Originally, I wanted to check her household registration address because Yuanchun promised her the right to use the house! This news made Zhao Lu extremely excited. He felt that he had hugged the right person, and he wanted to go out excitedly. However, the rain never stopped, and it was dark and he was not familiar with the environment. After thinking twice, he had to stay in the outer courtyard of Chen's house again. among the guest rooms.

Early the next morning, as the sky was getting brighter, Zhao Lu ate breakfast in a hurry and went to borrow an umbrella. When he went out, Chen's servant called her politely, "Miss Zhao."

"Thank you for your hard work." Zhao Lu nodded and said, "Have you had breakfast?"

The servant smiled and saw Zhao Lu holding an oil-paper umbrella in his hand. He smiled in surprise and said, "I just finished eating and am about to change my shift. Is Miss Zhao going out?"

Zhao Lu nodded.

The servants were very polite to her because Chen Yu met her yesterday, and while asking about the Spring Festival, they walked a few steps side by side. In the eyes of the servants, this was Zhao Lu who could be regarded as one of his own. , it is normal to be more enthusiastic.

Wearing a short green cloth shirt and having his hair pulled up into a ponytail, the crisp and neat young man strode away, unaware of the young man standing at the door. Zhao Lu was very polite when staying under the fence. If the two of them nodded to each other, she would step aside to give way.

"Miss Zhao." The young man stopped her and said, "Our master wants to see you."

master? Is it Chen Yu or Chen Yu’s father? Zhao Lu pursed his lips, followed quickly, and asked, "Brother, do you know what you want to see me for?"

After all, I was just a 'guest'. Zhao Lu's eyes were bright and his cheeks were rosy with blood, and he handed over a few large coins without leaving any trace.

The young man was puzzled for a moment, then he rejected it smoothly and said with a smile: "I don't even know."

Zhao Lu followed his gaze and saw a tall figure standing in the shadow of the courtyard. There were several volumes of documents on the table. No wonder he didn't want any money. It turned out that someone was waiting here. Zhao Ludao: "It turns out to be the boss. I wonder what the boss ordered me to do?"

Because of his marriage to the Jia family, the Chen family was promoted openly and secretly. Zhao Lu was a little trembling, not sure if this old man was a grudge-bearing person.

So respectful.

The slightly bent waist became a little stiff after not hearing the greeting for getting up for a long time. Mr. Chen said politely: "Yesterday in the inner courtyard, I heard that you were walking with my son, and there were no such strict rules."


There is almost no difference between a person's kindness and sunlight. Zhao Lu stood up and said with a smile: "It makes the old man laugh. Mr. Xiao Chen is deeply in love with his wife and asked about some tricks to take care of the body. Isn't this a question? The common people can't stop them. Chatterbox, haha.”

"I wonder what the boss's orders are?" She asked again. There were not many sunny days in Yizhou. It was always covered with clouds and fog, and it looked like it would rain at any time. It was inevitable that there would be a bit of haste in doing things.

Mr. Chen didn't seem to hear the urging. He pondered for a moment, raised his hand and touched a strand of goatee on his chin. He lowered his eyes and saw a sky-blue ribbon on Zhao Lu's head. He smiled and said, "I heard that Did you follow the imperial concubine to the south?"

Zhao Ludao: "No, she said her name is Yuan Shuo."

Mr. Chen: "Yes, the imperial concubine's birthday is the first day of the Lunar New Year."

"Well, I haven't seen Miss Yuan for several days, and I didn't know she had been promoted. It's really a sin."

Mr. Chen did not linger on this issue any longer and asked instead, "I think you know a lot. Doctor Wang doesn't hide his secrets."

Zhao Ludao: "My family's ancestral home was a barefoot doctor in the village. My father used to pass down the inheritance from male to female. Or my mother said that teaching children and educating children is the same. Things that benefit people are accumulation of virtue. Over time, it has become what it is today. It's a wild road, it's not worth talking about." "Oh? What other books have you read?" A thought flashed through Mr. Chen's mind, and Yuanchun's narrow eyes appeared in his mind, which was a difficult fox. .

"I have attended some arithmetic and classics and history, but I am not full, so how can I have much time to study?" Zhao Lu spread his hands. Although everyone knew it, Yuanchun mentioned that she was Zhao from the countryside of Yizhou. Lu, that’s right.

What's more, it was clearly written on the household registration, and she didn't tell a single lie.

Mr. Chen nodded, "Okay!"

"I have ordered a new household registration to be compiled for you. You are not allowed to mention your past in the future. Even if you go to Beijing again in the future, you still don't know anything about the Jia family and the Wang family, only Zhao Lu and Yizhou Zhao Lu."


With the new household registration, the identity of Zhao Lu in the capital was equivalent to being cancelled. ‘Zhao Lu’ was burned to death in the prison of Jin Yiwei, and the past related to Zhao Lu disappeared completely.

She is now Yizhou Zhao Lu, whose parents have both died. She is the daughter of a barefoot doctor. She was a fish brought out during the government census... and Yunzhu, the maid of the Rongguo Mansion in the past, and Zhao Lu, the sixth daughter of the Zhao family, It doesn't matter at all.

Mr. Chen nodded with satisfaction. If the empress wants to hire people, she must hire clean people. She can't send them halfway and then be inexplicably involved in an old account nearby. If she delays the matter, she won't be able to bear any number of charges. of.


The city of Yizhou was extremely lively. The customs and customs here were more open than in the capital city. The noisy hawkers always had the illusion of scolding each other. After Zhao Lu listened for a long time, he realized that they were not quarreling.

The address where the household registration was registered was a residence. Zhao Lu was holding an oil-paper umbrella in one hand and a spicy rabbit leg in the other, gnawing on it as he walked.

The common people are sincere in doing business. Five cents can only buy a bowl of sugar-oiled fruits in the capital, but in Yizhou, you can buy a genuine rabbit leg! But with her current image, it was not good to call the door, so she had to sit on the steps opposite the residence, watch the traffic, and chew carefully.

"Hey! Little girl, you can't sit here!"

Zhao Lu buried his head in his mouth and said without raising his head: "Okay, let's leave now!"

Ghost Sword was unhappy, "No, sitting here with your image will affect our business!"

What an image, a young and lovely girl, sitting in front of your house just to solicit business. Zhao Lu raised his eyes and looked over, but the sleeves he had just rolled up suddenly became stiff, and then his eyebrows stood up and he shouted repeatedly. The apologetic voice was stuck in my throat.

"Cough, cough, cough! Cough! Cough!" She raised her index finger lightly, still stained with bright red spicy oil, her eyes were filled with tears, and she burst into an unbelievable cough, "You! You!"

Zhuangtou Liu still had the same look of contempt and meanness, and said with disdain: "What's wrong! Seeing us so shocked? That's not true, right? But my boss, that sister of yours is really fierce! With such a big belly, she's so tough, so grab it Your wealth is truly incredible! Did you resort to the blacksmith shop?"

He pushed the Ghost Sword and made a sound of disgust in his mouth. Women should be quieter.

(End of this chapter)

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