Walking into the Red Mansion starts from the maid

Chapter 33 Daiyu's Family Letter

Chapter 33 Daiyu's Family Letter
"Shuangjiang's sweet potato? Isn't that also a sweet potato? What is it worth?" Jia Lian couldn't help complaining after hearing Sister Feng's words.

"I heard that this prescription originally belonged to the Liu family, the Minister of Industry of the former court, and something happened to his family later on. I haven't heard of this Liu family for many years, but now it's just going around.

You said, if we buy this prescription, how about pushing it into the restaurant in the capital? "

After hearing the servant's report, Wang Xifeng's originally moved mind became more flexible, and immediately asked Jia Lian to discuss it. Seeing that the man didn't speak, he urged: "Oh, what good things haven't we seen before? Is it necessary to be this candy?

I was just thinking, now that there is a severe drought in the Northland, the Holy Majesty may be worrying about disaster relief. The courtiers must have money to contribute, but they have no money to contribute.

With this candy business, our family is building up momentum in the capital while asking our hometown in Jinling to collect sweet potatoes to make candy. Wouldn’t it be possible to solve this urgent need? "

After listening to this detailed analysis, Jia Lian sat up straight.

The husband and wife are now in charge of the middle class of the mansion. There was a big girl named Yuan Chun who was running around in the palace. Recently, there have been faint rumors that the Holy Master intends to promote her. Now is the time to open up the Gen Festival and spend money like water.

A sum of money is filled into the palace, and I don't know when it will be the end.

Later, there was a severe drought in the north. A few days ago, my father said that the Holy Majesty wanted all the courtiers to provide relief. Lin Zhixiao had told himself more than once that there was not much money on the books.

Before Jia Lian could think about it, Sister Feng said again: "It's just a candy. It's just a fancy idea. How much does it cost?

If you really want to push it out, and then think of a way to hype it, it will be like the snow water on the plum blossoms and the tea leaves in the lotus core. Daya is big money, big money...doesn’t it solve the current predicament? "

The snow water on the plum blossoms and the tea leaves in the wicks of the stalks, Jia Lian and his wife are laymen, and they have always dismissed them.It's just that everyone is chasing after it, and there are many people in the family's property who are earning money here, so they naturally understand the twists and turns.

Wang Xifeng's ability to persuade people is very outstanding. Just as Jia Lian said a few words, he stood up and said, "You're right. Then I will give you a letter of divorce from Jinling?"

Before Jia Lian could settle down in the study, someone reported that Mrs. Lin was seriously ill, and there was a letter from Yangzhou asking Miss Lin to go back to Lin's house in a few days. Second Mistress, please make arrangements first.

Today, Yunzhu was sewing the airbag out of tanned rabbit skin, and was worrying about how to sew the bracket inside, when Qingwen came in from the outside, and said softly: "In a few days, Mammy Lai's house is going to draw lots for her grandson, please let me go, how about you accompany me?"

Qingwen was originally Lai's maid, but now she is a first-class envoy who is honored by the young master's side, so it is normal for the Lai family to invite her to a banquet on a happy occasion.

It's just, "You brought me to the banquet at Nanny Lai's house? Isn't it appropriate?"

Holding the half-stitched rabbit skin in her hand, seeing the fine stitches, Qingwen couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. Although the talent is not good, the diligence is more than enough.

As the old saying goes, hard work can make up for one's weakness. This little girl pestered her to learn embroidery a few months ago. After learning for a long time, she can also learn some kung fu in sewing. The other person still looks like a ghost, and being her master is really boring.

Seeing Yunzhu's frowning face at the mouth, he smiled and said: "A newborn child, I think there are many needlework jobs that need our help. What's the matter with many people and few people? You can go and see how others catch the needle and thread. Maybe it will be beneficial.

Besides, the old lady didn't put the bridle on you, and I'm almost bored to death if I stay here all day long!I don't care, anyway, I have passed the Second Master Bao, so you have to accompany me. "

For the past three days, I have been busy in the kitchen with my head closed, with my ears closed to the outside world, and I only want to brag about sugar.Thinking about it, it must be boring for Qingwen to lose her gossip partner, and others refuse to follow her violent temper all the time.

