Lawyer Luo’s live broadcast of popularization of the law, are you acting as a joke player?

Chapter 189 The judge carried away the defendant and lawyer, and the crime of intentional murder was

Chapter 189 The judge carried away the defendant and lawyer, and the crime of intentional murder was confirmed in court!

Luo Kai took a deep breath.

Directly add the last piece of the puzzle that can charge the suspect with the death penalty:
“So, whether it is from the dichotomy of the substance of crime, it is consistent with the subjective and objective two-class system!
Regardless of the four-quarter theory of the crime, it can be identified as the defendant's criminal suspect, who violated all the elements of the crime of intentional murder during drunk driving! "

"The tool used to commit the crime was the luxury car he drove. The subjective malice was obvious. The objective facts have caused the victim to be seriously injured. He was on the verge of death in the hospital and almost could not be rescued!"

"...Defendant xx escaped after a traffic accident. He dragged the victim for about a kilometer until his body was completely bruised on multiple densely populated roads, with everyone watching and being chased. The criminal method was extremely cruel, and even suspected of endangering public safety, causing The social impact is extremely bad, and there is no remorse, and should be severely punished!
Subjective malice and objective facts of harm coexist, intentionally and illegally depriving others of their lives, and his behavior has constituted the crime of intentional murder. Therefore, we insist on prosecuting the defendant for this crime and executing the death penalty immediately! "

Luo Kai paused slightly here.

Particularly basing the statement on the location where surveillance of the case occurred raises a modicum of reasonable doubt.

That is, the female driver hit people while driving drunk in a crowded place.

She actually dared to hit someone and continued to drag her along.

Does that mean that this person dares to continue hitting others?

Just like a person who commits a crime, if he dares to hit one person, he will also dare to hit the second person!

How dare you commit such an evil act at such a densely populated traffic intersection?

The identity of the potential perpetrator was suspected and assigned to her.

So can a reasonable doubt be raised?
She was placed on suspicion of endangering public safety.

But since the evidence is not very supportive...

Therefore, this crime was not included in the prosecution.

Otherwise, the three crimes will be jointly prosecuted!

Luo Kai was a little unfinished.

But it’s like filling up the paper to answer questions!
Never mind whether you can score!
Write it to him first and then talk.

There was silence in the courtroom.

Everyone was listening to Lawyer Luo angrily denounce the defendant and suspect in court.

Everyone is watching Luo Kai!

For a short time, Luo Kai was the only one who spoke in the entire court.

This scene is like being the star of a concert under the spotlight!

All eyes.

The crime of intentional homicide has basically been settled.

Then hammer another nail into the coffin of the drunk driver’s death penalty!

Give her another crime!

A stone was added to compact the coffin.

No matter how the death penalty is commuted according to the legal process, the reduction will be indefinite, and the reduction will be limited...

But she committed two crimes at the same time.

That means multiple crimes and multiple punishments.

The penalty will be directly upgraded!

Go up a level and get the death penalty!
Where can I go to get another level?

Right to the top.

Want to reduce your sentence?
no way!

Have you ever asked me, Mr. Luo?

Luo Kai looked at defense lawyer Long sitting in the dock.

Look at the female driver behind the fence who has stopped crying and looks as ferocious as a demon.

This girl has the nerve to say she is a doctor?

Are you using such an upright profession to cover up your own filth?

Moral kidnapping, right?

Then it depends on how I will tear your skin apart.

Luo Kai's voice was as calm as ever, but everyone could feel the anger hidden in it:
"Defendant xx violated traffic and transportation management regulations and caused an accident while driving a motor vehicle on the road. He drove away in order to evade legal prosecution, causing serious injuries to the victim.

His behavior has violated the criminal law. Based on the evidence just listed and the defendant's admission of guilt and punishment before the court debate, it can be determined that it constitutes a traffic accident crime. "

"The defendant, also the criminal suspect, committed two criminal acts in this case, namely a traffic accident and intentional homicide, and committed two crimes at the same time.

Moreover, the subjective malice is huge and has a huge social impact. We request the judge to sentence the defendant to death and execute it immediately! "

After Luo Kai's statement about being able to send his opponent away, he did not say anything about financial compensation.

Criminal proceedings come with civil damages.

Don't forget this.

If you want to take revenge, how can you just stop at sending your opponent to death?
All her property must be compensated until she goes bankrupt.

A female driver of a luxury car, right?
You are usually very carefree, and you are very arrogant.

At the scene where he was caught in a hit-and-run accident, when he was rescued from the car by law enforcement officers, he took off the watch in his hand with a look of indifference. This behavior was simply indifferent to the extreme.

Since you value watches and like money, your damn husband thinks that money can solve everything, right?

Then I will let you pay everything.

Let your whole family be sent in neatly.

Let your whole family go bankrupt.

Luo Kai quickly picked up the complaint next to him. The second half of the complaint stated the requirements for civil compensation:
“Your Honor, when we filed the case, we requested civil incidental compensation from the defendant.

Our victim's serious injury was caused by the defendant's traffic accident crime and intentional xing crime, so he should bear his liability for compensation!
Legally speaking, there is a causal relationship between our victim's injuries and the behavior of the female driver who caused the accident. There is evidence to prove the causal relationship. The official traffic accident liability determination document shows that the consequences and liability for compensation should be It's up to the defendant!
I will state the litigation expenses incurred in this case as well as the medical expenses and various compensation expenses for the victims in this case in court..."

