Chapter 52
Xu Daiyu reminded everyone about the imperial seal. Last time when Jia Min passed away, no one cared about it. This time, everyone in the house changed the plain clothes for Father Lin according to the regulations, and even Baoyu solemnly tied a burlap belt for a few springs to express his condolences.

However, under Jia Baoyu's unremitting efforts, this peaceful day could not last long after all.

"Bastard! I should have known that bastard was here to collect debts! It's all right to just do nothing all day long, and it's thanks to him to do such a shameless thing!" Jia Zheng was on duty, and as soon as he changed his court clothes, he heard that Baoyu had kicked Qin Zhong in the beating, and immediately roared furiously.

He even ordered Lin Zhixiao to look for young servants everywhere, threatening to beat Baoyu in the courtyard before he could make amends to the Qin family.

And Mrs. Wang found out that when her son Fu Ling went to the funeral, she had done ridiculous things with Qin Zhong on the way, although her teeth were itching with hatred in her heart, she had no choice but to put on a face of sudden realization.

The headed wife confessed her mistake in front of the master herself, and she did not forget to reveal the passing of the master of the Qin family to the old lady, and hurriedly detained Baoyu in the study, for fear that his life would be beaten.

Baoyu mourned and reluctantly stayed in the study, and did not forget to take Xiren Muskyue with her. If Qingwen hadn't been found for a while, Qingwen might have to follow her to the study to serve her.

He cried and cried for a while, and then read quietly in the study for a while, and finally asked Musk Moon to watch the movement on the wall, saying that he had worked hard in serving filial piety recently, and he couldn't eat well and sleep well, and now he needs to sleep for a while.

After a while, the furious Jia Zheng became silent like a cat being groomed.Just because the servants came to report loudly: "The virtuous concubine has an order, please go to the main courtyard to receive the order!"

Jia Zheng and his wife were stunned, and they only said to invite the master. Both husband and wife felt a little uneasy.

Seeing that there was no movement in the study, Jia Zheng went to the main courtyard temporarily because of the angel's visit, but he didn't have time to talk to Baoyu for a while.

It's just this farce that both Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang were terrified, and they took turns sending people to the door of the study to listen to the movement, for fear that the lifeblood would be overwhelmed.

Xiren saw the girl and woman who came to visit again and again, and he wanted to cover it up. He just said, "Second Master Bao is now sincerely repenting. He knows that he has made a mistake. He said that he wanted to write an article and ask the master to give advice. You go back and tell the old lady that you don't have to worry about it."

The people who came in and out fell into the eyes of Jiang Yunxuan, Qingwen first said worriedly: "The second master said that the four books and five classics are the most polluting people's minds. How can he make a fuss with sincerity? There must be something inside."

After all, regardless of the expressions of the other girls, she walked out of Jiang Yunxuan gate on her own, wanting to sneak a peek at the situation outside.

Although Jia She was the head of the Rongguo Mansion, he was a prodigal son who only knew how to spend a lot of time, so most of the foreign affairs were handled by Jia Zheng and his wife, and Jia Lian and his wife assisted them.

No matter what the fight is like in private, on the surface it is also a group of harmony.

It's just that Supervisor Xia's visit must be for Yuanchun, and Jia Zheng, the head of the family, must be there to meet him so that he can speak.

Taking off the regular clothes and changing into the formal clothes, the incense table outside has been set up, and when Jia Zheng walked into the main courtyard in a steady manner, he saw his old acquaintance Xia Dajian holding the piano behind him.

When Jia Zheng saw the female official holding the piano, he was taken aback again.

Today is really strange.

He put his hands behind his back, made a two-handed gesture to Lin Zhixiao with his back to the angel, and hurriedly took two steps forward with an overjoyed look: "I don't know that Superintendent Xia is here, and some are far away to welcome, some are far away to welcome."

Thinking that Baoqin is no longer a maidservant of Jia's mansion, but also dressed as a female official, so she saluted Baoqin again.

