Chapter 277 comes to an end
The enemy has already left, and this cave has completely fallen into the hands of Master Ji Le.This time the great success was accomplished, and everyone couldn't stop their joy.

The real person said: "The magic wave pool above the head can only be suspended for twelve hours, and it is about to fall. This is not a place to talk. Let's go to the cave first."

As soon as he entered the room, suddenly there was a huge pressure on his body, a strong wind suddenly rose, and the flames were billowing, circling and not falling.

"It seems that the two fellow daoists who came in earlier have already taken control of this kind of cave." Immediately, Master Ji Le said loudly: "Junior sister Ni, fellow daoist Yu, we have already won, so don't be nervous."

The strong wind and flame dissipated immediately, and only Ni Fangxian's voice came, saying: "That's good. This restriction is too difficult. Even with the Dao formula taught by Gain, our level is not enough, and now we can barely refine it.

Daoyou Yu and I are still worried, if there is an enemy coming in at this time, with only a little power at the door, if you can't resist it, you don't know how to deal with it later. "

After all, she controlled the restriction and let go of the obstacles in front of her, allowing everyone to enter smoothly.

A section ahead, the road is narrow, and only two people can walk side by side, which is quite different from ordinary caves, a little stingy.

However, after going through a few twists and turns, the narrow road gradually went deeper and deeper, and the sound of his waves gradually filled the ears.There is also a small door at the end of the road. Go out and look, and the front suddenly opens up.

The entrance is a space of hundreds of acres, as high as a hundred feet, and the four walls are neither jade nor stone, but a kind of gypsum-like, white and transparent thing condensed.

It contains tens of thousands of five-color luminous stone milk, which are different in size, dense like stars, and illuminate each hole transparently, making it easy to see.The ground is as flat as a mirror, and there is no light on it, but there are many stone milk protruding everywhere.

After a lot of manual work, the original shape of the milk stone was carved and axed, and it became many utensils, such as tables, screens, cloud beds, Danzao, ornaments, birds and animals.Apes squatting and tigers crouching, phoenixes dance and dragons coil, everything is as bright and clean as crystal, reflecting the colorful lights on the four walls, dazzled in splendor.

Seeing this situation, everyone was amazed.The source of the sound of water is very obvious, it is a ten mu square pond in the center of the cave.

The pond is very deep, the pond is cloudy and misty, and the waves are surging, forming dozens of water columns of various sizes, which go straight to the edge of the pond, where the water splashes and beads burst into snow.There are many places on the wall of the cave roof where the water glistens, flowing away like a dragon.

There is a gazebo here, which was originally the place where St. Gu Jiayin enjoyed the scenery, and a group of people sat there.After a while, Ni Fangxian and Yu Luan also hurried over.

The two of them first talked about their experience, and entered the cave through the back mountain, followed the guiding route given by Shangguanhong, and did not dare to stay for a moment, and arrived at the center.

It's just that the refining of the stone tablet that controls the cave is too mana-intensive. For ten hours, without sleeping or resting, and ignoring any movement outside, it will be refined by one-tenth of it.

Master Ji Le asked about the sword fighting experience outside the Huanbo Pool, Sun Xun truthfully described the division of troops against each other, and finally said:

"To win this time, apart from the great contributions made by the fellow Taoists present, the timely arrival of the seven from Lingqiao Palace in Tianpeng Mountain is also very important.

The most important thing is that Fellow Daoist Meng is clever, fighting against Emei alone, and firmly guarding the gate.

Although I don't know the experience, but looking at the circle of hills outside, they are all flattened, and I know it must be extremely dangerous. "

Meng Qiu said with a smile: "Sun Daoyou's words are a bit exaggerated. Among the people here, only the ascetic Toutuo has some ability, and the rest of Baiyun Shitai and the like are just making up the number and not much ability.

To say credit, the biggest of them is naturally the real person.If it weren't for the intimidating reputation of No. 1 in this world, and the menacing enemy, how could we be honest, abide by the rules, and let us divide and conquer. "

"Fellow Daoist Meng, don't be modest. The reputation of a real person is of course the key, but if you don't have enough means, you won't be able to withstand Emei's offensive."

Before Daoist Ji Le could speak, Grandma Jin Luo Ziyan said first: "I have some friendship with Emei, and I know a little bit about their details.

They have long coveted the magic wave pool, and they have been planning for it for many years.Do you remember the last battle against Mangshan, his family could win the battle, why did you invite us to help?

At that time, we were called together, but in the name of attacking Xu Wan, he explained to us his coping methods in the face of the catastrophe in Emei.

At that time, Headmaster Qi was ambiguous and refused to say clearly the specific harm of the catastrophe, only because all the earth immortals felt a palpitation at that time, and Master Changmei predicted that the situation was serious, and no one in the cultivation world could escape.

