Chapter 231
What Zui Taoist said made Meng Qiu even more surprised, and said: "Since Xuan Zhenzi's seniors know about it, shouldn't Emei be prepared?

There are a lot of talents in your school, not to mention Master Qi, Kuxing Toutuo and other high-ranking immortals, even Ziqing's second daughter, sister and brother of the Qi family, are all well-known figures, so it's not my turn to take action in this matter, right? "

"Hmph! Don't mention them." Police Zhuge suddenly became irritable, and said: "His family is very shameless. He deceived my master to be a upright person, secretly colluded with each other, and took the position of head. Who wants their help in my matter?"

Meng Qiu opened his mouth, feeling a little puzzled. He almost didn't say what he had said, and only looked at the drunken Taoist.

The first time he met Mie Chenzi on Mount Tai, the other party had said that it was Xuan Zhenzi who took the initiative to avoid, and Qi Shuming had a chance to stand out.Afterwards, he won the support of everyone, surpassed Miechenzi, and the position of head teacher was honorable.

"What are you insane about again? You're talking nonsense here. Why don't you sit aside and meditate, calm down and suppress your demonic nature."

The drunken Taoist yelled, cursed and shoved me, and drove Zhuge police to a quiet room. After returning, he sighed and said:

"Do you remember that I said last time that Nephew Zhuge was injured by Gu Chen and took Wannian Wenyu away, so he became very angry and fell into a demon."

Meng Qiu nodded and said, "Could it be that this is the symptom after he became a demon? After all, he is the first disciple of the three generations of Emei. Could it be that the Emei sect just let it go?"

"Why don't you care about it?" The drunken Taoist said: "Originally, the elder brother took Zhuge's nephew to Donghai, helped him recuperate slowly, and gradually improved.

It's just that the root cause of his obsession lies in the fact that the elder brother didn't take the position of head teacher back then, so he was brooding over it.

Therefore, he has always wanted to do something so that he can stand out from the three generations of disciples and 'take back' the position of head teacher.

That's true, he is very active in the affairs of the door.But there is a call in the door, and the brothers and sisters ask for help at the door, and help if they can.

Seeing that his prestige grew stronger, his mood became more peaceful, but he never thought that a major event happened, which made him even more enchanted.

I also heard the elder brother relay the words of the nephew Zhuge, saying that the last time the nephew was overseas, he had a conflict with someone and was injured and broke an arm.

In order to be able to replace his severed limbs, he went to Juping Island and asked Cui Haike, the son of Lingxu, to obtain the Nine-Return Golden Elixir and Liuyang Changing Bone Wine.

But he was unlucky, Cui Haike was not on the island, and the injury couldn't be delayed, so he planned to go to the North Sea to sink the empty island, and ask the ancestor of the empty sky to get the ten thousand-year continuous bone-building muscle-building spiritual jade ointment.

This time he didn't reach his goal, and was stopped halfway, but it was Mie Chenzi, the third senior brother, who used the elixir to connect his arm. "

The one who severed Zhuge Jingwo's arm was none other than Meng Qiu, he was still wondering why the other party didn't explain this matter clearly, he was even more surprised when he heard this.

As far as he knew, Mie Chenzi had practiced on the top of the Jade Emperor of Mount Tai for dozens of years and never went down the mountain. How could he appear overseas and heal Zhuge Jingwo's injury?

He immediately interrupted the drunken Taoist and asked, "Isn't this a good thing? How could it be related to being a demon?"

The drunk Taoist sighed, and said: "I also thought it was a good thing, but the senior brother said that the third senior brother had already fallen into the devil's religion.

At the very beginning, when the third senior brother rescued Zhuge nephew from Gu Chen, he cast a spell on his nephew, luring the demon into his body, amplifying the desire in his heart.

This time, he had to adjust well, but he practiced the magic ritual again, causing the nephew to be enchanted again, which was much more serious than the previous time.