After exchanging ceremonies with each other, Jia Zheng felt much less worried. This Baoqin used to serve Yuanchun, and later became Yuanchun's dowry girl. She came to deliver the decree, which must be Jia Yuanchun's decree.

There should be nothing bad about it.

Thinking of this, Jia Zheng became calm and relaxed, and even had a leisurely conversation with the supervisor Na Xia: "The supervisor has not come to the old minister's house for a long time, why not stay today and have a light meal together before returning to the palace?"

Xia Dajian was born with a round body and a broad body, with a white face and no beard. The exposed palms and face are white and fat, just like a fat bee chrysalis.

After listening to Jia Zheng's words, he put his clothes back expressionlessly.

Jia Zheng was bored.

It was also when he was embarrassed that he happened to miss Baoqin's eyes. There were scrutiny, worry, and sympathy in that complicated look.

The superintendent really came to deliver a message.

Talking about the things in the red sandalwood box, she only said that the concubine Xiande called her servants to come because of the Dragon Boat Festival, a box of things was given to whom, and who was given to that.

But at the end, he specifically asked Jia Zheng.

One of the hibiscus mats was given to the eldest daughter of the Xue family, and the two palace fans were specially given to Princess Wen En and Jia Baoyu.

After hearing the whole story, Jia Zheng used to let it all go, but now he has appointed a special gift, so he asked tremblingly: "This... is a separate order for the family, why don't they come forward and thank them?"

Unexpectedly, after the chief inspector received the two thank you silver purses from Lin Zhixiao's family, he squeezed them calmly, stuffed them into his sleeves, then shook his head, said no, and made a gesture to go out the door.

Baoqin was anxious and looked at Jia Zheng several times as if asking for help.

Jia Zheng closed his eyes, and the superintendent's unhappy look flashed across his mind like the light of the sky, and he quickly winked at Lin Zhixiao, and smiled at the superintendent, "As the saying goes, during the Dragon Boat Festival, the five poisons arrive, so I trouble the superintendent to make a special trip here today. I would like the superintendent to take these small things and play with them for good luck."

After saying that, he took a pair of exquisitely carved white jade lion ornaments from Lin Zhixiao, and before Supervisor Xia could refuse, he slipped them into the other party's sleeves.

Seeing a white and plump cheek wrinkled with a smile, "Hahaha, Master Jia is too particular!"

He patted Jia Zheng's arm, and said in a low voice: "The men in the house should study hard and benefit, and don't let your mother's reputation fall outside. The mother also said that now Lin Gongru Hai has been bestowed a posthumous title by His Majesty, and he is a listed pillar of the imperial court humerus. Now, although he is gone, Yu Deyou is here. There is also an only daughter in the house to take care of, and the Jia family should treat him according to the etiquette."

It's cloudy and foggy. It's natural for a noble family like them to study. As for being kind... even the hungry dogs passing by the door can have a bowl of rice. Could it be that my niece is still being treated harshly?
"Yes, yes, I will definitely urge the juniors in the family to share the worries of His Majesty. As for Mr. Lin, even if we are far away in the capital, we know Mr. Lin's merits. Besides, that girl Daiyu is both a junior and a princess conferred by His Majesty. How dare you treat her poorly. Please rest assured." As he spoke, Jia Zheng bowed in a respectful manner in the direction of the imperial city.

I just scolded Jia Baoyu that little bastard in my heart, there must be some gossip going into the palace!He must be beaten today!
Seeing that a few people were about to step out the door, holding the piano was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, but when they came, they agreed, and they could only say greetings and nothing else.

In such a hurry, he had no choice but to carry the supervisor behind his back and keep mouthing "Zhen's family" to the Jia family.

This scene happened to fall into Lin Zhixiao's eyes, and he nodded silently.Unexpectedly, this nod also attracted the supervisor's attention. Fortunately, Supervisor Xia didn't speak, and only glanced at Baoqin meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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