Age: Passionate youth, starting from graduation assignment

Chapter 128 Someone else's daughter-in-law is beautiful

Chapter 128 Someone else's daughter-in-law is beautiful

With a fair and delicate face, a graceful and charming figure, a pair of watery eyes, and an anxious and timid temperament in her expression, she looks like a little daughter-in-law who is eager to save her husband.

Seeing someone responding, she came up to her as if she had met a savior: "Hi leader, I am here to find my guy. His name is Chen Lie. I heard that he was locked up for fighting with others. Excuse me?" Do you... know where he is being held now?"

After Lan Qimei finished speaking, she looked at Xu Jichang in fear, for fear that Xu Jichang would not tell her.

"My name is Xu Jichang. As for Chen Lie, he is taking a statement in the interrogation room right now, and you won't be able to see him for a while."

Xu Jichang said seriously, "Another thing I want to remind is that this time it was mainly Chen Lie who hit the other person first, and he beat the other person very severely."

"You have to prepare yourself psychologically for the outcome."

"Ah? Yes... How serious is it..."

When Xu Jichang said this, Lan Qimei panicked, "Will he be fired?"

Xu Jichang glanced at Lan Qimei, turned around and entered the reception room: "Come in and talk."

Regarding the specific handling results, he thought it would be better to find a quiet place to speak out.

The teary-eyed Lan Qimei quickly followed Xu Jichang into the reception room, and after he looked back, he hurriedly closed the door.

The furnishings in the reception room are very simple, with a table and two chairs, two teacups and a hot water bottle.

Xu Jichang came to the chair on the back and sat down, pointing forward: "Sit down."

Lan Qimei walked quickly to the table and shook her head nervously: "There is no need for the leader, I can just stand..."

Xu Ji was not reluctant to see the situation, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, and sighed slightly in his heart.

The sigh was not for Chen Lie, but for Lan Qimei.

"You just asked me if Chen Lie will be fired from work, right?"

"I can tell you the answer right now, Chen Lie's job will definitely be lost."

Xu Jichang put down his teacup, looked into Lan Qimei's eyes and said, "This matter is entirely his fault. He violated labor discipline first, and beat the leader who came to dissuade him."

"In any unit, this is unforgivable. What's more, he is just a temporary worker who has just entered the factory and has not passed the probationary period."

Lan Qimei was so frightened that her whole body went limp, tears streaming down her face: ", you are in charge of this matter, right?"

"I assure you, we are willing to lose money, even if we lose everything."

"I just beg you, please hold your hands high and let my family go, please..."

Xu Jichang shook his head with a sullen face, "It's not a matter of whether I want to let it go, it's the factory rules and regulations."

"Even if you lose money, it's useless, Chen Lie will still be fired."

The matter involved labor discipline, and the fat director was beaten very severely. This is not something that can only be solved by money.

What's more, with Chen Lie's hostile face and his behavior today, Xu Jichang really didn't want to keep this trouble in the factory, lest he cause bigger troubles in the future.


Lan Qimei's knees softened, and she knelt in front of him, crying out of breath, "Leader, this matter is indeed Chen Lie's fault, I...we are willing to use practical make up for the mistake .”

"Please... please help us to say something, keep... keep his job."

Xu Jichang looked a little unbearable, but he still gritted his teeth and firmly rejected Lan Qimei: "I would like to speak clearly to you today, but I also can't bear to see you waste your energy and work in vain."

"If you continue like this, it will make it difficult for me to do well."

His sympathy was all sympathy, but he didn't go up to help Seventh Sister Lan.Because I was chatting with a young and beautiful daughter-in-law in the work unit, it was easy to explain clearly.

Seeing what he said, Lan Qimei covered her face and cried even harder.

After Xu Jichang persuaded her for a while, she gradually stopped crying and stood up from the ground.

How about saying that men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man.It was bad enough for Lan Qimei to have such a boss as Chen Lie, and I guess her life at home would not be easy either.

"Is there really nothing we can do about the matter of the leader... Chen Lie?"

With eyes swollen from crying, Lan Qimei asked Xu Jichang.

Xu Jichang shook his head: "No, you can wash your face and go out, so that no one can see that you are crying."

"Let him go home and let him adjust his mentality. You can't do it anywhere if you always fight with people."


