Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 256 Chopping melons and vegetables

Chapter 256 Chopping melons and vegetables
Although Meng Qiu moved first, before him, the sisters Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng had already rushed into the formation, gathering most of the monks from the 47 small Antarctic islands that had been delineated before into Jianguang.

It seems that they have been in seclusion for too long, and the two of them were still thinking about moving. The two swords of Tianhui Yiguang galloped out without any pause, and aimed straight at a certain evil-spirited monk.

Although this demon is in the realm of the earth fairy, he has always lived in a corner of the South China Sea and has never been to the Middle Earth to gain knowledge.He neither recognizes the famous Goddess of Calamity and Jade Raksha, nor does he know how powerful the two swords of Tianhui and Yiguang are.

Just looking at the two beautiful women, he was distracted, while relying on the divine light to protect his body, he sacrificed the flying sword to stop him, swearing obscenely and laughing lewdly.

Such behavior made Zheng Bagu even more angry.Hou Yi's light sword intercepted the enemy's flying sword, Tian Hui sword had three extra mana, and rushed forward fiercely.

The demon was caught off guard, the light of the body protection method was like a bubble, it would burst with a poke, and he couldn't react in time, and was pierced through the chest by the flying sword.Immediately, the primordial spirit was beheaded, and his body was blown to pieces.

One person died in the blink of an eye, and the 47 Islands were so frightened that they gathered together one after another, each using their own magic and magic treasures to protect themselves.

In this group, apart from Wu Lingzhu, the most brilliant one is Li Yi Island Master Yunlei Daoist Li Wang, who knows very well, and shouted:

"The two of you have powerful mana, and the flying sword is even more miraculous. You are definitely not unknown people, but you are shameless for doing such a sneak attack!"

"I'll just stand here, and if you had to attack me, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it." Zheng Bagu said disdainfully, "Anyway, they are all trash that can die with a single strike. If you die horizontally or vertically, there is no difference."

Li Wang was furious, and shouted: "Arrogant to the extreme! Fellow Daoists, there is a lot of fighting around, let's not talk nonsense with them, let's fight together."

While speaking, he first threw a large colored silk in the palm of his hand into the air, standing like light clouds flying catkins, like a raging sea, covering Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng in all directions, and the electricity seemed to spread rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, a huge piece of airspace was completely covered by this colorful cloud.Like a dense net, spread out, a red fairy cloud is raised, mixed with hundreds of millions of sparks of five colors, covering and pressing down.

This magic weapon is called Yunlei Immortal Net. Apart from its fierce attack, it also has defense. Once it is used, no matter how powerful the water, fire, wind and thunder, it can't break through.

As soon as the sparks floated out of the dense net, it immediately turned into a large piece of five-color divine thunder, falling down like a shower.

At the same time, the group of evil spirits also followed Li Wang to attack, and the lights of various colors were colorful, shining in the sky with colorful colors and boundless splendor.

Zheng Bagu propped up the Yin-Yang treasure umbrella, no matter what kind of attack fell on it, it would turn into fine rain, which could not penetrate at all.

Chen Yufeng said: "Over there, Ning Yizi and Grandma Jin beat all the monsters and ran away. There are also a few juniors who are also very brave. We don't want to be compared. We should defeat the enemy early and help Meng Qiu."

While she was speaking, she rubbed her hands together, emitting a gray light of separation and reunion, and slammed into the opposite side.

The divine light of separation and reconciliation is refined by Taoism innately. It can generate strange and cold flames, and create illusions at will, causing people to go crazy and be extremely ruthless.

However, what Chen Yufeng used combined the strengths of Taoism and Buddhism, turned them into innate, and used them as natal supernatural powers, which was particularly profound.

Most of the overseas monks have extremely poor Taoism, and they can't tell how powerful they are. They still use magic weapons and spells to resist at will, just like the demon just now.

But Na Li Wang saw that it was powerful, he quickly pulled back the Yunlei fairy net to protect himself, and none of the companions next to him ignored it.

