Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 575, Golden Lightning

Chapter 575, Golden Lightning

"Electric shock the monster, thunder..."

Lei Si directly let the electric beast use the rain clouds to thunder, increasing the hit rate of thunder and not giving the mosquito frog any chance at all.


Yellow arcs of electricity burst out from the electric monster's body, and the two tentacles on its head emitted lightning into the thundercloud, which began to drop thunderbolts, covering the entire field, leaving no escape.

Coupled with the rain and the wet ground, the mosquito frog will be hit by the electric current no matter how it hides.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, earthquake..."

"Yo Bo," the mosquito-repellent frog knew that it didn't have much chance, so before the lightning fell, it jumped up and punched the ground hard, mud and water splashed, and seismic waves appeared on the ground, rushing towards the electric beast.

"Yo-bo," the mosquito frog's fist knocked out the earthquake, but it was electrocuted the moment it touched the ground. Its whole body was paralyzed. Facing the electric shock, it could only hold on and wait for the nearby current to pass.

"Electric shock the monster, attract lightning, lightning fist..."

"Roar," the electric monster was shaken to and fro by the earthquake wave. Hearing Lei Si's shout, the two detonators behind it bent like springs and suddenly shot up. The two tentacles on its head attracted falling lightning, and the lightning wrapped around its thunder fist became more violent, and its target was the mosquito frog.

"You've come just in time." Yu Hai saw the electric beast coming fiercely, ready to fight to the death, and saw that the paralysis on the mosquito frog had ended, so he shouted to the mosquito frog: "Mosquito frog, the last blow, the freezing fist..."

"Yo Bo," the mosquito frog knew that Yu Hai was going to use ice explosion again. Frost quickly condensed on his fist. This time he exploded with all his strength, stomped on the ground with a bang, bounced off the ground, and rushed straight towards the electric beast in the sky.


The moment the two elves collided, a huge explosion occurred in the air, and the shock wave swept across the entire main venue. The big screen flashed and then went out again, and the searchlights that had been repaired in the main venue exploded one after another.

The mosquito frog flew backwards from the explosion, fell to the ground and fainted.

The electric monster was not much better off. It fell from the air, and its fist-fighting arm was charred black, causing stinging pain at the slightest touch.

"Roar," the electric beast did not fall into a coma, but the arm that used the lightning fist was temporarily unusable.

Lei Si looked up at the mosquito-coated frog and found that the mosquito-coated frog had fainted. Its arm was not injured, at least there was no sign of burning. Could it be that the mosquito-coated frog used something to block the explosion?

He didn't know, and now was not the time to think about it. He was relieved that the mosquito frog had lost its ability to fight.

The two main forces, Tyrannosaurus and Poliwag, were eliminated. The opponent only had Gullwing and Forritus, as well as an unknown water Pokémon, which made it much easier to deal with.

"Go, Foretos..."

"It is indeed it," when Lei Si saw Foretos, he knew what Yu Hai was planning. He wanted to use Foretos to poison the electric monster.

But Yu Hai's sixth Pokémon has not been exposed, and he still has a chance to change the Pokémon. It is impossible for him to let the Electric Beast and Forlitos fight head-on, so he can let the Dragon King Scorpion and Forlitos consume each other first.

"Come back, Electabuzz," Lei Si took back the Electabuzz whose arm was injured, let the Electabuzz take a breath, and threw the Dragon King Scorpion's Poké Ball away.

"Crack, crack," as the King Scorpion came out, it clamped the three pincers on its body and looked at its opponent, Forritos, and finally bumped into him.

"Contestant Lei Si chose to take back the Electric Shock Monster and exchange it for the Dragon King Scorpion. This is the last chance for Contestant Lei Si to exchange Pokémons. The duel between Forlitos and the Dragon King Scorpion is about to begin..."

"Fretos, turn into a circle and roll..."

"Dragon King Scorpion, the wave of evil..."

Lei Si did not use poison spikes, and Yu Hai did not use poison spikes either. He probably guessed the reason. The next elves from both sides to come on the field would probably be affected by the poison spikes.

No matter who wins or loses this battle, once the poison spikes are laid on the field, the next Pokémon to appear will definitely be poisoned, so both sides gave up the poison spikes at the same time, and only the final winner can use the spikes to control the field.

When facing Forlitos, King Scorpion does not have many special attack moves, but has more physical attack moves, but he dare not use them. The Destruction Death Ray he used before counts as one, but it cannot be used often. He can only use his own evil wave and insect buzz to attack Forlitos.

But unfortunately, the insect type is resistant to Forritos, so I can only use the evil wave of the evil type to double the damage...


