Chapter 68
It's better to be useless than to follow other people's ways without knowing it. If you are wise and stupid, you still have some wisdom. What's the matter if you are stupid and wise?
Yunzhu is like a mirror in her heart, she is not a smart person.

If it's about coaxing people to play around, she still has some experience.But if she is compared with the servants of the eighteen exquisite crystal livers in the inner door, she is far behind.

"A few days ago, Cousin Wu Gui asked someone to send me a letter, mentioning that my sister-in-law was going to give birth in a few days, but I was busy with the lawsuit and didn't have time to spare. It's still early in the day, you can walk a few more steps with me, and give this dish to me. She sent a basket." Qingwen struggled to free up a bamboo basket, picked up a variety of vegetables and fruits, and said briskly, "Finally, I will take you to eat the candied fruit at the corner of the street. "

Yunzhu withdrew her hand lifting the curtain, knowing that she was talking about her being moved out of Jiangyunxuan, so she shook her head and said, "I treat you to eat."

She had been promoted to the second class recently, and vaguely remembered that she said it was her birthday in June, Qingwen's slender and smooth fingers rubbed the basket a few times, as if she was thinking about something, she nodded after a moment: "Listen to you. "

Qingwen habitually wanted to take care of everything, but her hands, which were used to sewing, never exerted any strength. After a while, she leaned slightly and called the driver as if discouraged.

The carriage was parked at the edge of the alley, just a few steps away from the multi-official's house. The cramped alley was full of daily sundries, so I had to get out of the carriage and walk.

Although it is the periphery of the Lai family's house, the old gate is not comparable to the Lai's house on the other side of the street.

The two were about to knock on the door, when they saw Duoguan poking out from the door, his eyes were clear, his face was ruddy, and he was pleasantly surprised: "I was going to invite you to my house, but your sister-in-law couldn't sit still for a few days , the house is in a mess."

At this time, Duoguan's hair was combed neatly, his clothes were also brand new cotton shirts, his voice was as usual, but the redness in his eyes showed the exhaustion of his whole body, and he quickly closed the door after he stepped out and locked it. The mournful cry of the woman inside was heard.

Duoguan took the vegetable basket from Qingwen's hand, squeezed a smile on his face and said: "It's just right, your sister-in-law launched it in the early hours of this morning. I thought I would look for you after giving birth, but I just didn't have the time to buy it." You're here."

Just the stern scream at that moment made Yunzhu's heart tremble, and even the figure that got off the carriage trembled, thinking to herself, it turned out that she was pregnant.

Before Duoguan finished his sentence, he saw a familiar figure on the carriage behind him, and continued to exchange greetings: "Sister Yunzhu is here too, come in and sit together for a while, the woman at home is giving birth, don't be afraid."

Just as Yunzhu was hesitating, Duoguan asked Qingwen to stop her.

"She is young and has never seen such a scene. Don't call her if it's inconvenient today. Let's get together some other day." Melancholy, I knew that there might be twists and turns here, so I hurriedly sent Yunzhu away, "Sister, you go to the fried shop in front and wait for me."

After all, regardless of Yunzhu, just lift the skirt and push the door open.

"Okay." The responding voice was thrown far outside the door, and the aftertaste of crying echoed in the air.

It started early in the morning, and now it's the middle of the night, and it's really hard to suffer if the baby hasn't been born for more than ten hours.Yunzhu shook the goosebumps all over her head, exchanged a few words with the coachman, and then walked towards the fried goods shop that Qingwen mentioned.

The land of the Lai family overwhelms her.

The front teeth that fell out here have not yet fully grown, and now I feel that the molars are loose, so I can't stay here any longer.

Duoguan is only in his early twenties, but in this era, he is already considered late in marriage and late in childbearing.But she has the skill of helping the cook, and there is a girl named Qingwen who takes care of each other. I heard that the sister-in-law is also a family-oriented person, and she will still have a bright future in her future.Thinking of this, Yunzhu smiled unconsciously.She walked along the street, her dull mood seemed to be blown away by the breeze, and she left those bad things behind her mind from a distance, and her steps unconsciously became brisk.