"Okay, what date do you want to go? I'll make arrangements." After a few days, all the molds for sugar figurines are in hand, and there is a lot of syrup prepared. Fragrant dew is steaming in the cauldron day and night, and several waves of people have come to inquire about what to make.

She was afraid that if she didn't go out again, the freshness and warmth of the candy would float across Jia's house.

"Three days later, let's go one day earlier. I heard that Miss Lin is going back to Yangzhou in a few days, and Second Master Bao is making trouble in the house. I just got free to come and look for you.

What is this?It smells so good. "Qingwen counted the days on her fingers, and only said that she would go out with her three days later, and then she was attracted by the bamboo pipes protruding from the cauldron.

"It's peach dew." The peaches that came from the south in this season were picked half-ripe, perhaps for the sake of preservation. They had more than enough aroma but not enough sweetness.Every room in the mansion is decorated with incense, because many people have praised the peaches in this season as refreshing, so they abandoned the flower dew sword and chose the fruity fragrance.

It's just not the time to talk about this right now, "Miss Lin wants to go back? What are you going back for?"

As we all know, when Daiyu returned home from the Red Mansion, there was only one thing. The old Lin family's father was seriously ill.

Qingwen, who was sniffing the scented dew, heard this, frowned slightly and shook her head: "Miss Lin's family letter never stated it, but only said that the servants of the Lin family are already on the way, and they will be able to arrive in Beijing in about half a month. Because the second master is on a hunger strike, the old lady also said that Miss Lin is not allowed to go back. I don't know what to do tomorrow."

The two of Lin Jia lived and ate and lived together like childhood sweethearts for a long time. Although they had never poked through the window paper, the two of them had only one heart, and no one else could match it.Therefore, it is understandable for Jia Baoyu to be sloppy.

"If you want me to say, it must be that the parents in the family miss you. Miss Lin has been at our house for almost two years, and she hasn't returned home during this period."

The two huddled together, muttering a lot of gossip in the mansion, during which Qingwen was mostly talking and Yunzhu was listening.When it comes to laughing, Yunzhu laughs, and when it comes to anger, she also scolds a few words with Qingwen.

At the end, Qingwen spoke so dryly that she drank a cup of jasmine tea with a sea bowl, and then said: "Don't wear handkerchiefs in the future, we don't want to see women's handkerchiefs."

Seeing Yunzhu's doubts, Qingwen sat down again as she was about to leave, yelling in her mouth, today's fat man who serves is so cheap that it hurts her hoof, and then she started talking about new gossip that she heard.

"This veil has a grudge against our Nanny Lai!" Qingwen triumphantly laid out the past of everyone Lai, and Yunzhu could only clap her hands when she heard it, what a wonderful person!
It is only said that in the past when Nanny Lai was not surnamed Lai, she was still a young girl, she was in line with the in-laws of the Ningrong Second Mansion, and the servants on both sides were also walking around from time to time.

At that time, the first emperor fought in the south and north, and there were frequent wars. Jiao Da followed Ning Guogong to do logistics. Madam Lai was reluctant to give up, so she embroidered an open handkerchief in front of the Buddha and presented it to Jiao Da, hoping that he would return safely and continue the relationship.

Girlish feelings are always poetry.

In order to send out the consecrated embroidered handkerchief, Nanny Lai rushed to work on dozens of handkerchiefs day and night between serving the master, just to send the blessing handkerchief entrusted with the girl's heart to Jiao Da in a legitimate way.

As far as Jiao Da is concerned, he really has seen mountains of swords and seas of fire with the masters, maybe he still has some life-saving grace. After returning from the battlefield, Ning Guogong did not hesitate to boast, and even gave him a beautiful maidservant with a thousand gold and a fertile farmland out of righteousness.

Men, few of them opened their eyes when they saw the beautiful maidservants. Nanny Lai, who had been secretly in love with her, was very sad when she saw this.With this cruel heart, he turned his head back, and it didn't take long for the head of the Rong Mansion to take the lead and preside over Lai Nanny's new wedding.

"Although Jiao Da in the East Mansion has now been released from slavery, his life is far worse than that of Nanny Lai's house, or gossip will come out every now and then."

(End of this chapter)

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