Chapter 66 Paid Shit
The two people present had seen Hua Zifang before. He was a generously built man, not overbearing, perhaps because of his poor proportions. Most of the clothes he wore on weekdays were short, and he had never seen such a pair of breasts before. Long coat.

Qingwen is also an expert in needlework, and she knew at a glance that the clothes were not made for Hua Zifang. Baoyu always thought the moon-white cotton shirts were rough and never wore them. Horrified.

Just as they were about to make peace, Xiren didn't even greet him with greetings. After watching the Zhuangtou's daughter go away, he simply removed the smile on his face, and was about to close the door as soon as he raised his hand.

"At any rate, the Rongguo Mansion is also a family of relatives who want face. Now Baoyu is the mother's younger brother, and lives in the old lady's courtyard. On weekdays, many of the people who come and go are young ladies."

"I said something inappropriate, you are out of the door now, but if there is a mistake in your reputation, even Baoyu, and even his wives, grandmas and girls will be ashamed!"

"If that's the case, if we really look into it, even if we are maidservants beside the old lady, will the master let you go?"

Qingwen snatched the burden skin from Yunzhu's hand, took a step forward and stuck it by the door, preventing the attacker from closing the door, the inquiring intent on her face swirled back and forth on the clothes in her arms, and her mouth Talk quickly.

Who said no?
Sitting together is popular these days. Even though attacking people is annoying, she never thought of coworkers messing around and wearing a bad hat on her back. Now that Qingwen mentioned it, she also added: "That's exactly what I said, sister Xiren, don't be stupid. Although your old lady can't get involved, don't you care about yourself?"

Since entering Jiangyunxuan, these big maids have tested the little maids everywhere, and they have dug countless pits. At the least, they will hurt their strength and do more work; at worst, they will waste people and money. Inexplicable.

It is true that the attackers are now gone for no apparent reason.

Anyway, the direction of the plot is completely different from the Red Chamber that Yunzhu is familiar with, and she seriously suspects that this place is her own absurd dream.

If it wasn't for the fact that the pain was so real, Yunzhu would have long wanted to find a place to jump off and end this farce.

Xiren was dumbfounded, and suddenly felt sad, lowered his head and shed tears, and said in a crying voice: "You guys, what are you doing!"

After saying that, he let go of the door, turned around and entered the house on his own.Only Liu Qingwen staggered and almost fell into the threshold, if Yunzhu didn't pull her.

"Hey, her temper is bigger than before, she can't say anything! Am I wrong?" Qingwen stood firm, shook her clothes, and pointed at her nose, angrily.

Yunzhu looked at the tunic that was thrown on the ground, just when she was feeling uneasy, she smiled when she heard this, but didn't speak.

"What kind of junk, you take it back yourself, I don't want it!" The two entered the main room, saw the attacker sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing his hands back and forth in the sewing dustpan, complaining as if he didn't even give them a look road.

Yunzhu's mood is very complicated, do you hate Xiren?
Not to mention, but there must be some disgust.Xiren in Jiangyunxuan is the second in command. As we all know, the second in command is always the one who makes a fool of himself, not to mention that the second in command loves the boss, looks like a thief to everyone, and often does bad things secretly.

Seeing that she lives in this dilapidated courtyard, even the kang head under her body is tired of loess, and she is only wearing a standard light yellow cotton double skirt. The people in the village can't tell whether it is good or bad.

Compared with Jiang Yunxuan's treatment, it can be said to have taken a sharp turn for the worse, and Yunzhu was both happy and sad, happy that karma came so quickly, all these sufferings are deserved!
However, things hurt her kind, and her ability and means are far inferior to attacking people. If the same accident happens in the future, what will happen?

Although Zhuangzi is good, the sky is high, the emperor is far away, and he is free.

But as time goes by, even with the old lady's advice, it may not be that Zhuangzi is willing to keep offering a maid who seems to have no future.She is as smart as a person, she must have expected such a scene, her family is mediocre, I may not be willing to spend money to redeem her body, not to mention being demoted now, even Hua Zifang's way of making money has been cut off in half.

If she really went home, her parents would be fine if they didn't hold grudges, let alone treat her sincerely.

Moreover, when she was outside the door just now, after she revealed that she was delivering something for Jia Baoyu, the resistance and guard in her eyes clearly dissipated, but making men's underwear was a sure thing.

After thinking about it, seeing the two people who were bickering, the guess in Yunzhu's heart had surfaced.Xiren was nothing more than a two-handed plan, hoping that Jia Baoyu would have the courage to take her back, and at the same time looking for another way out to save himself.

Times limited people, not to mention that her identity was still in Mrs. Wang's hands, so it was almost impossible to go out and make a living.

Then there is only marriage left.

Who are you going to marry?

Yunzhu fixed her eyes on Xiren's bun, thinking that she is already making clothes, so there is a candidate?

This temperament of waiting for the opportunity is really admirable, Yunzhu asked herself, if she was suddenly sent to Zhuangzi, it might take a few days for everyone to fully recognize it, let alone quickly open the way for her dead end.

After thinking about it, I still wanted to confirm what I was thinking, so I interrupted the quarrel between the two: "I was afraid of going out in the morning and getting motion sickness, so I only drank a full stomach of porridge and soup. Sister Xiren, where is your hut?"

The quarrel is suspended.

Xiren raised his brows and snapped, "You are still a lazy donkey like before, you never forget the cycle of grains wherever you go, and I don't know how your wife fell in love with you! But you should be more discerning, just like you This second class doesn’t know if they can sit still! Just turn right when you go out.”

Qingwen thought the cattail fan was too hard to hold, so she refused to swing it herself, so she moved under her buttocks, and moved behind Xiren.Xiren was shaking a cattail fan cheerfully in his hand. Seeing Yunzhu come out through the curtain, he even sneered and slapped it hard a few times.

If it was in the past, no one who was second class would have the chance to be a second class fool like Yunzhu, and his eyesight and age were far from enough for the second class position. My wife is really a "loving child"!Xiren's heart was full of anger, and he felt sorry for Baoyu's need for such a stick to serve him in the future.

"You can't get used to it? There's nothing you can do about it~ My wife didn't like you." Qingwen saw the attacker's pale face, and enjoyed the cool breeze beautifully, leaning on the kang at ease Go up, shake your body in a decent way.Still the same sentence, if Xiren is not happy, she is happy!


"It seems that the wife has fallen in love with you. Don't forget, the wife has disliked you a long time ago. If I hadn't played around with it, do you think you can still make clothes in the mansion?" Xiren smashed the cattail fan, Grab Bai back without showing any weakness.

Standing outside the house, Yunzhu helped the cold sweat on her forehead, wondering if she had used the urine escape many times already?
Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be true. Whenever the big maids quarreled, she would urinate and run away when she saw a fire, but how could the paid shit thing be called fishing?

(End of this chapter)

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