Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 259: He didn’t grow crooked, he just lay flat

Chapter 259: He didn’t grow crooked, he just lay flat

In the club, Keiko's boyfriend Jin, who saw the powerful performance of Dengeki Monster, had just recovered from the shock of Dengeki Monster. His heart suddenly jumped, and then his heart beat faster and faster...

He also moved his eyes away from the screen and turned to Taro, the senior coach who was leading the team this time. He had an electric beast on his body, and it had probably evolved into an electric beast.

Moreover, Taro was answering the phone and was anxious to go out. He noticed outside the window that the direction Taro left was the direction back to the Electric Club.

After watching Taro go away, Jin looked at the broadcast screen again. The electric monster inside defeated the Coconut Egg Tree trainer's Bibi Bird and Swamp King. Deafening cheers erupted from the scene.

I don’t know whether I am cheering for victory, cheering for seeing a wonderful game, or cheering for seeing a powerful elf.

A new elf like Electric Shock Monster has become so popular and powerful just after it first appeared.

He definitely wanted to get one to cultivate. He worked in an electric club. It was easy to get an electric monster, as long as he had money, but he didn't have any money.

But it's hard to say how talented an electric shock monster like this is. It's either that he can't get an electric shock monster with good talent, or it's just a bit difficult.

Compared with the benefits, this difficulty is not worth mentioning at all, and it is not necessarily a risk, it may be his good luck.

Next, he saw on the TV screen that Taro released the electric monster to play against the dark horse of the electric club. The battle between the two was very fierce, which made today's audience excited.

Many spectators were originally planning to leave and wanted to see Dengeki Monster at the convention venue. Now that Dengeki Monster is also available in the Electric Club, there is no need for the audience to go.

As the news about the appearance of new elves spread out at the convention venue and the Electric Club, spectators flocked to these two competition venues, and thousands more tickets were sold.

Witnessing the power of the electric shock monster again strengthened Ren's mind. No matter what, he would get an electric shock monster, and maybe he could touch the threshold of the king in this life.

The old man in the tavern who also saw the Electric Shock Monster had already known that the Electric Shock Monster could evolve, otherwise he wouldn't have taken precautions to get an Electric Shock Monster.

Seeing how powerful the electric monster was, the old man tapped the armrest of the sofa with his index finger, thinking about whether his grandson's electric monster would be as powerful as the electric monster at the conference when he cultivated it.

Just one thunderbolt can cover the entire playing field, leaving Bibi Bird nowhere to hide. A random strike of electricity can stun the Bibi Bird in the air.

In the end, he even ignored Swamp King's electric moves to avoid damage, and just raised his hand and slapped him. A slap without any attributes, sent Swamp King flying out of the playing field, and knocked Swamp King unconscious directly.

Xiaoying's electric shock monster should also be able to do it. With that electric shock monster, Xiaoying doesn't need to worry about her future.


"Brother Hai, is this elf so strong?"

Whether it was the shock felt by the audience at the scene or the oppression felt by the audience outside the venue, Xiaoying felt it all.

"Yes, it's very strong." Yuhai has wanted an electric monster for a long time, because it is really handsome, strong and feels safe.

It’s just that a talented electric monster is so rare.

Xiaoying does have a very talented electric shock monster, but Xiaoying is her student, and she calls her big brother and trusts her unconditionally.

As a time traveler, he is a good young man who was born under the red flag and grew up under the red flag.

Although he is not a good person, he once complained about society and scolded God for being unfair, but he did not grow crooked. He worked hard, struggled, and finally lay down.

As a good young man who is not considered a good person, he cannot, or at least should not, do anything that goes against his bottom line.

If he does it, then he is a completely evil person, and even his heart is dirty and black, the kind that cannot be cleansed.

How is it different from those charities in previous lives that took advantage of people's goodwill and were not open and transparent?

That's why he said before that it's not complicated whether to donate to the orphanage. What's complicated is the human heart, because you never know what color the heart is hidden under the heart of a human-faced beast.

