Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 253 South Pole True Magnetism

Chapter 253 South Pole True Magnetism
Meng Qiu was confident that he would become a celestial being in the future, but he didn't have much thought about the cave of light, and guessed that Bagu Zheng would not have any interest either.

Just as he was about to refuse, he suddenly caught sight of Qian Kang and Pan Fang sitting beside Gongye Huang, and thought to himself: "I have received a lot of help from Senior Gongye, but I have never found a chance to repay it.

He is a celestial being, so it is not difficult to escape the catastrophe, but the junior disciples of the Lianshan Sect, with average cultivation, may be able to rely on this cave to survive the catastrophe for ten thousand years. "

Thinking of this, he didn't refuse and agreed.

After Qian Kang continued to introduce the surrounding situation, Master Ji Le made some arrangements, and then led the crowd to set off together.

The Bright Realm Dongtian is located in the circle of the small South Pole, off the center, but closer to the true magnetism of the South Pole.

The more people flew forward, the more they felt the aura was thicker. Compared with the center of the sea area, it was thicker, and it was not worse than the famous mountains and rivers in the middle of the country.

When approaching the destination, the sky and the earth suddenly lit up, and the aurora suddenly appeared.All of a sudden, the sky is full of light, the shadows of the clouds are thousands of miles away, and the sky is filled with auspicious colors, which is incomparably magnificent.

A strangely long, endless, thick air stretched across the front, and nothing else could be seen.The sky was chaotic up and down, and it was quite different from what we usually see.

Qian Kang shouted in a hurry: "Fellow daoists, be careful, this is the aurora condensed by the true magnetic power of the South Pole. Although it is not as powerful as the cosmic magneto-light at the end of the South Pole, it is incredibly powerful, but it is just as harmful.

Once this light comes out for more than a month, there is no way to avoid it, but to pass through it.If you fall into it, remember not to use Taoism indiscriminately at this time, otherwise the magnetic force will be aroused, and your own mana will be linked, and there is a danger of backlash. "

Everyone heard him talk about this matter just now, and they dare not neglect.Meng Qiu quickly concentrated his mana, guarded the altar tightly, and escaped into it.

The silver aurora covered the distant sky, the lower half was as neat as before, and the upper half was uneven in length and size, like a large upside-down ceiling, with wreaths and tassels, not drooping, but standing upright.

Xiaguang shoots, silver rain and stars fly.As soon as Meng Qiu fell into it, he immediately felt his body lighten, being sucked in by the true energy of Yuan Magnetic, making it easier for him to walk.

Only a little movement, very brisk, I feel that the more I fly forward, the faster I feel, as if I don't need to fly away, I can still move forward.

But going forward is extremely brisk. If you want to turn around, you are blocked on your way. There is an inconceivably great resistance, as heavy as a mountain.

Even in addition to galloping forward according to the center, it is difficult to even move to the sides and change the direction slightly.However, the cave of the bright realm is going to the east.

So far, everyone's cultivation has been revealed.Daoist Ji Le and Gongye Huang, two immortals, are relaxed and freehand, without any influence.

Ling Hun, Ning Yizi, Grandma Jin Luo Ziyan, as well as Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng, if nothing happened, they would not be affected.The same goes for Meng Qiu.

But Lu Min, Qian Kang, Pan Fang, etc. are far behind.As for the few loose immortals, it was almost impossible for them to move an inch.

Immortal Ji Le stretched out his hand and shot out a beam of light, wrapping Shi Sheng, Yang Li, Lu Rongbo, Qian Lai, etc. in it, and they suddenly felt less pressure.

Thousands of miles ahead in the sky, there is only the aurora in the upper and lower directions, without any clouds or other scenery.

Walking for a while, the whole body gradually becomes dark and gloomy, and the farther you walk, the more vivid the aurora is, but the place you walk becomes darker, showing a large gray-white light and shadow.

Not only was the light not strong, but it was also getting hotter and hotter. Meng Qiuzheng was wondering, but Qian Kang suddenly yelled, "No! How could it catch up with the time when Ziwu and Laifu cross?"

He looked panicked and his voice was terrified.Suddenly a black dot appeared in the gray light and shadow, without any brilliance, it still emitted an infinite light rain, shooting out in a hexagonal shape, and the suction force was strengthened many times.

