Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 261 Secret of the Purple Palace

Chapter 261 Secret of the Purple Palace
After walking far away, Master Ji Le stopped with his people and said to Meng Qiu, "Lend me that jade tablet, and then bring them back to Mangcang Mountain first."

After taking the jade tablet, he didn't explain too much, and immediately moved his body and left.

Meng Qiu and the others looked at each other, not knowing what was going on, so they had to follow the advice and return to Mangcang Mountain.

When they arrived at the Xuanshuang Cave of Tu'erya, they saw the real person of Ji Le waiting at home one step earlier.

Meng Qiu said: "The real person has been to Ziyun Palace again, but it didn't go well?"

Master Ji Le nodded, his expression was not very good, he returned the jade tablet, and said: "The enemy is not young, just now I was worried about you guys, it was difficult to make a move, so I took a step back first.

Waiting for this meeting to find the door again, they have already hid in the Purple Cloud Palace and closed the door.

I wanted to use your jade token, but found that it was not for controlling the Ziyun Palace, but rather a key to a secret treasure house. "

"Fang Chufeng looked for me time and time again, and never forgot. It seems that there is some great treasure in Ziyun Palace." Meng Qiu said, "Could it be the Jade Pillar in the Golden Court?"

Master Ji Le also agreed, saying: "Besides there, I don't think there is any other place, it is my two good friends who can't crack it.

However, to say that what is buried is a treasure, it may not be so. "

Meng Qiu was suddenly a little curious, and asked, "Oh, is there any secret in it, and I ask the real person to enlighten me."

Master Ji Le said: "You must have heard about the origin of the Purple Cloud Palace. It is said that it is the Golden Mother of the Heavenly One, which was built on the bottom of the sea with great magic power. It is hundreds of miles deep and has 63 floors, right?"

After everyone nodded, he said with a smile: "I'm afraid you don't know the danger of the seabed. There is tens of thousands of feet of water pressure there, and being in it is like carrying Mount Emei on your back, even an immortal can't bear it.

What's more, the closer it is to the center of the earth, the stronger the magnetic force is, which is multiples of the north and south poles.Even if it is me, it is difficult to create such a cave in such a bad place.

I thought that no matter how powerful the golden mother is, she wouldn't be much better than me. How could she have such abilities?

Although the Golden Mother never said it, but thinking about coming to Ziyun Palace is the same as the Guangming Realm, it was a sacred mountain that flew from the sky, was obtained by the Golden Mother, made it into a cave, and placed it on the bottom of the sea. "

Shi Sheng asked: "That is to say, Fang Chufeng in Ziyun Palace, like Wanzai Hanyu, can rival the heavenly immortals?"

"Impossible." Master Ji Le shook his head and said, "The Heavenly Outer Divine Mountain falls into the deep sea, and under heavy pressure, it will become smaller and smaller. Moreover, the strong Yuan magnetism will be assimilated over time. Once it cannot sink, it will definitely not be able to accommodate people.

It's like the Guangcheng Golden Ship, which was attracted by the geomagnetism in the Yuanjiang River. Although everyone knew that there were countless treasures inside, no one dared to go deep into it, for fear that it would be easy to get in, but impossible to get out. "

Hearing him mentioning the Guangcheng Golden Boat, Meng Qiu's heart moved, but he didn't ask any more questions, he just said: "As the real person said, Ziyun Palace must have used other methods to survive until now. Could it be related to the Jinting Yuzhu?"

Master Ji Le nodded again and said: "The Jade Pillar in the Golden Court is an artifact refined by King Yu, and it was originally intended to be a pillar supporting the sky to connect the spirit world.

But this pillar has only been drilled into a section, and it is more than ten thousand feet long, so I know that I am whimsical.

Not to mention the interference of nine heavenly qi, yuan magnetism, or star power in the middle, just counting the distance, the distance between the earth and the celestial world is hundreds of millions of miles, even if all the hardware in the world is gathered, I am afraid that such a magical weapon cannot be trained.

I had to throw it into the East China Sea to calm the storm.Later, it was taken away by the golden mother, who practiced the golden court jade pillar, which was used to suppress the cave mansion and counter the Yuan magnetism, so that Ziyun Palace was left on the seabed.

But in this way, Ziyun Palace also lost its cave attribute, and became no different from ordinary cave mansions.

This jade tablet of yours may be the key to unraveling the oppression of the Jinting Yuzhu.After unlocking it, not only will you get a top magic weapon, but you will also get a cave. "

Lu Rongbo was a little puzzled, and said: "The power of the cave is extremely powerful, why didn't Senior Jinmu use it, but set it on the bottom of the sea instead?"

"You might as well ask Meng Qiu why he doesn't want that luminous state." Master Ji Le said indifferently: "But who has the talent to be outstanding and ascend to the top, who would value mere celestial beings?
The cultivator whose true spirit rests on the ground ascends, as if embedding wood into an iron wall. Although it is extremely difficult, but persevere, there is always a chance.

