Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 85 Testimonials (Happy New Year's Day)

Chapter 85 Testimonials (Happy New Year's Day)
Not surprisingly, this book will be on the shelves tomorrow, that is, after midnight on New Year's Day.

The idea of ​​this book was very early, and the beginning was also written very early. It was not until the work was easier last month that it was revised and published.To be honest, I didn't expect much good results.

The "Shushan Swordsman Biography" series of books are very well-known, but not many people have read them, and naturally the audience for writing fanfic is also very small.

Besides, on the basis of the original work, I made many changes to the setting, involving the framework, timeline, characters, plot, etc., so that some people questioned that I had never read the original work.

I really have to clarify that I must have read the original work more than once, and I even thought about writing "Shushan" again, but I didn't know that I didn't have enough writing skills to give up.

The reason why all fanfiction has been changed so much is for smooth writing.If it is written along the lines of the original novel, the plot would be simple, but what about the characterization?

There is a saying in the Internet literature circle that the IQ of the protagonist is equal to the IQ of the author.

In fact, the same is true of character. The character of the protagonist is more or less a reflection of the author's character.

Web writing is fast-food literature, and four thousand daily updates are only qualified, and there are no shortage of tens of thousands of people. With such a writing speed, it is impossible to polish it carefully.

Therefore, when shaping the protagonist, when encountering things, the author's own personality and handling methods will be entrained subconsciously.

In this case, since the protagonist is integrated into the original work, it must be exciting and reasonable. It is really too difficult, at least I can't do it.

Instead of making four different things in the end, it is better to make a bigger change from the beginning to facilitate writing.

The above is my point of view, can be regarded as an explanation.

If you agree, you will come, if you don't agree, you will divide, just like if you have money to hold a money field, and if you have no money to hold a personal field, you can't force it.

Long-winded, the actual testimonial has two purposes, one is to inform everyone that I will be on the shelves, and the other is naturally to thank you.

Thanks to Transparent Giant for fishing out this book, and for supporting it all the way, with a mere three to five thousand collections, I ate all the recommendations of Xianxia District.

感谢一直以来支持我的旅行客、我容易么我?、书友20180224221117466、可以再见面、书友160411024827676、deddd545、兔卟茄克、不二冤家、AB Geso、醉河青草、锋纸、书友20180823125451983、太皓真人、大雪纷纷、胖到堕天、流不尽、688无忧子、WWJ1979、溜达玩、书友20220331145500341、书友20211030103634144、书友20210211190718812、岑青、阿路啊、公子开物、无何有仙乡人、溪风漾流月、六面石、请假王、别笑打劫呢、kikesmile、檐下观雨、虎boss、书友20170518065135455、书友20170517194732915、dhb1216、与子同袍灬、不想再取、书友161102144510637、喵榕sos庆祝帝、传说中的东邪、夕照xht、书友160113080326406、看你怎么样了、书友151105233845624、滑稽草丛伦、可堪无酒更无人、純屬虚構X、无色石头、蜡染蓝布、Young少侠、醉眼千峰顶、zxh1973、上墙不用梯、度厄真人、K&客、书友20210301105357901146、GreatWarrior、haocheng、天灵环宇、bruce、ciku、书友20220909210654726、书友20220819143408573、书友20220428230759746、书友20220305151409058、邪金刚、雨刁、木易木易木易、书友20200614173341733、疾行如風、书友20191116124804864、宝包崽、书友20190716210301853、书友20181209102951136、仅仅过客而已、美味的沾沾、胆肥熊、张氏飞羽、无上纯阳、书友20170713223722648、书书蜀叔、紫气丹锦飞羽衣、唐晓宇、远苍溟、大笔先生、蝶君十惑、一喝就醉2、蝶骨小翼001、上帝是一只兔子、书友160618141859733、毒岳、风中的雨蝶啊、sossos2009、书友151204060926793、伦道夫一卡特、书友20210301106536451612、书友150813115245404、个毛躁、书友150731102048375、D1d、地狱圆舞曲、群哥儿、太乙金华、不想成为笑话、太素丈人、yuxiaolei、岁月丿静好、读书心、old2old3、猴子偷葡桃、Lok-tarogar、血辰心、太保三哥、冬夜夏晨、天涯明夜、红云幻海1、试试花钱看书、书友20220520212843711、落魄山跑堂的、抽筋的灵魂等书友。

Thank you all, I wish you all a happy New Year's Day, a healthy and happy new year!

(End of this chapter)

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