Chapter 135 Heisi Li Wanru

In the living room of Zheng Xin's house, Li Wanru wiped off the cream, combed her hairstyle specially, entered her bedroom, changed into nice clothes from inside to outside, looked at the full-length mirror for a long time, opened the door and came out .

Zheng Xin looked at the glamorous Li Wanru, and became even more angry: she has fallen to this point, yet she still thinks about dressing up.

"Don't you want to buy something to go to Xu Jichang's house? Bring the money quickly."

Standing in the living room, Li Wanru stretched out her hand to Zheng Xin.

"How much do you want?"


"Do you need so much? Besides, didn't I just give you ten yuan half a month ago."

"I didn't lose playing mahjong."

"Oh, you, you, spending money like water!"

"If you don't give it, then I won't go."

Li Wanru said with a cold face, "Besides, I don't spend your money, what did I want to marry you in the first place?"

"Picture that you are almost 20 years older than me? Or that there are a group of relatives in your hometown who come here all day long?"

Zheng Xin's expression changed drastically: Li Wanru had flirted with him in the past, but she rarely spoke so nakedly like today.

This ruthless woman, once she lost power outside, she started to rebel at home...

Zheng Xin said angrily in his heart, and scolded Li Wanru more than ten times in his heart.

"I'll give you the key, go to the house and get the money."

Angry is angry, but right now he still has to rely on Li Wanru to beg Xu Jichang, he has no other choice but to swallow his anger.

Li Wanru took the key, entered Zheng Xin's bedroom, opened the desk drawer, took 50 yuan from it, and stuffed it into the satchel.

After taking the money back to the drawer, Li Wanru twisted her waist and walked out of the bedroom door without even saying hello, leaving Zheng Xin sitting on the chair alone, staring at her back in a daze.

For some reason, Zheng Xin always felt that Li Wan's motives for doing this seemed not so pure.

Carefully selected clothes, repeated hairstyles, and swaying steps with twisted waist...

Could it be...

Thinking about it, Zheng Xin had a terrible guess in his heart. He quickly got up and rushed out of the house, shouting towards the alley next to him: "Come back! I have something to tell you!"

"Wanru, come back quickly!"

There was no response from the front, only passers-by cast curious eyes.

Zheng Xin also ignored the gazes of passers-by, and hurriedly put on slippers and chased along the alley.

In the end, after chasing for three or four streets, he failed to find Li Wanru, and even lost a slipper.

Zheng Xin looked at the streets full of people coming and going, feeling very anxious.

He wanted to chase after Xu Jichang's house and bring Li Wanru back.

But if he just passed by like this, then the meaning of it would be too obvious.

And Xu Jichang now holds the power of his own life and death, if this caused his dissatisfaction, would he...

No matter!If you don't want your child to be caught by this wolf, consider it a little sacrifice to keep your job!

Zheng Xin thought hard, with despair in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, and went home with one bare foot.

His heart is very messy now, he doesn't know whether he should pray for his wife's plan to succeed or fail.


Just as Zheng Xin was walking home in a daze, Li Wanru had already bought seven or eight yuan worth of things in his hands, and arrived at Xu Jichang's door, knocking lightly on the courtyard door.

"Tut Tuk, Tuk Tuk."


"Tuk Tuk."

Li Wanru just knocked on the door and didn't dare to speak.

Xu Ji saw that the visitor was silent, feeling a little strange in his heart, but he still walked out of the house and opened the door through the courtyard: "Are you..."

Dongfang Chemical Fertilizer Factory has many employees, and he has not been in the factory for a long time, and he has not seen Li Wanru's face before.

At this moment, he was thinking about why this beautiful and well-mannered strange woman wanted to find him.

Li Wanru smiled, and said in a low voice: "Hi, I am Comrade Zheng Xin's lover. The main reason I came to you today is to..."


Xu Jichang was still looking at Li Wanru with puzzled eyes, and immediately closed the courtyard door after hearing what she said, "Let Zheng Xin reflect on himself and figure out how to behave positively."

"Engaging in these machinations will only expose him to a more severe punishment."

Xu Jichang spoke in a low voice, but his words were sonorous and forceful. After finishing speaking, he turned and entered the room.

He could tell at a glance that Li Wan must be planning something when she came to his house with such elaborate attire.

The gift she wants to give herself is probably far more than the big and small bags in her hand.

