Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 263 Returning to the God Ridge

Chapter 263 Returning to the God Ridge
The two chatted and laughed, and Meng Qiu pushed the Xuanguang ruler back to Zheng Bagu, saying: "This thing, if it falls into my hands, is considered a secret investment, and when you are free, send it to Yufeng.

She lacks a magic weapon that can protect her body. Although this ruler is not exclusively used for defense, it is not bad in effectiveness and can handle most methods. "

Zheng Bagu said: "In that case, why don't you keep it, it's better than nothing."

Meng Qiu said indifferently: "An attack it can block, if it falls directly on the body, it can't hurt me at 01:30; if it can't stop it, I don't necessarily have other means to deal with it."

"That's right." Zheng Bagu suddenly remembered the previous sparring, she lost to the opponent, she couldn't help nodding and said:
"You were so powerful when you were in the Sanxian realm, but now that you have been promoted to Earth Immortal, your supernatural powers are naturally even more difficult to imagine.

It's a pity that I don't have enough means to test your depth, otherwise, no matter what, I will have to fight again. "

It is interesting to fight when you meet an opponent and meet a good talent.If the gap is too big, like an adult beating a child, playing, Zheng Bagu is naturally unwilling, and asked directly:
"How is your current cultivation base and fighting skills compared to the god camel Yixiu?"

The divine camel Yixiu is known as No.1 under the Immortal. Comparing it with it shows that Zheng Bagu has great confidence in Meng Qiu. .

Meng Qiu tilted his head slightly, thought for a while, and said, "The last time we fought here, he didn't use his full strength, so it's hard to judge.

However, I am going to find the Green Robe of Baiman Mountain and try it out, maybe I can see where my current means can be ranked. "

Zheng Bagu nodded and said: "This is an excellent opponent. The green-robed old demon is also a top-notch monk, and his methods are fierce. If you can beat him, compared with Yixiu, you won't lose much.

When are you planning to go, when the time comes, Yufeng and I will hold the battle for you. "

"Not busy for the time being." Meng Qiu said: "Realist Ji Le left a letter last time asking me to come over, saying that there is something important to do, and I will go and see the situation first."

Immediately after he left Lingyu Cliff, he arrived at Rabbit Cliff after a few steps, and was welcomed into the cave by Yang Li.

"Have you been promoted?" Master Ji Le looked at the changes in his promotion, asked a question, and said, "The last time I saw you, I was almost at the door. The tribulation of a mere earth immortal will naturally not trouble you."

Yang Li was very envious, and said: "When I met Fellow Daoist Meng back then, he was still just building a foundation, but in just a dozen years, he has become an immortal, which is really amazing.

I have practiced Taoism for more than a hundred years, and I am still spinning among the immortals. I don't know when I will be able to catch up. "

"Whimsical." Cui Haike said angrily: "You are not practicing swords every day, but you are playing around, and you are very focused on cultivation.

If he can be promoted to Earth Immortal in the future, he will already have a great fortune, and it is wishful thinking to catch up with Fellow Daoist Meng.

By the time you become an immortal, maybe he has already become a heavenly immortal, and even ascended to heaven. "

Yang Li's talent is not bad, but unfortunately he is not too enthusiastic about cultivating Taoism, and he usually doesn't work hard enough.

Although Cui Haike didn't expect him to inherit any mantle, it was extremely helpless to see him always looking unbelievable.

His master and his disciple chatted a few words aside, and Master Ji Le led Meng Qiu out of the cave, heading north, and flew towards Emei.

But two or three thousand miles away, another mountain range appeared. Meng Qiu recognized it as the Yihuan Mountain Range, with continuous peaks that couldn't be seen at a glance.

Master Ji Le led him down to the cloud head, flew close to it, and after a while he passed through a cloud and landed on the cloud head.

The two walked up slowly, and they were buried in the deep mountain, which was not very high.

The mountains are full of big trees such as old juniper pines and cypresses, which are gloomy and dense, towering to block out the sun, and exotic flowers and plants are everywhere.In addition, the valleys are secluded and strange, the rocks and gullies are deep and beautiful, and the rare birds and animals are not surprising.

Meng Qiu was a little surprised, and said: "I have heard that this mountain is located in the southern border, and it is full of high mountains and evil mountains, and there are thousands of miles of primeval forests to separate it. If people enter it, even if they don't get lost, they will be injured by poisonous snakes and wild animals.

But looking at it now, it turned out to be a spiritual mountain resort, an extraordinary realm. "

Daoist Ji Le didn't answer, but just led him forward.The road is full of swamps, the mud at the bottom of the swamp, and the miasma is extremely poisonous, which continues all year round.

Surrounding the mountain is a precipitous stream, more than [-] zhang wide, with Qianxun evil water underneath, it is difficult for apes to fly across it, and there is no trace of anyone passing by.

Both of them had advanced cultivation, and soon reached the top of the mountain.The ridge originally stretched from east to west, about tens of miles long, but only the middle bulged like a tomb, the highest and the largest.

Only then did Master Ji Le point to the front, and said, "Do you know the origin of Yihuanling Magic Wave Pool?"