The Dragon King Scorpion fired two dark energy attacks from its pincers, which hit the rolling Foretos, causing an explosion. After that, Foretos rushed out of the smoke and dust and continued to roll towards the Dragon King Scorpion.

Roll is a rock-type move that also deals double damage to the Dragon King Scorpion.

Boom boom boom——

Faced with Foretos's infinitely attackable defense, the Dragon King Scorpion can only continuously emit waves of evil to attack the charging Foretos.

But the wave of evil was still unstoppable in the face of Foretos' charge. Seeing that Foretos was about to roll over, the Dragon King Scorpion had to give up the wave of evil, jumped up, dug the soil on the ground with its pliers, and burrowed into the ground to hide.

"Fretos, hit the ground..."

It was not that easy to dodge by digging a hole, so Yu Hai immediately changed the direction of attack and let Foretos roll to hit the ground.

Boom boom boom——

Foretos flew high up into the air, and every time he landed he struck the ground, causing it to shake.

After just one collision, the King Dragon Scorpion underground could not bear it. It was shaken into dust and had to break out of the ground. It continued to use the evil wave to compete with Forettos to see who would be knocked out first or Forettos would be knocked out first.

Since it couldn't dig a hole to avoid it, it was only a matter of time before the King Scorpion was hit by the rolling. The rolling plus the rounding, the final impact, had a power of nine hundred and sixty.

The King Scorpion was chased by Foretos all the way, and the result was predictable. It was knocked over by Foretos.

Forlitos was not completely unscathed. He was hit by the wave of evil so many times. Even with three or four times the special defense, which was only more than two hundred points, he could not withstand such abuse.

When Foretos knocked the King Dragon Scorpion out and opened its shell to reveal its eyes, its head was dizzy. It had been spinning in circles for too long and needed to slow down, just in time to wait for Lei Si to release the last Pokémon.

"The Dragon King Scorpion has been defeated, and the only one left for Lei Si is the Electric Shock Monster. Can the Electric Shock Monster help Lei Si turn the tide? Please wait and see..."

"Come back, King Dragon Scorpion," Lei Si took back the King Dragon Scorpion. The defeat of the King Dragon Scorpion was not beyond his expectations.

He was mentally prepared. That colored Foretos was very special. Since its physical defense was so high, its special defense resistance must be very high as well, but not as high as its physical defense.

Compared to the unfathomable physical defense, the special defense is obviously much weaker, and the evil wave is not completely ineffective. At least he can see that Forlitos is tired. "Go, electric shock monster..."

"Roar," as soon as the electric monster came out, light rain fell from the sky. It was a rain-making move.

"Only the Electric Beast is left," Yu Hai breathed a sigh of relief. After playing this final till now, he felt physically and mentally exhausted and wanted to end this game as soon as possible.

Looking at the last electric beast, he still has three elves left, Forritos, Gull, and Agile Bug...

Facing the Electric Beast, he couldn't use Giant Crab and Slowpoke. Even if he let these two guys play, they couldn't escape the Electric Beast's thunder and rain, and it had already begun.

"Electric shock the monster, thunder..."

"Roar," the electric beast pounded its chest and released lightning at the thunderclouds in the sky, activating the lightning in the thunderclouds to strike down.

"Fretos, poisonous nails..."

"Fo Fo," Fretos didn't care about the thunder in the sky. Instead, he turned his body and scattered nails, allowing the lightning to strike the metal shell. He endured the paralysis of the lightning and laid out two layers of poisonous nails.

"Roar," after the poison nails were set up, the electric beast fell into a highly poisonous state and was poisoned.

"Damn it, I must defeat Foretos before the poison takes effect," Lei Si gritted his teeth secretly. The poisoned electric shock beast could not hold out for long. "Electric shock beast, catch it and draw lightning to strike it..."

"Roar," the electric monster wanted to speed up to defeat Forlitos, and rushed towards Forlitos with arcs of electricity flashing all over its body.

Forlitos was clearing the nails, that is, removing the poisonous nails that had just been placed.

It is impossible for Yu Hai to let the poison spikes hinder the appearance of the next Pokémon. The Agile Bug will be poisoned on the ground, and the Toucan will be poisoned when it lands on the ground to roost. It is better to remove the poison spikes.

However, just as Foretos was clearing the nails, the Electric Beast rushed over and pounced directly on the spinning Foretos, pressing Foretos to the ground, and its only remaining hand tightly hugged Foretos' huge body.

Flettos only had time to hide in the shell and try to roll free from the Electric Beast's grasp, but the Electric Beast tightened the grasp with its tentacles.

"Roar," the electric shock beast was just being poisoned, and a faint purple halo appeared all over its body. After forcibly enduring the poisoning state, it tied up Foretos with a detonator and pointed the other detonator towards the sky.