It must be firmly rejected, because it is related to the integration of the security forces in the factory.

Xu Jichang firmly believed in a truth, as long as a man gets things done well, he will never lack love.

If you mess up important things for the sake of peach blossoms, then you will cut off your future peach blossom luck.

Outside the courtyard gate, Li Wanru was caught off guard by Xu Jichang's reaction, and the pair of peaks shook tremblingly in shock, trying to explain in a low voice: "Chief Xu, I...I just want to report to you the news of Comrade Zheng Xin Thought dynamics, I..."

"I want to report to the office, tell me openly, there is no need to hide it."

After Xu Jichang said, he turned and entered the room, and closed the door heavily, not giving Li Wanru a chance to continue speaking.

In all fairness, apart from her outstanding looks, this woman Li Wanru also has a beautiful voice, which is simply a must.

But today, with her here, her good voice has no chance to make a sound again.

Outside the courtyard gate, Li Wanru lowered her head resentfully when she heard Xu Jichang's voice closing the door.

She originally thought that with her appearance and voice alone, Xu Jichang should at least give herself a chance to enter.

Who knew that he ignored them directly and issued an order to evict the guest.

This made Li Wanru feel very frustrated.

She stood at the door depressed for a while, then looked left and right, and after making sure that no one was paying attention, she turned and left with a delicate face.

On the way back, she was thinking about Xu Jichang over and over again, and at the end she was so angry that she laughed.

I am afraid that only such a man has a great future.

Usually seeing a pretty girl and being unable to walk, it is estimated that it will be difficult to make any progress.

I really underestimated Xu Jichang this time.

When Li Wanru came to the door of the house, she shook her head and said.

At this moment, she thought about a lot, including Xu Jichang, and also her future fate after Zheng Xin was dismissed...

Of course, most of the time, Li Wanru still thinks of combining the two.

When she took out the key and went home, Zheng Xin was lying in the armchair, smoking a cigarette with his eyes blank, the ground was full of cigarette butts thrown away by him, and the whole room was filled with smoke.

"Cough cough..."

Seeing Zheng Xin's dejected appearance, Li Wanru felt a lot of disgust in his heart, coughed twice, fanned the wind, and walked into the living room.

"I am back."

She threw the thing on the ground and said angrily.

Zheng Xin threw away his half-smoked cigarette, and looked at Li Wanru with a gloomy expression.

But soon, his complexion gradually improved, because he found that Li Wanru was still the same as before, her clothes were neat and wrinkled, and her hair was not messy at all.

"Sit down, sit down."

Zheng Xin grinned and asked with a smile on his face, "Have you seen Xu Jichang? What did he say?"

In fact, Zheng Xin, as a official-level cadre with real power, usually has a bit of dignity. The reason why he behaved so badly today is rooted in his psychological ups and downs.

Li Wanru didn't want to sit beside him, so she just took two steps forward,
"I see, but they ignored me and didn't even let me in."

"I have no choice but to come back."


There is something about this Xu Jichang.

Originally, Zheng Xin was mentally prepared to sacrifice his wife's appearance to keep his position.

As a result...Xu Jichang not only resisted the temptation, he didn't even let her in?
Thinking of this, Zheng Xin didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

But one thing is certain, he now recognizes in his heart that Xu Jichang is someone, at least better than most of the department-level cadres in the factory.

Those people don't talk about seeing their own wives like this, but they can't resist it at all when they encounter a pretty little girl who throws them into their arms.

"Okay, if you don't see it, you won't see it. I didn't have much hope."

Zheng Xin's expression was both relaxed and somewhat complicated, "According to what he said, he didn't intend to drive me out."

"As long as I figure out his mind and show positive behavior, I should still be able to keep my job."

Li Wanru glanced at Zheng Xin, without saying a word, twisted her waist and entered the bedroom, and sat down in front of the dressing table.

Just keep your job?Oh, is that the result she wanted?

Zheng Xin, who only has a formal job but has lost her position and has no power or power, can she still guarantee her status in the factory and continue to be relaxed and happy?
Maybe it's time for me to think about finding a more powerful backer.

Li Wanru picked up the eyebrow pencil and slowly drew her eyebrows, thinking calmly in her heart.

Thinking about it, she smiled.

Well, don't mention it, today's Xu Jichang is really good.

In terms of status and appearance, they are all the top choices.