Meng Qiu didn't know what the other party meant, so he followed the voice and said: "I only heard that Yihuanling is one of the seventeen holy places in the southwest, with pure inspiration, and the Magic Wave Pool was built after Saint Gu Gayin became enlightened.

There are Taoist scriptures, magic treasures, elixir, spiritual materials and the like that she has collected all her life in the cave, which can support a large sect.

The reason why no one has succeeded so far is because the cave is not only extremely exquisite, but also made use of the terrain by the holy lady to build it like a copper wall and an iron wall.Once the gate is closed, even the gods will be impenetrable. "

The real person of Ji Le said: "You have also seen the angels attack several times, do you think that if there is no one to preside over the cave, can it stop the angels from spending day and night?"

Meng Qiu thought about it carefully, and said: "Although formations can turn decay into magic, the key is to rely on people to direct them.

With only one cave, no matter how powerful the formation is, there may be no shortage, but if there is no one to preside over it, sooner or later people will see the flaws, how can they be undefeated. "

Master Ji Le said with a smile: "You really can understand this truth. It's ridiculous that there are still many people in the cultivation world who are confused and take it for granted that Jiayin's methods are so clever that he really arranged a cave perfectly.

Don't even think about it, it's really a cave, even if the formation is well designed to prevent people from entering, it can still block the cave for more than 200 years, hiding in the mountains and not being discovered? "

Meng Qiu pondered for a while, came up with a guess, and asked, "Really, is this Illusory Wave Pool not an ordinary cave, but the same as the Bright Realm?"

"You have a good idea." Master Ji Le nodded and said, "However, it's not that the magic wave pool is the cave, but the entire Yihuan Ridge."

Meng Qiu was taken aback, and said: "Although Yihuanling is not as big as Mangcang Mountain, it still stretches for thousands of miles. If it is all in the territory of Dongtian, the place is so big that it is unimaginable. I am afraid it can be regarded as a small thousand worlds, right?"

The real person of Ji Le said: "No matter how big or small the cave is, it can be regarded as a small thousand world. But when it falls to the ground, it behaves differently.

Such as the light realm, from front to back, only thousands of miles away.Although there are all kinds of mysteries in it, but after all, it is still affected by this world and cannot be free.

Unless one day, it escapes into the void, completely escapes the boundary of the earth, undergoes long-term evolution, and forms its own rules, then it will be considered a complete world.

Although Yihuanling is also similar, it is also affected by the heaven and earth, but its vastness has its own rules of operation, and it is more autonomous than the light realm.

Cultivators who fall into it will also be affected, and perhaps even the true spirit will undergo changes. "

When Master Ji Le said this, he stared at Meng Qiu, saw that the other person's expression remained unchanged, raised his eyebrows, and said, "You don't seem to be surprised by this?"

Meng Qiudao: "True spirit is the foundation of cultivation, if I had heard of such a possibility from a real person before, I might have wondered if it was a madness.

But traveling all these years, I have gained some knowledge.Not to mention the cave and the earth, they are not one, there are differences, the scores are of course

Just looking at Middle Earth and Overseas, they are in the same world, only because of the strength of the Yuan Magnetic Force, it can be distinguished that the aura is sparse.

When monks fall into it, not only do they have to be careful when fighting and flying away, but even their bodies are of different weights.

There is also the land of Mount Tai, where the Five Sacred Mountains rank first, once the spiritual veins of the mountain range are destroyed, it will become a desperate place for monks. "

Of course, there is also the change of his own true spirit, which leads to the fact that he does not need to cross the catastrophe, which is even more mysterious, but it cannot be explained by outsiders.

Master Ji Le nodded and said: "In this comparison, it is indeed similar. But the reason why Dongyue has no spiritual energy is not just because the spiritual veins have been taken away.

The key lies in the wordless monument left by Emperor Qin, which is rumored to be a sacred stone left by the ancient god and man Mending the Sky.Even the void can be isolated and suppressed by it, how can there be spiritual energy? "

"Heaven-replenishing stone?" Meng Qiu raised his eye sockets slightly, shocked.

Originally, the Xuanyuan Sword, Haotian Mirror, Jiuyi Ding and other ancient artifacts in Chinese legends existed, which was extremely remarkable, but now there is a sky-replenishing stone, which is even more unimaginable.

He hurriedly asked: "Is it really a sky-replenishing stone?"

Master Ji Le laughed and said: "Who knows if this is true or not? The ancient things are very far away. And before the performance of the Great Sage Guangcheng, there was no secretary, and all the myths were passed down by word of mouth, so there are many incompletes.

Even if Emperor Qin granted Zen to Mount Tai, it was almost 3000 years ago.With the lifespan of an immortal, he can't survive.

Besides, I think he probably didn't know the exact origin of that monument, but he just realized its function and used it. "

Meng Qiu secretly let out a breath, and said: "Whether it's the sky-replenishing stone or not, its efficacy is really terrifying. If someone refines it, no matter if it is put in Emei or Wutai, wouldn't it be able to make a big faction decline in an instant?"

