The game of fate, the cheater who started from Ghost Slayer

Chapter 615 The truth behind the so-called fate

Chapter 615 The truth behind the so-called fate

Tong Gu sat in his office, looking at the clouds rolling in the sky outside the window.

Everything was so logical, and the sense of fate was so strong that he almost thought he carried the will and soul of the unknown Pharaoh.

It's like a script that is perfectly integrated.

Corresponding to Atum, I got [Sky Dragon of Osiris];

Corresponding to Seto Kaiba, Tachibana Fuyu got the [Obelisk's Titan Weapon], and even the way to get the card was to win it from its original owner through a duel.

What's even more subtle is that Tachibana Fuyu has a sister with whom he has an extremely close relationship - Kazue Moe.

Corresponding to Keihei Kaiba, Seto Kaiba's younger brother.

Finally, as if to bring everything to an end, a mysterious player from ancient Greece appeared holding the third God Card...

Everything fits perfectly.

In the eyes of those who only know about the [Yu-Gi-Oh World] through speculations on some magic cards, this moment may really feel like fate has arrived.

But in Tong Gu's eyes, everything was a little too meticulous.

It doesn't look like something happened in the torrent of fate, but rather like it was edited by a computer.

Never missed a step.

But man himself is the most complex animal, fickle and unpredictable.

Therefore, in Tong Gu's eyes, rather than believing that everything is fate, he is more willing to believe that there is an invisible big hand controlling everything.

After all, [Golden Oath] restricts gold-level players from harming players below gold-level, but if the other party is not prepared to harm themselves and others...

Tong Gu sat in his office like this until sunset, when Suga Yuandun appeared in his office with a slightly panicked look on his face.

Naturally, Suga Yuandun himself does not need to obey Tong Gu or Dongxia's orders.

But Suga Yuandun had seen Tong Gu's power, and from the family intelligence system, he knew that Tong Gu had once crossed space in an instant, appeared in Neon, and killed a large number of undead.

He was instinctively afraid of Tong Gu.

So he took the initiative to report to his family and quickly came to Dongxia.

"Lord Tong Gu, I'm here..."

As soon as Suga Yuandun stepped into Tong Gu's office, he immediately felt a strong sense of oppression. Suga Yuandun was good at onmyoji and could naturally sense soul energy.

At this moment, he instantly realized that the Fenghui in front of him, both in terms of soul essence and body, had completely transcended the shackles of ordinary humans.

As a result, he became more humble.

Tong Gu did not look back, still looking at the sunset scene outside the window, and said lightly

"That God's Card..."

Suga Yuandun raised his head and glanced at Tong Gu, and found that the other person was not looking at him. He was so frightened that he immediately lowered his head and said respectfully.

"No problem, Master Tong Gu. Although we originally agreed to lend you three missions, we can extend it as long as you need it..."

Sugamoto Dunhui misunderstood Tong Gu's meaning, thinking that Tong Gu disliked the three mission worlds for too short a time. Although he could not make the decision to give out this extremely cherished prop, it was not difficult to extend the loan time.

However, Sugamoto Dun's earnestness did not receive the expected praise. Instead, the air pressure in the room dropped again, and the terrifying spiritual pressure dropped.

Suga Yuandun covered his heart and landed on one knee. His face was pale and he was breathing heavily. He only felt that in the world in front of him, dark lines like ink were flashing in front of his eyes, and his vision was getting wider and wider. Small, like...

I am unable to breathe, and the fire of life is about to be extinguished.

Huge fear suddenly surged in Suga Yuandun's heart, but in the next moment, all the visions had disappeared, and the [Sealer] in front of him still turned his back to him, looking at the sunset outside the window. "Sugamoto Dun, let me ask you, who made the decision to add that God's Card to the transaction content and deliver it to me?"

Tong Gu spoke calmly, and Suga Yuandun no longer dared to interrupt. When he heard what Tong Gu meant, his face instantly lost color, and he murmured

"'s down here..."

At this time, Tong Gu finally turned around slowly, and his golden and green eyes met Jian Yuandun's eyes. Suga Yuandun felt horrified in his heart. He only felt that these eyes seemed to have seen through everything about him, even if he The smallest thoughts in his heart were also searched out by the other party.

For a long time, Tong Gu looked away, and Suga Yuandun collapsed weakly. He didn't understand why the Sealer, who was a Black Iron-level player just a few months ago, was so terrifying now.

He didn't understand even more. He obviously took out the God Card to please the other party, but how could he offend the other party so much...

Tong Gu looked at Suga Yuandun expressionlessly, as if he was confirming whether he had any missing clues.

Regardless of whether the other party answers by himself or by his own mind-reading skills, the answer is the same.

[Sky Dragon of Osiris] was indeed loaned out to Tong Gu by Sugamoto Ton in order to absolutely overwhelm Terao Rinka in terms of weight.

In the secret corner of his heart, this heir of the "Three Ancient Families" believes that the family's so-called plan to "rebuild the world" is simply a fantasy. He doesn't think that the Neon of the "Real Realm" can be rebuilt, or even...

He doesn't think humans can return to the [real world].

Therefore, outsiders think that Suga Yuandun is a veritable fool who only makes small calculations about fighting for power and profit, but in Suga Yuandun's heart, [this world] is the world he really wants.

He just wants to live more comfortably than anyone else in this world, so naturally he cannot tolerate Terao Rinka's continuous acquisition of resources.

This reason is consistent with psychology, that is to say...

Is there no problem in getting [Sky Dragon of Osiris] from Sugamoto Dun?

While Tong Gu was thinking, his expression suddenly changed, and with a finger, white thunder shot out instantly. Suga Yuandun was unable to dodge, and was terrified, but in the next moment, white thunder shot out ripples in the air.

A bird monster that completely concealed its body shape and aura appeared in front of Sugamoto Dun.

In Suga Yuandun's horrified eyes, the red beak of the bird kept opening and closing, and a white jade-like hand stretched out from it. With a terrifying sound of popping, popping, a figure emerged from the bird that was not much larger than the person it was. The bird monster came out of its mouth.

"Hey, are you scared?"

The man casually threw the mucus on his body on the floor, and Sugamoto Dun was also hit by the wave. He asked Tong Gu and the two of them with a smile, seeming to be very concerned about whether his appearance scared them.

This is Dongxia's [Golden Ninth Seat], the genius nicknamed [Qilinzi], Peng Linzi.

He doesn't have any divine aura on him, nor does he have any terrifying aura or sense of presence. Every move he makes has completely returned to his original nature.

In Tong Gu's eyes, this kind of performance can only explain one problem.

The opponent's skills have all entered the realm of masters.

And this person's job should be... a summoner.

It seemed that there was no smile in Tong Gu's eyes at all, and Peng Linzi sat down a little boredly.

He opened his hands and lay lazily on the chair, completely out of shape.

"Have said it, little brother Tong Gu, why do you want to find me? You actually asked Teacher Gong to come forward in person. I hope you'd better get down to business..."

As he spoke, some kind of power began to stir up in him.

(End of this chapter)

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