As long as I come up with some means in the future, I should be able to succeed. Today's temporary setback doesn't mean anything.

Li Wanru thought confidently, feeling convinced of her own capital.


When the eyebrows were painted, Li Wanru was very satisfied with today's makeup, and smiled proudly in the mirror.

Originally, she wanted to keep Zheng Xin's job by hooking up with Xu Jichang.

Now the old purpose has not been achieved, and the means that I wanted to use in the past have become the new purpose.

Calm down and think about it, it's really interesting.

Li Wan thought to herself.

In the living room, Zheng Xin was completely ignorant of his wife's state of mind, and was scribbling and writing down the application.

Just now, combined with some rumors in the factory, he already understood what Xu Jichang meant.

There was a major change in the leadership team of the factory, and all the antennas above him were cleaned up. Factory director Gao wanted to send Xu Jichang over to revoke the organization of the security department of the logistics department.

Forget it, you just don't want to be a villain, so let yourself be the one.

I just offered to disband the department.

Anyway, with my current state, I can't talk about any future. If I offend others, I will offend others.

Is it possible that those people with relevant interests can kill themselves?
At worst, in the future, I will be like those cadres with little future, living with a cup of tea, a pack of cigarettes, and a newspaper every day.

"Future, future, fuck it."

"I want to eat and wait to die now."

Zheng Xin muttered aloud.

Not to mention that after thinking about it this way, he really understood a lot in his heart.

After writing the application for disbanding the department, Zheng Xin read it silently twice to confirm that there was no problem.

He didn't mention the matter of covering the lid, because he felt that as long as he proposed to disband the department, Xu Jichang didn't need to hold on to it anymore.

Killing them all is by no means the goal, it's just a threat.As long as the two parties reach an agreement on core interests, other things can be let go.

Even though Zheng Xin's thoughts are a little confused now, he can still remember this basic rule of struggle.

Just like Lu Sheng, the conflict between him and Director Gao is deep enough.But as long as he was willing to gamble and accept defeat, Director Gao finally let him live, and didn't really send him into the game.


That night, Zheng Xin and Li Wanru said they were going to visit Xu Jichang and hand over the application to him.

Li Wanru wanted to apply for a visit for a while, and offered to go with her.

Zheng Xin felt that there should be nothing wrong with her going there with him, so he agreed.

"Wait for a while and change clothes."

After Li Wanru finished speaking, she entered her bedroom, changed into a long autumn and winter dress, and put on black pantyhose.

"When did you buy it?"

Zheng Xin pointed to Li Wanru's pantyhose and said in surprise.

He doesn't know what this kind of socks are called, but he thinks they look very good after wearing them, and they are particularly lethal to men.

Now Zheng Xin regrets agreeing to take Li Wanru to Xu Jichang's house.But once he said it, he couldn't think of a reason to regret it.

"I still need to report to you when I buy a pair of socks?"

Li Wanru raised her eyebrows and walked towards the door first.

This pair of black pantyhose was bought by her when she went to the capital once, and she has never worn it.Today she was going to take out this secret weapon, which surprised Xu Jichang.

Behind Li Wanru, Zheng Xin followed silently, thinking that this girl is really becoming more and more lawless.

But it's true, he and Li Wanru slept in separate rooms not long after they got married, and usually seldom entered her bedroom, let alone looked through her closet, and didn't even know how many clothes she had.

In the alley, Li Wanru and Zheng Xin walked forward in the dark, came to the street with few pedestrians, and walked for a long time to Xu Jichang's house.

When Xu Jichang opened the courtyard door, Li Wanru took a step forward and showed a charming smile: "Chief Xu, Zheng Xin has figured it out, and he wants to submit an important application to you."

Xu Jichang looked at Li Wanru under the bright moonlight, and sneered in his heart.

This woman, is she staring at herself?
Wearing black silk to see me at night, everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart.

Xu Jichang thought to himself, nodded with a sinking face, turned around and entered the room without saying anything.

Li Wanru followed quickly, and entered the room side by side with him, while Zheng Xin closed the courtyard door and hurriedly followed.

Seeing his wife and Xu Jichang walking forward side by side, while he seemed like an outsider, Zheng Xin was very angry.

But after thinking about it, Xu Jichang didn't like her, which was somewhat of a consolation.

Zheng Xin thought to himself, and felt that he had to talk to Li Wanru in the future, so that she would give up those restless thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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