Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 608, Duck-billed Fire Dragon

Chapter 608, Duck-billed Fire Dragon

"Do you have any ideas, kid?" Dunmei's father asked thoughtfully, as if he had guessed something but was not sure.

"When the volcanic eruption stops, if we build a hot spring hall and a food street around this lava river, where people can take a bath, play, enjoy delicious food, and have a sea view, and turn this place into a hot spring street with food, drink, and entertainment, wouldn't it be able to attract many tourists to the island for vacation..."

"With more tourists, the tax revenue of Xiagan Island will also increase. It will not only be trainers who come to the island to challenge the gym, but also increase the popularity of Xiagan Island and the gym..."

"As tourists come to visit, the citrus fruits produced on Xiagan Island can be consumed locally without increasing transportation costs and transporting them to faraway places..."

"We can also introduce other tree fruits and other things, or attract investment, similar to the insect catching competition on Makete Island. We can hold fishing competitions here to let ordinary tourists feel involved. The many products can also meet the needs of the majority of tourists and encourage them to spend as much as possible..."

"Good boy, you think far ahead," Atsumi's father did not expect that Yu Hai would actually talk about the development of Xiagan Island.

After careful consideration, he found that Yu Hai's idea was very promising. As long as the number of tourists increased, it could attract more people to stay and settle down, and he could develop it in any way he wanted.

In addition to its specialty citrus fruits, Xiagan Island also has a Xiagan Gym and a small city with a population slightly larger than that of a small town, which is about the size of an 18th-tier small city in the previous life. The industry is too single and has not developed for all these years.

Xia Gan Gym and the wooden house where Yu Hai lives are actually villages. The beautiful beaches here can be found on many islands and are not really a special feature in the Orange Islands.

It is impossible to attract tourists to Xiagan Island, after all, there is nothing that can attract tourists. Even in Xiagan Gym, trainers will leave Xiagan Island after a quick challenge, and there is no way to retain them.

If there is a place to retain trainers, so that these trainers can come here to eat, drink, have fun, soak in hot springs to relax their bodies, and taste unique food after or before challenging the gym, it will be possible to retain many tourists and trainers.

"Your idea is very good," Miss Junsha felt a little moved after hearing Yu Hai's idea. After all, who would complain about having too much money? She also had a lot of cosmetics and bags that she hadn't bought.

If I could own a hot spring resort here that provided food and accommodation, I could also create a way to make money for myself and become a boss.

Dunmei's father had the same idea. His family had been in the citrus business for a long time. If they could open up another source of income, it would be of great benefit to the dojo.

"Ms. Junsha, owner, this is an uninhabited area, and I don't know if we can get the land development rights," Yu Hai looked at the two people.

On Xiagan Island, Miss Junsha from the police station and the only gym leader are the real power holders, plus Miss Joy from the Pokémon Center in the city and the mayor of the city.

These people are considered the top leaders of the entire Xiagan Island. As for the underground black market and gangs, there are none on Xiagan Island. At most, there are some bad boys and three or five gangsters.

The population here is too small, and there are even fewer trainers, so the purchasing power is insufficient to support the black market, and the gym does not allow the black market to exist.

There is a black market on the neighboring Kumquat Island. After all, it is a big city. The city is so big that there are naturally many places where filth and dirt are hidden. It is also a nearby shipping center, and there are even passenger ships to the Hoenn region.

Therefore, the positioning of Xiagan Island and Jingang Island is different. The maritime trade there is booming, while this side can only be developed into a holiday resort. Unless Jingang Island declines, it will be difficult for Xiagan Island to snatch Jingang Island's position in the nearby waters.

"This is easy to handle. I will go find Miss Joy, and together we will go to the mayor to apply to the alliance for land development rights," Miss Junsha thought for a moment and decided that she had to involve Miss Joy in this matter. She waved to call for Arcanine and prepared to go back.

The Miss Joy she was talking about was openly Miss Joy from the Elf Center, but secretly it was the Joy family. This matter must be reported to the family, and they should be asked to send professional personnel over.

She and Miss Joy are both outsiders on Xiagan Island, while the Xiagan Gym Master and the mayor are locals. She must unite with Miss Joy's family to fight against the two locals, the gym master and the mayor, which can be regarded as achieving a balance.

"Trainer Ukai, thank you for your development suggestions. This matter is beneficial to Xiagan Island. I will report it. The trouble you caused this time did not cause too much damage, so the police will not pursue it. Go home quickly!"