Sure enough, most of the evildoers on the opposite side were hard to resist. After being illuminated by the divine light, their expressions were in a trance, as if they had fallen into a sea of ​​fire, and they were extremely hot.

Several people whose cultivation was not solid enough, panicked, immediately couldn't maintain the body-protecting magic light, and after being hit by the light of the gods, they screamed a few times, and they were wiped out into ashes.

A group of people on the side were frightened and rushed into the Yunlei fairy net held by Li Wang, shouting at the same time, "Fellow Daoist Li, help!", "I dare not compete with Fellow Daoist for women anymore."

Only then did Li Wang spread out the treasured net, engulfing the people around him.The divine light of separation and reunion hit the top of the Yunlei fairy net, like a broom removing dust, sweeping away the attached red fairy cloud.

He was startled, and poured almost all his mana into it, only then did Hongyun regenerate.

Chen Yufeng wanted to use a little more strength, but Zheng Bagu was already impatient, she flicked her ten fingers repeatedly, and thousands of Dawuxingjue Shenguang needles shot out like pear blossoms in a rainstorm.

Li Wang also changed from good to evil in the past, so he also has some knowledge. He vaguely recognizes this spell, but he is not familiar with it.

As long as Xindao is not the divine light of separation and reunion, he is not afraid of the cloud and thunder fairy net.So it was a fluke, and he still stopped the magic weapon at the front, but the whole body subconsciously shrank to the end.

The dazzling light needle hit the fairy cloud, but did not stop, it passed through, then went back, and came out from the mesh again, hitting the monks behind.

Many people sacrificed the magic weapon earlier, thinking that they could block the light needle just like blocking the divine light of clutching and reunion just now, but they didn't want to be self-defeating instead.

The divine light of separation and reunion has quality and intangibility, and its power does not act on the body, but lies in the dissociation of mana and the consumption of spiritual consciousness.Regardless of whether it is a person or a magic weapon, once it is hit, the magic power will be stripped immediately, and the remaining body will be worn out or even destroyed when it falls in the divine light.

For example, Chen Yufeng and others don't come out of the cardinal, reconcile yin and yang, and under full force, they can even pass through the body, directly reach the sea of ​​consciousness, and destroy the primordial spirit.

But the light of the Great Five Elements Extinction God is not the case, it only acts on the body, shoots the bones and bones to disappear, and shoots the form to disappear.

If these evildoers dodge, they can survive for a while.This time they get together, right in the middle of Zheng Bagu's spell.

The first two people stared dumbfounded at their shield magic weapon and a hemp flag, which disappeared in an instant as soon as they were exposed to the light needle.

The body protection magic light on his body is even more fragile, and he can't even block it for a moment, and his body disappears immediately.

The few monks standing behind took advantage of a tiny opportunity to escape in a hurry and managed to save their lives.

Chen Yufeng had been prepared for a long time, and as soon as they came out of the cloud and thunder fairy net, Clutch Shenguang rushed over, taking the opportunity to kill two more people.

Li Wang felt a pain in his heart, and shouted loudly: "My magic weapon, you..."

Before they finished speaking, Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng said "noisy" at the same time, and the two supernatural powers came down together, blocking the second half of the conversation, and beating people and magic weapons until there was nothing left.

With the cultivation base of the two of them, dealing with these monks who have lived overseas for a long time is really as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

Master Wu's magic power here is also average. He was suppressed by Qian Kang and struggling to support him. He was waiting to seek help from his companions, but when he turned around, he saw heavy casualties over there, and his soul was frightened.

He immediately got the idea of ​​running away, didn't dare to look too much, turned around, and with a sudden urge of mana, he immediately raised a thousand-foot-thousand-hundred-foot-thousand-foot demon mist of Yinhuo, and flew towards the opposite side.

At the same time, he secretly pinched the Jue, and released one hundred and eight short three-pointers. The green light was shining, like nails but not nails, and the hair was about to come out.