I didn't believe it at first, but you said that I met the third senior brother overseas and brought back a letter, which happened to inform the whereabouts of the demon corpse Gu Chen.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world, comparing the two, I am afraid that the senior brother is right, and the third senior brother may really have some problems.

When I come here this time, I also want to ask clearly, you have met Third Senior Brother, can you tell me carefully, what is his current situation? "

Meng Qiu was a little dazed, never expecting that such a random lie would lead to so many messy things.

He wanted to explain, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.Mie Chenzi repeatedly told him that no matter what, he could not disclose the news of him being in Mount Tai to Emei.

The two powers harm each other whichever is less.Meng Qiu thought to himself: "I'll first find out exactly what Xuan Zhenzi is going to do, and then adapt to the situation to see if I can explain it clearly.

Even if it doesn't work, Miechenzi will come out from Mount Tai anyway, and he will be able to explain clearly by then. "

So he first described Miechenzi's appearance and attire, and after the drunk Taoist confirmed it, he said:

"You say that he has devoted himself to the magic way, but I don't think so. I can't sense the slightest bit of magic way from him.

Even Zhenjun Shaoyang, who hides so deeply, even if I don't do anything, I can detect something wrong, but Senior Miechenzi's body is clean.

To be able to hide it from me, unless the realm is higher than me by more than one stroke.Could it be that Senior Zui thought he had already been promoted to Heavenly Immortal? "

The drunk Taoist thought for a while, and said: "It's not impossible. My teacher once said that the third senior brother has a stable temperament, prefers to study hard, has a wide range of knowledge, and has many wonderful ideas.

Although the aptitude is not as good as that of Senior Brother and Senior Brother Qi, but in the end, the progress of cultivation may not be slow.

He went away for more than a hundred years and never showed up.With his temperament, he can still cultivate with peace of mind, even if he becomes a god now, I don't think it's strange. "

Meng Qiu was speechless, coughed lightly, and said: "If he is already a celestial being, what else is there to hide? Wouldn't it be better to come back to Emei and take the position of head teacher? He didn't come to trouble a nephew."

Taoist Zui still had no doubts, and said: "Once you join the Devil's Sect, you violated the rules set by your mentor, how can you be considered a member of Emei? Who will accept him as the head teacher?
As for him leading nephew Zhuge into a demon, it's not too much trouble, in fact, our lineage has its own precedent.

Back then when the three patriarchs practiced Taoism together, Master Lian Shan set up his own sect, so he wanted to take Uncle Deng Yin into his sect, but he failed.

After Senior Uncle Deng Yin joined the Devil's Cult, he also approached Third Senior Brother.At that time, the brother withstood the temptation and did not follow.

Later, I am afraid that because of the failure to compete for the position of head teacher, like Zhuge's nephew, he felt a little unbalanced and went astray. "

Meng Qiu was a little dumbfounded, not because he was surprised by this strange tradition, but because he felt that it was too coincidental.The lie he told was twisted and twisted, and it seemed to make sense.

"So that's how it is." He gave up on continuing to explain, and could only say, "But since you've found the culprit, why don't you go to him to solve the problem, instead come to me for what?"

The drunken Taoist smiled wryly and said, "Let's not say that the whereabouts of the third senior brother is uncertain, and we can't find it; even if we find it, so what? Even if he is not a fairy, can we still do it?
What he did didn't harm the overall situation of Emei, he just followed the old practice to lure Zhuge's nephew, he didn't take it by force, and he didn't blatantly use evil methods to confuse him.

All the root causes are that nephew Zhuge's temperament is not enough, there are flaws, and it's just that he can't control magic.

If you want to wake him up, naturally you can only solve it from the source, first find a way to get Wanzai Wenyu back from the demon corpse Gu Chen.

If Emei cannot be contacted about this matter, it will make him even more irritated.Some other friends, I feel unreliable, so I can only ask you. "

(End of this chapter)

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