Naturally, we were a little panicked and asked how to avoid it.The method he gave was the same as the real person thought, which was to occupy a cave and use the power of the cave to shield the catastrophe.

The number of caves is very small, and the most famous one in the world is the Xingxiu Sea in West Kunlun.

The rest of the Kunlun Sansheng Palace and Wudang Zixiao Palace are all extremely exquisite, occupying an area of ​​only a thousand miles, and it is acceptable to accommodate one or two, but not too many.

Only this Yihuanling has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, all of which are included. Once it is developed, even if there are thirty or fifty families, it will not be a problem.

Emei wanted to occupy this place at that time, and promised to allocate part of the land to us after we got the cave. "

Meng Qiu asked half of the old nuns about this at the beginning, but the other side refused to answer, and only said that he would be entitled to know about this matter when he was immortal.

He asked: "I remember that many fellow Taoists at that time participated in that gathering, and I don't know what was discussed in the end."

"There are those who agree, and there are those who want to think about it like me." Grandma Jin said: "The magic wave pool is here, and it was determined early when it was born. Anyone can fight for it, so naturally no one will object.

Those who agreed, most of them saw the reputation of Daoist Changmei and Emei's power over the years, and felt that it was good to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

The remaining ones who are hesitant, such as Kunlun and Wudang, have their own caves, and they are not afraid of catastrophe.For others, some felt that Emei was making alarmist remarks, and some had other thoughts in their hearts, and wanted to see how things would develop.

I was actually planning to hug Emei's thigh at the beginning, but I didn't know much about the characteristics of the cave, and felt that things were not that simple, so I hesitated.

Later, the real person invited me to explain the ten thousand year catastrophe clearly, so far I no longer have any doubts, knowing that with my cultivation base, I definitely can't escape, and I can only use the cave to hide from the catastrophe.

But who to choose is actually very clear.Although Emei is powerful and has a large number of talents, she is undoubtedly inferior to real people. "

Grandma Jin didn't hide her utilitarianism, and said bluntly that she came here because she felt that the real person of Ji Le had a better chance of winning the cave.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.Moreover, the other party has neither committed evil nor violated morality, and is beyond reproach.

Hearing these words, Meng Qiu couldn't help frowning, and said: "From what Fellow Daoist Luo said, Emei has already planned and is eyeing the Huanbochi, so even if you don't attack with all your strength, you should take it very seriously.

Why are there so few people coming this time? Even if Lu Yu, the heavenly fairy, is invited, except for Xuan Zhenzi, there is only one ascetic Tutuo left, which is considered top-notch.In my opinion, the degree of attention is far from enough. "

Everyone couldn't help but nodded in agreement, Ling Hun said: "What makes Emei great is that apart from the many masters in the school, there are also many powerful magic weapons left by Master Changmei.

You will go through the fight and say it again to see what is going on?Could it be that they really gave up? "

Meng Qiu shook his head and said, "That's not the case. Besides the austere Toutuo invisible sword, Master Baiyun has a five-element flag in his hand, which is very impressive.

They form an formation of five, and their defense is extremely strong. I can only take advantage of their hasty formation by surprise, and barely break through it.

This is not a big deal, later Master Baiyun was attacked by a heart demon, and cast an extremely powerful magic weapon called Tianxuan Shensha.

Spread out, it has the ability to destroy the world.The surrounding hilltops that you see are obliterated by them.Fairy Han, who came later, broke it with the help of Yu Ding. "

Grandma Jin said: "That's right, they have a lot of behind-the-scenes. But this is still a bit shabby for Emei. There must be something behind it. Maybe I can find out in a few days."

Master Ji Le said: "The magic weapon of Tianxuan Shensha is indeed infinitely powerful. Master Baiyun must not be able to use it properly, otherwise this cave would not exist long ago.

However, Fairy Han was willing to help, which was unexpected, presumably because of Yixiu's face, in the future he would have to pay the hunchback a higher price. "

He and Master Changmei are contemporaries, so he naturally knows that the ferocity and power of this magic weapon is not much worse than that of Qijue Wusuo last time, and there are very few people and magic weapons in the world who can decipher it.

At this moment, Meng Qiu remembered something, and said: "Yixiu just came over and asked me to bring a message, saying that he has helped the real person win this round according to the previous agreement."

"I see, when this cave is settled, I will go over and help him solve the matter." Master Ji Le nodded, looked around again, and said:
"It's the same for fellow Taoists. I promise you all, and when I finish this cave, I will naturally fulfill it one by one. Don't worry."

He smiled and said: "Before I ascend, I must clarify all the cause and effect."

Ling Hun said: "Even if the catastrophe of ten thousand years may affect the spirit world, do real people also want to ascend?"