Before leaving, Miss Junsha waved to Yu Hai, indicating that the matter was over. Yu Hai was relieved to hear that.

"Dad," Atsumi looked at her father, she had also heard Ukai's development proposal and wondered how her father would handle it.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. You guys go back first," Dunmei's father watched Junsha leave and was thinking about the development plans of the hot spring center, open-air hot springs, and hot spring town.

The most important thing here is definitely the volcanic hot springs. As the volcanic magma gradually stops, they only need to divert a small magma river from underground and heat the hot springs to develop this place and build it into a hot spring town.

Hot springs are the mineral resources of Xiagan Island. Not everyone can open a hot spring hotel if they want to develop them. There will definitely be some bargaining among the four parties to allocate the land use rights around hot spring development and lava rivers.

No matter what it is, Xia Gan Gym can get involved, and as for the brat who caused this, we can help the other party to get a piece of land and give the other party the right to develop a hot spring. As for sitting at the table for dinner, don't even think about it, this kid is not qualified.

Although the hot spring town was able to be developed, it was entirely because this brat activated the dormant volcano and dug out a lava ditch, paving the way for the development of the hot spring town.

But the same thing goes, if you don't pursue the other party's fault, you are already doing good deeds, and if you want to get involved, you are asking for too much and it will be difficult to defend yourself.

But this kid is really bold. He even dared to touch and activate a dormant volcano. If the volcano really erupts, everyone will evacuate Xiagan Island, as well as the citrus fruits planted in the gym, other economic crops, and various infrastructure.

These losses would not be enough to pay for the kid's underwear. He would probably have to go to jail to pay off his debts. Even if he didn't go to jail, he would have to work for the alliance for the rest of his life to pay off his debts.

"Tsk tsk, my daughter hasn't even gotten married yet and she's almost become a widow," Dunmei's father clicked his tongue, as if he was thinking of something happy. He happily caught up with Miss Junsha and returned to the camp together.

Ukai and Atsumi looked at each other in bewilderment when they heard the laughter. They didn't know what Atsumi's father was laughing at. He asked in confusion, "What is the owner laughing at?"

"How should I know?" Dunmei shook her head. She was not familiar with her father. After all, she was a left-behind child and had only recently begun to get acquainted with her father's devilish training.

"Let's go back first," Yu Hai followed the footsteps of the two people in front of him and walked back. The toucan were exhausted from cutting trees just now, so let the toucan rest for a while before sitting and flying back.

The two walked in the forest, talking about something, and soon they arrived at the camp built by geologists. They saw a group of people surrounding a black ball, discussing something curiously.

"What are they looking at?" Yu Hai curiously moved closer and saw an irregularly shaped boulder that was emitting high temperature.

"Master? What is this?" Yu Hai came over and asked Junsha and Atsumi's father who had returned earlier. They were all watching. "We don't know. Geologists said that the stone flew out of the crater and landed around the camp, causing a forest fire. After the fire was put out, they found this stone. They also said that the temperature of the stone was very high at first, and it was impossible to get close to it. Now that it has cooled down, they are studying it closely..."

"So that's how it is," Yu Hai looked up at the sky. Because of the volcanic eruption, there was still smoke, so the sun couldn't be seen tonight and the sky was much darker than yesterday.

He didn't plan to waste time here, so he released the toucan to eat energy blocks. After the toucan to recover, he would go to the crater to check whether the duckbill baby had evolved and where it was now.

Kaka, kaka——

As if disturbed by the noise around him, Yu Hai just turned to leave when the huge black stone made a crackling sound, scaring the geologists away and the crowd surrounding them also quickly retreated.

Even if they didn't retreat, they couldn't stay there. The black boulder that had just cooled down was emitting a high temperature that was difficult to approach.

"Hurry up and have the water elves spray water to cool it down, quickly, quickly..."

Someone shouted, and immediately four or five jets of water spurted out from outside the crowd, landing on the black rocks, making a hissing sound and white smoke, just like lava falling into the sea.

As the cold water continued to fall, white smoke quickly filled the open space. Dunmei's father sensed something was wrong and quickly pulled Dunmei back under the telepathy of King Daidai.

At the same time, he asked King Dai to disperse the thick fog and shouted to the stunned crowd: "What are you still standing there for? Run! The rocks are going to explode! Run! Find shelter and hide..."

