Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 331 The Unexpected Enemy

Chapter 331 The Unexpected Enemy
After all the people in the empty island left, Meng Qiu stretched out his hand and said to Shangguanhong: "Although I didn't want those people to know my purpose, so I just made up an excuse. But look at this crystal palace. Living deep in the bottom of the sea, all of them are the ancestors who have used mana for hundreds of years and have achieved dismal management results.

It is as strong as Chihiro's fine steel, and around the palace, there are cold flames and cold iron, sea air and black ice, and aurora magnetism in ambushes. It is infinitely magical and powerful. With a formation, it is difficult to break in no matter how powerful the mana is. , is coming to do the prohibition of Ziyun Palace.

With your mana, it is enough to contain it.There is also the Xiuqiong fairyland outside the world, it will be wiped out in a catastrophe, which is a pity.If you like it, install it together, anyway, there is still some space in Ziyun Palace. "

Shangguanhong nodded in agreement, and the master and apprentice had a division of labor. It was easy for her to collect the palace corridors, Qionghua Yushu, even mud and stones.

On the contrary, it was Meng Qiu who wanted to connect to the empty island and refine the true magnetism of the North Pole, which cost more mana.After about two hours, it was initially shrunk and could be put away.

The two left the seaside and went outside the Xuanming Realm, the ancestor of the sky was waiting here, saw them, did not say much, opened the way out, protected everyone, passed through the ice tunnel, and went to the open sea.

Facing the deep ice on the back, the sea and the sky are in front of you, boundless.

Zukong ancestor didn't stay for a moment, his face changed drastically, and he said: "The rumors are indeed true. This place is already in the extreme north, where the Yuan magnetism is, and it still can't lock the spiritual energy. Many land islands are probably deserted."

Old Man Lingwei smiled wryly, and said: "When I went to Tiangan Mountain last time, the aura in that place was not as good as an ordinary island where loose immortals practice."

Zukong ancestor frowned tightly, and asked: "How is the situation in Middle-earth now?"

Lingwei old man said: "When I went there many years ago, there was no change, so I don't know now."

Meng Qiu interjected: "Only the famous mountains and resorts, the aura is still the same. Other places are also declining day by day, but not as serious as overseas. But if this trend continues, it won't last for many years."

The Zukong ancestor was silent for a while, and after a while, he opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally left without saying anything.

Shangguanhong followed Meng Qiu, walked to the other side, and said, "I was still thinking that they might ask Master to help explain and go to several caves to avoid disasters, but they didn't want to say nothing in the end. Judging by their appearance, it is not impossible Thinking about it, maybe it's because your skin is too thin?"

Meng Qiu smiled and said: "This time we came here to ask for help from others. If we first asked for the North Pole's true magnetism, apart from freeing the ancestor of the sky from the cage, we would have to give a lot of benefits and send it back to Yiyi. The cave is also inevitable.

It's a pity that he was out of luck, but he spoke first, so that he fell into a passive position.Although I can also help a group, fellow Daoist Sun Xun will definitely not refute my face, but after all, I am not familiar with the two families of Zhakong Island.

As for why he refused to speak, it was also for this reason, the previous favor of saving his life was dismissed with useless rags, and if he wanted to speak later, he might have to act like a horse to repay it. "

Shangguan Hong suddenly understood, curled her lips, and said: "These overseas monks don't dare to stay in the middle land to compete with others, and this one is even worse, even went to the North Pole, no wonder he looks forward and backward, and is petty."

This matter is not important, the two of them skipped mentioning it and continued to move east, west, north, south, all over the world, collected more spiritual veins, and then returned to Yihuanling.

Seeing their return, Sun Xun felt relieved, and said, "The refining of the cave has come to a critical moment. After three months, I will go into seclusion for half a year without being disturbed. I have to ask fellow Taoists for everything. "

This matter has been planned for a long time, and there is no need for Meng Qiu to do anything, just follow the original plan, close the magic wave pool, open all the magic circles, and wait for it.

He knew that the attack on Emei was only a matter of time, so he also became nervous. He either meditated or practiced magic weapons all day long.

Fortunately, during a trip this time, I accidentally obtained the true magnetism of the north and south poles. Using the unique method in the "Huangdi Neijing", it took a full six months of hard work and painstaking efforts to integrate it into the Fantian seal, biochemically The two qi of yin and yang, yuan and magnetism really push this treasure to great success.

Last time, only part of the power of Fantian Yin was used, and Wu Nangong was restrained and injured. Under the brush of five-color divine light, he was no less than the seven treasures golden building, Nanming Lihuo sword and other magic weapons in the world. Combination of offense and defense, miraculous and even superior.

Now with the addition of yin and yang, the power is not superimposed, but multiplied. Although the full power has not yet been displayed, Meng Qiu thinks that it is not inferior to the Haotian Mirror.Moreover, it is more handy to refine it by oneself.


There is no sun and moon in the mountains. For monks, a few months are just a snap of the fingers.

During this period, many monks came to ask for permission to take them in. At the beginning, there were so many monks, they were all persuaded to go away softly or hard.After the news was passed out, gradually no one came.

In a blink of an eye, it was already the ninth month of Sun Xun's closed-door retreat, the most critical time, as long as he survived safely, he could take initial control of Yihuanling and slowly split it out of the boundary.

Everyone in the cave, from Meng Qiu up to Shi Sheng and others, did not dare to be careless at all, and gathered together early, waiting for a possible powerful enemy.

Everyone thought it was someone from Emei, but they didn't expect that the first person who came to call for battle was actually the monk Chuanxin, who also led a group of monsters to come here. There were dozens of people scattered here and there.

This person is a celestial being, and Meng Qiu had to take action to resist it. As for others, Ling Hun and the others wanted to come forward, but were stopped.

Meng Qiu said: "Just take care of this one at the head, and the others will naturally collapse. There is no need to involve a few people's energy."

When he got outside the cave and saw someone coming, he didn't rush to make a move, and asked: "Didn't fellow Taoist practice in Wutai Mountain? Why did you come here after traveling thousands of miles, clamoring to take away this cave, and embarrassing us?"

Monk Chuanxin was born strangely, both sides of his body seemed to be joined together.The left side is strong, with a half-naked body, with knotted muscles; the right side is wrapped in black cloth, and the outer arm is thin and small, as long and short as a seven-year-old child, and the back of the hand is wrinkled like old bark.

The subordinates he brought were also incomplete, either missing arms or missing thighs.But the appearance is fierce and the expression is fierce.

He passed the crowd, walked to the front, and said: "Fellow Taoists, why bother to ask questions knowingly, it's just that the end of the kalpa is coming, and I think I can't resist it, and I just want a place where I can save my life.

If you are willing to take me into Yihuan Cave, I can swear that I will not embarrass you, and I will help you to deal with the threat of Emei.

If not, don't blame me for being unkind.I would be willing to be a pioneer for Emei, come and harass once in three or five days, and expose your abilities and preparations to them. "

"You can say such things that harm others and benefit yourself." Meng Qiu sneered and said, "Come again in three or five days? You are dreaming! Now that you are here, don't even think about leaving. You don't think it's up to you." Ordinarily crooked melons and cracked dates can threaten me, right?"

"Don't think that you played tricks secretly, defeated Wu Nangong, and played a scene with Xuan Zhenzi, so you don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and you really think you can deal with heavenly immortals." Monk Chuanxin shouted, and said: "I will call you You know, it is you who cannot stand the real power of the celestial beings."

(End of this chapter)

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