"Boss, a bowl of sugar oil and fruit!" Yunzhu waved her little hand, sat down without asking the price, and proudly ordered a bowl of food, without it, it was too fragrant.

The fried goods shop is said to be a shop, but in fact it is just a fixed stall on the adjacent street. There are three or five small tables scattered at the door, and the man who is stationed is an uncle in his early forties, black, short and strong.Yunzhu thought, even a small trader seems to live a more comfortable life than tenant farmers in the suburbs.

Becoming a small trader could be on her list of future careers.

He pulled the white cotton towel around his neck neatly, placed an open ceramic bowl, and put out a dozen glutinous rice balls soaked in sugar oil, sprinkled with crushed peanuts, black sesame, and made of bamboo. The spoon hooked a little sweet-scented osmanthus honey, handed over the chopsticks and said, "Guest officer, your sugar oil fruit is here!"

The service was quite considerate, Yunzhu felt a little bit embarrassed, raised her eyes to thank her, bowed her head, and put a two-finger-sized sugar-oiled fruit into her mouth.

With a spoon in her mouth and chopsticks in her mouth, Yunzhu saw a young woman who looked a little familiar sitting on the table next to her, and she saw that she glanced at her from time to time, and wondered in her heart—this person?Have you seen it somewhere?

After delivering three or four soft and glutinous sugar-oiled fruits one after another, he smacked his lips, hesitated for a moment, moved the bowl and chopsticks to the side of the table, smiled and nodded at the woman, and then buried himself in eating hard again.

I thought to myself, for the sake of my teeth, it would be better to rinse my mouth several times after eating sweets.Unexpectedly, when the other party saw her nodding, he couldn't restrain the smile on his face, so he simply got up and sat beside Yun Zhu, and whispered, "Is it delicious?"


The woman laughed and greeted the boss. After a while, she also put down a bowl of Tangyouguo in front of her. Seeing that Yunzhu didn't talk to her, she said it familiarly: "I have been eating his family's Tangyouguo since I was a child." , I dare say that there is no other company in Beijing that does better than Boss Wang."

It turned out that the uncle's surname was Wang.

"What's the matter?" Yunzhu sent away the last sugar oil fruit, tried hard to lick the sugar water around his teeth clean, and asked back with an unfriendly expression.

"You are Yunzhu next to Master Bao, I know you."

Terrible, ancient liars can also play back tunes!Yunzhu didn't want to talk too much with her, so she got up and was about to pay the bill and leave.

"Chenghui, five cents!" Boss Wang smiled, and pointed to the free boiled water beside him.

Miss Deng is a perceptive person. Seeing Yunzhu's retreating appearance, she knew that she was being taken as a liar, so she quickly flattered the other party: "I am not a liar, I am a neighbor of Wu Gui's family, my surname is Zhao , and now in the Rongguo Mansion as a errand for flowers and trees."

It turned out to be a colleague from the next department.

"So it's Miss Zhao, take your time, I've been out for a while, I'll be back now, see you later." Yun Zhu drank a bowl of boiled water, and made a gesture to leave.

It's just a neighbor, even if Wu Gui and himself are no more than acquaintances, how can it be wrong to make friends with other people's neighbors?

In charge of flowers and trees?That's even more out of reach.What's more, he seems to be a round older than himself. According to the temperament of Jia's servants, it's not good to be early, and I am a little girl who is not yet eight years old.

There is a fraud, go away.

"Er..." Miss Deng was a little dumbfounded, she had never seen such a person who was not allowed to eat oil and salt.She has a good looks, the good looks of a poor girl is a disaster, not only the brothers and sisters-in-law at home don't like her, even when she works in Jia's house, there are many men with malicious intentions playing tricks on her.

Under the internal and external attack, she had to find another way out.

(End of this chapter)

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