This is the unique magic nail that God Master Wu got from the sea by accident. It is used by the heart, big and small, and it is not unsatisfactory.

There is only a ray of monster light about an inch long, the light is as thin as silk, and it turns gray when shot, and it is hidden in the evil mist of Yin fire, no matter how good the eyes are, it is difficult to distinguish it.

He issued a large number of them, relying on his own mind to use them. Qian Kang's self-defense magic weapon is so wonderful, it seems half hidden and half visible, at most he can avoid half of it, and the other half can never be avoided.

But I don't want this kind of hidden weapon to fall on the opposite side, and it will always surround the enemy's body, as if blocked by something, like frozen flies drilling through the window, but they can't get in.

"Hahahaha!" Qian Kang laughed a few times, and said, "Since I have chosen you as my opponent, I am sure of it. Your dirty tricks have been spread for a long time, and you still want to plot against me?
Originally prepared this magic weapon to deal with Wu Lingzhu.But you bumped into it, so you should be unlucky. "

While speaking, he sacrificed Qianye God Lei Chong and beat him to the past.

For this magic weapon, Qian and his wife took a strange risk and sneaked into the entrance to wait at the junction of Laifu and Meridian. When the Aurora fire flew past around the axis of the earth, they collected a little bit of remaining energy.

Over the years, I have gained a lot, and after 81 years of hard work, together with the pre-collected magnetic iron, I made this treasure.

It is shaped like a thousand-leaf lotus-shaped windmill, with a small lotus chamber in the center with nine holes.Use it to designate the front, follow the law, the windmill will spin sharply immediately, and several bluish-white radiance will shoot out from the lotus hole.

It doesn't look strong, but wherever it goes, no matter how thick and magical the iron wall is, or the magic weapon made of the essence of hardware, as long as it hits a little, it will melt immediately when it touches it.

This treasure is used to deal with Wu Shenshi, it is naturally overkill.But Qian Kang looked at the situation and realized that after today, the two major scourges of Little Antarctica would be gone, and he didn't like fighting, so keeping it would be useless, so he resorted to it.

Once stimulated, the blue and white air immediately entangled with the Heavenly Demon Nail, and with a few puffs, it was completely melted away.

The magic weapon connected to the heart, Master Wu's sea of ​​consciousness shook, he screamed, his expression was in a trance, he was covered by the Dharma light emitted by Qianye Shenleichong, and lost his life.

The monsters that Grandma Jin and Ning Yizi dealt with all grew up in this cave, and they were stronger than the monks on Little Antarctic 47 Island.

The scene is also at a stalemate. It seems that the two visitors from China are not very suitable for fighting overseas.

Especially Grandma Jin, who became enlightened at a younger age than other immortals, and has almost never been overseas, so she is a bit cautious, not in a hurry to attack, and just cooperates with Ning and his son to defend against the enemy.

This kind of performance caused the enemy to misunderstand her, thinking that she was not very capable, and they all surrounded her like a soft persimmon.Among the six monsters, four were attacking her.

After seeing Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng killing all directions, Grandma Jin came to her senses and laughed at herself:

"Sure enough, the older the world is, the less courageous it is. These wastes are placed in Zhongtu, and I have already taken down them with my sword, leaving no one behind.

Arriving overseas, on the contrary, he developed a three-point timidity and lost his vigor for no reason. "

She was startled, and threw a circle of green color and glittering and translucent, about an inch in size, which turned into a circle of green light and cold light. She swiped forward, and before the four monsters could react, they all turned into ice sculptures, freezing to death with the soul inside.

"Where are you going!" Ning Yizi shouted, and raised two divine thunders, throwing them out.

The other two demons were going to flee, seeing the attack coming, they wanted to avoid it, but they felt their bodies were stiff and unable to move, they were all charred by the divine thunder.

He chuckled lightly, and said, "If you two got away, how could you have any face?"