Lan Qimei lowered her head, and after a long silence, obediently picked up the hot water bottle, poured some water into the cup, took out a flower handkerchief, poured hot water on the handkerchief and wiped her face.

Xu Jichang let Lan Qimei leave the reception room when there were no traces of crying on her face.

For a person like Chen Lie, Xu Jichang didn't have to do it himself, he only needed a word to order his subordinates to arrest him.

The problem lies in appeasing the emotions of his family members, which is the big head.

It is not easy to find a job these days. In various units, after the employee is fired, the whole family will come to the unit to make trouble.

If I can deal with Lan Qimei's emotions today and explain the truth to her clearly, she will be able to do a good job with Chen Lie's other relatives when she goes back later, so as to avoid any serious incidents.

This is the perfect situation in Xu Jichang's mind. When working in a public company, the most important thing is to avoid accidents.

After Lan Qimei left, Xu Jichang returned to his office and saw the security officer in charge of interrogating Chen Lie waiting to report to him.

"Are you finished?"

"Report to the leader, the interrogation is over, Chen Lie confessed to his beating."

The security officer handed the confession to Xu Jichang who came over, and reported the report seriously, "Please review it and issue a handling opinion."


Xu Jichang took the confession, glanced at it to confirm that there was no problem, and then issued a handling opinion.

Compensate the victim for medical expenses, nutrition expenses, loss of work and transportation expenses, and expel him from the factory.

Considering that he is a first-time offender, it is recommended not to be included in the file.

The last sentence was to the organization department of the factory, and they were in charge of the files.

Included in the files, Chen Lie will have problems finding a job in the future, and it will be very difficult for him to pass the historical review.Not included in the file, it still left him a way to survive.

And when Xu Jichang made such a decision, he couldn't bear to let Lan Qimei be cornered, and cry like a tearful person.

He will not forgive the part within the factory rules and regulations.Dispensable punishment, he thought about how Lan Qimei was crying so hard just now, he would still consider letting it go.


Early the next morning, Chen Lie was still locked up at the security office, and the factory had already made a decision to expel him.

It was Lan Qimei who was going to receive the dismissal decision. In order to prevent her from being too emotional on the spot and causing accidents, Xu Jichang accompanied her to receive the dismissal decision.

After receiving the dismissal decision, Lan Qimei walked out of the factory organization department with red eyes.

Xu Ji could not bear the situation, and comforted her in a low voice, "If you lose your job, you can still find it again. Don't make your body feel bad."

With tears in her eyes, Lan Qimei bit her lip and shook her head: "But the leader... I heard that fights will be recorded in the file, and you won't be able to work in a public unit in the future..."

"I told the factory, this time I didn't record it in the file for him."

"Ah? Really..."

"Leader, I really... Thank you so much, you are our family's benefactor..."

Lan Qimei opened her beautiful eyes wide and said in disbelief.

"Don't just thank me. Go home and persuade your guy to change his temper."

Xu Jichang said calmly, "We won't be able to encounter such good things in the future."

"Yeah... my benefactor, I remember everything you said, and I will tell him well."

Lan Qimei continued to be grateful to Dade.

Whether to record it in the file is just a matter of one sentence to Xu Jichang, but it is a great kindness to her.

At this moment, Lan Qimei was not only grateful to Xu Jichang, but also felt that he was very remarkable.

Look at others, he became a leader at a young age, and his personality is still very calm, and he doesn't have any sense of taking credit for helping himself.

Why is the guy in my family so far away from others? Not to mention his irritable personality outside, he beat and scolded him at home.

As Lan Qimei thought about it, she felt 12 admiration for Xu Jichang and a lot of dissatisfaction with Chen Lie.

At this time, Xu Jichang's words pulled Lan Qimei out of her contemplation: "Okay, I'm off to work. Go and do what you should do."

"Good leader, I will remember how you helped us."

Lan Qimei said, watching Xu Jichang leave her side until he disappeared from sight.

Alas, why didn't I meet such a young and promising man.

Look at Chen Lie, he looks several years older than this leader Xu, why is he not even one-tenth of him.

Hit yourself in daily life, let yourself be angry.When he first joined the unit, he was fired for beating someone, and he had to take him back by himself.

