The game of fate, the cheater who started from Ghost Slayer

Chapter 703 The Whitebeard Pirates appear

Chapter 703 The Whitebeard Pirates appear
In the waters below Wano Country, dozens of warships gradually approached. The navy's lookouts continued to compile various intelligence and information, and reported them to the vice-admirals on the warships and the navy headquarters.

Two years later, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, who had matured a lot, stood upright on the bow of the ship with his sword in both hands, looking coldly at the figure that was suddenly cut open in the sky. He knew that that kind of movement must be the two seamen. The battle of the emperor.

In the surrounding sea area, the terrifying domineering energy was still shaking freely, and many naval soldiers were in a state of trepidation.

"Flying Squirrel... Lieutenant General, the lookout found many unknown people sneaking into Wano Country and Onigashima. It is suspected that [Pluto Co., Ltd.] is in an all-out war with [The Beast Pirates]!"

"Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan proposed that we launch a bombing of Ghost Island at this time."

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel did not respond. He knew that it was not their turn to make such a decision. In the end, Marshal Akainu of the Navy Headquarters would naturally give the order. Instead, he noticed the pale face of the messenger.

"Are you afraid, soldier?"

The messenger's expression changed, he immediately raised his right foot and gave a sudden military salute, saying loudly

"Report to the General, I'm not afraid!"

In today's navy, everything is filled with the iron blood and cruelty flowing from Marshal Akainu.

Not only does he treat his enemies, he treats his own people with the same iron-bloodedness.

In the end, the two admirals fought on the New World Island Punk Hassad in order to avoid further divisions within the navy and for their completely different philosophies.

The flying squirrel looked at the opponent's flushed face, shaking his head.
"You should be afraid, soldier."

"There is no need for weaklings in the Navy" is today's slogan.

The messenger knew that Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was a rare good man. He was much gentler than the other lieutenant generals who were trusted by Marshal Akainu and treated his subordinates more gently, so he relaxed his tense body and took courage. asked
"Lieutenant General, is that [Pluto] really that scary?"

First of all, it was because of the massive [War on Top], which was ended because [Blood Moon Sword Demon] cut off the Red Earth Continent with one sword. Admiral [Warring States] admitted failure and resigned, and his successor was subsequently elected as Admiral [ Green Pheasant].

"Is he really as evil as World Conquest claims?"

The two fought for several days. Admiral Akainu won by a narrow margin and became the new navy marshal. Admiral Aokiji resigned from the navy. Vice Admiral Midori took over as the new admiral. The vacancy left by Akainu was filled by admiral candidate Momotu. Serve.

The messenger felt that today's Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was a little strange. Could it be because the [Pluto] Mist Silver Moon, who had disappeared for two years, appeared again?

The messengers were afraid of being thought weak.

"What kind of person is he?"

In the past two years, huge changes have actually taken place within the Navy.

Rumors circulated in the Navy that Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel had a close relationship with Mist Silver Moon when he was the King of the Seven Warlords. It was said that Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel once had trouble with former Marshal Sengoku because of this man.

Many naval generals believe that the navy's authority has been greatly interfered with. At the same time, [Akainu] and [Aoji], as two veteran naval generals with equal qualifications, connections, and combat capabilities, have many supporters, and fierce conflicts have broken out within the navy.

However, this recommendation was not passed. Instead, the World Government strongly appointed Admiral [Akainu] as the new Navy Marshal, which caused violent turmoil at the time.

"You know, there, two monsters who can easily kill thousands of people are fighting. Once you fight against such monsters, death will follow you, and people are afraid of death."

The subsequent pursuit of [Pluto Works] was basically directed by Marshal Akainu, and the Navy was also cooperating with the World Government to reveal the past information of Mist Silvermoon bit by bit.

"People can also be afraid of death..."