Everyone's bodies were like a group of meteorites, flying forward and falling.At the same time, the hexagonal black shadow suddenly swelled up, shooting ink-colored light from all sides, a little red appeared in the center, it was as red as blood, the dazzling became bigger, and the heat increased a hundred times at the same time.

This is a unique disaster in the Antarctic Circle. It is extremely rare for the meridian and the rifle to cross once every few hundred years.

That black shadow is the mother of the atmosphere, and the yin and yang qi are growing and ebbing each other.The aurora that everyone sees is not the real thing, but the phantom backlight from the separation and reunion of Qi mother and Yuan magnetic essence. Once the black shadow disperses, the aurora appears immediately.

When these two lines intersect, Yin and Yang must fight.When the anode is yin, the heat is tens of millions of times stronger than that of ordinary fire, and the suction is surprisingly strong. No matter any matter in the universe, if it gets close to it, it will self-extinguish and become nothing.

Master Ji Le is well-informed and said: "Don't panic. Stay close to the Lingtai and get rid of your anger first."

Although everyone was unbearably hot, they were all people who had attained the Tao and became immortals, and they had already taken action.

Ling Qing, Ning Yizi, Grandma Jin, etc. displayed various colors of Dharma light to block the heat.But Lu Min, Qian Kang and the others suffered. Seeing that they couldn't resist, they deviated from the direction of the Light Realm and headed for the South Pole on time, and they were on a dead end.

Meng Qiu is more than capable of protecting himself, but he is powerless to save others.After all, the Yu Qian glass on his body was given to Yu Yingnan, and he didn't practice the divine light and Taoism of the guardian.

He had no choice but to call out: "Ba Gu, borrow your precious umbrella."

Zheng Bagu threw it out, and the yin-yang umbrella fell into the light. It swayed and became more than ten feet in size, with gray fog on the top and black clouds on the bottom.

The cloud and mist rushed out, wrapping Qian Kang and Pan Fang in it, and the true energy of Taiyin Yuan Magnetic was cut off for the first time, and most of the enthusiasm disappeared immediately.

The few people breathed a sigh of relief, quickly used their mana, adjusted their direction, and followed.

Gongyehuang was just waiting for help, and he gave up when he saw this. He nodded to Meng Qiu and said, "Keep working hard. After this distance, we will recover."

Everyone speeded up and flew for half a stick of incense, and as expected, they got out of the meridian, and the enthusiasm faded away.

And it changed from extremely hot to extremely cold, and several people shuddered unconsciously. Although they knew they were out of danger, they were terrified, fearing that they would be in danger again, so they all flew forward with all their strength.

It wasn't until flying far away that I began to look back. The magneto-optical light I saw last time was brilliant and shining in the sky, the sky for thousands of miles was covered with colorful clouds, and the land, mountains and rivers were all magical and grotesque.

"Not far ahead is the cave of light." Qian Kang took a breath and stretched out his hand to point to the distance.

There is a faint light in that area, surrounded by dense fog, the light is not strong, it is just like a mass of substance, blocking the way.

The crowd didn't stop, and at the end, through the thick fog, a wonderful scene appeared in front of them.

That place is on the top of a very high iceberg, the whole body is emerald and crystal clear.A yellow jade pavilion about ten feet high covers the exit, with a flat and vertical top, as neat as a cut, as if carved out of a whole piece of crystal jade.

Opposite to the vast ocean, the blue waves are vast, the sky and the water contain each other, the eyes are vast, and there is no limit.The water color is very clear and deep, and the bottom can be seen almost.

The fish in the water are colorful, colorful, and have different shapes and shapes. They fly back and forth on the water from time to time.The bottom of the sea is about a hundred feet deep, the fine sand is like snow, and seaweed and trees grow on it.

Some are colorful and have different branches, just like giant trees; some are covered with emerald green belts, which are more than ten feet long.There are also many strange-shaped sea beasts and flying fish passing through it, chasing them for a show.

Accidentally provoked, the battle will start, the fine sand on the seabed is shaken, and a thousand layers of star rain, hundreds of millions of silver flowers, dance in the emerald coral coral.

"What a scene of a fairy family!" Even though everyone was used to seeing the famous mountains in China, they couldn't help being amazed at this situation after they escaped danger.

Before the words were finished, two women with the quality of crystal jade flew out from the pavilion, wearing a body as thin as a cicada's wing, they were ferocious and fierce, holding ice forks in their hands and roaring.

(End of this chapter)

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