green fire burst out, facing the Tianhui Sword.

Two or two collided, and the flying sword moved forward, the green fire couldn't stand it, and exploded, sparks scattered all over the sky, green and bright, like will-o'-the-wisps, terribly cold.

Then another burst of yellow light emerged from the gourd, mottled and messy, like a yellow dragon, rolling towards the Tianhui sword.Before it could touch the opponent's sword light, it exploded first, turning into dust and sand all over the sky.

Eighth Aunt Zheng suddenly noticed that the light of the sword sank, and her speed slowed down.After a search, he found out that the yellow sand grains were all attached with the power of Yuan Magnetic.

She wasn't surprised either, she just used more mana, the Tianhui Sword was benefited, and immediately regained its speed and power, and attacked the enemy.

Venerable Poison Dragon shook the gourd again, and a wisp of red smoke floated out. It was very light at first, but in the blink of an eye, it filled the audience, thick as fog.

The color also became strange, upon closer inspection, it was as bright as blood and had a strong fishy smell.

As soon as the red mist came out, Green Huo and Huang Chen got support and came back to life.

Sparks soared, blooming like flowers, one by one, floating in the air, gathering in the middle.The green light spilled out like oil, and it felt very sticky.

A burst of cold air condensed in the middle.The people around were only affected by the aftermath, and they still felt a chill in their bodies and minds.

Looking up from the bottom of the valley, Meng Qiu looked like thousands of green paper flowers floating in a sea of ​​blood, gathering together, it was very strange.

"Pretending to be a ghost!" Zheng Bagu poured his mana into the Tianhui sword, and the sword immediately radiated brilliance, full of blue light, rippling like a pool of clear water.

This attack seemed very gentle, but as soon as the green sparks were swept by the sword light, they were all like a candle in the wind, which would be extinguished as soon as it was blown.

The blue light replaced the green light, which is refreshing and cool.

Venerable Poison Dragon turned pale with shock, and said, "Where did you get this sword?"

"Master Lianshan's saber Tianhui, Master Chili didn't tell you?" Zheng Bagu asked back, and at the same time urged the flying sword without stopping.

Venerable Poison Dragon immediately gritted his teeth, secretly hating him.

Of course he knew that there were many rare treasures in the treasure house of Yue'er Island, but his master once said that since he had escaped from the Lianshan Sect, he should not worry about it.

Therefore, for many years, he has never had the idea of ​​treasure.It's just that now that the enemy uses the divine sword in it against him, it's inevitable that he feels regret again.

Fortunately, he also knew that it would not help, so he restrained his thoughts and urged the gourd again, and the green fire appeared again. This time, there was more yellow dust beside him, and the gust of wind rose suddenly, like a sandstorm, covering the sky and the sun, and the whole valley was plunged into darkness.

Zheng Bagu was wrapped inside, including the person and the sword, so she couldn't see her figure or hear her voice.

Liu Quan was a little worried, took a step forward, and stopped himself.

He knew that Bagu Zheng was still thinking about his fellowship with Venerable Dulong, so he would not let anyone interfere.

Meng Qiu sat cross-legged and did not move, he only focused on manipulating the formation, as if he had never heard of it.

On the other side, Shang Heyang was stopped by Chen Yufeng, and he didn't make a move for a long time, until Zheng Bagu was swallowed by Huang Chen, and no third person made a move, so he felt relieved and said:
"Are you that Jade Rakshasa, the one who has become a nun under the old nun Youtan's sect?"

Chen Yufeng said: "Yes, my current master is the old nun Youtan who is in Kaiyuan Temple and scares you so much that you dare not enter."

Shang Heyang's face darkened, and he shouted: "You juniors, don't you all have rules?"

"Rules?" Chen Yufeng recalled the Yi lightsaber, played with it in his hand, and said, "If you want to beat me, let's talk about the rules.

Otherwise, we Buddhas and demons are not from the same family, and you can't even beat me, so you have the nerve to call yourself a senior? "

Shang Heyang took the golden building in his hands, shook it, and said: "Since you want to die, then I will tell you to try it out, and see what old nun Utan has taught you."

Immediately, several thick golden lights shot out and pierced towards Chen Yufeng.

This piece of magic fire golden banner was refined by him to deal with Utan Lao Ni, so naturally those evil parts were missing, and more attention was paid to the light formed by the condensed flames.

This magic fire is different, no matter whether an immortal is engulfed in the fire, it will turn into flying ash for at least seven days and seven nights, and there are only a few magic weapons in the world that can save it.

Therefore, the radiance of the golden building is extraordinarily sharp, as if it is real, as if a giant is holding a flying gun in the palm of its hand.

"This doesn't look like a magic treasure." Chen Yufeng threw out the Yi Light Sword, the white light flashed, and he moved forward, chopping off the golden light abruptly.

