The game of fate, the cheater who started from Ghost Slayer

Chapter 285 Tachibana Toryu’s Invitation

Chapter 285 Tachibana Toryu’s Invitation

Tong Gu was startled. He didn't expect that this strange woman would actually say such a thing in such a strange and even ambiguous atmosphere.

But immediately, he felt relieved. He had even been a little distressed before, not knowing how to speak to this powerful iceberg beauty and express that he had no other thoughts in a short time.

He was worried that he would embarrass this person by speaking hastily.

Even Tong Gu would not want to offend this female Shura.

In the year before this year's [Awakening Trial], the name Tong Gu heard the most on the Internet or in forums was "Ju Dongliu".

This woman is not a descendant of an ancient martial arts, nor is she a person with natural abilities. Even before the [Awakening Trial], no one had heard of Tachibana Toryu's name.

But in last year's [Awakening Trial], this woman defeated all the descendants of ancient martial arts and genetically modified people, and became famous as the first S-class trialist in 12 years.

And in the next year, shining like a meteor, he quickly advanced to the Black Iron level in the second mission, and in less than half a year he entered the Silver level. During this period, faced with the targets of evil organizations such as [Crimson], Without hiding or evading, one person and one sword actually killed [Crimson] to pieces.

In the end, in the mission world, the leader of [Crimson] was killed by stepping up and down, completely making this organization that was once famous in the dark world fall down.

After entering Silver, Tachibana Fuyu continued to challenge, and at the end of the year, he defeated Silver's three seats, second place, and chief, and became the new chief of [Silver 22 Seats].

This is a Dongxia legend before him.

Even...the other party doesn't have the advantage of knowing the plot.

Even [Savior] Wu Zhengyang, the most dazzling rising star in the gold level, has repeatedly said that Tachibana Tachibana has talents above him.

Who wants to offend such a person.

Tong Gu felt the emotions on Ju Dongliu's body, and the other person's body, which was as restrained as an iceberg, was actually releasing a trace of warmth at this moment.

That was...eagerness, or interest.

Is she interested in herself?

When Ju Dongliu saw that [Sealer] didn't answer her, her interest dropped a little. She frowned slightly and said
"You do not want it?"

"I was abrupt."

Tachibana Fuyu has been listening to Ichimo complaining about himself recently, saying that there is still a big gap between himself and his common sense.

Although she acted indifferently every time, she couldn't help but have some doubts in her heart. Could it be that her usual behavior was indeed inappropriate in the eyes of others?
Until now, Tachibana Tachibana didn't have many thoughts. Her world was quite pure.

What is the task of [Game of Destiny], then I will do it, whoever stands in front of me, just draw my sword.

But in this world, there are many times when she is unable to draw her sword, just like the people in her office are also hinting to herself, intentionally or unintentionally, that she should leave her strength in this world.

Don't you just want to stay in this world now?

Does value have to be preserved through future generations?

Tong Gu felt that this woman seemed to be suddenly confused, but he breathed a sigh of relief. The other person was not a robot, nor was she a real iceberg. Maybe... this kind of woman was just too pure.

He looked at Ju Dongliu and found that the long sword that had been hanging on his waist had disappeared.

Has the opponent changed his destiny, or has he reached the point where he no longer needs the sword?
How far has this No.1 player below Dongxia Gold reached?

Tong Gu also suddenly became curious.

He suddenly spoke, interrupting Tachibana Tachibana's chaotic thoughts, and said
"Okay!" Tachibana Dongliu was startled, and then realized that this was the other party's previous proposal in reply to him, and the other party accepted his invitation to compete.

Tachibana Dongliu stood up slowly, and the wrinkles in her long skirt disappeared instantly, just like the expression on her face, all doubts disappeared, leaving only the purest fighting spirit.

The scene of the two walking down the [Eastern Xia Players Association] building side by side made many people think.

Zheng Xingxia, who was hiding in the dark, even secretly rejoiced in his heart, constantly thinking about what kind of heavenly feats he would achieve once the good deeds of these two people were accomplished.

But as he looked at it, he suddenly felt something was wrong. The direction in which the two people left did not look like an ambiguous man and woman looking for a date. Instead, they looked like...

It's like heading towards the big arena!
Zheng Xingxia's scalp seemed to be about to explode. He immediately jumped out of the darkness and wanted to stop them, but the speed of the two men was so fast that the naked eye could not catch them. Before he could say anything, the two men had disappeared.

"Not good, not good... the big thing is not good!"

It would be no joke if these two people met. Zheng Xingxia, who knew some information about the two of them, felt his scalp numb now. The abilities of these two people could be said to be very good at killing!
If one of them fails, someone will have to pay a huge price, and even...if the strength is a little closer, it is not impossible for Tachibana Dongliu to accidentally kill Tong Gu!

Zheng Xingxia stepped down suddenly, smashed the building of the General Assembly in an instant, flew into the sky, and then turned into a shooting star, slamming into the location of the [House of Human Survival].

In the [Human Survival Institute], many players immediately felt the majestic flaming meteor hitting them. Fortunately, Kou Yun did not leave. He stood in the lobby and just snapped his fingers, and Zheng Xingxia appeared in front of him from the sky instantly.

When the old man saw it was Kou Yun, he said with great joy
"Go to the big arena quickly, Ju Dongliu is about to face off with Tong Gu!"

Kou Yun was startled. He had not expected this development, but he did not express anything. He just pointed to the sky and said
"You don't have to worry in this land of Yanjing."

Hearing this, Zheng Xingxia relaxed instantly. The little old man was a little exhausted due to the sudden burst of power. He sat down on the ground without caring about his appearance.

Kou Yun suddenly said coldly.
"What you have done, Yue Lao, is quite impressive."

Zheng Xingxia was about to laugh, but suddenly he was choked up. He looked at Kou Yun with his flowing hair standing up in shock. He didn't expect that this king of superpowers who always seemed to be aloof could actually be capable of shady tricks on others.
Tachibana Dongliu, as the Silver Chief, naturally has the authority to open the grand arena. The two Shi Shiran walked onto the grand arena, and there were no spectators outside the arena.

As the barriers and protective shields fell layer by layer, Ju Dongliu slowly exhaled the breath in his chest.

That aura was extremely long. The temperature in the arena dropped rapidly, and it instantly seemed as if it was covered in frost.

Tong Gu did not sense the slightest flow of energy from Ju Dongliu, nor did any spiritual power such as fist intention or sword intention flow out. It seemed that the other party really just exhaled a breath, causing the world to change naturally.

Is this the top of silver...

Tong Gu slowly opened his eyes. Facing a monster of Ju Dongliu's level, if he thinks about retaining his strength or fighting for a long time, there is something wrong with his brain. If he is not careful, he will be killed in one move.

The threat Tong Gu felt from Ju Dongliu was completely different from the threat he felt from Gao Siyi.

He also slowly exhaled the turbid air from his chest, breathing method, heaven and earth moved naturally, bright yellow flames ignited all around, and the nearby frost melted, Tong Gu said
"I didn't expect that the gap between the seventh seat of Silver and you would be so astonishing."

Ju Dongliu looked at the strange bright double pupils in Tong Gu's eyes, and felt a little frightened. Among the many demon eyes she had seen, these eyes made her feel the most extraordinary.

"Do you know why the silver second to sixth seats didn't show up on the day of your group arena?"

Tachibana Fuyu rarely took the initiative to ask questions.

Tong Gu had no answer, Ju Dongliu said

"Because they have all joined my strategy team and are practicing in the mission world."

(End of this chapter)

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