Boom, boom, boom——

While the falling lightning charged the electric beast, it was also guided by the electric beast to strike thunder, bombarding Foretos. It was not until countless thunders fell and the dark clouds stopped venting and dispersed that the electric beast let go of Foretos.

Feeling the abundant electricity all over his body, the electric monster continued to use the tentacles on its head to release thunder at Foretos, and countless thunders struck again.

Kaka, kaka——

After several thunders, the tired electric monster was panting, and Foretos finally opened its shell, revealing its black eyes that had turned into mosquito-repellent eyes.

"Electric Beast, go to sleep," Lei Si saw that Foretos was unconscious, and seized the opportunity to let the Electric Beast sleep. While detoxifying, it could also restore the Electric Beast's physical strength.

"Fretos has lost his ability to fight. Please ask Yu Hai to take back Fretos and send out the battle spirit..."

The referee raised the flag and asked Yu Hai to take back the Foretos only after Lei Si called out for him to sleep. He also turned his head to look at Lei Si but didn't say anything. Sleeping in that situation was not a foul, but it was a bit unkind.

"Fretos was taken back by Ukai. What Pokémon will Ukai send out to fight the Electric Beast? Will it be the Otoko? Or the sixth Pokémon that has yet to show up?"

"Come back, Foretos," Yu Hai looked at the sleeping Electric Beast. It seemed that Electric Beast only had one characteristic, the electric engine.

After being struck by lightning so many times just now, his speed should have increased a lot. The basic speed of 95 should be more than 300 now.

The hidden enthusiasm characteristic of the electric shock monster is ineffective against sleeping. The Pokémon with this characteristic will not fall into the sleeping state, and sleeping moves are also ineffective.

In this case, he threw the Poké Ball of the Nimble Bug out. He had to hurry up and slow down the Electric Beast. He also had the first attack on his side: "Nimble Bug, Mud Shot, Poison..."

Didn't the electric beast detoxify by sleeping? It will continue to poison. The extremely poisonous moves can also put the electric beast into an extremely poisonous state.

"What? Agile Bug? Not Giant Claw Crab?" Lei Si was shocked when he heard the name of Agile Bug. His heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant. He had miscalculated, and it was a serious intelligence error.

Who would have thought that Yu Hai’s last Pokémon would be a Glitterbug instead of water-type Pokémon like the Giant Crab.

Even Shinji stood up suddenly, looking at the agile insect wearing a golden helmet in disbelief, wondering how it could be this Pokémon.

The battle situation that seemed to be in the balance became confusing again with the appearance of the Agile Bugs, and even the host couldn't help but shout out loud.

"It's a Glitterbug, a golden Glitterbug. Ukai sent out a Glitterbug. You may not recognize this Pokémon. Glitterbug is a bug-type Pokémon from the Unova region. Its evolved form was only discovered a month ago. Its greatest feature is its speed. The golden Glitterbug may be even faster..."

The host looked at the information prepared in advance on the computer in front of him and continued loudly: "I didn't expect that Yu Hai's last Pokémon was a nimble bug. Yu Hai hid it from us so badly..."

"The appearance of this Agile Bug has thrown the battle situation, which was gradually becoming clear, into a tense situation again. The Agile Bug is the last to appear, and the Electric Beast is in deep sleep. Who will be the winner of this final?"

"Wake up, Electric Beast, wake up quickly," Lei Si saw that the Agile Bug came to the sleeping Electric Beast in just a blink of an eye, and there was a lot of mud on the Electric Beast's body.

At the same time, he also heard the host's explanation, which was speed, very fast speed.

He saw with his own eyes the speed that the Agile Bug had just displayed, which was almost invisible to the naked eye.

The Agile Bug didn't use any acceleration techniques, but it was able to leave an afterimage, like a golden lightning. If it used acceleration techniques, he couldn't even imagine how fast it could be.

After the Agile Bug came to the Electric Beast, the Electric Beast did not wake up, so the Agile Bug spit out clumps of black poison into the Electric Beast's snoring mouth.

When the black venom fell into the mouth of the electric beast, the electric beast instantly fell into a state of severe poisoning and was awakened by the pain.

The agile bug quickly jumped away, quickly moving away from the awakened electric beast, and continued to use mud shooting to slow it down, showing its extraordinary speed again.

"Electric shock the monster, thunder..."

"Roar," the electric beast spat out a lot of black mud. It felt like it had woken up, but instead of feeling better, the poisoning became even more serious.

This is not an illusion. The electric monster has been poisoned again and is still in a highly poisonous state.

If the poison attacks five times, the monster will be eliminated. There is not much time left for the electric shock monster...

(End of this chapter)

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