The real person of Ji Le said: "Leaving aside this kind of spiritual things, the conditions for using them must be harsh, but since Mount Tai is already extinct, which monk has the ability to get it back?
One must know that even if this stone is not miraculous, in terms of weight alone, it may weigh a million catties, and it is extremely hard, who can move it? "

Meng Qiu couldn't help thinking of Mie Chenzi, but he couldn't explain it clearly, so he nodded and changed the subject, saying, "Since this cave is so miraculous, why didn't Saint Gu Jiayin refine it to avoid the catastrophe, but died instead?"

The real person of Ji Le said: "Naturally, it's because she is talented enough and has deep obsessions, she only wants to ascend and refuses to compromise.

When the catastrophe of ascension came, the heavenly demon broke into the sea of ​​consciousness, and it was impossible to resist. At this time, it was too late to refine the cave. "

Meng Qiu suddenly understood, and said, "Let's not talk about these trivial matters for now. This time the real person called me over and told me about Yihuanling, but do you have any thoughts about this cave?"

The real person of Ji Le said: "Since I left Qingcheng Jinbian Cliff that year, I have lived in the Wuyou Cave of Xiongshiyan in Changchunling for a long time.

If he had no idea about Yihuanling, how could he run to the cave of the disciples and grandchildren of Mangcang Mountain for no reason?Naturally, it was to check the movements of the magic wave pool nearby. "

Meng Qiu immediately said: "The real person needs me to do something, but please tell me!"

"Sure enough." Daoist Ji Le said happily, "This cave is extremely precious, to say it is the foundation of a sect would be underestimated, and it can be regarded as the best shelter in the world.

Just falling into it and not fearing the catastrophe will make the whole family flock to it.What's more, there are other miracles, and the gods will covet them.

Although not many people know this secret, it can't be hidden from those top figures.For example, Daoist Changmei wanted to establish his sect in the magic wave pool back then.

It's just that this place has been taken by Jiayin long ago. Although this woman's cultivation base is not very high, she has an extraordinary background. She is the only disciple of Nine Heavens Witch Chen Ziqin.

There is a bit of ambiguity between Daoyou Changmei and Chen Ziqin, so it is not good to go too far, otherwise, if someone else comes, this place may not be left.

Later, when Chen Ziqin fell under the catastrophe, Fellow Daoist Changmei didn't think about it until he ascended, and warned Buddhism and Demon Sect not to make mistakes.

Afterwards, Jiayin was also considered to be up to date. After turning into Buddhism, her cultivation base improved by leaps and bounds. She also practiced to become a celestial being, and her supernatural powers were not allowed to be her teacher, so she firmly controlled the Magic Wave Pool in her hands.

Moreover, she has a stubborn and eccentric personality, and she will retaliate against every grievance. Once she doesn't like it, no matter whether it is good or bad, she must be investigated to the end. Even I don't want to mess with her.

What's more, regardless of the demon sect or the Buddhist sect, they all have great achievements, and there is no point in offending her for no reason for an unknown cave.

In this way, Jiayin was alone and monopolized this place for hundreds of years. Before she fell, she had already made arrangements.

She used the characteristics of the cave to gather all the inspirations in the magic wave pool, isolating the inside and outside, so that the monks only heard about the location, but they still couldn't find it.

It will take three Jiazi's time in the future, and the phantom wave pool will reappear when she arranges it back then and slowly dissipates.Calculating the time, just two years later, it will be the opening of the mansion. "

Meng Qiu had completely calmed down, and asked, "Since real people want to fight for this cave, what do I need to do?"

The real person of Ji Le said: "Although I am proud that I am invincible, but the disciples of any family are helpless, and they are weak.

This time, those who came to compete for the cave were all big families.People like Emei, who are very close to here and have a rich family background, are even more difficult to deal with after Xuanzhenzi became enlightened.

There is also the Demon Gate, who had been eyeing it in the early years. It was stopped by the long-browed Taoist, and he was afraid of Jiayin's revenge, so he didn't make a move.Now that there is no owner of this place, I will not let go of this great opportunity.

You also know the virtues of Buddhism, greedy nature, this and that are all related to them.Besides, I offended them badly last time in order to compete for the Seven Treasures Golden Tower, this time I will definitely make trouble.

Even if they are hostile to each other, they are restrained, but at the moment of interest, they may join hands.

No matter how powerful I am alone, I can only deal with three worlds at the same time at most, and no matter how many, I will be powerless.

So I came to you because I want to use your contacts to ask for some help for me.Such newly evolved immortals as Gongyehuang can block at least one person.

In addition, I can still invite two friends to take action, and with the strength of the four of us, at least at the level of a fairy, it will be solved.

But things have to go according to my idea, the key to scrambling for the cave falls on the disciples of each family.Regardless of Emei, Wutai, Momen, or Buddhism, it is difficult to deal with the disciples who teach them.

Therefore, the remaining Earth Immortals and Loose Immortals need your help to stop them, just like what we did in Qinglian Valley last time. "

(End of this chapter)

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