The rest of Lu Min, Cui Haike, and Pan Fang helped Shi Sheng, Qian Lai, Yang Li, and Lu Rongbo deal with the servants in the cave, and it was also easy.

But in just over half an hour, only Ling Hun and Wu Lingzhu, as well as Meng Qiu and Yaoshi Guchen were left in a stalemate.

On Ling Hun's side, Daoist Ji Le and Gongye Huang had reminded them a long time ago that they knew that Wu Lingzhu had such a devastating weapon as Wusuo, the secret demon of all heavens and stars, and dared not force them too much, lest the other party would have the idea of ​​dying together and turn this boundless fairyland into death.

Therefore, he didn't use any magic weapon, only a flying sword, and he could firmly restrain the opponent, unable to advance or retreat.

But the fight between Meng Qiu and Gu Chen is not the case, they are the most dangerous couple in the field.

With the help of the magic power of the demon cockles, as well as the accumulated spiritual materials and bones of different types over the past ten thousand years, without the main banner being damaged, Gu Chen refined the ghost gathering beast banner, and there are as many as one hundred and eight sides.

Twice as many as the number seen in the cave under Lingyu Cliff in Mangcang Mountain last time.If it wasn't for the lack of heat, the power would have increased many times.

He knew that Meng Qiu's cultivation base was only a loose immortal cultivation base, but it was the same as that of Daoist Changmei back then, so he couldn't reason about it normally.

Therefore, they did not make any temptations at the beginning, and directly set up a large formation to trap Meng Qiu by surprise.

Immediately, the demon banners moved, the wind was blowing, and the sounds of ghosts and beasts were noisy.

One hundred and eight demons and goblins escaped from the banner, turned into dark green light shadows, and charged towards them with dense fog and black smoke.

Meng Qiu and Gu Chen had fought twice, they already knew each other's ability, and they definitely could not win quickly, they had already told their companions that there was no need to worry, and at the beginning they were not in a hurry, only Nanming Lihuo sword was placed on top of his head.

Naturally, this flying sword doesn't have much defensive ability, but among the beast-gathering demon formation, the most powerful ones are all kinds of yin demons, which happen to be restrained by pure yanglihuo.

Now Meng Qiu's primordial spirit has grown many times, the flames are soaring, like a scorching sun, even outside the formation, one can see a ray of light.

All the ghosts and ghosts couldn't get close, they just chirped and screamed outside, there was nothing they could do.

Gu Chen's ugly face became even uglier. It never occurred to him that in just a short time, Meng Qiu's cultivation had grown tremendously, and he couldn't even subdue it.

Seeing that Li Huo was about to burn through the demon formation, he hurriedly released a bone lamp, waved the main banner, and urged Yin Demon to gather beasts and transform into bone pins.

A green fire burst out from the bone lamp, sparks splashed and turned into paper flowers, dancing in a formation.

As soon as it hit the body of the monster, it immediately turned into a cloud of green smoke.After the monster absorbed it, its whole body solidified unexpectedly.

Suddenly the world changed, and a strange and subtle scene appeared in Meng Qiu's eyes.

The pillars are painted on the walls, the pearls are cushioned, the pearls are embroidered on the couch, and the beauties are laid out, the jade is soft and fragrant, tender and beautiful, and the autumn waves are charming, come to seduce each other.

There is also a naked jade body, singing and dancing gracefully, with a bright body and a beautiful appearance.Then it whirls lightly, like a flying swallow throwing itself into its bosom.

With the smell of a very sweet and soft meat fragrance, it enters the nose.Suddenly feel the jade muscle touch the body, cool and slippery, soul-stirring, ecstasy.

If it were someone else, his face would have been flushed and his body was hot, his heart was shaking, and it was hard to control himself, but Meng Qiu remained motionless, like a stone sculpture.

You can't see the phantom inside clearly from the outside, but you can see that the light from Lihuo has shrunk, as if you are in a haze, and if the light is not there, you know that the situation is a little critical.

(End of this chapter)

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