But once a monk is in harmony with the cave, if there are more impurities in the primordial spirit, if he wants to go to the spiritual world, it will be like kneading tofu into an iron plate, it is absolutely impossible. "

Meng Qiu frowned, and said in shock: "So there is such a saying? Why is Senior Gongye willing to refine the Light Realm?"

"Why, you don't know about such flaws?" Daoist Ji Le was stunned, and then said: "If you don't know anything, but you can give up a cave, that's even more admirable.

As for why Fellow Daoist Gongye agreed, it's not difficult to guess.It's nothing more than going through the battle with the demon gnat, realizing his own strength, and there is no hope of ascension.

Relying on the cave, he can still live for hundreds of years. If he insists on thinking about ascension, he may not be able to survive the next catastrophe.

What's more, the ten thousand year catastrophe is not many years away, how can there be any time for him to grind his choices. "

Meng Qiu sighed, not knowing how to comment.

Back then when Gongye Huang was promoted to Heaven, he was still full of vigor, but in the blink of an eye, he gave up his ascension within a few years.

He hasn't reached that level yet, and he doesn't know whether the other party's choice is good or bad.

If it were him, although he is full of confidence at the moment, he may not be able to stick to his heart when there is no way out, and he will never regret it.

Lu Rongbo couldn't feel this, but said enviously: "This choice is not bad. Thousands of years are also extremely long. The joys and sorrows, each with its own manifestation, is enough."

Among the crowd, except for Shi Sheng, Lu Min, Cui Haike, and Yang Li are not extremely talented, and they have long given up the idea of ​​ascending to heaven or even immortality, and most of them are similar to her thoughts.

Yang Li couldn't help being a little envious, and said: "Sister Rong and I are still somewhat sure of being promoted to Earth Immortal, but it's a pity that the cave is hard to find, even if you want to find it to enjoy yourself, you can't."

Shi Sheng immediately looked at Master Ji Le, who laughed, stretched out his hand to stroke the top of his head, and said, "I have already made up my mind about this matter, Ziyun Palace's idea, you don't have to fight."

"Is it because of the two 'friends' mentioned by the Patriarch?" Shi Sheng asked, "Are they very powerful?"

Master Ji Le said: "If I'm not mistaken, one is the old man Sibi, the master of the Asura Taoism of the Demon Sect, and the other is even more interesting. It is Deng Yin, the junior brother of Daoist Fellow Daoist Long Eyebrows. Are you serious?"

Several people were taken aback, and said: "How could Daoist Changmei's junior get involved with the Demon Sect?"

Meng Qiu understood the reason, Deng Yin had joined the Demon Sect a long time ago, and practiced the blood nerves of the high Taoism of the Blood Sea Dao.

But this matter is extremely secretive, not many people know about it, and it is not easy to offend Emei, so it has not been spread.

Master Ji Le is naturally not afraid, because of his friendship with Master Changmei, it's not easy to talk nonsense.Right now, he actually bumped into them, and they were all his own people present, so he didn't hide anything, and said:
"This matter involves the contradictions and struggles between Daoist Taiyuan, Yu Sanzi Yu, Master Lianshan, Daoyou Changmei, Deng Yin, the blood god old man, the old god master, and the fire spirit god from the Demon Sect. It is a long story and it is useless.

All you need to know is that because Deng Yin disliked the practice of Taoism too slowly, he joined the old man of Blood God and became the elder of Blood Sea Dao.

Leaving aside the old man Shibi, you should all have heard of this man and know how powerful he is.And even though he is in the Devil's Cult, he is arrogant, even if you offend him a little, at most it will be a minor punishment and a major punishment, and he will not die.

Only Deng Yin, the son of the blood god, needs to be extra careful.He had a good temperament at first, but after entering the Blood Sea Road, he studied the magic scriptures by himself, and his evil roots grew day by day, so he could no longer be regarded as a human being.

Especially after he practiced the most powerful evil method in the Devil's Sutra, the blood shadow divine light, he abandoned his original body, peeled off his own human skin, and then refined the whole blood body to become a blood shadow with condensed essence.

After this method is perfected, no matter you meet a cultivator from any sect of righteousness or evil, you just need to pounce on them, and immediately pass through, absorbing all the original spirit and energy of the opponent, and you can also borrow the original body of the victim, even the closest people, it is difficult to detect.

What's especially powerful about this method is that except for the three or five magic weapons that restrain him, other water, fire, wind, thunder, and magic weapons like flying swords can't hurt him.

Fellow Daoist Meng, you should be especially careful, apart from the Ziqing Twin Swords and the Buddhist Heart Lamp, it is the Nanming Lihuo Sword in your hand that has the most restraint on him.

He also forged the blood light of his ten fingers and the mysterious yin demon flame on the top of his head, thinking that they could resist these pure yang treasures. "

Meng Qiu smiled wryly, and said: "I thought offending Emei would be very uncomfortable, but I never thought there would be such an enemy lurking behind me.