But what surprised the navy was that this man could not find out his origin at all. He only knew that the first place he appeared was a merchant ship, and he later became a [bounty hunter], killing a large number of pirates in a short period of time, and in In the subsequent "One Piece Stealing the Country" incident, Sand Crocodile defeated the former King Shichibukai and was recommended by Lieutenant General Garp to become the new King Shichibukai.

The World Government has invented many versions of Mist Silvermoon's origins.

Some say that he is a member of the mysterious criminal family in the East China Sea, others say that he is a devil, born with evil power hidden in his heart, and some say that the sword Mist Silver Moon holds is the evil [Seven Star Sword]. Ste Silvermoon's power and evil came from that sword. There is a lot of information, true and false, and even within the Navy, it is impossible to tell what is true.

But outside the navy, a completely different version circulated.

The people of the Kingdom of Alabasta in the East China Sea have always insisted that Mist Silver Moon is the real hero, and there are also countless people at the bottom who have been helped by the [Pluto Works] firmly believe that this [Pluto] is the hero who saves the world.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel looked at the soldiers around him who were looking at him casually, and couldn't help but recall the past of that man.

He still can't believe that the swordsman who saved Alabasta and went to challenge the Four Emperors Kaido alone would be such an evil person.

Even though the other party was fighting on top, forcefully interrupting the navy's offensive, and even publicly executing a world noble, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel still had a hard time seeing the other party as that heinous sinner.

So he said
"He's probably a"

Before the messenger could continue to ask, a new order had arrived.

Another messenger quickly ran over and shouted:

"Marshal Akainu ordered me to trap the enemy here and wait for the general's support!"

The flying squirrel nodded calmly, but sighed in his heart.

Finally at this time, Marshal Akainu may have been waiting for an opportunity to wash away the navy's shame. There is no better proof than killing an emperor head-on.

No matter who Kaido or Mr. Silver Moon survives in the end, he will face an admiral, or even... more than one.
On the other side, in the lower level of the dilapidated ghost island, a young man wearing a black gentleman's hat casually knocked away the tyrant beside him and said to another shirtless black-haired man.
"It seems that Luffy is not here. Let's go to Wano Country to find Luffy first."

The black-haired man turned around. The freckles on his face had disappeared a lot due to the passage of time. He looked more mature. His naked upper body became stronger and stronger. He had "Whitebeard Pirates" tattooed on his back. symbols of.

It was the two brothers Sabo and Ace.

Ace was about to leave, but suddenly felt a strong domineering force erupting somewhere on the ghost island. The intensity of the sound was probably second only to Tong Gu and Kaido who had just fought fiercely.

With the flame remaining on his fingers, he moved his cowboy hat and said to Sabo

"You go find Luffy first, I found an old acquaintance, hey..."

Both of them are now proficient in Haki. Sabo also sensed the aura, glanced at Ace briefly, and then flew to the country of Wano alone.

Ace laughed, turned into a fire dragon, and rushed towards the target.

There was another loud noise, and the golden giant knocked down the huge mammoth. The explosion of gold and high temperature made Ace who was passing by look slightly sideways.

The moment Ace was distracted, a black shadow suddenly appeared. Ace reacted instantly and crossed his hands in front of him to block it.

After realizing that "only domineering can overcome everything", Ace will no longer rely too much on his natural abilities. The strong armed domineering feeling on his dark arms is proof of this.

If you relied on the elementalization of the natural system, you should have been able to take this blow firmly just now.

Looking at the person in front of me, he is wearing a white and green hat, with long purple hair on one side. The Whitebeard Pirates have been in constant conflict with the Kaido Pirates in the past two years, and they can be considered acquainted with each other. This person is One of the members of the "Beasts Pirates" named "Flying Six", Peggy Wan, has a bounty of 2 million Baileys.

Peggy Wan also recognized the identity of the person in front of him, his face became increasingly impatient, and he shouted:

"Are the Whitebeard Pirates also going to get involved in our war with [Pluto Works]?!"

(End of this chapter)

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