"Could it be that your sword was also obtained from the Lianshan treasure house?" Shang Heyang stared at Yi Guang and asked.

From his eyes, he can naturally see that this is a flying sword of the same grade as Zheng Bagu's Tianhui Sword, and it will definitely not be without origin.

Chen Yufeng nodded, and said: "The name of the sword is Yiguang. Master Lianshan used the sword to kill evil spirits and heretics. Today you fall under this sword, and you deserve to die."

Shang and Yang Qi said: "Why have I not been out for so many years, all of you juniors are more arrogant than before?
Do you really think that with this powerful flying sword, I can do nothing to you? "

If Liu Quan's swordsmanship was paired with this flying sword, he would still be a little apprehensive, but Chen Yufeng's swordsmanship was indeed weaker.

It's not that he's bad, it's just that he looks like a human being, and there's nothing surprising about him. He has the ability to resist the strong with the weak.

"Oh? Let's try." Chen Yufeng urged the flying sword again, and the white light was bright and bright like the moon, and it fell straight down. It was bright but not blazing, cool but not cold.

Shang Heyang was extremely cautious, since he was trapped in the formation, he didn't want to make random moves, and would rather see the opponent's ability more.

Shaking the golden building, the light all over the body floated up, surged upwards, and opened up, like a roof, the golden light is shining, it is just glazed yellow tiles, layered on top of each other.

The white light poured down, hit the golden light barrier, and slid down smoothly, like the flowing tiles of osmanthus flowers, which has a special artistic conception.

If Shang Heyang didn't attack, Chen Yufeng was also happy to relax for a while, and was going to wait for Zheng Bagu to deal with Venerable Poison Dragon first, and then worry about it, so in terms of swordsmanship, restraint is still the main thing.

Zheng Bagu was trapped in the yellow sand, surrounded by the power of Yuan Magnetic, and there was green fire ringing around, disturbing all the time, and it was very awkward to use the sword.

Although this kind of formidable power cannot hurt her, she is not good at swordsmanship, and even if she wants to fight back with swordsmanship, she will find it difficult.

Even if it could be broken, I was afraid that if it took too long, it would inevitably lead to some accidents, so I took out the Yin-Yang umbrella without any hesitation.

As soon as the umbrella landed on the top of the head, gray mist and black light immediately appeared, all rushed out, swept forward, the green light seemed to encounter a natural enemy, fixed in place and could not move, and then was dragged into the light, scattered and invisible.

The yellow dust shrank into a lump in the gray mist, like wet cotton, and moved back to the machine.

The sky suddenly became clear again, and the sun shone directly down, making the red mist brighter and fresher, and also dispelling a lot of chill left over just now.

Venerable Poison Dragon stared at the treasure umbrella with a distorted expression.This magic weapon was more famous, he undoubtedly recognized it, and felt more remorse in his heart, and even complained to the dead master, Chili Old Buddha, why he didn't let him go to Yue'er Island to get the treasure.

He had no choice but to urge the gourd again, the blood-red mist evaporated and became more viscous, and it had a bit of the style of the streamer that Yan Ni made on Mang Mountain back then.

"The magic of the Blood Sea School? Uncle Chili doesn't know the Taoism of the Demon School." Zheng Bagu said, "It seems that you have learned a lot from Xu Wan."

Venerable Poison Dragon snorted coldly, and said: "The most powerful is yet to come, don't be surprised."

As soon as the voice fell, the red mist dissipated, and half of the valley was seen in an instant, and they were all trapped inside, as if falling into a sea of ​​blood.

Zheng Bagu still calmly carried the Yin-Yang umbrella, strolled in the courtyard, and moved forward slowly, while urging the Tianhui sword to slash towards the opponent.

It's just that when she moved, Venerable Poison Dragon also changed, and the smoke in the gourd shot out, attracting the green fire, yellow dust and red mist.

"The poisonous dragon has become stronger!" Meng Qiu saw it, and compared the enemy's fighting skills in Mang Mountain with the current situation, he could easily know the changes in the opponent's methods.

The last time he encountered this Wanmo soft red sand, it didn't look like this, but it was similar to ghost arrows.Green light is cold fire, yellow dust is bone meal, and red mist is blood mist.

At that time, there was also a kind of black smoke, which was a change from the newborn, which could kill the body and soul, which was very amazing.

But now Venerable Poison Dragon is obviously still restrained, the effect of Wanmo Soft Red Sand in front of him is still just the original version.

Bagu Zheng heard Meng Qiu talk about the other party's methods, and immediately shouted: "Du Long, I'm going to get serious. If you don't use all the means, don't complain after being killed by me."

She put the umbrella up into the air, and immediately spun rapidly, gray mist and black light overflowed in all directions, crowding the yellow dust and red mist, and retreated quickly.