But as an immortal, I definitely can't stop him. It seems that I still have to find a way later, and hide in a safe place for a while. "

The real person of Ji Le said: "If you are in Mangcang Mountain, you don't need to worry. No matter how arrogant Deng Yin is, he will never dare to make trouble in front of me.

If you want to go to other places, I suggest you go to the Light Realm.Once Gongyehuang refined the Dongtian Center and Deng Yin left, there would be no benefit.

But what I mean is, don't sit still.If you have spare time, you can tell Emei the news of Deng Yin's birth, and they will follow the instructions of fellow Taoist Changmei, and they will take the initiative to find trouble with this person. "

Meng Qiu nodded, and said: "It happens that I'm going to see Taoist Zui in a few days, and pass it on through him, but I don't know how much Emei will do.

An opponent who can be valued by real people, unless Xuan Zhenzi makes a move, others may be vulnerable. "

"Emei still has a lot of background." Master Ji Le made a vague sentence, stopped talking, and turned to other things, saying:

"But I didn't expect that Deng Yin would hook up with the old monster Sibi and lay such a pawn overseas while still overseas."

Through the real person's commentary, Meng Qiu knew that Ziyun Palace was definitely eyeing the jade token in his hand, so he quickly asked:
"I have heard stories about the three sisters of the Fang family many times in South China Sea, but no one has ever mentioned their relationship with the Demon Cult.

The last time they fought swords on Yue'er Island, what Chufeng and Erfeng learned was also very upright. It is rumored that they learned Taoism from "The Golden Seal of the Dique".

Even the two of them did not hesitate to offend the real person, but they wanted to support Ziyun Palace.There's something, worth it for them. "

"Fellow Daoist Cui also introduced to me the origins of the three palace masters of Ziyun Palace last time. Looking at it now, it must be fake."

The real person of Ji Le said: "No matter what spells they use, or the revealed Taoism, but the foundation hidden deep below must be the great magic method.

And here, there is a great secret.The so-called three sisters of the Fang family are actually the same person. "

"What?" Meng Qiu and Cui Haike couldn't help but looked at each other in shock.

The two of them had actually been in contact with the sisters of the Fang family, and they didn't think they were the same person, no matter from the perspective of monks such as Yuanshen and Taoism, or their appearance, temperament, and temperament.

Meng Qiu expressed his doubts, and Master Ji Le said: "This is what I am also amazed at. If I don't look at it carefully, even I will be dazzled and I can't tell it apart, let alone other comrades.

No matter how they cover up, even if the primordial spirit is different, the true spirit will not lie.

When the three phoenixes attacked at the very beginning, the fluctuation of their true spirits was only one-third that of ordinary monks. I wondered what kind of Taoism could harm people to such an effect.

After Erfeng came out, the fluctuation immediately increased to two-thirds, and I guessed the truth.Later Chufeng came out, as expected.

This kind of Taoism is really wonderful, and I don't know who came up with it.It can be seen that the Demon Cult has been silent for many years and has planned many major events. "

Master Ji Le recalled the details he saw from the three women, and still found it inconceivable.

The rebirth of the body from a drop of blood, or the second and third souls, are certainly incomparable magic, but it is not only the first time I have seen or even heard of such things involving the separation of the true spirit.

I wanted to catch these three people back to find out, but why did the old man Shibi and Deng hide behind Fang Chufeng?
Although he was not afraid of a big battle, the juniors he brought would be affected, except for Meng Qiu, they would all die.

Returning to the South China Sea later, of course, has the meaning of saving face, but it is also the main purpose to find out the truth of this Taoism.

It's just that the other party was afraid of his reputation and closed Ziyun Palace. No matter what methods he used, he didn't respond, and his plan fell through.

Shi Sheng and others, whose cultivation base is still low, do not understand the meaning of the true spirit split; Lu Min and Cui Haike have never thought about this, so they don't know much.

Meng Qiu was different. He asked many people to clarify the relationship between the true spirit, the soul, and the body. Later, he learned the method of refining gods in Taishan and got a lot of teachings from Miechenzi.

Therefore, he is very clear that the true spirit is not made by human beings, but produced by heaven and earth, which cannot be changed easily.

Now listening to the real person of Ji Le, someone can divide one into three, like the Arabian Nights, it is really unbelievable.

"Such things..." He hesitated for a moment, opened his mouth to spit out a few words, but didn't know how to say them.

"Don't tell outsiders about this matter. If it spreads out, I won't do anything. You will definitely be targeted by the Devil's Cult."

Master Ji Le said: "Don't be entangled in that way right now, it's not something you can explore at this level.

I see that you are full of air, and you will be able to overcome the calamity and be promoted in a few years.After becoming an Earth Immortal, with your means, you may be able to protect yourself even in the face of a Celestial Immortal. "

Meng Qiu calmed down and signaled that he understood. Seeing that the other party had no orders, he took his leave and left.

When I got out of Tu'er Cliff, I went straight to Wudang Mountain without going back to the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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