Chapter 31 Yuanchun
"It's easy to do, but Sister Yuanyang also knows that I'm young and a rough person. I only know how to cook water and make tea. There are many masters in our house, and I... I don't understand human relations yet."

Yunzhu said on the lips, but secretly panicked in her heart, being a sugar man was just for a new trick to send to Jia Muyuan to play the vanguard, if the old lady and Baoyu were happy, and if the servants spread the word to each other, the business between herself and Liu Ping would be able to expand faster.

It can be used as a gift, and there is a university question here.

It's hard to say if you're close or close, not to mention that you're the maid given to Jia Baoyu in the old lady's house. Whether you represent Jia's mother or Baoyu, Aunt Xue and Grandma Li Wan are widows in the widow bureau. Should you bother them?

The second is to do it yourself, how to make a bowl of water level, where to give how much, and when to give it, it is even more difficult.One is not good, but it is self-defeating, and the show of good will not turn into hatred.

In this way, I am very envious of Xiren's long-sleeved and good-natured character, she often takes the things in Jia Baoyu's room as favors, now that she thinks about it carefully, she has already made up her mind who to give the favors to.

Thinking of this, Yunzhu couldn't help but feel melancholy. This wealthy family is far less easy to mess with than she thought. After thinking about it, she had to push the allocated rights back into the hands of the mandarin ducks, while she was still doing the work of a horse.

Isn't it just more effort, it's nothing, it's safe!
Seeing her sincere refusal, Yuanyang thought it was an opportunity to walk around, so she accepted the matter calmly, drank a cup of tea, left a purse, and said goodbye to Xi Ren.

Xiren is thoughtful and thoughtful, and has always been a character who takes one step and sees three steps. If she is asked to do this, there is absolutely no reason to push it out.Thinking of this, she began to worry again whether Qingwen and the others were going to set her up together?

So she took the mandarin duck's arm and said melancholy: "In the same yard, I didn't even know they did such an embarrassing thing." At first, she just wanted to give Qingwen a bad impression, so that she would calm down in the future, and stop stealing the limelight everywhere, so as not to arouse the jealousy of Mrs. Wang.

"This Liu'an melon slice is not good. It has not been brewed for the first time, so the taste is unavoidable." Yuanyang seemed to talk about the tea just now, and said leisurely: "This tea is most suitable for drinking when the mind is calm. After rolling it three or four times, from the beginning to the end, I realized that the taste has many layers. Youdao is too impatient to eat hot tofu."

There are puns in these words, Xiren and Yuanyang have long been friends, so I understand it, Yuanyang is still the one who values ​​friendship, but she no longer has her original intentions.

If Qingwen went out of her way to attract Mrs. Wang's sharp eyes, and the new Mrs.'s affairs have not been revealed yet, and some things are now open and honest, how should she deal with herself?

"Lu'an Guapian will be washed three or four times. Next time you come, I will drink jasmine fragrance for you. It will be fragrant enough!" Xi Ren refused to give in, but he didn't know why Yuanyang suddenly wanted to help them talk, obviously he was the one who had the deepest friendship with her.

That's all for Qingwen, Yunzhu is just a servant bought from outside, and her age is not the same as Baoyu's. Sooner or later, she will be sent out to match someone outside, so what qualifications are there to speak for her as a mandarin duck?

"Jasmine fragrance is fine, melon slices are fine." Yuanyang looked at Xiren's stubborn expression, and recalled the past years of supporting each other, feeling very emotional in his heart, and couldn't help pointing out:

"Just then Qingwen rubbed the ink in the front and told what she saw and heard when she returned home today, and she praised the sugar man again and again. Seeing this, the old lady only said that Jiang Yunxuan is really harmonious and beautiful, and that everyone who is happy outside thinks about her family. That's why she specially asked me to come here to ask for a prescription, and also to do a decent favor for the second master. We are servants, and we must pay attention to being decent in every way."

After finishing speaking, he untied a purse from his waist and put it in Xiren's hands, looking at Xiren's face with a forced smile, only he felt a sense of loss in his heart.

After the two of them had left, Yunzhu opened the blue purse, and found a pair of delicate lotus-shaped silver zippers, worth about eight qian in total.At first, I wondered if this was the money to buy raw materials for myself. Looking at it this way, it was just hard money.

Thinking of this, he handed over the night shift to Qiuwen happily, but fearing that he could not suppress the smile on his lips, he clutched his purse and went out with his head down.On the way, I ran into Qingwen who came back from outside.

Before Yunzhu could see the ceremony, Qingwen blushed and said, "Habaer, the western flower idea, gave you some embarrassment again?"


Before she realized who she was scolding, she heard Qingwen say: "You have no eyesight, you are guarding the tea room, how can you let Xiren go to the main courtyard to get tea? Why don't you go? She was rewarded by the old lady for nothing, and she has nothing to lose."

Listening to the bean-popping voice, Yunzhu couldn't express her happiness, so she changed the subject and said that the old lady sent a mandarin duck to call herself a sugar man, and even gave him a reward!

Yunzhu's daily errand was to deliver tea at the morning meal, and this was due to Qiu Wen Bihen's lazy two mornings, preferring to serve meals in front of Jia Baoyu, so she gave up this job to herself.