Lan Qimei thought to herself, subconsciously repeating the name Xu Jichang several times in her heart.


Another day passed, and the third snow in autumn came.

This snow started to fall in the afternoon. At the beginning, it was still a light snow like sand particles, and it turned into a heavy snow after a while.

When Xu Jichang and Du Xiaojing got off work in the evening, as soon as they left the office, the ground was already covered in silver. As soon as they stretched out their feet, they could create a snow nest four or five inches deep on the ground.

"Let's go to the parking garage."

Xu Jichang said.

"It's snowing, so it's not easy to ride a bike?"

"I have to take the car home, otherwise if the carport is crushed, my car will be smashed."

"Oh, that's it. It's still you who think carefully."

Xu Jichang and Du Xiaojing talked and walked all the way to the carport.

After patting off the snow on the rear mat, he lifted the whole car up and down, poured out the snow in the basket of the car, Xu Jichang carried the car and walked home.

The snow was so big that not only was it impossible to ride a bike, but it was also impossible to push the bike back.

When walking on the road, there were several pedestrians carrying their cars home like Xu Jichang.

When passing by a deserted alley, Du Xiaojing reached out his hand from his pocket and tugged at Xu Jichang's sleeve: "Put the car down."

"What's the matter."

Xu Jichang put the car down, not understanding what she wanted to do.

"Put out your hand."

Du Xiaojing said.

Xu Jichang stretched out his hand, only to see that she unbuttoned her coat, and pulled his into her arms.

"To keep you warm."

Du Xiaojing smiled sweetly and said, "But you are not allowed to touch it inside."

"It's so warm."

Xu Jichang did not move as she said, "But can you bear it?"

"I'm not that delicate."

"You forgot that when I was in your village, I was also a production model in the educated youth team."

Du Xiaojing said proudly, with a competitive expression on his face.

"Remember, your physical fitness is quite good."

Xu Jichang said with a smile, and gave Du Xiaojing a small compliment.

Don't look at Du Xiaojing as a beautiful woman from a superior background, but her physical fitness is much better than most of the female educated youths, unlike them who suffer from illnesses and disasters from time to time after going to the countryside.

Du Xiaojing was recognized by Xu Jichang, with a satisfied expression on his face: "That's not true."

"Come on, I'll warm you up too."

At this time, Xu Jichang unbuttoned his coat and pulled Du Xiaojing's hand into his arms.

The two warmed each other up for a while, until their hands became hot, and then they continued walking towards home.

Back in the yard, the two saw Zhu Chen and Shen Danrui braving the snow, carrying two handfuls of vegetables from the cellar, and a bag was placed on the ground beside them.

Seeing Xu Jichang and Du Xiaojing enter the courtyard gate, smiles appeared on their faces.

"Enter the house together to be warm and warm, and we are waiting for you to have dinner together."

Shen Danrui held a bag full of cabbage and Chinese cabbage.

"Well, let's go inside."

Xu Jichang said to her and Zhu Chen, and together they waded through the snow to the door of the house, took out the key and opened the door as fast as they could in their lives.

"'s really warm in the room."

After entering the room, Du Xiaojing sighed angrily.

"I'll get some wood and light the fire."

Xu Jichang put down his bicycle and said to them, "Let's go to work when we get warm."

When he built the house, he specially built a fireplace in the living room, and now is the time to use it.

"I'll carry the firewood with you."

Du Xiaojing said, came to the yard with Xu Jichang, uncovered the firewood covered with plastic skin, and carried a pile back to the house.

These firewood are leftovers from Xu Jichang's original furniture making and decoration, they can be burned for a long time, and they will definitely survive the snow.

After entering the house, Xu Jichang stacked more than a dozen logs of firewood in the fireplace, leaving enough space between them, and took some waste paper as kindling, and lit them under the firewood.

Soon, the firewood was ignited, and fireworks rose.

The smoke is discharged out of the house along the chimney, and the heat is transferred into the house, making everyone inside feel warm.

"It's so warm, Jichang, your room is designed so well."

Shen Danrui said with emotion.

After a while, she took off her heavy coat, revealing her plump figure wrapped in a cashmere sweater.

Zhu Wei and Du Xiaojing also took off their coats one after another. For a while, the mountains stood proudly in the room, and the scenery was different.

(End of this chapter)

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