Chapter 306 The Chaos Begins

Zheng Bagu practiced the way of cultivating weapons, relying on Meng Qiu's cultivation of Nanming Lihuo Sword's spirituality, so she got started very quickly.

But Zui Taoist, Yang Da, and Yu Luan are different. They start from scratch. Like the old nun, they must first prepare the magic weapon to be fused, and then adjust the soul before proceeding to the next step.

During this period, Fantianyin and Qingxuanjian have been nurturing and nurturing, but there is no need for Meng Qiu to worry. Taking advantage of the stability for a while, he stepped up to absorb mana, cultivate the spirit of division, and strive to promote the growth of the realm, while giving advice to Shangguan Hong.

After a short time, Shangguanhong successfully built the foundation, Meng Qiu recruited her and asked, "Have you thought about it, which Taoism do you want to learn?"

Shangguan Hong said: "After master taught the "Huangdi Neijing", I worked hard to figure it out, and finally achieved something. Now the foundation is solid, not to mention compared with my peers, it is far superior to the previous life. This Taoism has unlimited potential. It is so easy to have this opportunity, I don't want to give up.

Although "Shangqing Baolu" is extensive, its special feature is only in refining and transforming Qi, which is somewhat incomplete.To be able to collect all three books is the best choice.

The golden alchemy method is progressing very fast, but it is a pity that it is not comparable to other methods in terms of primordial spirit, magic power, or fighting skills. Even if I encounter it in my previous life, I will definitely not choose it.

As for the method of instrument cultivation created by the master, in my opinion, it is a bit paranoid, and it is more like a sect than the golden alchemy method.You can also practice the method of refining gods, so you don't need to learn it specially.

What's more, you also said that the first magic of Taoism, the Great Five Elements Extinction Light Needle, is more powerful when it is matched with the "Nei Jing".I am blunt in swordsmanship, and only by learning this Taoist art that I have never mastered in my previous life, can I not be regarded as a master. "

Speaking of this, Meng Qiu couldn't help but twitch his eyes.He claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, but the only student he accepted had extremely poor aptitude in this field, not to mention being comparable to the drunk Taoist, even worse than Zheng Bagu.

He had no choice but to say: "But you have to know that the spiritual power in this world is far less than that in ancient times, if you still want to continue to practice this Taoism, the time spent on concentrating mana will be several times that of others.

What's more, the ten thousand year catastrophe is vague and uncertain. If it is really a supernatural catastrophe, it is not known whether it is possible to recover, and after recovery, it is hard to say what the world will be like. "

Shangguan Hong said: "I've thought about all these, and it's not impossible. In my previous life, I learned a vicious magic technique from the Demon Sect, which can extract the spiritual veins of mountains and rivers and gather them in the cave. This is how Xingxiu Sea can be as vast as it is today.

In normal times, of course I wouldn't dare to risk the disgrace of the world, but now it's the end of the world, and everyone is in constant fear of crossing the catastrophe.It's nothing out of the ordinary for me to fetch some unowned spiritual veins.

The only trouble is that after the spirit vein is extracted, the carrying place must be the cave.Now there are masters in all the caves in this world, and it will be extremely difficult to find a spare one in a short while.I'm afraid I will ask Master to come forward at that time and borrow the Little Antarctic Light Realm. "

"It's good that you have a solution. It's not a big problem to borrow the cave. It's just that you need to speed up your cultivation." Meng Qiu frowned and said:
"I will definitely not go to the Bright Realm. That place belongs to others after all. When the transfer of the spiritual veins is completed, if your realm is too low and is occupied by others, there is no way to support you. At most, you can persuade Senior Gongye not to help."

Shangguanhong nodded and said: "Before the catastrophe, I will become an Earth Immortal. As for the Celestial Immortal, I have to work hard to achieve it. But it is enough to come to this realm. As long as Gongyehuang is not partial, there is no need to be afraid of anyone."

This matter has also been settled.She passed the spell of extracting spiritual veins to Meng Qiu, and the two agreed that when she cultivated to Sanxian and had the power to protect herself, she would start to do it.

Shangguanhong chose a path, and retreated again.Counting the time, Meng Qiu found that the time for Yu Luan to merge into Tushihuo was almost approaching, so he did not follow the retreat, but took out the two swords of Tianhui and Yiguang to practice.

This pair of swords has already been matured with the technique of combining two swords, this time he wants to see if he can innovate and create a better technique of combining strikes.While meditating, suddenly the formation of the cave was touched, and the voice of the drunk Taoist came: "Meng Qiu, come and save me quickly!"

Meng Qiu was taken aback, and without hesitation, he hurried out of the cave, only to see Taoist Zui and Yang Da, hiding under the protection of the dragon bird ring, in a panic.