For the rest of the morning, evening, and even night shifts, Jia Baoyu was firmly in the hands of Xiren Sheyue and the others. She didn't have the opportunity to serve in the main house.

But in Qingwen's view, her deserted appearance is probably suppressed by those big gangs, and she has no future at all.

"Everyone in the main courtyard received rewards, and they all said that the servant girl next to Baoyu was clever, but you, the right master, are not here, you, you, you, you, what do you want me to say about you?!" Qingwen pointed to Yunzhu heartbrokenly, and sighed repeatedly with regret.

Seeing the pity of not being able to suppress Xiren at this moment, Yunzhu couldn't help laughing, while dragging Qingwen to the lower courtyard, she said slowly: "The old lady said that I want to prepare sugar people to show favor for Second Master Bao. My sister is free at the moment, why don't you come and help me with the details, how much is appropriate?"

"You can take care of the work. Madam, grandma, and girls add up to ten or so. Let's see when you can do it! In this way, the affairs in Baoyu's room are all cheaper?" Qingwen thought of Sheyue's fair-looking face, and her heart felt depressed.

After everyone handed over the night shift, Yunzhu and Zixiao were admiring the objects of today's great prize in the courtyard. I was the same as Zixiao, both in silver curly, but the patterns were different.

The little girl next to her still has cloth clothes and jewelry.

Maybe it's because the whole room is full of third-class maids. Although the rewards are in various styles, they are of the same value. Everyone happily exchanged the rewards, and there was a festive face on the small shop.

Therefore, when they were supposed to be sleeping, no one noticed that the attacker had left the yard.

After Xiren sent the mandarin ducks away, the more he thought about it, the more embarrassing he became, and he squeezed a silver begonia flower-shaped peg in his hand, thinking that the old lady was happy today, so she gave it a big reward, but he didn't know why he rewarded it later, and he felt suffocated, so he turned around and wanted to go to find Ping'er to explain and inquire.

In the courtyard of Second Grandma Lian's yard stood a large screen wall, which tightly separated the cold wind outside from the heating in the house. At this moment, Wang Xifeng was reclining on the couch, listening to Ping'er's report on today's events.

"Wang Sheng's family came to report that the two maids in Master Bao's house went out today, Qing Wen was ordered to go shopping, and the younger one was to go home to see relatives. The sugar man's idea was indeed done at her house before he brought Fang Zi into the mansion."

"So it's really a coincidence?" Wang Xifeng said lazily, ordering the maid who knocked her leg to use more force.

"Although the leader of Xiren told me that Master Bao wanted to buy some ink from Xuezhai. I just didn't expect that she would send Qingwen out. I thought it was just to buy something, and there were many officials watching. Fortunately, nothing went wrong, otherwise... Grandma please punish me!"

Wang Xifeng sneered a few times, making those phoenix eyes even sharper, and said unceremoniously: "Tell a big maid like Qingwen to go out to run errands, but fortunately she can figure it out, the little one is a good one, and if she finds out, she will go to the old lady's room to make love.

Fortunately, there was no trouble, but now Keqing is ill again, and the East Mansion is in chaos. Last time, we did something about Qianxue out of nowhere to replace the dead ghost. Could it be that because she got into my aunt's eyes, we have to set up a platform for her?
The mother-in-law is a person who puts money more than her life. If my aunt continues to stir things up like this, how can I be caught in the middle? "

"Could it be that there is..."

"Hmph! You are still not good enough, watch carefully, I don't know how many moths are waiting for us. But now Qingwen has learned how to be good, knowing that she is caught off guard, and my aunt doesn't know what to think, but let them make trouble.

Now the old lady is tired of the many chores at home, and the eldest girl has entered the palace again. It is the time when there is a famine in terms of money. If this matter is brought to the surface, someone else will inevitably be unlucky. "

Miss Yuanchun is now in the palace, walking around is a huge hole, although the mansion is not at the point of saving food and clothing, but the cash in the account is already declining, if there is no good way, I don't know if it will survive this winter.

Now that the drought is approaching, the Holy Majesty is suffering from a headache. At that time, the Duke's Mansion will have to take the lead in being a good person, but where can we get so much money?Wang Xifeng, who never worries about money, has even asked about the daily business status of the property in the house.

"Where are you from again?"

Before Ping'er said he was going to persuade the attacker, Jia Lian lifted the curtain and entered from the outside. Wang Xifeng was facing him, and he spotted the drunk man at first sight.I had no choice but to press the huatou and get up to help the drunk.

Jia Lian was so drunk that she put one hand on Wang Xifeng's shoulder and saw the beautiful figure of Ping'er who was squatting with the other, so she threw herself on the couch with her left foot and her right foot.

"Hurry up and get the master a cup of tea!" Panicked, Ping'er saw the anger in Wang Xifeng's eyes, and immediately jumped away from Jia Lian's claws, saying that he was going to pour tea, but in fact it was Wang Xifeng who gave her a wink that she was not going out soon.

After receiving this message, Ping'er, who was about to pick up the teapot, ignored Wang Xifeng's disgusted expression, and walked out the door as if he had received an amnesty.

(End of this chapter)

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