The game of fate, the cheater who started from Ghost Slayer

Chapter 539 The devil stands between the sea and the sky

Chapter 539 The devil stands between the sea and the sky

"Do you think that human being will really abide by the agreement and give us a place for the cursed spirits to survive?"

Hua Yu stood under the palm trees on the beach, her voice surprisingly peaceful.

She is a cursed spirit with a very special nature. Although she was born based on human beings' fear of the forest and nature, due to the special properties of nature, instead of being distorted, she has some elf-like qualities.

Lehu was sitting on the beach by the sea. Ever since he helped the idler last time and took out the prison gate that sealed Gojo Satoru from the sea, he understood that their curse spirits had essentially lost the power to negotiate.

He looked at the sea under the setting sun. He didn't show any sense of violence on his body. He was wearing the somewhat worn robe and looked like an old human being.

"I don't know, but at this moment, we have no room to look back."

Because Luo Hu had cooperated with Tong Gu and Xia Youjie, he knew that Xia Youjie had the kind of magic technique that could control curse spirits. To a certain extent, the other party was their natural enemy.

Although Xia Youjie's strength was far inferior to him at that time, the growth rate of human conjurers was very fast.

Moreover, Lehu had fought against Gojo Satoru once in the past half year. If Huayu's special elf-like nature had not avoided Gojo Satoru's perception, he would have died in the hands of Gojo Satoru that time.

The power of that human being far exceeds that of special spell spirits like them.

"I hope he won't lie to us again."

In Hua Yu's tone, she didn't have much trust in Tong Gu. She could never forget the deception she had suffered and the death of the real person.

But she also understood the meaning of Luohu. Nowadays, human spellcasters are constantly emerging, and although spell spirits are also being born on the side of spell spirits, most of them are unintelligent guys.

Even if they have super strength but no wisdom, the two of them will not treat those cursed spirits as companions.

Thinking about it this way, they are somewhat lonely existences. There are very few special-level curse spirits with wisdom.

Sometimes Hua Yu even envies those curse spirits who have no wisdom and only know how to attack humans. They are always immersed in twisting and fighting, either killing humans or being killed by humans. Life like that is quite simple.

She won't be able to think and be afraid like her...

"Hana Yu?"

Luo Hu's voice woke Hua Yu up. Hua Yu looked at Luo Hu, only to see that Luo Hu had suddenly stood up. The spell power in his body had unconsciously condensed, and the surrounding temperature increased abnormally. This was a sign of entering a fighting state.

She looked in the direction where the leaking coral was staring, and saw that under the setting sun, the originally calm sea had become rough without knowing when. In the distance, the height of the waves was more than twenty meters by visual inspection.

There was also a strong wind in the sky, and dark clouds began to gather.

With this sight, it was obvious that something was going on.

Liuhu looked at the sea and murmured

"Something is being born in the sea..."

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, his face showed joy and he said

"Could it be that the sea is about to give birth to a curse spirit again?"

His former companion, Tuo Gen, was a curse spirit born based on human beings' fear of the sea. He was very powerful and possessed of wisdom.

But Hua Yu's face was not that good-looking. She was more calm. Looking at this scene, she said

"I don't feel the spell."

The joy on Luo Hu's face also slowly faded away. Indeed, no spell power was produced.

Suddenly, the sea surface seemed to explode, and a huge seaspout appeared out of thin air, sweeping towards the sky.

A large amount of sea water was poured directly into the sky, the clouds expanded rapidly, and the sky darkened instantly.

The dark clouds that blocked the sky were connected with the rising seaspouts on the sea. In the blink of an eye, it was already a doomsday scene.

This kind of scene cannot be caused by any special magic spirit.

Luohu looked at the terrifying scene that had swept all the sea areas in sight, and finally realized that this could not be the birth of a new curse spirit.

Suddenly, he saw a seaspout shattering, and a huge black object several thousand meters in size suddenly sank from the sky to the bottom of the sea. “These seaspouts are the tentacles of that thing?!”

Even Liuhu was trembling slightly at this moment.

Just one tentacle is several thousand meters long and can reach from the bottom of the sea into the clouds. How big must the thing's body be...

"Go... let's go!"

Luo Hu almost roared. He and Hua Yu were very maneuverable. They crossed several kilometers in an instant, left the coast, and kept moving towards the city.

Occasionally, there are some unintelligent curse spirits that try to attack the two of them.

Liuhu just knocked the opponent away casually and did not directly burn him to death.

In the distance, they began to hear the sound of seawater pouring into the earth. Huayu turned around and was stunned for a moment. She froze in place, and Luohu called out several times without any response.

Luo Hu turned around and picked up Hua Yu, turned around and ran away. He just glanced at the sea with his peripheral vision and was almost shocked by the terrifying presence.

He had never thought that a thing, just by its size, could cause such great fear.

A figure that could be said to block out the sky rose from the sea, connected to the sky, and descended to the bottom of the sea. Countless tentacles measuring thousands of meters danced wildly in the air. The sea surface was stirred up to create countless whirlpools, and seaspouts could be seen rising everywhere.

"Got to tell that human!"

"This kind of thing is definitely not something that a spellcaster or a spell spirit can create..."

"It must be that kind of alien..."

"It's the work of people from the same place as the idlers!"

Negan Wilson is hiding in Hokkaido, Japan. He was once within the scope of his influence. But now, these emerging families of magicians have been frightened out of their courage because they were bloodbathed by him and the sealers a few days ago, and they have begun to rectify the order in the neighborhood.

Negan Wilson no longer wants to get involved with the Corruptor and those plot characters. He is very afraid that the Corruptor will change his mind and want to kill him.

So he decided to hide here during this mission and play casually with these weak plot characters. When he left this world, he immediately escaped from the sphere of influence of [The Reporter].

Perhaps, it would be a good choice to go to Eastern Xia and join the [Suppressor]?

Thinking like this, suddenly, I heard the frightened howls of several conjurers outside.

He frowned and walked out of the izakaya with a wine glass in hand.

When they came face to face, they saw the apocalyptic scene on the sea behind those humans holding their heads in their hands and shouting.

He suddenly saw the huge existence with countless tentacles dancing crazily. For a moment, that weird and twisted image seemed to be engraved in his mind. No, that was not a metaphor. He felt a splitting headache and pinched his head with both hands. , beating hard, but to no avail.

The shape of the brain is changing, and the mark of the monster is imprinted.

Puff puff!

Several explosions were heard in succession, and the heads of several conjurers who had also witnessed the terrifying monsters had been shattered, blood rising into the sky, and the fear of death instantly enveloped Negan Wilson.

He had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly he held his head with both hands, a fierce look flashing in his eyes.

"Inaction changes!"

“Personality, renovation!”

The two abilities were instantly applied to his head.


Terrible blood rose into the sky, but only for a moment, the shattered brain was reorganized again, and the brief memory blank did not affect Negan Wilson's judgment.

He immediately covered his eyes and ran away from the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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