Following the shout, Yu Hai ran immediately. Fortunately, he was on the outskirts of the crowd and was not blocked or trampled. He hid behind a big tree and saw Miss Junsha turned around and ran a few steps, letting Windy Dog and himself lie behind a fallen tree trunk.

The group of geologists, some onlookers, and other police officers turned around and ran, finding large trees and rocks to use as cover.


The moment this group of people lay down, the huge black rock exploded. The high-temperature air wave instantly swept across the whole place. The broken rocks kept hitting the rocks and tree trunks where people were hiding. No one dared to show their heads.

The big tree where Yu Hai was hiding suddenly exploded after the heat wave swept through, and the whole tree caught fire.

"What the hell? Can this catch fire?" Yu Hai was secretly shocked. He released the mosquito-repellent frog to spray water to put out the fire. The toucan needed to rest and conserve energy.

The fact that a lush tree can be burned instantly shows that the temperature was very high just now, which can instantly dry up the leaves on the trunk and even ignite the entire tree.

If they had not been hiding behind trees and rocks, they would have been burned long ago. Only after the scorching heat subsided did the hiding crowd dare to emerge and secretly look at the center of the explosion.

The tree trunk where Miss Junsha was hiding was also burning. She quickly stood up and moved away with her wind speed dog. When she stood up, she also looked at the center of the explosion. There was black smoke rising after the explosion and nothing could be seen clearly.


"What is this? What's that sound? It must be coming from the center of the explosion," Yu Hai made some guesses. He didn't care about saving his energy and shouted to the gull, "Gull, blow away the smoke and dust..."

"Beilibeili," the toucan flew up and blew away the smoke and dust. Yu Hai also saw a burning red figure standing at the center of the explosion.

"Gudong, duck, a duck-billed fire dragon, it's a duck-billed fire dragon," Yu Hai swallowed secretly. Could it be his duck-billed fire dragon? He saw that the ground under the feet of the duck-billed fire dragon had melted into magma. How high must the temperature be?

This shows that the body temperature of the duck-billed fire dragon is very high, so high that it can melt the ground into magma anytime and anywhere. It may have just evolved and cannot control this power.

However, it is already exaggerated. The air waves alone can set the forest on fire. It is really terrifying.

"Gurgle, gurgle," the duck-billed fire dragon looked curiously at the people around who were peeking around. Why didn't he see Yu Hai? Didn't they wait for him?


Suddenly, a Poké Ball fell on Charmander and put Charmander into the Poké Ball. Yu Hai was sure that it was his Charmander, otherwise the Poké Ball would not be able to put it in. He was using a Poké Ball bound to Charmander Baby.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the Poké Ball opened automatically and Charmander came out of the Poké Ball. The Poké Ball that fell to the ground melted and burned instantly as it came into contact with the magma, then merged into the magma on the ground and disappeared.

"You can't do that. This Charmander has a very high body temperature. It can't be captured with an ordinary Poké Ball. You need a high-level Poké Ball to capture it..."

Another advanced ball fell on the head of Charmander and took Charmander in. This time the Poké Ball stabilized, but soon opened again on its own.

As soon as Charmander came out, it roared at the stranger who had captured it with a Poké Ball. The heat wave immediately curled that person's hair, turning it into an afro in an instant.

The opponent was able to subdue Charmander because Ukai's Poké Ball was destroyed, and the binding to Charmander no longer existed, so Charmander became an ownerless Pokémon.

"It's impossible to tame it, so I'll take it back first, Slow King," Dunmei's father was ready to let Slow King use his telekinesis to control it and take the Rathalos away from the air.

The heat radiated from this duck-billed fire dragon was so hot that even Slowking's telekinesis was distorted in the high temperature. If the difference in strength wasn't so huge, he might not have been able to take the duck-billed fire dragon away.

"Master, wait, that... that is my evolved Charmander," Ukai saw that Atsumi's father was about to take Charmander away, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. If Charmander was taken away, it would be hard to explain.

"Yours? Charmander?" Dunmei's father looked at Yu Hai in surprise. He only knew that Yu Hai came to evolve fire-type Pokémon, so could it be this Charmander?

How did Yu Hai cultivate a Pokémon? This is too terrifying. With such a talent for fire, this duck-billed fire dragon has great potential. This brat can even cultivate such a Pokémon. I almost made a mistake...

(End of this chapter)

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