His heart is black and he will not refute, but he will stick to the bottom line of being a human being.

This is the bottom line for him to be able to walk in the sun. He doesn't want to be a hyena in the night, cunning and greedy, and often attacking from behind.He really just wants to be a good person, he doesn't want to fight and kill, he just wants to lie down and live out his life.

In his previous life, he was a fisherman who was lying flat. Even if there is no electric shock monster in this life, he will not force it.

He takes a very light view of anything. If he likes something, he will actively fight for it, and he will not snatch it away if he can't get it.

Human life is too short, only 100 years. He just wants to live every day with his lovely elves, and he is satisfied...

This is a true portrayal of the heart of a flat guy...

The layman just wants to lie down, he doesn’t want to be cannon fodder, he doesn’t want to be used as fuel, he doesn’t want to be rolled around, he doesn’t want to be treated as a consumable, he doesn’t want to be eaten dry, and in the end nothing is left, only a handful of ashes... …

Lieping is just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who can think and breathe.

After lying down, I didn’t have too much entanglement or unwillingness, and I let go of my obsessions...

In the end, everyone will think about what they are living for, and they will think clearly about how they want to live this life. Laiping has also figured it out...

Laipinglao doesn't want to be like the story of the shepherd boy, who herds sheep and gives birth to children, then gives birth to children and continues to herd sheep, and then the cycle repeats, with endless descendants.

The life of a shepherd boy is a cycle. If there are no accidents, the shepherd boy will be reincarnated from generation to generation...

The shepherd boy doesn't think about why he is reincarnated like this. He doesn't even realize that this is reincarnation.

The shepherd boy will be like his father, following the path of his ancestors and reincarnations in circles...
I don’t want to be a shepherd, numbly trapped in reincarnation. If this is suffering, please end it in my generation and stop harming the next generation...

This is also a true portrayal of the hearts of most young people in past and present generations.

The average guy will eventually pursue things that are attainable, rather than things that cost a lot and have a very low probability...

Just like he is now, if he wants to conquer elves with high potential, he should conquer them if he can find them. If there are no elves with high potential, forget it.

He had already thought about it clearly. He wanted to spend the rest of his life happily with his elf friends, wanted to join the gym, wanted to see this gorgeous and colorful world, wanted to cook himself a delicious meal, and wanted to sleep until he woke up naturally. Read a book, learn new knowledge, there are so many things you want to do in life...

If you can't do these little things and can't make a delicious meal, you can make some adjustments and start by cooking a bowl of instant noodles. These are very simple things.

It doesn't matter even if he can't complete it. As a human being, you must have several small goals. This is also the motivation for him to travel far.

There are mosquito-repellent frogs, big butterflies, giant claw crabs, armored rhinoceros, big-billed gulls, bad frogs...

These elf companions with the potential to be quasi-kings are enough for the angler, and he won't expect too much.

After watching the [-]-[-] game of Dengeki World of Warcraft, he also finished his breakfast, told Xiaoying to wash the dishes, and then went to lie down in the yard, preparing to bask in the warm morning sun for a while.

These are the last two days of his stay in the villa. The peaceful and peaceful life will be gone forever, and he will embark on an unknown road again.

Unless he becomes an alliance-certified trainer, he can stay here and continue to live a comfortable life.

Even if he didn't become a gym apprentice and an alliance-certified trainer, he wouldn't be able to stay on Haza Island for the rest of his life.

After finally arriving in this wonderful world, he must go and see the customs, different cities, different scenery, different battle cultures, different trainers, different elves, different...

In short, there are many, many places that he wants to see, play, and walk through...

Joining a gym and becoming an apprentice is just the most trivial thing in life.

Even without the status of an alliance-certified trainer, he can still live a good life.

The most important thing to him has always been his elf companions. As long as there are these elf companions, the place with them is home, a warm home...

(End of this chapter)

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