Chapter 321
After the Qingxuan sword was refined, Meng Qiu followed Shangguan Hong and wandered overseas for several months, until Sun Xun heard the news from the Middle Earth that Emei seemed to be a little ready to move recently, and sent people to the magic wave pool several times, each time with more severe words .

Meng Qiu had no choice but to interrupt the trip, and discussed with Shangguanhong, preparing to return to Central Earth.

Shangguanhong thought for a while, and said: "The traces of the great catastrophe are becoming more and more obvious day by day, and there are not many places overseas where there are spiritual veins. If it is delayed for a long time, I am afraid they will all dissipate and be wasted.

Anyway, with my current cultivation base, I won't be able to help much when I go back. It's better to stay here and continue to fill up the aura in the cave. "

Meng Qiu shook his head and said: "I've checked, and there are nearly a hundred large and small spiritual veins in Ziyun Palace, which is enough for you to practice for a while, but it's not in a hurry.

You are not cultivated enough, and you are carrying a lot of treasures. In this troubled world, no one will obey the rules. Once you are targeted, I will be beyond my reach.It's better to practice hard in the cave, and strive to be promoted to the earth immortal as soon as possible.

Furthermore, overseas is barren, even if you scrape the ground three feet, you won't be able to pick up many good things.After going back this time, let's take away all the spiritual veins of Mangcang Mountain, starting from my cave.

In the current situation, even if we don't take it, it will disappear in the great kalpa later. "

Shangguan Hong was overjoyed, and said: "I was afraid that Master would disagree. Now that you nod, I don't have to be restrained."

Meng Qiu said with a smile: "How can I be so pedantic, but I am not strong enough, I am afraid that the action will be too big, and people will catch the handle and cause trouble for nothing."

"It seems that master has gained a lot from retreat this time. My disciples congratulate master, and wish master to become a celestial being and ascend smoothly!" Shangguanhong was even more joyful, praising her again and again, and then went back to Ziyun Palace to meditate.

Meng Qiu took out the Qingxuan sword and pushed it to the extreme. As soon as the rainbow light hung, he was thousands of miles away in an instant, moved again and again, jumped continuously, and within half an hour, he had already seen the Middle-earth Continent.

Only then did he put away his sword light, and at the same speed as before, he rushed to the magic wave pool, met Sun Xun, and asked about the situation.

Sun Xun said: "After you left, Emei came three times. The first time was Master Baiyun, together with Qingsang Fairy Hua Yaosong, and advised us to unite with Emei.

The second time came was Jian Bingru, but he did not speak. It was Bai Guyi and Yudong real person Yue Yun who spoke from the side, revealing that we do not agree to hand over Dongtian, and Emei will definitely come over by force. .

Up to the latest time, none of the second-generation elders of Emei had arrived.Zhuge police me and Qi Lingyun brought people here, they are all juniors.Among them, Qi Jinchan and Monk Xiao, were particularly arrogant.Open your mouth and say that we are selfish, but keep your mouth shut and swear and ignore the common people.

I think they must have run out of patience. I am afraid that they will attack the mountain in a few days, so they hurriedly called fellow Taoists back to discuss how to deal with it. "

Meng Qiu frowned, and said: "Emei's move is very strange. Considering their style, how could they come to the door three times before and after? Shouldn't it be a thunderbolt, which depends on one battle?"

"Maybe it's because of some fear." Sun Xun said, "No one knows about your overseas presence, maybe they think you've been staying here all this time.

What's more, the Tao that Jingxu has cultivated for so many years is not wasted in vain, and some means are reserved for us.

I don't believe that when Buddhism and Demon Sect are becoming more and more active, they still dare to show their flaws so easily and let others seize the opportunity. "

Meng Qiu guessed a long time ago that the real person of Ji Le left behind for his family and disciples, and only now did he get the exact news, and he was certain in his heart, saying:
"There are still three years before fellow daoists can refine Yihuanling. The closer the date is, the greater the pressure will be. I am also worried that the enemy will be too powerful and unable to deal with it. Now that the real person has left behind tricks, things will be more complicated. Much easier."

Sun Xun also knew that at this time, he really shouldn't hide it anymore, so he revealed the secret.The means that can frighten the enemy are the three Taiyi Divine Thunders that Daoist Bliss has sacrificed since the Earth Immortal Stage.

For hundreds of years, under the condition of uninterrupted infusion and compression of mana, every divine thunder has the effect of destroying heaven and earth. As long as it is shot out, all people and things within a radius of ten miles will be transformed into nothingness.

Compared with Qijue Wusuo, the secret demon of the stars and stars, which can affect thousands of miles away, the range of the divine thunder explosion is indeed small, but its power is much greater.Even if a fairy is involved, it is difficult to escape.

Sun Xun said: "If this thunder is sent out, the gods will flee; if three grains are sent out together, it will be difficult to fly. The disadvantage is that it must be inspired by the earth immortals with high meritorious deeds, otherwise it will be difficult to break the ban quietly set outside the god thunder.

Moreover, the explosive speed of this lightning is extremely fast, and its full power can be released in just a flash. Not only can the enemy not escape, but the person who uses this lightning will also be involved and die on the spot. "

Meng Qiu nodded and said, "Does Emei know about such a powerful treasure?"

"They should be able to guess that Jingxu left us with some means of self-defense, but I'm afraid there is no way to know what it is." Sun Xun responded, and then asked: "Do you think we need to pass this news on?" Letting it out will cause Emei to be afraid?"

"It doesn't have to be so clear." Meng Qiu said: "It's not true, it's not true, it's enough to reveal a little, so that they will have doubts in their hearts, and they dare not tear their faces. Time is waiting for me, and it will be a day if it can be delayed. "

Sun Xun said that he was good, and sent people to release the news according to his words.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye, but Emei never visited.During this period, Meng Qiu also specially went back to Mangcang Mountain, and collected the spiritual veins of his own cave, together with the spiritual veins of Zaohuaya, Lingyuya, and Tu'erya, which had been approved by his friends, into Ziyun Palace.

After a few times of busy work, I got five large-scale spiritual veins and twelve medium-sized spiritual veins, which are not much different from what I have gained in more than a year overseas.However, there is only one small spiritual vein, and I came across it by accident.

Meng Qiu was calm, but it was Sun Xun and the others who were a little restless and entrusted others many times before going out to find out the news.

It turned out that it wasn't that Emei didn't come to make trouble, but their energy was being restrained now.

Since the exposure of the Haotian Mirror, various rumors have spread, and Jiuyi Ding and Xuanyuan Sword have also become the focus of competition among monks all over the world.

Especially after the blissful real person crossed the catastrophe and ascended, and his mother took a step, but failed to cross the catastrophe and died, the news that these two magic weapons can help monks overcome the catastrophe of ascension became particularly interesting.

Momen shot first.The Red Lotus old devil claimed to be stronger than his mother, and he didn't dare to say that he could survive the catastrophe that the other party encountered.What's more, the power of the catastrophe of ascension will only become stronger day by day.

At this time, he didn't dare to try it lightly, so he turned his idea to something foreign, and went to the Qiaoshan Holy Tomb in person, looking for an opportunity to crack the mechanism and snatch the Nine Doubt Cauldron.

As soon as the giants of the Demon Cult show up, they will drive everyone away.The others panicked, desperately unwilling to leave, and afraid of suffering.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long, and the number one Buddhist monk, Zen Master Tianmeng appeared, and the two sides began to confront each other, and they were about to fight.

This is related to Emei, Xuan Zhenzi also rushed over to sit there.With the three legs standing together, no one dared to act rashly, and the situation remained deadlocked.

 One less update, write tomorrow during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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