Jiang Yunxuan has been extremely lively these past few days.

Jia Baoyu suffered from physical pain, and his wives and grandmas came in and out of condolences every day, and Jia Baoyu himself was an extrovert, Yunzhu only thought that he could burn enough tea every day. Dizziness.

He came back late from Duoguan's house last night, and he was terrified by Liu Ping's behavior. He tossed and turned all night, and now he was so tired that even the hand that poured water was trembling.

"Second Mistress is here to see Baoyu." Hongyu smiled all over her face, and shouted as she raised the new lake-green silk curtain.

"Hey! I got it." Yunzhu responded, and her hands were busy digging out the new Longjing from the antique shelf, and she was busy for a while.

As soon as Qingwen entered the room, all she saw was Yunzhu leaning over to pour tea and water, she saw that she had a stagnant look while flowing, and she smiled slightly.

"Seeing that you are more tired than me, blame me blame me!"

As soon as the words fell, he saw a row of colored threads on the side of the small table, and laughed again: "How many more silk threads can be cut today? Let me tell you, you can't cut a thread out of 28 this month. Come on, I won’t recognize you as an apprentice!”

"I'm sorry, only twenty threads." Hearing this, Yunzhu lowered her head, deeply feeling that she might not be able to walk the road of embroidery.

It's exhausting without it.

In the middle of the night last night, Duoguan's wife struggled to give birth to a girl.Needless to say, the pregnant woman was exhausted and injured, if not for the help of the doctor from Huichun Hall with golden needles, she would have died more than half of her life.

When she returned to the dormitory, she was already dizzy and tired, let alone studying for homework.

Qingwen is also busy up and down, and she is also frightened. She is now promoted to the position of aunt, and she is also mixed.

Yunzhu pretended to be ingratiating, and said with a smile: "It's not easy for a woman to give birth. Our second grandmother is precious, and she is surrounded by women and doctors every day, so she is afraid."

Zhao Deng'er's words were deliberately hidden, what's the use of saying words without verification?Just to add to the trouble.

"Yes, no matter what, at least my life is saved." Qingwen nodded in agreement.In a blink of an eye, she came back to business, she had dark circles under her eyes, and she wanted to come to thank Baoyu, but now Baoyu was entertaining guests, so Qingwen had no choice but to eat two mouthfuls of lotus flower cakes in the tea room.

She took two bites and said critically, "It's a bit damp again."

"I ran errands yesterday, and the second master rewarded me. I came back late, so I forgot to put it away." Yunzhu smiled and brought the tea to the door and handed it to Huixiang, then turned around and said with a smile.

She doesn't like sweets, and she's even tired of eating her favorite pine nut candy now, not to mention she was frightened and frightened last night, so she couldn't care less about lotus flower cakes.

Thinking of this, she cautiously asked about the fire in Lai's small house last night.

"Hey, you said this." Qingwen chuckled, lowered her voice and gloated: "Even you know? It's embarrassing. Then the Lai family raised a small house in Zhuhu Hutong, let Xiao Yang know about it, I heard Xiao Yang sent someone to light the fire!"

Yunzhu was taken aback for a moment, she didn't think that Liu Ping meant this by sending wind?
"Hey, isn't Nanny Lai very angry?" Only a tough official girl can hold down a playboy like Lai Shangrong.Yunzhu heaved a sigh of relief, coughed lightly, and covered up her gaffe as if nothing had happened.

Qingwen nodded, and said with some disgust: "It's a pity that I haven't heard who is in this outer room, but Mr. Lai is very romantic."

She had inquired about the news a long time ago, and also knew that Uncle Lai was chasing Miss Deng in the mansion, but Miss Deng was on duty yesterday, and she had also inquired about the greenhouse. The one in Zhuhu Hutong yesterday was definitely not she is gone.

The lamp girl was like herself, a servant who was on business in Lai's house.Qingwen sighed, I don't know why the girl attracted the attention of Da Lai and his son, so she was rushed into Jia's mansion to do some odd jobs, she looked much worse than herself.

Qingwen rolled her eyes and remembered something again. She hurriedly said, "I'm planning to find another job for many officials. You are by Baoyu's side, and you will help me keep an eye on whether there is any shortage."

What's missing around Baoyu?

Seeing Yunzhu's faltering, Qingwen knew that she was trying to force others into difficulties, but she still bit the bullet and said, "I don't want you to do anything, and I don't want you to come to Baoyu's side to serve. You also know that the whole world is a mess. Now that my sister-in-law has added a child, it is not convenient to come in and out, I want to ask them to find a job farther away, so that I can raise my frail niece with peace of mind."

It turned out that she was listening to some news, and there was nothing to refuse, Yunzhu nodded and immediately agreed.

In the past, the Xiren and the others fought like black-eyed chickens every day, but now that the scene is over, Qingwen also worries about her future, she will not be able to be a embroidered mother for a lifetime.

Of course it’s okay to do this kind of work as a pastime, but if you do it day and night for many years, you will inevitably burn your eyes early. Who would want a embroiderer with broken eyes?

"What's more, I have to make more plans for myself." Although Qingwen sold herself as a slave since she was a child, she has lived a stable life for many years, and she has a lenient master like Jia Baoyu who is like a jewel. After all, they are children of poor families.

She is anxious.

Yunzhu also noticed it, because Qingwen was no longer attached to Jia Baoyu's emotional ups and downs.

Seeing Yunzhu looking at her in surprise, she smiled and patted the hem of her skirt, "I'll go to see Big Sister Qi, and after meeting Baoyu, I'll go back to the sewing room."

"You split the thread well!" Qingwen raised the curtain and roared again.

Yunzhu nodded solemnly.

Watching the figure go away, maybe Qingwen looked heartless, but she adapted so quickly to the life after the career change, it can be said that she was not tenacious.Now that I think about it, the girls in the Grand View Garden were originally like orchids, with their own set of rules of survival.

It was Jia Baoyu's care that made them unable to distinguish the environment, and released their softest foil ahead of time.

And the beautiful scenery that was about to bloom, who expected the storm to come overnight.Besides, Jian Qingwen has a strong personality and shame, which is why she was so unbelievable after being kicked out of the Grand View Garden. She might have infinite resignation in her heart, so that she made the worst choice to the extreme.

Seek death.

Now that she can think about it, Yunzhu feels extremely happy.

Just as she was glad that the embroidery master had been found, she saw Huixiang entering the room with a tea tray, and said gently: "Miss Lin and Miss Bao are here, let's boil another pot of scented tea. The old lady is also here, sister, you send it up." Also made it."

Now Huixiang has also been promoted to the second-class position, Xu is thinking of Yunzhu's kind deeds, she strongly recommends Yunzhu to show her face in front of the old lady.

Huixiang planned to sell it to Yunzhu. After all, Jiang Yunxuan had sent out several big maids. If they didn't hold on to Jia Baoyu firmly, they might have to arrange something when the old lady and the wife changed their minds. The next servant came over.

Seeing Huixiang's serious look, Yunzhu also knew that although she couldn't make the plan to be a concubine for some man, she also hoped that she could gain a firm foothold and save a lot of money by sitting in a good position.

The old lady in that room grabbed Baoyu's hand with tears in her eyes, condemned Jia Zheng as usual, and then pulled Daiyu to sit down in front of her.

Yunzhu was originally a steady person, and after putting down the tea, she stood aside obediently, almost like a transparent person, and Madam Wang gave her a satisfied nod.

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