As soon as the chaotic light was gone, Zheng Bagu immediately found a flaw, the Tianhui sword only jumped, and immediately landed a hundred and eighty feet in front of the enemy, frightened Venerable Poison Dragon screamed, and hurriedly retreated a few hundred feet.

Then, the green fire, yellow dust and red mist filled the sky, like a hundred rivers entering the sea, rushing back into the gourd.

Venerable Poison Dragon shook desperately, and immediately three rays of light, green, yellow and red, flew out of the gourd again.

The green one is the corpse fire, the yellow one is the bone powder, and the red mist is the blood mist. The three colors are intertwined, and immediately reflected this canyon like a nether world.

In broad daylight, I also feel very cloudy and cold, and the trees below are all covered with frost, like wearing mourning clothes.

Liu Quan had no choice but to retreat to the side, using the power of the magic circle to resist.

The Yin-Yang Treasure Umbrella still released gray mist and black light calmly, but it was not as smooth as before. After half a day's effort, it couldn't advance a foot, and even flinched occasionally.

This is a magic weapon for the two sides to fight, and they seem to be evenly matched.

Zheng Bagu immediately urged Tianhui Sword to join in.Qing Guang slashed out again and again, and every time he struck, he could push Hong Wu back more than ten feet away.

If calculated based on this, within half an hour, Wanmo Ruanhongsha will be forced back to its original shape.

Venerable Poison Dragon's heart sank, he took a deep breath, and secretly sent a voice transmission to Shang Heyang, saying:
"Heavenly King, this woman is fierce, I am at a disadvantage, if I don't work hard, it will be difficult to see the decline.

If you have any powerful means, use them quickly, and you and I will work together to break through the formation, so as to have a chance of survival. "

He shook the gourd, and a stream of black smoke gushed out from it, followed by a rustling sound.

What you hear is not the melodious music, which is melodious and intoxicating, but also when you meet your favorite thing in your life, and your dreams come true, which makes your heart move.

Knowing that it was the voice of the Heavenly Demon, Meng Qiu made preparations in advance, calmed down and calmed down, so he was not affected.

Even Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng lost their minds, they could hardly control themselves, and they were about to fall into the devil's way.

Fortunately, they had heard Meng Qiu talk about the power of this magic weapon, so they took precautions, and after a moment of distraction, they regained consciousness.

But Liu Quan was unprepared, with poor temperament and cultivation, and immediately fell into fantasy, confused.

Meng Qiu hurriedly uttered a clear whistle, waking him up.

Venerable Dulong's expression changed drastically, and he blurted out, "Meng Qiu, you are here!"

Busily mobilize the mana of the whole body, run the magic soft red sand, and instantly the green fire, yellow dust, red mist, and black smoke all gather together to form a thick cloud with colorful colors.

As soon as the cloud formed, a bolt of lightning flew out of it, the brilliance was bright, and it exploded in all directions, and the rumbling sound resounded throughout the valley.

Seeing that he was going to do his best, although Shang Heyang didn't know Meng Qiu, but seeing Venerable Dulong's reaction, he knew that the strength of the coming man was absolutely extraordinary.

He was also surprised that there was an ambush underneath, so he quickly waved his hand and picked up a five old hammer. The hammer head was made of five skeletons gathered together, and the hammer handle was about four feet long.

Swaying in the wind, a cloud of sorrowful smoke and mist came out, ghosts cried and chirped, and they all became alive, each stretched out its mouth, showing its white teeth, and sprayed black smoke straight out.

This is another Supreme Treasure and White Bone Heart Locking Hammer refined by Shang Heyang.It took a lot of effort and hurt countless souls to get it right.The five ghosts on the hammer are all the living souls of several famous figures from other schools.

Seeing the change in the situation, Chen Yufeng didn't hold back, took back the Yi Guangjian, and said with a smile: "After all, I'm not good at swordsmanship. It's a waste for such a divine sword to fall into my hands."

She rubbed her hands together, a golden light spread, swept forward, and actually dispelled all the black smoke from the bone lockhammer.

"Clutch Divine Light?" Shang Heyang had suffered a lot in the hands of the old nun Youtan, so of course he knew each other.

It's just that the divine light of separation and reunion that Chen Yufeng uses is not ordinary, but the divine light of separation and reunion of yin and yang that she has developed by combining the essence of Buddhism and Taoism is even more powerful by three points.

The more so, the more Shang and Yang didn't dare to ignore it, and with another urge of mana, the heads of Hammer's five evil spirits suddenly grew about Zhang Zhang, and surrounded by the smoke and light of the four demon fires, they flew all over the formation, opening and closing their bloody mouths.

Wherever it goes, no matter what kind of divine light or blood flames are in front of it, they all swish into the mouth of the ghost and suck people in, gradually from prosperity to decline, and from decline to extinction.

(End of this chapter)

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