Master Ji Le said with a smile: "The monks practice the Tao, which one is not for the purpose of surviving the catastrophe and ascending? I can't be exempt.

Originally, I was able to ascend to the ascension before Fellow Daoist Long Eyebrow, but at that time the cultivation of several apprentices was too weak, and in addition to my sect, I didn't even have a supporter.I'm afraid that after I leave, something will happen to them and the inheritance will be cut off.

After the second calamity of staying in the world, the situation remains the same, and the catastrophe of ten thousand years is about to happen. I can't bear to leave my wife and all the disciples behind, so I have to slowly inquire and plan, and now I'm finally done.

Just wait for this time, Zhuo Jing will refine the cave, everyone will have a shelter, and then he will settle the promised matter, and prepare for the catastrophe of ascension.

Otherwise, if it drags on for a long time, some variables may arise.Moreover, it is great to be able to survive the tribulation of staying in the world three times, but it is not sure to experience it four or five times. "

Hearing that it was Sun Xun refining the cave, not the real person of bliss himself, Meng Qiu didn't find it strange, but any monk who had a chance to ascend to the ascension would not choose this path.

After taking down the cave, everyone was happy, chatting, talking and laughing.After that, he even called Shangguan Hong, who was reincarnated by Saint Gu Jiayin, to help Sun Xun refine the cave.

And Meng Qiu, Gongyehuang and Zheng Bagu left shortly after confirming the ownership of the cave.

They didn't stop all the way, they returned to Mangcang Mountain early and waited outside Zaohua Cliff.

Three days later, a jade-colored ray of light flew from far away from the sky at an extremely fast speed. When it got close, it stumbled and fell down. It turned out to be Chen Yufeng.

When she went there, she wore a monk's robe and hat, dressed as a nun with a bald head, and looked miserable.At this time, her appearance changed drastically, her clothes were changed into a plain white dress, she was as graceful as a fairy, her hair was full of black hair, and her hair was randomly tied into a bun.

The most important and conspicuous thing is the expression and demeanor, which have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Chen Yufeng's face was full of smiles, and after seeing several people, she laughed exaggeratedly: "Hahahaha!"

Zheng Bagu hurriedly helped her back into the cave, fed her the pill, and asked, "Why did you get hurt all over your body!"

"If not, how can I beat the old nun Utan and get a new life!" Chen Yufeng leaned on the stone bed, and before anyone asked, she began to talk eloquently, saying:

"Seeing that the opening of Huanbochi's mansion is coming soon, and the old nun hasn't moved for a long time, I thought he was timid. Unexpectedly, only two hours before the opening of the mansion, she wrote a letter, asking to go to a deserted island in the East China Sea to fight to the death.

I rushed over calmly, only to see that the island is quite big, but there is no inspiration, it is bare and green, mostly rocks.

Old Ni usually talks around the bush, but this time he played very straightforwardly. He said that he wanted to use my hands to wipe out the last bit of demons in his heart, so that he could be promoted to a god.

Naturally, I was not afraid of her, and told me that I also had such thoughts in mind, and wanted to use her as a sharpening stone to open up the way forward.If you don't talk speculatively, after two or three sentences, you will start fighting.

She is really good at Zhantan Dharma, Vajra Heavenly Dragon Talisman, Separation and Reunion Divine Light, Dharma's Heavenly Dragon Demon Sword, and so on, and she is proficient in each of them.

I was pressed and beaten by her for two days, and I could hardly turn over.Fortunately, last time I got the Xuanguang ruler sent by my uncle and given by Meng Qiu, I barely supported it.

Even though he was so careful, on the morning of the third day, his mana couldn't keep up, his defense was breached, he was hit by a clutch light, and suffered a lot of injuries.

Fortunately, he had been prepared for a long time, and with the help of a nine-rank return golden elixir given by fellow daoist Meng, after this critical moment, he had a chance to fight back.

I knew that my yin and yang separation divine light was not strong enough to deal with the old nun Youtan, so I put all my thoughts on the magic weapon, and with the help of the sun, moon and five-star wheel, I finally achieved a miracle and smashed her relics in one fell swoop. "

Speaking of this, she couldn't help laughing a few more times, and said: "The old nun was originally from a branch of Zen Buddhism. His background is not strong, and he lacks magic weapons. Relying on talent and hard work, he has made some achievements.

It's just that she is too self-indulgent, good at bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, she has no mercy at all, and is not accepted by other Buddhist forces, so she can get very little help.

What's more, she conducts herself in the world, looking forward and backward, taking advantage of the mechanism, dishonest, and wrong intentions, so she still wants to survive the catastrophe of the heavenly demon, which is no different from a fool's dream.

This time I was able to catch my surprise, not so much as a fluke, but as a result of her lack of popularity, unpopularity, and poor luck, unable to carry such great luck. "

(End of this chapter)

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