Chapter 75

"I've never seen this style in the dim sum shop outside. It's even more delicious than the pastry that Er Ye gave me!" Hui Xiang was very supportive, her eyes sparkling with sincerity.

Sure enough, it only needs one sentence to praise someone's outstanding craftsmanship: Your cooking is more delicious than the restaurant's!
It must be able to make people happy.

Xiaohong licked the spoon, and echoed, "I've never seen this kind of dim sum before. It's delicious and sweet, and it's cold and not greasy. What's its name?"

Yunzhu had a smile on her face, milk is a precious thing, but it is not in Rongguo Mansion.One is that he can't let it go in summer, and the other is that the masters don't love it. Xiao Guicao followed it, no matter how precious it is, it is no longer precious.

When she went to the big kitchen in the evening, the stewards had already left, and there were only a few women on duty left in the kitchen. After spending a hundred bucks, everyone happily gave the ghee milk.

Also comes with whipping cream.

She said: "It's a good thing from the masters again. This milk can't be kept in summer, so it's a coincidence for me. Speaking of it, this thing is also considered precious. I don't know if it is worth it as a banquet. "

Xiaohong put the last spoonful of butter into her mouth, and while holding a bowl of tea with a smile, said in agreement: "I eat those pastries every day, every day, and they turn over and over again with those tricks. I'm getting impatient. This is good. Let's just hold a small banquet by ourselves, it's fresh and delicate, it's enough for us."

She was fair and beautiful, and when she raised her hand while holding the tea bowl, she unexpectedly revealed a gold bracelet with filigree and gemstone-embellished crabapple pattern on her wrist, which shone in the dim candlelight.

"It's so beautiful." Hui Xiang sighed sincerely, her eyes followed the bracelet unconsciously, showing a look of longing and yearning.

Xiao Hong was also generous, immediately took the bracelet off her hand, handed it to Hui Xiang, and said boldly: "Try it, it's the craftsmanship of the Gold and Silver Building outside, you can make it yourself, and it doesn't cost a lot of money .”

Hui Xiang compared her hands, even if she was alive, a ten-year-old girl would not be able to bring in a seven- or eight-year-old child's bracelet. She looked at Zhuguang twice lovingly, and then reluctantly returned the bracelet to the little girl. red.

Yunzhu's eyes also fell on the gold bracelet, and she looked at it intently for a while, not intending to take it over to observe, but said softly: "In the past, the second-class sisters walked in front of the master, and they always had decent clothes. Accessories, I heard that they will be distributed together with the clothes of the four seasons, and we haven't distributed monthly money this month."

Aren't these flowers in the inner house? If you ask Yunzhu, the bracelet woven with gold and inlaid with treasures is beautiful, but it is far less real than gold and silver.Such an exquisite bracelet, except for a father in charge, how can ordinary people afford it?
Now we are also second-class, just wait for Dai Yidai's duty in Dai's mansion to pass the dry addiction.

That's right, those glamorous and beautiful headgears are almost all the things of the public, unless the master rewards you, or buys them out with money in private, otherwise it has nothing to do with you.

The exquisiteness of Xiaohong's bracelet looks like her own personal belongings.Of course, she understands that there is no young girl who is not cute, and it is quite normal to have admiration for beautiful things.

The three of them chatted about jewelry and clothes, interspersed with the enthusiastic Huixiang. The scene was endless, until the half of the candle fell into the tears of the candle, and the three of them yawned and fell into a deep sleep.

He slept soundly, so he naturally missed the quarrel between Mrs. Wang and Jia Zheng.

In the morning of the next day, after a few people washed up and went on duty, they saw that everyone was working hard like quails, and they all looked inexplicable. You look at me, I look at you...

Yun Zhu was worried, seeing that there was no other movement in Jiang Yunxuan, she was relieved, rolled today's tea and sent it to the main room.

Jia Baoyu was injured, and although he was able to get in and out of bed after lying on the ground for three days, school was still far away.Because he was beaten by Jia Zheng, even the old lady offered to send an opera troupe in for him to enjoy, but Jia Baoyu coyly refused, so Yunzhu didn't even enter the main room.

Today, for the first time, it was left behind.

Yunzhu sighed, so she had no choice but to make fun of Jia Baoyu.

"It looks whiter and fatter than before, and it's a lot taller." Jia Baoyu looked at Yunzhu with a smile, and there was a bit of mischief in his eyebrows and eyes.

It's so strange that Miss Bao doesn't like to play with this man, look at how straight he talks.

Yunzhu smiled and nodded: "Thanks to the second master, I ate well and slept well in Jiangyunxuan. I am like a little pig. I grow when I see the wind." This is true, since I entered Jiangyunxuan , a couple of twenty people serve a master, except for the occasional secondment to do odd jobs, the rest are fed with good food and drink.

It is a bit more moist and comfortable than the ladies from small families outside.

Ignoring Yunzhu's flattery, Jia Baoyu said to himself: "Excellent, it's already June, and I heard that the chief inspector came to our house yesterday to inspect and accept eldest sister's yard. I'm very satisfied, I'm afraid it won't cost much. In a few days, big sister will be able to go home and have a look."

Yuan Chun is going back to visit his relatives.

"Miss is honorable. When you come back and see you are injured, I'm afraid you will be sad. Second Master, don't push yourself to the ground. It's serious to heal your wounds." Seeing Jia Baoyu holding on to the edge of the bed, Yunzhu wanted to turn over and start doing it. Busily following Sheyue up to join hands, Sheyue babbled, and said: "After all, you are a young man, I think it won't affect you if the wife and master quarreled yesterday."

Seeing Sheyue mentioned the old lady, Jia Baoyu smiled and said: "It's just that I'm not happy about those bounties. I know it all. It's really shameful for people like us to care about those bounties."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, they are quarreling with themselves, thank God if you don't want to implicate me. But the elder sister, I don't know when I will be back, so you should inquire about it. Before the elder sister comes back, I will definitely take care of her." Injury, don't let her worry about it."

When it comes to getting up, Jia Baoyu even picked up a casual book and pondered: "As brothers and sisters, it is a serious matter to set up a reception ceremony for the eldest sister, which is our own reception ceremony."

Qilu and Sheyue looked at each other, smiled and said to Jia Baoyu: "Girls will definitely come to our place in a while. You guys are just discussing how to arrange it. Let's just run errands. I heard that the empress also rewarded the house with gold. Bailiang, this is a face not found anywhere else!"

Jia Yuanchun is the imperial concubine, so the rewards are naturally imperial gifts. Gold and silver are converted into silver, which is just a drizzle for the Jia family, but the deep meaning contained in it is enough for people to ponder.

"A hundred taels of gold?"

"Since when did Big Sister become so vulgar..." Jia Baoyu muttered.

These words frightened Qi Xun, she hurriedly unfolded a picture scroll in front of Baoyu, changed the subject and said: "My ancestor, please take a look at this authentic painting, the old lady found it out of the storeroom specially for you to see."

These few days Baoyu mourned Qin Zhong's death every day, if it wasn't for the constant stream of visits every day and the news of the completion of the Grand View Garden directed at him, I don't know how long I would have to mourn.

Therefore, Yunzhu was mixed among several maids, and it was also a matter of laughter, trying to coax Jia Baoyu into forgetfulness.

(End of this chapter)

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