But in the middle of the sky, there are more than a dozen loose immortals of different heights and costumes, all kinds of flying swords, magic weapons, and Taoism, smashing their heads and covering their faces. At the same time, someone said excitedly:
"Look, another young man has come out. He looks good. The place where he lives is even better. He has a lot of inspiration. He must be rich in money. Everyone, work harder and kill the three of them. The harvest will definitely be good."

Meng Qiu looked at the drunk Taoist, and the latter said, "They are robbers and thieves, you don't have to show mercy, solve it quickly, and I'll explain to you later."

"Okay!" These enemies were ordinary, but there were too many people. Meng Qiu didn't bother to use his flying sword, and raised his hand to shoot a series of Taiyi Divine Thunder, which fell to the opposite side. The thunder light turned into a cloud, crackled a few times, and disappeared. The remaining treasure bags were still there, and there were no people left.

He recalled the bag of treasures, greeted Zui Taoist and Yang Da inside, and asked curiously, "Who are they? Why are you in such a mess?"

The drunk Taoist explained with a wry smile: "It's a long story, these people are overseas monks, and I didn't cause any trouble. I just practiced hard in the Biyun Nunnery, but they came to me on their own initiative.

You are cultivating in the cave, and you don't have a deep sense of it. I'm afraid you didn't feel it. At this time, the signs of the ten-thousand-year catastrophe have gradually become apparent.The aura of this world is constantly shrinking. Starting from overseas, the aura in many islands is no longer able to supply monks above Sanxian to practice, causing these people to flock to the middle land.

However, since Master Emei Changmei and many seniors wiped out evil spirits and established order, the practice world has gradually stabilized.After that, more monks were born like a blowout. They competed year after year, and already occupied most of the famous mountain resorts in Middle-earth. These overseas monks came here, but there were actually not many places left.

The monks who returned at the beginning were few, and their realm was not high, and their abilities were not strong, so they didn't dare to make mistakes. They just found some places with general aura and managed to maintain them.

Later, overseas auras faded too quickly, and more and more monks hid in the Middle Earth. These places could no longer accommodate them and gradually failed to meet their needs. It was inevitable that there would be disputes with the Middle Earth monks.

Although these visitors often fight overseas and have rich experience, they are no match for us in terms of mana or supernatural power. In a one-on-one situation, they are not opponents of Middle-earth monks.

In the first few days, when the war broke out, they were beaten to the ground.Only a few, relying on their high realm, took over the territory of many foundation-building monks.

But later, the situation gradually reversed.Because the middle land is vast, monks from all sides have their own families. Most of the time, there is only one cave on a mountain, and only one person practices in it.

And this group of overseas monks is good at uniting. When there are many people, they are like jackals. They dare to fight tigers and leopards. If they gather together, they will probably win.

These people are not like Zhongtu, who know what is good and what is evil, and they only care about strength, and they use all kinds of skills in fighting.

At the beginning, it was just to compete for the training place. Later, due to the wealth of the monks in the Middle Earth, the desire of overseas monks to seize treasures increased day by day. Now there have been many gangs specializing in murder and robbery.

There are many Orthodox churches in the Southwest, and they didn't dare to be presumptuous here.But the southeast has already been harmed all over, and the Wudang faction suddenly announced the closure of the mountain, which gave them the illusion that they were afraid of them, so they stretched out their hands.

What we encountered this time was just such a bunch of karma that flowed over.They slaughtered the Ciyun Temple left by the Wutai Sect, and then sent their ideas to Biyun Temple. Yang Dayi had little manpower and could not resist.

After I broke through and killed several people, I met them beckoning friends.Facing more than a dozen loose immortals, he was finally defeated. Fortunately, the rest of them were sent away early, so they did not fall into their hands. "

"I have only retreated for a few years. Has the situation deteriorated to this extent?" Meng Qiu looked a little dignified and said, "Also, as the leader of the Orthodox Church and the largest sect in Middle-earth, why is there no movement at all?"

Zui Dao said humanely: "Headmaster Qi said that Emei is the No. 1 sect in the world, regardless of China and overseas. Even if you want to control it, there must be someone who suffers from it. Otherwise, the two parties will fight for the cave, the magic weapon, etc., and Emei has no reason to intervene."

"Hehe!" Meng Qiu shook his head, and said, "Qi Shuming's calculation is nothing more than trying to create momentum. Taking this opportunity, force other powerful forces to admit your family's plan for heaven.

When the Heavenly Court is built, the people who have been screened out by the big waves can be included together, and the other party can also be thanked by the other party.Killing two birds with one stone is really a good idea. "

"The Heavenly Court Project?" The drunk Taoist was a little dazed, and asked, "What kind of statement is this, why don't I know?"