"...Among them, the medical expenses include 53 for the victim to be admitted to the hospital for medical rescue and various medical equipment, and the subsequent cost of plastic surgery is 43...

The daily basic cost in the ICU is 5000 a day, the daily dressing cost is 1.8, and the nursing fee... the estimated follow-up care cost for hospitalization... It has been a month so far, and after preliminary rough statistics, 1, 243…”

"...the victim's family members incurred lost wages due to the time spent taking care of the victim in the hospital..."

"...victim's mental loss costs..."

" fees...expenses for inviting professionals to appear in court to testify...litigation costs..."

After Luo Kai read out all the expenses, he finally made a preliminary total: "The total of all the expenses has now reached 420 million. We require the defendant to compensate our victims and provide financial compensation! "

"The above is our final statement and summary. We have finished speaking!"

At the end of his speech, Luo Kai basically gritted his teeth and jumped out word by word.

He was angry.The family members of the victims sitting next to Luo Kai...

This father and daughter!
When I think of my mother or wife, I almost leave me!

My whole body was filled with hatred.

When I think of what my mother (wife) looks like now:

Even though he saved a life from the emergency room, the horrific wounds all over his body were so unbearable that he didn't dare to take another look.

Every time I change the dressing, I feel excruciating pain!

Change the medicine every 4 hours!

Every hour when he turned over, he was subjected to the cruelest torture in hell on earth.

Especially during the recent dressing changes, the skin of seriously injured victims has recovered and has a tendency to scab.

The whole body seemed to be covered with blood scab.

It's like wearing a suit of armor that greatly affects physical activity.

If you move your joints a little, two pieces of scabbed blood will collide with each other and then crack!
The victim fainted from the pain several times during the dressing process.

He even cried and shouted for her to die when he was awake!

The pain is so unbearable!
Even with anesthesia.

After the anesthetic took effect, the pain came up like a tide, crazily!
It wants to devour people's souls and all their pain-sensing nerves.

At the end of the day, consider the future of your body's recovery and your nerves' ability to continue functioning normally and healthy growth.

The doctor in charge recommended that the number of anesthesia injections should not be used for a short period of time!
If you continue to use it, the nerves in the whole body will be paralyzed for a long time and unable to function...

After no anesthesia.

The victim was dragged under the car and dragged for 1 kilometer before being revived.

every second.

Waking pain.

Every dressing change is a skin change.

However, the most desperate thing is that all the facial features have been smoothed.

Despite the surgery.

The doctor has tried his best and tried his best.

When the hospital saw this, they paid so much attention to it.

We even invited the most famous plastic surgeon in the country (the most serious one with a medical license)!
Experts from various fields conduct consultations together, and multiple medical experts participate in the operation!

But even to this extent.

The effect is not too ideal...

Although the person barely survived, the trauma suffered is difficult to recover from!
Be it physically or mentally.

Such a tragic situation...

I always think about what happened to my mother and wife.

Before hearing the court, Lawyer Luo fought for the interests of his family and sentenced the damn villain to death.

To avenge his mother (wife).

What he said is reasonable and well-founded.

Take it out on these two people.

The father and daughter sitting on the plaintiff's bench had long since burst into tears.

Luo Kai handed tissues to the family members of the pair of victims next to him.

After holding the microphone further away, whisper comfort.


After the plaintiff's statement was completed, it was time to move on to the defendant's side.

This is the last moment.

Basically everything that can be said has been said.

All the means at his disposal and the cards hidden in his hand have been taken out.

The defendant's lawyer, Lawyer Long, sitting in the dock, looked slightly ugly.

The suspect who was locked up inside the fence with a shrink bracelet on his hand, the female driver was also biting her mouth and lips...

The main crime is to demand the death penalty to be carried out immediately.

In order to avoid the subsequent commutation of the sentence, another stone for traffic accident was given to her to press on the "coffin board" of the death penalty!
In this way, even if you want to reduce the sentence, you will not be able to reduce it!
Lawyer Long, the defendant's lawyer sitting in the dock, took a deep breath.

He feels that after this lawsuit, his reputation should be known to everyone!

The goal of becoming famous has been completely achieved. Not only has it been achieved, but it has also exceeded it far beyond!
Known by at least 1 million people!

Before the trial, Lawyer Long analyzed the number of online viewers of Luo Kai's previous lawsuits.

The tens of millions of people watching online are simply jaw-dropping.

It can be called an explosion of heat.

So he chose to become an enemy of Lawyer Luo.

Made the defendant in this case.

Seen by everyone as desired.

The reputation is there.

Nothing but a bad reputation!
The reputation of being scolded!
An extremely bad reputation.

Lawyer Long touched his ears, which were very hot.

I don't know if someone was scolding him behind his back, or if this case was too difficult to fight, causing his brain to overthink and turn red.

If this continues, Lawyer Luo will not only clear out the people in the dock but also send in the defendants inside the fence.

It can be said to be a joyful experience.

It was wiped clean.

Kill your opponent in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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