Meng Qiu gasped in surprise, and told about Emei's desire to connect all the caves in the world and build a heaven, and said, "Even you don't know? Even if Qi Shuming didn't tell you, Miechenzi should have said it, right?"

"Senior Brother Miechenzi, he is not in Emei now." The drunk Taoist Qi Shuming and others were even more disappointed, and said: "He said that the method of refining the gods is used in the Shinto, or it may have special effects, so he set off early to find the traces of the Shinto monks."

Meng Qiu couldn't help thinking of the Zhushan Sect, the so-called mortal court celestial masters colluding with Beimangshang, and the Xiji Sect. This was also a mystery that he was very curious about and hadn't solved, but now he doesn't take it to heart.

He thought for a while, and said, "You and brother Yang, let's practice here. Even if those overseas bandits are daring to come to Mangcang Mountain to harass you, I can ignore you until you become an Earth Immortal."

Taoist Zui came here to ask for his protection, so he agreed to stay and practice in Qingxuan Cave.

Meng Qiu said again: "Do you know how Taoist Iron Man's situation is? In such a situation, he is out alone, so life may not be so easy, right?"

"Sure enough, you value love and righteousness, and you can still think about him at this time." Drunk Taoist said: "I introduced him to Emei next, and I don't know if Master Qi thinks of him."

Meng Qiu frowned, and said: "Even if the Heavenly Court can be established, it will take some time to accommodate these people. I'd better go to Changsha Guwangfeng first to have a look."

He started at the end of the year, among a group of monks, except Taoist Drunk, only Taoist Iron Man treated him differently, and taught him the sword technique of sword qi turning into rainbow without reservation.

For many years, because he offended Emei, he was afraid of implicating others, so he has been reluctant to get too close.But at this meeting, naturally there is not so much attention.

Meng Qiu hurried all the way, and when he arrived at the ground, looking at the appearance of the cave, he had indeed experienced many battles.His heart tightened, and he hurriedly called the door, but fortunately, it was Dai Hengyu and Bai Qi, two old friends who opened the door.

A few words to reminisce about the old days, and when Taoist Tie Liao came out, he was praised again. If Meng Qiu hadn't interrupted in time, he would have to wait a long time before he could get down to business.

Meng Qiu explained his intentions in the future, and Taoist Tie Liao also happily left.After finishing this matter, all kindness and righteousness since the practice is almost over, so I feel happy, and even my realm has improved a lot.

Not long after, he was still cultivating subconsciously, constantly improving his realm.During this period, two waves of enemies came here. Seeing that this place was full of ideas, they wanted to occupy it.There were seven or eight people at least, and twenty or so more, all became desperate ghosts under Meng Qiu's sword.

After that, Meng Qiu counted the time and flew to Jinshi Gorge in Yunwu Mountain.The person who opened the door this time also surprised him, saying: "Brother Yu, how could it be you?"

This person turned out to be Yu Yunzhong, who was lost from Dai's house in the early years and thought to be dead by him. He was alive in front of his eyes, and he already had the realm of Sanxian.

Yu Yunzhong smiled and said: "I'm not the same. Over the years, I've heard your deeds and my ears are almost callused. It's just that my aunt saw that my ability is low, so she didn't let me come out before I became a Sanxian, so I missed a lot of opportunities to meet."

He asked again: "You are famous all over the world, have you heard about Brother Dai and Brother Bai, how are you doing now?"

"It's a coincidence." Meng Qiu told the current situation of Dai Hengyu and Bai Qi, saying: "It's just the two of them who are ready to build a foundation now, and they are far behind Brother Yu in terms of realm."

"Hahahaha! Brother Meng Zhuyu is in front, what can you do better than me?" Yu Yunzhong laughed a few times, and said: "My aunt couldn't get away, so she asked me to come over to meet you. Don't delay, and I will explain it after I go to see her."

Meng Qiu then came to the back cave, and Yu Luan sat cross-legged on the stone bed, apologizing slightly, and said: "Ziqing Tushihuo is too domineering, I only subdued one, and if I peel off its shell, it may burst, so I can't get up, fellow Taoist, forgive me."

Naturally, Meng Qiu didn't mind, and asked her to send Shenhuo out to help suppress it.

Only now did Yu Luan have the opportunity to practice the distraction method and start cutting the primordial spirit.There was no mistake in this step, and a small piece of primordial spirit was successfully split, which merged into the Ziqing Dousita fire.

From obtaining the Fa to the present, the whole process took more than three years, even with Meng Qiu's help.On the contrary, she has a higher level of cultivation, and instead practiced this Taoist method before the drunken Taoist.

(End of this chapter)

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